Q1. Hi Lynn, I have been waiting and hoping to see a blog about the 4chan forum discussions posted by someone called Q-Anon. The discussions have so many interesting cryptic breadcrumbs about what’s really going on and how everything ties together with corruption and pedophilia within our government. There’s rumored to be over 1800 sealed indictments now. What’s going on and when will the storm hit?
Q2. Hi Lynn! Between Oct 31 and Nov 15 there were some interesting questions / comments posed on 4chan by an alleged insider with top clearance in the Department of Energy by the handle Q-Anon S/he posed very legitimate questions that led readers down a very specific path to many things we already know to be true. It feels legitimate to me, especially since the poster has not kept up the game (I feel like if s/he we’re out for attention they would have kept going).
YouTube discussing 4chan recent discussions:
4Chan message board:
What’s going on and when will the storm hit?
A. I see a man, ex-military that was able to get a government job as a "militant consultant" after he served his military terms (I get he served twice). He looks like a decorated hero, and has a respect for justice and doing the right thing. I then get someone came to him, as a consultant with a lot of hands on experience, and wanted him to help select a patsy for an upcoming false flag (supporting future agendas and positioning). When this man reviewed the potential candidates, he realized that he knew a few in the "pool." Not only was he against the lies, in fact he couldn't believe what he was seeing and being brought into. The snapping point was seeing a plan for someone's life be manipulated for the worse. This knowledge haunted him, and he didn't know what to do as rebelling would be certain death to him and his family. He resorted to posting on the message board anonymously in hopes that the truth would slowly get out and expose these situations for what they are
It looks like this is going to build and build. People are going to slowly disappear (arrests, fleeing and "accidental deaths"). This doesn't look to stop, and will just get worse and worse as this cleaning of these PTW (Powers That Were) thin out.
When you tune into this do you feel like it is legitimate?
A. Yes, this does feel legitimate. This man is trying to clear his conscious and help other people realize what is going on in our world. It isn't to evoke fear, but rather to spread truth and confirm suspicions.
Are people right to be hopeful that we are truly cleaning house of the parasitic entities in our midst?
A. Yes, this does look to be happening. Send lots of positive energy this way to aid in the cleaning and prevent the ones that remain from regrouping...
Thank you in advance for any insight you are able to provide.
And that is all I have for this reading. Thank you. Love and light-
I am a mom of 4 with a passion for helping others. Using an intuitive spin I write on a variety of [controversial] topics. My goal is to find truth and offer guidance. You can request a topic for the Public Blog or schedule a Personal Intuitive Health, Wealth, Relationship or Happiness Coaching Session by clicking the appropriate tab. Please consider checking out exclusive content on my SubscribeStar and Substack channel. God Bless, Lynn
Most of the interesting stuff on 4chan these days is at 4chan.org/pol on the politically incorrect words-and-pics chat board; formerly much went down on the anything-goes totally-random board at 4chan.org/b where Anon started some years ago. Very creative, dark and light, serious hackers are said to observe the happenings as well as many cops and spooks, many shocking and disturbing things first appear on 4chan, and sometimes I publish my photos for the first time ever, on /b board. Not for the faint hearted.
This is news to me, thank you for this info! It's always nice to see that the ptw are being thinned out, yay! I just hope I can see the golden age in this lifetime.
Can you see what country Q is in now, is he close to the president, was he on Airforce One with the president on his recent tour, will any top dems or repubs be going to jail, I noticed allot of people with foot boots for foot injuries do you know if they are really injuries or ankle bracelets, sorry about all the questions, but so curious.
@Sherrie, Would that be true: Hillary and McCain wearing ankle bracelets to keep them from running. IF they did arrest them I dont see why they'd keep it secret. This reading me reminds me of Lynn's amazing read on the Boston Marathon bombing a few years back as far as getting into the minds of the henchmen who pull off these false flags and how they live with themselves.
@Robert Schoen, I do believe both have been arrested and that is why they are wearing boots. Hillary's MedMobile was spotted leaving her NY home at 5:00 a.m. with motorcade and then it was parked outside the White Plains FBI office. I saw the photos myself, and insiders are leaking that she's been arrested. This was a couple of weeks ago. Also, I have a psychic friend who told me that Hillary tried to make a run for it by heading to the Caribbean on a yacht before she was arrested. I "teased" her about this on twitter and immediately after that, Anthony Scaramucci started following me on twitter, probably because he figured I had real intel. He must have heard about it from insiders.
The reason they aren't saying anything is probably because she doesn't want the media talking about it out of embarrassment. She also may be under a gag order (even more likely).
If you haven’t read through the entire 4chan posts by a yet, it really paints this picture of him being close to the president or even with him along side him. It is a lot of information - hinting at elite such as Clinton Obama McCain podesta Rothchilds all going down...do you see this? maybe you can do a follow up more in depth about his ties to president and who’s going to be indicted... Do you see that many indicted (1800 is the rumored count)?
