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I am a mom of 4 with a passion for helping others. Using an intuitive spin I write on a variety of [controversial] topics. My goal is to find truth and offer guidance. You can request a topic for the Public Blog or schedule a Personal Intuitive Health, Wealth, Relationship or Happiness Coaching Session by clicking the appropriate tab. Please consider checking out exclusive content on my SubscribeStar and Substack channel. God Bless, Lynn
Therefore, there is in truth no such thing as a compulsory vaccination law in this country. They are ALL, in essence, voluntary. The problem is that practically no one in authority will let you know this fact.
Rule No. 2: There are no compulsory vaccination laws. All are voluntary, and you are held responsible for the adverse results upon you or your children.
Article 3
While all immunization laws have exceptions you can use, the wording in each state differs, and you must know the exact wording for your state to make the proper request of waiver. This information can be obtained in one of two ways.
Go to the reference section of your local library- look in the State Statute Revised Law Book under Public Health Law or Communicable Disease sections. The list of immunization requirements will appear first and then the exemptions will be given. Usually one or two provisions will be listed: either on religious or medical grounds or both.
You may call or write your state representative and ask for a copy of the immunization laws in your state. Making this available is part of his job, and it will be sent promptly.https://www.healthnutnews.com/legally-avoid-unwanted-immunizations-of-all-kinds/
Thank you so much! Can you guys also list successful ways to detox for people who feel like they have to do it? That information would be extremely helpful! Especially in states/countries where they are mandated and medical exemptions are very hard to get due to doctors being scared of being fired for writing exemptions.
@Beva Thanks! Here´s the result of vaccine injury: healthy triplets become autists within 24 hours after vaccination! Keep fighting immunizations of all sorts! (the med from the hospital they wanted to report the vaccine injury, refused to attribute it to immunization and said it was genetically caused!!! (al 3 brothers getting a genetic disease at the same day!)) (https://youtu.be/1f_zcO6VlDM)
Vaccine detox
Borrowed from another page
Detoxing from Vaccines (NOT to mistake vaccines as safe if you detox)
In this file, you will find some info on how to detox from vaccines that were received prior to waking up or against your will. We do NOT recommend that you vaccinate because you mistake this to believe that it is safe to continue as long as you detox afterward.
This information does NOT mean that vaccines are safe as long as you detox afterward! There is simply nothing that be given or done to make vaccines safe, so please do not read this file as stating otherwise. There are custody situations that require vaccinations against a parent’s will, states that only have a medical exemption with no option to homeschool or get the ME, parents who did not know about the toxins in vaccines and learned after injections had begun, and other situations which this information is targeted for.
How to Increase the Body’s Natural Detoxing on a Daily Basis
Some supplements can be taken on a daily basis to help the body’s natural daily detoxing effects. On a daily basis, the body detoxes many toxins that we come into contact, but it needs our help to do its job even better!
Drink extra water every day! The daily amount that is suggested is not enough to help the body detox as it needs to. Take that daily amount and add to it daily! To even further increase the benefits of water for the body, try using a good water filtration system to get as many hard metals and chemicals out of the water as you can. (A filtration system for the entire house would be best so that it filters even the shower water, but especially consider a faucet filter at the least.)
Fruits and vegetables in a huge amount daily! Having good nutrition for your diet will help to make your body be able to function at its best and detox properly. Non-GMO and organic produce, along with no processed foods and reducing or eliminating added sugar, will be the best change you can make for your own and/or your child’s health. Consider juicing to increase the benefits of all the fruits and vegetables for the body.
Vitamin C is an amazing vitamin to help the body detox. Taking Vitamin C to a bowel tolerance helps the body detox very well. For harder detoxes, doing a Vitamin C Flush is even better (but don’t do this daily like you can with Bowel Tolerance). To achieve a Flush, you want to take Bowel Tolerance and then take a little extra. (Disclaimer: don’t do this while pregnant, but it is safe while breastfeeding if you make sure to drink plenty.)
Silica remedy is a homeopathic remedy that helps to pull toxins out of the tissues and bloodstream for elimination. Silica can help reduce the amount of aluminum that builds up in the brain and gastrointestinal tract (not a complete elimination, but it helps).
Dandelion Root is another effective homeopathic remedy for detoxing the body. Dandelion Root helps by working with the liver to filter toxins, purify the blood, help the kidneys filter toxins, and increase cell metabolism. (Yes, the same weed that grows in your back yard can help your body detox from toxins in our world!)
Omega 3/Cod Liver Oil is important for children who were injured or had adverse reactions to vaccines. It can help the brain to heal from the harm that was done.
Nux Vomica remedy is one of the best homeopathic remedies for detoxing the body. Nux Vomica works with the liver to eliminate toxins in the body.
