Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Happy New Year!!



Raymond said...

HAPPY New Year to you and your family as well !

Leonie said...

Happy New Year!!

Anon 2 said...

Happy New Year and all the very best to you and your family, Lyn.

Anon 2 said...

Happy New Year and all the very best to you and your family, Lyn.
May your Light keep shining brightly, and may we all have find our inner connection to our God Self,
so that we are clearly guided and strongly supported throughout this year.

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

Thank you all so much for the well wishes!


Patrick said...

Have a very special Happy New Blessed Year Lynn. Thanks for you work always.🌷💐🍆💞

Robert Schoen said...

Thank you so much for your courage and generousity to share your great gift with us all, Lynn. In this beginning of what promises to be a very eventful 2019, you have taught us to trust our own instincts and inner voice and have been a guide for many trying to figure out what's really going on in the world in which many key events and issues or either ignored or never accurately reported in the official media.

Spirituality (other than and not to be confused with organized religion) and psychic ability are two of the topics rarely explored or examined in the controlled media, but they are an intergral part of the human condition and aspects of ourselves we must all seek to develop in our own way, in which one fosters the other. You and the large community of other citizen journalists and researchers who have questioned the official narrative are shedding light on the truth and will hopefully emerge as the new mainstream media of information and thought that restores the public's trust and inspires people's personal growth and their collective intent to create a better world.

Karoline said...

Happy New Years. May this years be blessed for all of us.

tara said...

happy new year Lynn and love to your family. Thanks for all your hard work. Much appreciated and thoughtful reading. xxx