Thursday, May 2, 2024

Get Your Gardens Planted

Hi Everyone!  It's time to check your frost zone and future temps.  If you are clear, get your gardens planted.  That's been my priority this week since my area is well above freezing.  Time to get your hands dirty! Your future self will love you for it!

Blessings, Lynn 

Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Eclipse Anomoly... Mu? Atlantis? Lemuria?

What is this massive "mass" caught on radar during the April solar eclipse? 

This was definitely an interesting observation that was sent to me a few times.  This was definitely more than just a cloud.  This is HUGE and shows a certain amount of density to it.

I sense that the eclipse was an intense phenomena (anyone watching the totality of it felt what I mean) that opened up the ability to see different layers or frequencies so they could be observable.  We also had CERN activity (which I see as totally evil) which manipulates energies and frequencies in unsuspecting ways.

It it my belief that we witnessed a long ago land that existed which was changed, taken or altered after the Millennial Reign..  I've always been drawn to Atlantis and/or Lemuria being located somewhere near the northern part of South America and the land of Mu being near the southern part of Africa.  Now that I have begun to question everything, it is quite possible they have deceived us or clouded our thoughts especially if these old world lands are tied to anything biblical.  It is probable these ancient lands are even one in the same and we got a glimpse, much like an energetic fingerprint during this amazing celestial event.

I'm curious your thoughts.  


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Monday, April 29, 2024

Is Australia Going Communist?

Q. Dear Lynn,  Your post last week prompted me to ask what you see in the two attacks here in Sydney.  The first was in a Bondi shopping centre, a man ran around stabbing people, eventually shot dead by a police officer.  

Then a few days later, two Priests were stabbed mid service by a 16 yr old Muslim boy.  After the stabbing there was a crowd of up to 2,000 outside the Church rioting (how did they get there so quickly, and their religious affiliations never mentioned?), so badly the ambulance had to wait up to 3 hours to get the Priests and attacker to hospitals.

The government is now talking about various changes, such as more cameras inside venues, and more control over what people say online.

Can you shed any light please?  

A.  The above begs the question, is Australia going communist?  They look to be taking steps to get even more control over the people in ways that prohibit speaking out.  If you want to pass an agenda or take rights from people, you have to prevent people from creating a collective or working together.  Promoting fear through manufactured false flags creates the perfect foundation. 

The government also wants to further prevent people from coming together with increased surveillance.  They really dislike the Christian culture and are following suit to destroy anything looking like western ideology. The government will know who is doing what, who they are with and where they are at.  How does that feel free? If you have to suppress speech or fear an uprising, maybe you are doing something worth rising against - just sayin'.

This has been the plan since before the Port Arthur incident which led the gateway to take guns.  I don't see it stopping as they have learned to use fear and the strong arm of the alt left to push through this "laws."

Don't buy into the fear.  Don't buy into the false narratives.  Trust your gut and do what you can to disengage from the system.  The more independent you are, the more empowered you will feel.  This empowerment will give you peace.


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Friday, April 26, 2024

Bloodied London Horses

Q.  Hi Lynn,  Really weird sighting of a black and white horse in London today... What could it be?

A.  This is beyond ominous.  I sense the release of these horses was completely intentional and also served to send a message.  The evil ruling the world and controlling the monarchy feel agitated that people are getting "soft" compared to past decades.  This looks like a warning to get back in line.

I sense something very bad has happened to Kate and this message is meant for the family as William prepares to be King.  If she is still with us, she may be barely hanging as someone having a lot of influence over her healthcare lingers.

Say a prayer for her and her kids.  This feels to be a very difficult time for them.  It is near impossible to leave and even more difficult to stay.


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