Speaking of "accidental deaths", did they or did they not kill Jacob Rothschild or any Rothschild in the "plane crash" the other day? The media isn't saying a word either way.
ive been reading the posts and following it closely. If its true this person Q on 4chan seems to be very close to the president. that doesn't fit with the description Lynn offered BUT that doesn't mean it isn't so. there are so many dots to connect and so little we can see.
Speaking of "accidental deaths"(?) Southern Atlantic submarine still missing!
Location coordinates badly needed!
could Lynn be seeing General Flynn?
QAnon mentioned the Hunt for Red October yesterday. Isn't that book/movie about submarines? Hmmm...
Thanks, Lynn. Following the comments.
Thanks @Christina Gould for this amazing info proving there is a God. It will be interesting to see how this gels with the public comments that were made since the bracelets went on and what happens to Mueller.McCan seems to have shut up. Certainly the release of all the info on the uranium deal and Clinton''s campaign corruption seems to be a part of this picture.
Last week, HRC made a cryptic comment about fascists prosecuting and arresting their political opponents. It made enough FB and Twitter posts for me to see it. Haven't seen it since.
So many interesting comments!! Thank you!
I hadn't read through all this yes as I didn't want to get too many impressions. Overall, I felt this man was being honest and trying to clear a conscious.
That is an interesting point about Clinton. I have been asked this a few times, and at first I thought no, but when I spent some time tuning in, I started to feel like something did happen, and some kind of plea is in process. I look for more to evolve around this...
Lots of mysteries are unraveling....
Thank you for your reading Lynn! If you have spent any time reading the questions and replies on 4chan I would love to hear what additional information comes to you (as long as it will keep the good guys safe and not interfere with progress). I am prayerful that we will see justice and truth come to light soon! Love and light to you for all you do! <3
Thank you Lynn and all for this great info. I am glued to Q anon myself and appreciate your insights.
After following the recent QAnon posts, as well as updating myself recently on the MegAnon posts (I didn't realize this person has continued posting so much great info over recent months!) and then reading Lynn's comments, my first impression was that Lynn was possibly referring to MegAnon, and not QAnon. I could be wrong, but that's what made the most sense to me.
I have been eagerly waiting for Lynn to do a reading on these posts and the upcoming/ongoing arrests both here and in SA, but I hesitated from asking thinking that perhaps Lynn was not offering insight just yet in an effort to protect the alliance or anyone who could possibly find themselves in harms way while currently working behind the scenes for our benefit. This may still be the case, as I know we'll that Lynn only offers insight that will only be for the greater good and highest possible outcome at the time of its release.
As such, that privacy is greatly appreciated, and respected, despite our inquiring minds that so want to know! :). So thank you for that Lynn, you are SO appreciated.
Also, thank you to all the amazing men and women who are currently fighting this literal spiritual battle on behalf of all of our freedom.. Words cannot express our gratitude and faith in you! Godspeed and be well.. You are surrounded by light and truth.
With all of that said, Lynn, do you see the possibility that the masses will be receiving a major release of information soon from our Commander in Chief in regards to the decades of crimes against humanity, perpetrated by the Deep State? My intuition for the last 2 weeks has been telling me Thanksgiving is the day the public will be hearing the news direct for the first time ever, but perhaps that is a bit hopeful in terms of timing and public reception?
Thanks as always and Happy Thanksgiving everyone!! Much love to you all and a peaceful transition while all unravels <3
Thank you for this Lynne, and I wish a fabulous Thanksgiving to all of you!
I was replaying some videos last night, by Allison Coe who is a QHHT practitioner. She made some youtube vids earlier in the year regarding the August eclipse, the equinox, and events to come. She reported things her QHHT clients had revealed, in multiple instances, and called the post-equinox period "A Season of Political Change."
Now, there's nothing at all new about hearing talk of Awakening, the Shift, the Reveal (or Reval) Disclosure, and all of that. We've all been absorbed in it for years. What was so sweet about revisiting her videos was that it's all now. We can sit back and just watch it all unfurl. What people have been discussing and hoping for all these years is now in process in public view. These QAnon trails included. The light really is winning, and the Powers really are 'Were'. Isn't that something to be thankful for?
Also, for those who don't know, there's a heavyweight astro period starting shortly before Christmas. Saturn's moving into its own sign to catch up with Pluto that hit the same spot in 2007/8 with the big financial meltdown. The two planets eventually conjunct in January 2020 as part of a quadruple conjunction. This is all absolutely huge. Last time Saturn went through Capricorn the Communist Eastern Bloc collapsed. That kind of huge. This Christmas is going to be a doozy.
Have a great holiday everyone.
Hi everyone!! Happy Thanksgiving!! Thanks for the comments and info!!
Happy Thanksgiving US peeps and love to everyone. I am thankful for Lynn and this great community. Hugs to all.
Seconding Amelia's good wishes for all those fighting the good fight on all platforms.
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