Q. What is your soul like? Sometimes I envision it to be similar to a ghost that enters your body like you see in the movies. A cloud like, transparent entity that 'slips' into someone and expands to fill your body like smoke.
Does it have a consciousness and a personality separate from the body it inhabits? Or is it a 'comatose' life form that is in a sleep state until it is 'needed' to move to the next dimension?

The soul is the energetic being that is the counterpart (balance) to the physical 3D self. The soul is where residual traumas and past life experiences are stored to be accessed by the subconscious and higher self. It also looks to work in harmony with our DNA. I'm being shown that the soul expands slightly beyond the physical body, and the edges create your aura.
Your soul enters your body at conception and grows with you creating your energetic being. I would not call it a ghost (that has a negative connotation). Your soul belongs to you, and it is your energy form that incarnates with each life. As I see this, YOU are your soul, and our 3D body is just the vehicle used during this life (and that is what changes).
In many ways your soul is the consciousness that shapes the physical 3D consciousness. It doesn't have a "personality" but does carry the lessons and karma that need worked through. It can also help nudge you in the right direction as intuition kicks in.
And that is all I have for this reading. Thank you. Love and light-
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I forgot who said it- but theres a scientist who has an interesting take on the "soul"- saying that what if the soul was really an "Alien race" vibrating on a different realm- using the 3D Body as a machine in which to harvest the 3D Earth. And we just didn't realize it until we pass. I thought it was a cute perspective.
I dunno. I've played with some musicians who had no soul whatsoever... or rhythm. Or pitch.
I always find it interesting when synchronistically readers ask the same/similar question(s) of those that are able answer them from a "seer's" point of view. This is a great question and nice response from Lynn! I was just over on the https://www.matthewbooks.com/august-18-2018/ page and in his August reading - "Matthew" attempts to answer a question around the nature of the soul. It also answers some readers earlier questions around how this all came into being. Here is an excerpt from that reading, ... see if this resonates with you too!!
"At some point Creator endowed souls with the gift of free will and its inherent manifesting ability. That is the basis of life in this universe, where souls are manifested by God, the soul chosen by Creator to be the ruler of this universe, through His co-creating powers with Creator. God uses Creator’s energy to bring into fruition His ideas; and, as microcosms of God, each and every soul in His universal family has proportionally the same co-creational ability as He.
The soul may live in a physical or an etheric body or as a formless free spirit, which remembers its Beginnings and knows its lifetime mission. When a soul chooses a physical lifetime, depending upon the evolutionary status of its consciousness, the choice may be a human body or any other incarnate civilization’s appearance, any animal or plant species, a planet, sun or other astral body. In whatever form and wherever in this universe a soul chooses to be, always it is an inviolate, independent eternal being at the same time it is energetically inseparably connected with God and Creator and all other souls throughout the cosmos."
If you are in an elevator or speaking to someone beside you, do your Spirit Guides or Souls communicate with each other, or are they independent of each other?
If every human life has the same potential as God, then why are we so limited ?
Is the additional potential locked up in the 'junk DNA' that we don't use?
You said that your Spirit enters your body at conception when a charged energy particle (Source) enters our bodies. About a year ago I heard someone on the radio say that he was trying to get funding to research the same idea. He said if you fertilized the right egg when the 'spark' appeared that your child would have qualities of a genius. It would be interesting to see the results.
Thanks for your blog Lynn !
Hi Lynn. Nice reading. I've read (I believe from Dolores Cannon's book) that souls don't stay permanently inside the womb. According to her past life regressions, the soul comes in and out, sort of like checking in, but once the baby is ready to come out, the soul comes. Also, how about stillborn babies? Do the souls change their mind and decide another life?
