Friday, March 22, 2019

Patreon: Michael Jackson

Q. Lynn, Michael Jackson has been plagued with child sex abuse allegations in life and in death? Did he really molest children or this is a constant smear campaign?

A.  To see my response and video discussion, please visit me on Patreon.   Love and light (and Lots of Gratitude)  Lynn

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@Watch said...
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@Watch said...

Thanks, very intresting indeed! A little late, but considdering that yesterday was the International Down Syndrome Day (, I wanted to point to this nice Sasquatch story this researcher uncovered. Next to his house, somewhere in the neck of the woods, lives a teenager who suffers from this disease. She used to place gifts for Big Foot up in a tree, using a ladder, in order to prevent other animals from eating it. One day this researcher met her and commented that she had stopped to gift Sasquatch. She answered, no I still put some apples for him but now I put them right on the rocks close to the tree, he told me to do so, she said. Sorry, the researcher asked, how did he tell you? He spoke right to my mind, was her answer! (
Actually the 1975 Edition of the Natural Resources Atlas of the State of Washington mentions BF on pages 53 and 75 showing a map from part of the US where most reported sightings took place. It also states that after doing some DNA testing the FBI lab confirmed that BF hair is from a still unknown species.
(  )

Cheryl said...

Thank you Lynn.

TruthSeeker999 said...

Thank you for the channeling Lynn.
God bless you.

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

@Watch: Thanks for sharing this story!

@Cheryl and TruthSeeker: You are most welcome!