Monday, August 13, 2018

It's Monday (already..)

Q.  Hi Lynn, I have read many posts of yours detailing incarnation and past / future lives. I sometimes worry about my own future after reading your Life Detective series where you have already predicted future incarnations of specific people. I wonder if someone is going down the path they might not like is there anything one can do to change the next life they will have? Is there anything to do to make that next life better? 

Thank you for all you have done. I am so glad I found your blog, I have been reading it for years now. Since 2013 to be exact.

A.  Yes, we always have free will to change our path and experience of the life we are living (which can have an impact on a future life.  When I work on the Life Detective series with Dada, we are focused on the future life of the person if they remain on the same path (and do nothing to change things).  The best thing to do if you aren't happy with your life, is try to look at it objectively and implement some sort of change.  Even a small change (like quitting a bad habit or start being more active) can have a huge effect (health, self-esteem, addiction).  The smaller things may be challenging, but enough to propel you into addressing lessons (or give you confidence to address the bigger things).  You may even break cycles, which will help you accomplish goals and prevent you from having to repeat an event in a future life.  You always have the ability to make a change in your life, so please never underestimate the power of your own free will.  

Q.  Since people were (allegedly) genetically engineered way back when, and some religions forbid the eating of pigs, and how pig to person organ transplants have succeeded, I am wondering if pigs are part of the genetic background of modern humanity?
A.  I do see that many animals were created using a similar "genetic pool."  Some are extinct (I want to say Minotaur??) and some are with us.  Pigs do feel to have many similarities, and I also see a (confusing) image of a dolphin.  (??)

Q.  This question is a little different, but I figure if people really valued their children, society would function much better. Hence I wonder if most children are unwanted, and considered to be nothing but a ball and chain by their mothers; who statistically are the number one child abusers. (Mine was one, and I got off easy compared to my half siblings.)
A. Children and the emotion of children are different with each family.  Many children are loved and cared for.  Mothers nurture and protect them any way they can.  It is true our world is difficult, but it isn't for lack of love for kids.  Our world feels tied to the need for greed, power and influence of higher power (the Cabal), and we are in transition of overcoming their spell right now.  Our 3D experience of this world has us experience many aspects, some is great, some is challenging, and some experiences lie in the middle.  

Sadly, some children do experience the interaction with their parents as negative.  I'm sorry you had to live through this and I am hopeful that you were able to escape that experience and become a stronger person.  Forgiveness is one of the highest vibrational emotions, and through your healing if you incorporate and start to forgive (for your own self regardless of your mom), it can be huge in your spiritual development. Hugs to you!

Q. Is the information on this website legitimate:
Thank you

A. This site did feel to be mostly legit.  I did a quick scan over it, and what I did see felt like it resonated with me.

Hi Lynn,  Trusting you are well, and thanks for your work.

Regarding the Elvis session reading. Warning.....!
I'll go out on a limb here and state and question some bizarre possibility or scenario.

A week before your reading , I had a dream involving Elvis and in it I was made to understand and experience his deep kindness, love and generosity of heart for the people , and I understood something I had heard earlier that despite all the glamour and drama surrounding him, he was also consciously or unconsciously a spiritual conduit or channel to the masses.

So the bizarre scenario I was inquiring about,... is it possible, that he wanted out for the reasons you stated, and that his body did actually die but he had already willed himself out of that personality of Elvis the star, and moved to another physical body, possibly already born, (in a totally different and humble environment) without him going through the after-death stages and processes....maybe he came back as a walk-in. (I'm hesitant in using that word) and that could contribute to your questioning whether the funeral and empty casket where symbolic....?

I hope its not to much out there...but I'm curious all the same :) All the bests 

A. This is an interesting topic.  There are times that people sort of "jump" bodies when they pass.  It is rare, but can happen.  Usually someones passes, and they agree to incarnate, but don't want to go through the baby, child, adolescent phase.  When then happens the person incarnating can take the body of a person that experiences a near death experience (NDE) that does not want to come back, but their physical life isn't ready to be over AND the incarnating spirit is ready to take that physical life over.  People in this scenario can have trouble recalling memories (except what is residual and accessible in the physical DNA).  They can usually recall memories from their previous life as well (these aren't always cleanly wiped due to the unconventional type of incarnation).

In reviewing the past reading, and looking at Elvis, I don't get that is what happened to him (but really liked your analysis of your dream!).  It is true that I didn't see him in the casket, but sense he alive and still very connected to the Elvis persona.  I do also feel he is in communication with Priscilla as well.  

(Previous reading on Elvis:

And that is all I have for this reading.  Thank you.  Love and light-

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Unknown said...

Regarding the unwanted children issue. Yikes, I think we need less children worship these days, not more. I believe most children are wanted. It sounds like the original poster is projecting their own bad experience onto others.

There are many neglectful parents, but there are also many parents who treat their children like they are the center of the universe. I've noticed a huge upward trend of the latter in the last 25 years or so. The millennials, as a generation, seem narcissistic and intolerant of others as a result. Both extremes of parenting are doing a disservice to our society, because society has to deal with the adults from these dysfunctional backgrounds.

Love To Push Those Buttons said...

Thanx, Lynn. I did escape after 5.5 years to my other parent. I also got a lot done in my 'revenge' years, and she'll never know what I did. (Example: This is pretty funny, and it actually made #1 in the sub-genre.) I cut ties when I was 19 (am now 56), and I must say I feel paradoxical about the whole experience. In a lot of ways, my life is so much easier because of the decisions I made to avoid the worst issues that were in my past. Of course I made many more stupid mistakes to compensate, but hey! I survived even those.

I'll wait until the next realm to kiss and make up with the thing I used as transportation to get here. I must admit I see a lot of her in myself, though at least I had the sense to get sterilised and not make a mess of my life or and the life of any 'unwanted liability'.

Ell said...

Thank you Lynn, I am so excited that my question got chosen. It is amazing to know that it is possible to change one's life (now and future) through changing one's actions. It helped me feel a lot more hopeful about life.

Nessie said...

Great reading Lynn thank you so much.

Especially the last part about the unconventional reincarnation. It is something that I've experienced myself.
I have a very strong mind and because of it I try to make sure that not just anybody can come in and experience through me. Simply because of all the bagage these souls have ( in my experience they often are souls that have not returned to Spirit after their passing and are in limbo. Also some of them try to outsmart the system of incarnation).

My previous soul was so under attack and decided was too dangerous here on earth at that time, my physical body nearly died because of the attacks. I'm hoping that one day it will feel safe enough to return.....

Serene said...

Rest assured there are also many parents I know and love that are doing their very best to raise the best kind of people possible....constantly emphasizing to be aware of others feelings, behaving responsibly, having gratitude, understanding the effect of their own words and actions, etc. the list of positives is very long!

Truth & light said...

Interesting timing.

Truth & light said...


EA RW said...

"Some children are only to be seen, not to be heard."

Unknown said...

Simon Parkes said the other day we have more common DNA with dolphins than we do with apes

Patrick said...

Thank you very much Lynn for taking your time to confirm and respond.
Very much appreciated.


Chatty Cathy said...

Mental illness is often passed down to the children.

dmele17 said...

Hello Lynn, can you do a reading on Kylie Jenner’s 21st bday party, where her model friend Tammy Hembrow, collapsed and wheeled out face DOWN in a stretcher? Was it a ritual? Was it really her? Thank you