Link to Article Outlining the "Directive"
A. As I tune into this, and think on this topic, I see that more and more control is being placed on people. As the PTW (Powers That Were) struggle to stay in control, they are looking for things they can influence.

Our rights are one of these "influential" things. Specifically, free speech. If you control the media, and communication outlets, you can shape the way people think and sway public opinion. In the event you are a free thinker, but havi information blocked from you, you feel alone and cannot find the strength in numbers and collaborate on alternative thoughts.
The real goal is to control the media, and direct you to think the way they (government, PTW, etc) want you to think. I hear "they may not have physical control, but mental is so much more powerful."
I also see they cannot outright take your freedoms, but they can slowly convince people this is in the greater good (but only in THEIR greater good for survival). This is much like a frog in a boiling pot of water, before you realize what is happening, it is too late.
People need to bond together, support each other, and most importantly, hold onto your rights. Once they are gone, you will never get them back.
And that is all I have for this reading. Thank you. Love and light, Lynn
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Is Trump ever going to fight back against all the big tech companies that keep censoring conservative opinions? The Q Anon movement, as well, has done little to damage the globalist shadow government and the Deep State still seems very much in control. I thought Trump would at least expose the Deep State with mountains of evidence but he seems reluctant to do anything until he's on the verge of being impeached. There really needs to be a separate internet just for conservatives and people who value freedom of speech.
Will the EU and its member states be succesfull in censoring the internet in the EU? What will it look like?
Or does it get resolved as the PTW is slowly defeated?
Clif High The Web Bot guy in latest interview discuss about censorship. His project may longer work due to censorship as his project depends on language namely prescient words use over web. Due to fear of getting ban people are self censoring which is causing problems for him. He says people will adapt & there will be alternative to central authorities through use of blockchain.
What do you see the future for these tech companies? Thanks.
There is societal evolution in which trends of thought are embraced as a fashion, and then there is personal evolution in which one's life experience and common sense make us abandon music, fashion and politics we've outgrown. Too many people have been waking up to how they've been manipulated, leaving what was once thought to be "progressive" when it was really a non-humanistic Globalism, and a form of Fascism that demands total conformity and doesn't allow different points of view. That's what's going on in "Fake media" and social networks like Facebook and Twitter. It takes courage to stand up against the social shunning of others, but the fact they are so threatened by Trump is proof they are no longer in control.
@Just Curious: You are right. Free speech is under attack like it has never been before. I do think people (Trumpet and Q to name a few) are working against this, but the swamp is very deep, so to drain it is very slow. Have faith... I am hopeful things are happening even as we speak.
@myscale: I do see some censoring, but it won't be as much as what they hope for. People are sick of it and will fight for it...
@Neeraj: This dilemma is creating problem. I know I have to say and spell things incorrectly so I don't get flagged, which keeps search engines from finding me. It effects everyone and everything. Companies are going to struggle.
@Robert: I agree...
Thanks for all the comments!
Lynn, I'd just like to thank you for taking the time to answer all my questions. In regards to the tech companies, I hope you're right about Trump and Q going after them. I think there's enough evidence of treason to arrest all employees of Facebook and Twitter to send a serious message to these companies that it's not o.k. to keep selling private customer data and breaking the law over and over and over again.
Keep an eye on Gab, they are working on open source web browser with focus on free speech.
@Neeraj: I actually started a Gab account a while. It is free, easy to use and is a promoter of free speech.
I am following you Lynn on Gab.It is great platform in making.Thanks & Blessings.
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