@sharingbridge Interesting that u noticed the synchricity bc my sognificant other in advertising told me long ago when they are working on ideas-there are countless times that during advertising award ceremonies the same idea but executed in a similar or different manner would be up for awards too. Also some ideas that weren’t pursued would show up being executed by rival firms and the conclusion was - that the ideas/concepts were floating around at the same time and it was a matter of which company ran with it and ultimately produced it. Also many times it was who produced the idea first bc if a company delayed the distribution then another company would beat them to market and they were like “how did they have the same idea?”
Now I’m totally confused! I thought spirit and soul are interchangeable.
“Spirit, I see it as a charged energy....”
“The soul is the energetic being....”
-Does it mean we have two “energies” (for lack of a better word) in our body?
-Do the two “energies” always go together to the same body at each reincarnation? Or they are two independent “energy” ?
-If we talk/connect to our Higher Self, are we referring to our soul or spirit?
-If our loved ones reincarnate, can we still communicate/connect with them? Or that connection is broken?
“It (Spirit) is also the what connects us back to Source”
-What about our Soul? What is it connected to? Where does it go after it leaves our body?
-When we astral travel, is it our Spirit or Soul doing it?
Sorry, I’m very confused now. Appreciate any further clarifications from you. I did google about it but I’m not wiser.
Thank you.
Our soul is the hard drive and can only be accessed by one with Administrative access (the higher self). The challenges and obstacles presented in this 3D world are the Degaussers that can positively or negatively (demagnetize) our soul/ hard drive to positive, neutral or negative polarity.
Hi everyone. This was sent to me and I wanted to share a comment that is really interesting:
""Hi Karoline, I've also read most of the Dolores Cannon books plus Barbara Ann Brennan plus many others and personal experience. My understanding is that nothing happens in an incarnation that a "soul" has not agreed to. In the case of a stillborn baby, the baby's soul, has, as an option, agreed with the parents that it will leave before birth. The parents get to experience coping with the "death" of a child and the baby's "soul" is reborn in the spiritual realm as a "pure soul" without the baggage from an incarnation.
Also, my understanding is that the information we receive from "the spiritual realm" guides etc is limited by the perspective of the being providing the information. So with regards to the bigger perspective issues about God or Source the universe etc. the higher the vibration of the being providing the information, the greater the perspective it has. A "Holy Spirit" for example, will have a greater perspective of everything, than a learner guide. Only God or Source will have the whole perspective. We are all a part of God which has "divided" itself into smaller aspects, which have divided further into smaller aspects and so on in order to experience everything that has ever been created. What we experience and our understanding, depends on where our awareness is. We are ultimately one Soul or Source and at the "same time” infinite souls!
As I get more information that resonates with me I add to or change my understanding.”
@ Karoline...I wonder what happens to aborted children? What happens to the Soul and what does it do when it realizes that the child is going to be aborted?
Does if it communicate to the child or try to stop the abortion?
Or does anything happen at all, the soul just ups and leaves.
@Hope: It is like there are two harmonizing energies in our body. One is more connected to source, and one is more connected to our physical being.
@Raymond: I get that (even though sad) it was in the plan. Like they weren't ready to incarnate and this was part of their path, even though short.
In light of this reading on the differences between soul and spirit, it might be interesting to do a reading on the difference between the conscious mind and the unconscious mind, if there is indeed a difference.
@Carlene Yes, I have a good working understanding of this concept. Thank you for your personal and clear example of it working in the Collective Consciousness - a term that came up often whilst I was studying Anthropology in Arizona. Then there is Jung. Jung, while not the first to tackle this concept but he is in my sphere of influence so I am using his term, Synchronicity to explain this perceived occurrence. There is a nice book, titled, Synchronicity: An Acausal Connecting Principle by Jung which goes into this concept a little deeper! Loving your example. And even better this question about what is the soul? What is the spirit? How we may understand these concepts via a reader of of the energetic world? That’s why we have Lynn!
Lynn, Nice summation via the email! T. Y. I am a student of Barbara Brennen but never could get into D. Cannon - though watched a few videos. To my mind - Barbara's material is a must read if one is interested in benevolent energy work of any kind! Cheers!
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