Thursday, June 13, 2019

doTERRA: Learning Moment, Poison Ivy SOS

Before... and very itchy!
So, after three days of yard work, and planting my garden, I awoke to poison ivy on my leg, neck and hand.  I know what it looks like, but somehow I inevitably get it.  Seeing this as a learning moment for myself, I did some research, and talked to my friends, and decided to give doTERRA a try.

I did a before and after, which doesn't do the rash justice, but trust me it itched!  I started with drying it out a few times a day with witch hazel, followed by doTERRA Melaleuca Essential Oil topically.  After two days, I was free from itching and the rash was mostly gone.

After two days of
and no itching!
So... for those of you that are prone to getting poison ivy, or want some natural treatment remedies in your tool box, stock up on Melaleuca!

See my entire essential oil store here:

Buy your Melaleuca here:

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