Q. Hello Lynn. Could you please look into journalist Ronan Farrow? His article brought down one of the biggest Hollywood producers, who also had close political ties to the left. Just recently we learned that NBC News did not allow Ronan to run the article, and "threatened" him if he would. He eventually took it months later to a big newspaper in New York, published it which then started a movement. My question is regarding Ronan. I suspect many elites are upset and worried about their dirty secrets coming out. Is his life in danger? What is his higher calling? I've become intrigued by this individual and I hope he's the flickering light at the end of the tunnel to end all the PTW reign.
A. I get he was exposed to a lot of dirty secrets throughout his career, and he was "encouraged" to keep quiet. He partly remained quiet out of fear, but also because he didn't have anything definitive in the form of proof. He did feel if he was going to write this story, he had to have the proof. Once he obtained it, which took a lot of work and trust, he was blocked from running the story. People in power and people with money have a lot of influence, and did not want this story getting out. They didn't want the bad press, and more importantly they new he was one of many that didn't want to have to answer for their wrong doings (which they justified in many different ways). He feels like someone that doesn't take "no" or "discouragement" as an option, and he pressed on until it got it published.
He does feel protected in some way. I get that the PTW aren't happy with the result, but he feels like he is on a mission for truth and justice. He looks like he is meant to stay strong on this path.
Q. I got a weird "download from the ether" last night. I got that a "rogue group" is building a "structure" and they are planning to "leak" it to the liberal press as a part of a secret camp (think FEMA camp or illegals detention camp) that the Trump is planning to use. In my vision, they planned to do this before the election to get the left/liberals so scared, they'll run out and vote.
Do you get anything on this?
A. Interesting.. I do get that this next 2020 election is going to be ruthless. Campaigning will be ugly, and the left is going to be aggressive in getting people to vote. I see this being an election being controlled by emotions, and using that emotion to get people to vote. Social media will feel like a weapon, and people will need to dig deep to find truth. I didn't see the "structure" that you are describing, but I do see how such a thing, or something like it, would create a lot of panic and fear (and could explain the deep emotion I felt during the campaign).
And that is all I have for this reading. Thank you. Love and light-
Link to REAL.Video Channel (Reading and Discussion): https://www.real.video/channel/yourpsychicfocus
Link to BitChute Channel: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/psychicfocus/
Link to BitChute Channel: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/psychicfocus/
Thank you, Lynn. I really like your blogspots.
You are most welcome!
I have always had a great feeling about Ronan Farrow, so this is lovely and encouraging to read. I get the same kind of feelz about him and his work as I did with the buzz about JFK jr a few weeks back. Today of all days, I needed a touch of the warm fuzzies, so thank you just for that!
I have mentioned this in the past, but in case anyone didn't know: astrologically speaking, the next major countdown is to the Saturn Pluto conjunction of 2020. Not only is that conjunction always historically mahoosive (it has always heralded war, I'm sorry to say) but the first conjunction in January 2020 is also conjunct a couple of other planets and is hit by an eclipse. That is a BIG deal.
For those not on the Q radar, the main forum on reddit for QAnons and 'bakers' has been removed, and this is huge (yuge?) News is the action is starting to really roll out now, and the PTW will do and are doing everything to shut it all down wherever they can find it, like headless chickens with machine guns. The censorship now is accelerating out of control, who knows where this is all going to lead? I think things are going to escalate fast.
On the subject of censorship, today the EU voted, unammended, the bill which will strangle free expression on the internet. Only the major corporations will benefit from this. If you ever wanted to know what authoritarian dystopia we now live in, please see the video clips floating around of the reaction in the chamber when the bill was passed.
None of the people voting even know how the internet works or the effect it will have on ordinary people.
And finally, this week a police force in England has launched a campaign encouraging people to report people who say anything *that may cause hurt* which even they admit are "non crimes". This is the same police force famous for causing the deaths of 96 football fans and then constructing a scandalous cover up that lasted a quarter of a century. The same police force which ignored / colluded in the industrial scale rape slavery of 1500 vulnerable underage girls in one average sized town, for decades, to protect the Islamic community from it looking like the police might be racist. Now, they want to threaten everyone from saying anything at all that "certain communities" might not like. This authoritarian cancer is spreading literally everywhere at frightening speed.
Sorry for the ranty ramble but this week feels like I'm just coming to the end of one chapter of a George Orwell novel and I'm in half-dread at what I'll find when I turn the page again. I've woven a life of reasonable detachment and serenity but this has all sent my head spinning.
I'm sorry Lynne, I set aside this evening to catch up with your videos but the Q news threw a spanner in the works. Thank you for at least giving me a little good news here.
Oh bugger, I spelt your name wrong too. I'm sorry.
Is Ronan Farrow, Frank Sinatra son? He looks just like him! And I read that Mia Farrow, his mother, doesn't know
Guys check the following video out in which pence can be seen exchanging document with somebody from the crowd behind trump's back :-
Watch the lady circled in RED. When POTUS starts to approach her notice she will point her finger at Pence, and the POTUS turns and walks away from her. She seems to switch papers maybe? ALSO WATCH PENCE's hands when he walks away. He DOES pocket something.
Cabal may be planning to take trump down like JFK. What do you think Lynn? Trump MAGA event scheduled for 09-14-18 to be held in Mississippi.
Thanks for the post.
@Neeraj: I did see that.. I think it was a note from Q... :-)
Mr. Farrow sure looks a lot like Ol' Blue Eyes....
Interesting Thanks Lynn. Check this video out- Another massive wave anomaly has been caught on Mimmic Map. This time it stretches from the same notorious location In Antarctica and stretches over the Very Active Hurricane Alley.
What do you think - Antarctica Anomaly? Thanks.
I would not be surprised that the left would be going aggressive for the 2020 elections. Some of it has already been happening for the coming midterms as a way of warming up for the next presidential election. More social media aggression is going to be unleashed for certain.
Somehow I had this thought that popular cartoon characters would most likely be used in propagandic form to get the Gen Z and young Millennials to vote Democrat.
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