If you open this Facebook page: you will see the 3 triplets to the right. Elvis is in the middle -he has blue eyes and the other 2 triplets have brown eyes.
See Franklin (the 4th brother) in below link also with brown eyes (which can't be seen here)!
![]() |
Franklin |
What was the life path of these boys? Can you see why this had to play out the way it did?Cheers!
A. Yes, I do get Elvis was a triplet. All the boys, even his younger brother looks to be talented. They all had a gift and enjoyed performing, but Elvis was the one that made the most of it and went on to stardom.
The pressure and stress that came with success led Elvis into a life of drugs, and I do get the brothers would, at times, fill in for him when things would get bad. I even see one of the brothers putting padding on under his jumpsuit to "look" like the real Elvis. One of the brothers even had thinning hair, and worse a wig. They did have a lot of love for one another despite their unusual upbringing.
The life path part is tricky. The paths were (and are) all interdependent on each other, but yet very different. As I look at Elvis, I get there was an element of abandonment. Even though it was out of his control, he felt like something was missing during a lot of his life. He did have a relationship with them. Actually a close one, but there was something about being raised this way that created an emptiness in him early on, and it was hard for him to understand.
The other two triplets look like they had to fight emotions of jealousy. They were talented too, but Elvis got the attention. Elvis was happy to share some of the glory with them, but they had to do so under the guise of "Elvis." They did this to enjoy in the fun, and protect their brother, but it did get to them at times.
Franklin looks to have had a lot of hurt and anger, but rather than talking about it or expressing it, he kept things to himself (prideful). Communication was difficult for him. He was very gifted, brilliant, caring and compassionate on the outside, but on the inside he feels like he had a lot of frustrations. His role was very important in saving Elvis as well, as it was his illness and death and woke Elvis up.
These boys were (and are) all very loving and close. Franklin's death was very hard and needed awakening to take care of themselves and really look at what is important.
[Link to Previous Reading: http://psychicfocus.blogspot.com/2018/06/elvis.html]
And that is all I have for this reading. Thank you. Love and light-
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I love it- Elvis as the Holy Trinity. No wonder he's adored. Nothing surprises me anymore, but this topic is so entertaining. I can't wait for the movie, "Too many Elvis's" but in the meantime there is a really great (fake documentary) movie on Amazon Prime called "Elvis found Alive" that shows him at the different stages of his career and says he became an underground FBI agent fighting Bill Ayers and Obama. That now sounds a lot less far fetched than the reality.
Maybe if Elvis is still alive he can run to replace Trump after his second term with JFK Jr. on the ticket as VP, John Lennon as Secretary of State, and Michael Jackson as Secretary of HUD.
Robert, you are too funny!
If you were under the radar Lynn-this going to blow it wide open!!! Expect tons of reactions. @Robert-that would be bigger than disclosure! Sending everyone protection as we go through mind blowing insights.
When I read your previous blog about Elvis Presley, I took both photos showed on it then super imposed and rotated them using Photoshop. THEY FIT PERFECTLY!!!
Lynn, please could you look into whether the actor James Dean really did die when claimed? Because there have been very recent rumours that his death back then was faked and he really died only recently, in a car crash. Thank you.
Yes I saw a picture of James dean that, IMO, was undeniably him
Nice to hope that some beloved people are still alive. This one sounds like a possibility, though with JFK Jr. there's the issue of whether his sister-in-law would've been game, apart from his wife, as well as the fact that no bodies would've been found when they discovered his plane wreckage, leading to someone probably squealing.
Thank you Lynn. What an unusual life they have had - and on a very rocky road.
@Robert: I love it. That would be great. Would make for an interesting administration....
@haydeeally: That is interesting!! Thanks for sharing!
Thanks for all the comments everyone!
I can't believe I never knew that.
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