Thursday, October 25, 2018

Questions from the Net

Q.  I hesitate to ask about people, but that's all I've got for the moment.  Wes Penre and his YouTube channel... Where does this guy come from?  There sure are a lot of folks who say they have special knowledge and want to help humanity.  How do you rate his info, truthful or BS?  He seems to not trust anybody and I tend to agree with him.  You must examine any and all news these days with extra caution.
A. When I tune into him, I get he is a man that had a tough life early on.  He feels like he struggled with his family dynamic, and sort of spent his teen years and early 20s trying to find the meaning of life.  In the process of this "self discovery" or some kind of understanding, he stumbled upon a group of people (feels like a cult) that welcomed newcomers.  More importantly, he was the perfect member as they were able to easily sculpt him and make him feel that "they" were his family. 

As Wes got into this deeper, and saw some of the darker things, he was taken back, but still participated because the feeling of belonging was better than his internal feelings of something not being right.  I get that is how many people get persuaded to join these "groups."  It is about belonging and then later control.  Once you are in, it is hard to leave, much like members of a street gang. 

After witnessing and hearing of some of the activities, I get Wes couldn't take it.  I feel like he witnessed someone he cared for being harmed physically, and he knew he had to escape, but wasn't sure how.  I get he made some kind of radical geographical move to distance himself.  His next thing was to go public, realizing this would end in one of two ways.  The group would either take him out for revealing secrets, or leave him alone and treat him as a disinfo agent until he fades away, and they chose to do the later. 

I would rate his information fairly accurate.  He does feel to want to help humanity, and put truth out there. I agree to examine everything, and always allow your intuitive filter to sense out what feels true.

Q.  The video game 'Fortnight' Battle Royal, has many children and adults addicted. Many people are spending huge amounts of money and time playing this game, and therefore affecting their mental, social and financial well being. The game is violent, encourages the gamer to shoot and kill people in order to win or score. Do you see an end to the success of this popular game, and children may even loose interest?

A. I get the motive of many of these games is twofold.  They are out to desensitize the violence between people.  People killing other people under the pressure of a game or motive helps people to remove the "human" factor.  It isn't to say this is happening on the streets, but I see an image of a bunch of people lined up with electrodes, as if they are being "programmed" with a message while they are playing.  More importantly, the goal is to see if they are "programmable" when need be.  

The second goal is to make money.  Offering free or cheaper games with "in play" purchases provides the ability for gamers to make more money.  I hear a conversation about the money made from having a less costly game with "in game" purchase ability (i.e. a special sword, weapon or cape for protection) has more earning potential than an game sold at a set price.  This is truly a marketing tactic.  

I don't see people losing interest any time soon.  I see that some people like the idea of paying for an advantage (like special armor) versus working through a difficult level on what skills and tools they are given.  There is a portion of society that LIKES the ability of paying to get ahead, versus the hard work to win..

[Having said that, just use good judgement.  There are people that see it for what it is, and enjoy playing a game or having a challenge.  Just be mindful of how your kids are viewing these games...}

Q.  Hi Lynn, Is this really a vanishing cat, ghost cat or just a technical glitch in the system?  This was caught on video in Ireland, where there are hundreds of cats simply disappearing.  Is this connected?

A.   I get this was authentic, and we are witnessing a cat that manifested itself to where it could be seen in the 3D, and then later shifted back to the spirit realm.  (Cool video!).

And that is all I have for this reading.  Thank you.  Love and light-  

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Ryno said...

Oh, Wes Penre. I enjoyed reading his 5 "Levels of Learning" awhile ago. Very interesting info to contemplate and it is also because of him I read about the conversation with "Hidden Hand." Good to see he is still producing material, I will have to check out his Youtube videos now.

RL said...

I had a happy black lab run towards our front door as we opened it only to de-materialize/fade out as soon as it went through the door frame. Exactly like this cat..My boyfriend at the time and my other children saw it too!

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

Thanks for the comments.

@RL: Thanks for sharing! Wow!

Hulsie said...

I know this is older post.. but if you see this Lynn, I would like to know about Wes' secret source.. it came way after the experiences you mention. He was involved in Scientology I think but yes he did get out. But that's what got him interested in researching more. Then someone saw his research and contacted him about it and couldn't believe how accurate it was. They came to chat daily for around 6 years. He is from the outside - KHAA as Wes calls it - the greater universe. Came here to observe and other things he could not mention. What do you see about this 'secret source' of his?