Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Subliminal Messages - Real Agenda

Q.  Lynn, I have been wondering about this for sometime. All of these games that people are playing on their phones: Words with Friends, Candy Crush etc. are very popular.  Are subliminal mind control messages being sent by the PTW (Powers That Were) though these "games"? I only play Words with Friends (scrabble) but feel like it is another way to keep the masses distracted and not paying attention. If I play before bedtime, I am finding it much harder to fall asleep. Was wondering about your take on all of these games.

A.  When I tune into this, I see that these games (along with other devices and distractions) are being used to not only distract from real issues, but other things too.  

The "mind numbing" games allow people to absorb themselves into virtual realities, detaching them from the outside world.  I see people losing the humanistic touch and ability to communicate and slowly becoming more disconnected, which makes them much easier to control (strength is found in masses, but the individual can be more easier swayed).  

People that talk tend to expand ideas, collaborate and question things (which is viewed as a negative).  The PTW want you to think about the things they feed you through the main media outlets, and anything outside of that is a threat.  Isolation, awkwardness and introversion is their goal. 

I also see that having too much screen time can alter your brain and the way it functions (even lower IQ levels).  It looks like screens in general emit a pulse or frequency that attack the subconscious.  Games and electronics can be addictive which keeps people tied to the screen, making their minds more malleable.  

And yes, there is a subliminal component to the "programming" out there.  I have said before that tv "programming" is just that.  We are being fed obfuscating facts and being desensitized to the uglier parts of life, which is another agenda that is in play (but people are waking up to it).  

Just pay attention, and occasionally check yourself so you can stay in balance.  If you are feeling anxious or upset, or something isn't settling right after playing a game or watching a "program," evaluate what you are doing and ask if it is serving you well.. 

And that is all I have for this reading.  Thank you.  Love and light-

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Robert Schoen said...

So sad to see young people constantly glued to their phones, distracted while driving or oblivious to even common courtesy when in workplace or a place like a gym ignoring others while listening on headsets. It's making people more passive, programable and easier to fool!

Truth & light said...

Its the dumbing down agenda

Beva said...

Nice confirmation because I decided yesterday that games like words with friends are not for me though I played them for years.