Q. Could you do a reading about Net Neutrality? Over the past several years, internet users and tech companies have been campaigning over wanting a "free and open internet" and for ISPs to treat all web traffic normally. At first there doesn't appear to be anything wrong with Net Neutrality, but now it seems that there is a lot of corporate politics surrounding it and the so-called "extreme nightmare scenarios" regarding traffic slowing on a whim and additional fees for website/service packs (think of cable channel packages).
A. It looks like regardless of who wins the battle over net neutrality (and I see it remaining in tact for now as long as Trump is in office), the PTW (Powers That Were) will fight to squash it. It is currently illegal to throttle the speeds of certain sites, while giving priority to others (even though I get it to some extent it already occurs, but is technically "illegal"). Keeping net neutrality allows websites to have fair access, which is something the PTW do not want.
If you control the information centers, you can manipulate the minds of those you are targeting. The media is already corrupt and saturated by the PTW, and now they want to infiltrate the alternative streams.
I do see the PTW using a tactic to try to make a negotiation. It looks like they want to have the option to throttle speeds (basically eliminating net neutrality) but giving the customer the option to pay an additional fee to "unlock" the service at their paid device. The plan would be for the PTW to get what they want, while creating obstacles for people to find truth.
And that is all I have for this reading. Thank you. Love and light-
I am a mom of 4 with a passion for helping others. Using an intuitive spin I write on a variety of [controversial] topics. My goal is to find truth and offer guidance. You can request a topic for the Public Blog or schedule a Personal Intuitive Health, Wealth, Relationship or Happiness Coaching Session by clicking the appropriate tab. Please consider checking out exclusive content on my SubscribeStar and Substack channel. God Bless, Lynn
How much longer will we be stuck with the PTW? What year sees their influence finally die?
A few years ago ,lynn you saw the currency reset , before Christmas. , you saw a tree that made you think this was the timing. Maybe we are waiting for Gold -Asset backed currency to happen first ? Thank you
As I mentioned in a comment the other day, the timing of the reckoning is close. When Saturn enters Capricorn (Finance, banking, governments, corporations and all associated systems) this month, it starts off at the point where Pluto was in 2007-8 when the financial meltdown happened. Since then it's fair to say there has been an unravelling and so many truths have been belched up to the surface. It has been a great global decay.
Now the Lord of Karma is coming to start sweeping up the mess. From this Christmas season until January 2020 things are going to get heavyweight in the above listed areas, and the re-balancing should ratchet up a few gears. Those who have worked with integrity have nothing to fear. Anyone who's tried to prop themselves up in the old ways will be in for a tough time. We knew that anyway, but this is about timing.
In January 2020 when Saturn conjuncts Pluto (plus a couple of other planets with an eclipse thrown in that affects the same point) something massive is going to come out of all of this, and I daren't even guess what might happen. Put the date in your diaries because it's going to be huge (or even yuuuuuge).
This Christmas is going to pack a punch.
Oh and I should add for any who don't already know, the USA is approaching its own Pluto return which is a measure of the craziness currently going on. Everything in the above post is going to be extra exciting for Americans, and by extension, all the rest of us.
There actually was a reading on a criminal trial involving a Danish submarine over 3 months ago! This explains why another reading on the same subject, in order to find a sub (with 44 men aboard) from a southern hemisphere country, would have been utterly redundant!Sorry!
@Dada: They are dying a slow death... I give it a few more years, but the thing we have to be mindful of is WHAT GROUP will replace them... There is always a leader of some kind..
@Anne: Yes, things need to get in place and that plan is in force...
@Kalamota: Thanks for the info!
@Watchand Knock: Thanks for the reading suggestion!
If you have the resources you can always run a private server from your own place.
Lynn is correct be mindful what comes next. A "friend" predicted the current enivornment we are witnessing of the "elites" being "sacrificed" (not necessarily death but careers, fame, money, power influence. Etc.) a few yers ago. The scary part is what he said would follow next which he said will be A.I.
The world will soon become very familiar with Transhumanism.
Query for those who know IT stuff. Could another internet be developed for those who want free choice, or could the PTW shut down anything developed? Could an internet technically go underground and escape detection?
Maybe the currency reset Lynn saw before Christmas is related to Bitcoin. There is nothing backing it, and it's not a national currency; but it has become amazingly popular. Several mutual funds have been created to trade Bitcoin and other digital currencies. And the
COMEX - Chicago Mercantile Exchange - will offer a futures market related to Bitcoin sometime in December. It appears to be the beginning of a major change.
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