Sulfur remedy is a very useful homeopathic remedy for detoxing the body when pain medications have been used. It can be used alongside Nux Vomica, alternating the two remedies to get the best detox reaction.
Other homeopathic remedies that help detox the liver: Lycopodium, Chelidonium, Milk Thistle
Probiotics are very important to getting the gut in good shape! Taking probiotics helps the gut flora to balance correctly so as to not have gastrointestinal issues which are often seen with vaccines adverse reactions.
Massage Therapy can have many benefits for the body detoxing effectively. Massaging the body allow many body systems to work effectively, increasing the daily ability to detox toxins. It is especially important to stimulate the lymphatic system through massage when trying to increase the body’s detoxing ability. The lymphatic system helps to ensure the body can cleanse itself of toxins and waste by removing excess fluids, viruses, bacteria, and other toxins that build up on a daily basis in the body. Massaging the lymph nodes can help the lymphatic system to release these toxins for excretion.
Detox Baths are very beneficial for the body to eliminate toxins. There are many different things that can be added to a bath to help the body detox. Here are some of the most recommended items to add to a detox bath for heavy metals: Epsom salt, baking soda, apple cider vinegar, bentonite clay, diatomaceous earth, herbs (such as cilantro for vaccine detox), and essential oils (be sure to research safety with children, pregnancy, breastfeeding, and anything else that may be important prior to adding EO’s to a bath).
One Example of a Child-Friendly Detox Bath
Add about 1/2 cup of Baking Soda to the bath water about 5-7 minutes before soaking to alkalize and neutralize the water (including chlorine).
After the Baking Soda has sat for a few minutes, add the other ingredients.
Add about 1/2 cup of Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth (food grade is important) to help release heavy metals from the body.
Add about 1/4 cup of Bentonite Clay to help negatively-charge the body to release viruses and bacteria in the body (this is especially important if the child has eczema).
Stir all ingredients well so that there are no clumps in the water, then add the last two ingredients.
Add about 1/2 cup of Apple Cider Vinegar to help the kidneys filter toxins better.
Add about 1/2 cup of Epsom Salt (if under 60lbs) or 1 cup of Epsom Salt (if over 60lbs) to help the body absorb magnesium to help the body heal easier.
Stir all ingredients, then let you child soak for around 30 minutes for the best benefits from this detox bath! Be sure to push fluids (breastmilk and/or water is best) afterward to boost the body’s ability to continue naturally detoxing properly, and to ensure that the body easily handles the detox it just went through.
I live in PA I just wrote I the mother of blank object to the immunization requirements outlined by the department of health of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania as defined in 28 PA Code ch23 on the basis of strong moral and ethic conviction similar to religious beliefs as outlined in section 23.84 immunization exemption
If you have any history of stroke in your family,then you legally qualify for medical exemption.Check out Vaccines & Autoimmunity for more detail. pdf key words vacc,stroke..
Vaccine Exemptions by State
See these websites find your state to see which exemptions are available and how to get one :
Vaccine Exemptions (VaxTruth.org) http://vaxtruth.org/public-school-exemption-information
or Vaccine Exemptions (NVIC.org). http://www.nvic.org/Vaccine-Laws/state-vaccine requirements.aspx
For the full text of state laws regarding vaccine requirements, see School Exemption Laws by State (VaccineSafety.edu). http://www.vaccinesafety.edu/cc-exem.htm
For a religious exemption (not allowed in CA, MI, WV), see this sample Religious Exemption Letter with Scriptural Support. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1l3Uh3G37EM5RMVrP3jWy1b3vRstEJt4mgxMYkZ9FT3U/
Also, Biblical Reasons To Not Vaccinate http://childhoodshots.com/biblical-reasons-vaccinate/ and Vaccination:
The UnGodly Practice http://www.tetrahedron.org/articles/vaccine_awareness/Vaccination_UnGodly_Practice.html .
Vaccines and Religion http://vaclib.org/links/religion.htm . For legal assistance with exemptions, see VaccineRights.com http://www.vaccinerights.com/ .
In New York, see also Coalition for Informed Choice http://www.cfic.us/ .
For exemption information under SB277 in California, see this article by Leslie Manookian:
How to Claim a Medical Exemption in CA. http://www.cfic.us/
Also join your specific state's antivaccine or vaccine Choice or informed consent or medical freedom fb groups for localized help and support and to see what you can do to keep these exemptions in your state that the government is currently trying to take away so everyone will be forced to vaccinate.
Best Websites
Stories from parents
Physicians For Informed Consent. https://physiciansforinformedconsent.org/
There's a group on Facebook called "Stop Mandatory Vaccinations" that is excellent. Ask any question about vaccines and you'll instantly get a boatload of wisdom!
Thank you so much for the wonderful information!!! ❤️
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