Thank you and God bless!
A. In tuning into this, there are agendas in place. The main goal of the PTW (Powers That Were) is to break down the family. I get when the family breaks down, society in general is much weaker and easier to control.
The over-sexualization of teens also feeds into the PTWs pedophilia activity. They (the PTW) are trying to normalize this activity on screen, so it becomes more and more acceptable in society. On the surface they want to allude they are fighting it, and profess how immoral it is, but on the inside they are promoting their rings and cannot help themselves.
Treating teens as adults also opens more gateways to future opportunities. They teach teens that if you want something, you should find a way to buy it, even if you don't have the money. Instant gratification versus delayed gratification is a lesson being taught. Huge debts and tons of interest payments makes the bankers happy.
I also see the democrats trying to grow a new voter base. Hollywood is becoming more liberal, and teaming up to help sway younger generations in a more liberal direction. The goal and hope is that these younger voters will help them (the PTW) achieve their goals with greater ease.
Future generations look to be directed on a more liberal pathway, with Hollywood trying to be the role model (versus parents). Conservative views are trying to be shut down. Making teens think they are more mature than they are and therefore, what they think is right, limits their ability to expand their thought beyond the programming (not all, and there is and will always be brilliant young people). Being offended about things that aren't offensive, and always having a cause looks to be a badge of honor. I do foresee what looks like a swarm of alt-left younger people emerging.
And that is all I have for this reading. Thank you. Love and light,
Link to PsychicFocus reading on YouTube:
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Thank you so much for the reply. I'm really sad and angry by this information, but also I hope this shakes many parents to take parenting into their own hands! My apology for all the typos. I wrote this quickly and unfortunately didn't proof read. I was going to correct the typos, but you beat me to it with your reply :)
Hooboy, we sure could use The Event right about now...
In the meantime, for you parents... if you weren't already, become an Unapologetic Parent. Say NO all the time. To everyone. Vote with your remote. There's an OFF button on it for a reason.
I give my kids the reasons I say NO to various shows and (first-person shooter/mauler) games. I also show them how the MSM tries to manipulate them in all their myriad ways. I educate them on the symbols the cabal uses, such that now my kids point them out to ME. I've explained to them that I'm not here to be their friend. I'm here to raise them to be as good as possible, in a system that is as bad as possible.
There's a good reason the new ROSEANNE revamp is so popular. Above all, it has a heart, and shows parents who CARE about their kids. Light and love always wins hands-down.
As a younger person myself, I kind of disagree with the younger alt-left crowd emerging. Sure they will exist, but I feel more young people will be moderate/conservative. Thing is, they will be afraid to speak their minds. Once we (as a people) start to realize the corruption and deception, will more emerge and rise.
@Donald: I do see your point. I think the voice of the alt-left will emerge, and the conservative viewpoint will be suppressed and quieted even though still very real and present (for fear of labels and being called racist, bigot, fill-in-the-blank).
With people waking up and the PTW being exposed, how could the alt-left progress and not the conservatives?
Basically Hollywood is out to get you by giving you very bad advice. But it only works if you listen and watch and don't know any better. This is where parents can make a huge difference if they can be bothered to care just a little bit about their own children.
Voice of the loony left will emerge? It already has, lol. Those screechy people have only one volume setting - 11.
What I'm seeing is that the "kids" are quietly laughing at their looniness. The 52 genders, the oppreshun olympics, the Trump derangement, etc. Plus they have zero sense of humor or the kind of humor they have is almost as cringey as the christian fundies they've replaced.
There are rumors floating around that some of this loony leftness is actually a physical virus that damages the brain. What's your opinion?
Good question
@Old Soul: I see conservatives feeling pressure to keep opinions to their self (not all, and there are people out there willing to voice their side). Many conservatives are being silenced by social media (YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, etc) and depend on that money, so it does impact them. There are also groups of conservatives that just don't really have the desire to keep a discussion going (depending on the debate, facts vs feelings can be exhausting).
@meh: I don't see it as a virus, but an addiction to attention. There are valid concerns out there, but more than anything it is the need to stand out and validate how they feel.
If enough people stand up to these silly attention-seeking brats, or (much worse for adolescents) laugh at them, they will shut up very quickly. They are just children after all, very susceptible to social forces. BE those social forces! Don't let Hollyweird and the MSM be the only guidance they receive.
Whatever you do, if confronted by these creatures for some imagined offense, DO NOT APOLOGIZE. It just legitimizes their grievance, and they will come after you even worse. It's like blood in the water to sharks. Vox Day wrote a great guide to deal with SJWs.
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