Wednesday, December 5, 2018

A Ring Around the Earth

Q. Hi Lynn, In the news there is a story about the Earth ringing all across the globe on 11-11, with it originating off the east coast of Africa. Seismic readers all over recorded it. I'd like your thoughts on what this was and why it happened.
A. I get that 11-11 is a very special (spiritual) day.  It isn't necessarily a day that the Universe is tied to (days and dates have been changed through the evolution of our calendars over time), but our COLLECTIVE is tied connected.  Even if we aren't consciously focusing on our spiritual evolution, our subconscious is very in tune.  

I get on 11-11, a mini awakening occurred (and was drawn toward Earth from the collective subconscious beacon).  As I watch to see what happened at that moment, I see what looks like a small wave of energy (Wave X which is tied to The Event) washing over the mother Gaia.  It hit the Earth at that point off the coast of Africa, and dispersed from there.  I get as the ripple effect of energy occurred, it was grounding (I am reminded that energy cannot be created or destroyed, but it can be shifted or absorbed).  

On 11-11 many people may have noticed feeling "off."  Equilibriums feel like they were affected.  This shift can also create a fatigue and wide ranges of emotions.  Even though this can be frustrating and confusing, the good news is this is all part of growth and ascension.  

And that is all I have for this reading.  Much love to you all- Lynn

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Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

Ok, this is a little cool.. I just happened to look at this as I was pasting the link on my FB and I uploaded this reading at 11:11. Love synchronicity!

Beva said...

I am just reading your comment at 11:11 am mst

Robert Schoen said...

Because I was traveling, I clearly remember 11/11 being a great day for me during which many things were found and appreciated, but the day after 11/12 I seemed to experience one negative event after another, perhaps from others who had a hangover from the day before. Can't wait for global enlightenment, and the events in Europe now see to be indicating people are waking up to societal lies and evil.

Unknown said...

Thanks for this Lynn. Very interesting that you posted subconsciously at 11:11. This November 11, 2018 ringing event is really 11:11:11- 2018 =11. I agree that the timing of anything is based on our focus of what is the now time . No matter what of the calendar manipulations. We do collectively create and agree on our timeline and calendar as what the time is. This happened on 11:11:11 because it is our 'current' calendar. There is much speculation on what this ringing felt around the world was. Then the following 7.0 in Alaska with hundreds of aftershocks.

What was it? I think there is more than one answer and cause. I agree with what you read here. I'll ask this, if you can tune in further.

Did more Atlantis and Lemurian Crystals become activated from this "Ring"? Crystalline grid activation?

Unknown said...

Here's another thing I had researched. Apparently,Earths(Schumann) and human consciousness vibrational frequency has a 'time' measured cycle every 25 years.

1987-Harmonic Convergence
2012-Mayan Calendar
2037-The Event?

Just some musings.

CartalkByJJ said...

I see 1111 everywhere. And if the universe feels I should out more effort in... I see 1112

KellyPalmer said...

I have been seeing 1111 a lot and 1212...but what I have been seeing the most is 1234.

Patrick said...

Thanks Lynn...
A most interesting read..😊

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

@Prerun: Thanks for the comments and info! I do agree the quake was related. As the Earth absorbed the energy of this "wave" it had to release it... hence the quake.

I do think there in an activation started. It isn't complete, but it is starting..

Thanks everyone for the comments!

Unknown said...

Thanks Lynn.

Yes, just started. Interesting that the 7.0 earhquke happened in Alaska and subsequent hundred ps of aftershocks. Alaska is where HAARP is located. Also, I read than Cern is down for repairs for 2 year all the sudden.


These ancient crystals that were hidden underground just before the Atantis collapse , are the key to the "Free Energy". . Once they are ensouled again.


Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

@Perun: I think crystals could be a key to free energy (something about the vibration and how to manipulate matter with the vibration..??). I also agree that HAARP and cern are pretty interesting (coincidence??)

Robert Schoen said...

@Perun, Very cool observations and it's remarkable that the Earth may be trying to rid us of HAARP and Cern as a public service to its residence. Now if only it could clean up the Chemtrails ("global warming," hahaha)...

PimpMyBrain said...

@Lynn The November 11th, it was decided to ringn all the bells of all church in france at 11am, during 11 minutes, to commemorate the end of the WW1. I was walking on the dunes at beach, it was amazinf to hear all those bells coming from every direction.

I don't know if it was a attempt from the P!W to down the moral of people, but as the song of all bells in same time is for "happy event" like wedding or Batism, the effect was quite the opposite in the subconscious, i think. And when all stopped, it was 11:11 am on the 11/11! World wide meditation time! I ask help from my guides, higher self and Brother J to participate, while still walking with my dog. And the Sun just flushed out all the grey cloud at the same time! So bliss!

Unknown said...

"In crystal we have a pure evidence of the existence of a formative life principle, and although in spite of everything we cannot understand the life of crystals - it is still a living being." (Nikola Tesla, 1900)

"Crystals are living beings at the beginning of creation." Nikola Tesla

"The universal peace as a result of cumulative efforts through the centuries can come into being quickly - not like crystal which at once forms a solution that has been slowly in preparation." Nikola Tesla

I read a good example somewhere: "for example, if you went back in time 200 yeas and had your cell phone with you: your cell phone would be considered extremely advanced technology. But, it would not work, it would be useless in that timeline. The systems/networks needed for it to function would not be there yet created for your cell phone to work as designed."

The crystal earth grid is now available to be tapped into as a network, but not yet are the Crystals.

The future computers are sentient Crystals. Same as we are 'ascending in vibration and frequency" from carbon based vibration density to crystalline vibration density --DNA.

Free energy tech system is not yet available . Not even in the "secret advanced tech" that is supposedly hidden from public.

To my understanding.

And just my two bits from my higher

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

Thank you everyone for sharing and leaving a comment. It really was quite an amazing moment!

Adrienne said...

I came on just to say you posted this at 11:11am and I just KNEW it wasn’t intentional. You already noticed though , I’m always late for everything LOL