Love and light-
I am a mom of 4 with a passion for helping others. Using an intuitive spin I write on a variety of [controversial] topics. My goal is to find truth and offer guidance. You can request a topic for the Public Blog or schedule a Personal Intuitive Health, Wealth, Relationship or Happiness Coaching Session by clicking the appropriate tab. Please consider checking out exclusive content on my SubscribeStar and Substack channel. God Bless, Lynn
Thanks Lynn!
There is a group meditation planned during the eclipse to use it as a portal to accelerate enlightenment and end the negative programs
I did a Twin heart meditation today - we a very powerful experience, but when i went into it really deep, actually the imiges i kept on getting where not about light at all. I saw lots of black snakes and strangely - batman!!!...just was very disturbing...i must say this day has been energeticly pretty draining - and also - here, where i live - it was 4.6 earth quake - Nepal.
It takes a nation of billions to hold us back! :)
My husband and I were in the path. We meditated and when the eclipse came.... hold on, I'm a having dejavu!! Anyway we were in awe, connected, emotional, chills and grateful. We felt this was such a gift. So amazing.
Hi everyone! This was really great. I laid in the yard for 1 1/2 hours grounding, thinking and taking it all in. Felt like a lot shifted and was an amazing experience to be a part of. I hope it was equally as great for you. Hugs-
It was a great sight to see! Of course I was chasing the little ones around, telling them to keep their glasses on etc. so I didn't get the chance to meditate as much as I would've liked. We had a bit of a calm before the storm here, since we were right in its path. When the storm hit it felt like a cleansing process, the rains were hard and lightings were really close it was like flash bangs going off. I thought it was the perfect dramatic ending, lol.
I felt dizzy and almost nauseous for about an hour (at the peak time for me). Then I felt lighter and free, the draining ties have been cut forever. I can feel the change in people, which I welcome as an empath. A very strong yet peaceful feeling...what a time to be alive!
These eclipses have been very significant for me (astrologically speaking) so I have been very open to revisiting and clearing out issues form 9 1/2, 18-19 years years ago, and just enjoying the vibe. The Lunar one on the 7th was magic, and since then I've been (mostly) in a very tranquil state of grace, receptive to whatever wants to come, accepting of what needs to go.
The last day or two I have had vivid sensations of emanating flickering energy all around, a bit like the corona looks with its aura of solar fire-winds while being perfectly still and empty. It's too early to say how any life changes will manifest, I have just been so grateful that I've reached a stage of such acceptance and letting life flow through me fairly unencumbered by too much gnarly density and associated crud.
When I first happened on Taoism many years ago, I was very taken by the image of a stream flowing down and through the landscape, and often imagined myself as the stream water on its way through life. During this eclipse meditation, I suddenly felt I'd got it the wrong way round all this time. I was lying there and felt like an arrangement of stones and banks and tree stumps perfectly still and timeless while the sparkly energy was flowing through and around me. It was quite an aha moment. Overall it's just been pretty trippy, and I look forward to the new path that will open up.
It's lovely to hear other people's experiences of it.
By the way, aija, I hope you read the Life Detective post. 'Batman' has been revealed as representing someone else, unexpectedly. Perhaps it was him!
Over here in Melbourne Australia, we didnt get to see it but my gosh I have felt sooo tired and achy leading up to it and this morning I woke up and I feel the new fresh energy in the air. I wish I was in the US to see it, but thankfully with technology I could watch it on the net. Happy New Moon Eclipse to you all xo
I couldnt meditate bc I was so busy at work. I felt nauseated during the course of the day.
Lynn can you a reading on what you felt?
hi ALL! Great to see that everybody is around no one disappeared in the darkness, and we will be able to further enjoy Lynn answering our questions! I particularly got stranded in Iowa and missed ascension this time unfortunatelly! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yi_5G_rKKTE
My dad was at the park riding bikes with friends when it happened here in Kansas. They all saw a very tall and thick man standing in the middle of one of the large lakes. He had his hands up and was looking directly at the eclipse and they all confirmed with no eye protection. What a wild thing to see!
I was mediating at the hotel balcony. It was very quiet in the middle of the night.
I followed the guided unity meditation with angelic voice, very soothing and relaxing.
Then I “saw” some light on the left horizon as though someone has switched on the room light.
I opened my left eye a little, thinking my hubby must have switched on the room light but it was still dark. I continued the meditation. At one stage, I thought I felt the joyful atmosphere in the air. Or perhaps it was my vivid imagination as I followed the guided meditation till the end.
When I went to bed closing my eyes, suddenly I “saw” the whole horizon brightened up as though it was daylight, followed by some confusing images and at the end I saw a black patch with light around it. At that time, I couldn’t make out what it was as I was sleepy and dozed off to sleep.
But today as I saw images of the eclipse on the TV, that black patch with light could have been the eclipse. I have to say that I have problem imagining myself sitting in two pillars of Light during the meditation! But like Lynn said, it’s the intent that counts.
Thanks so much for sharing.
I had an overwhelming sense of peace and calm. My biggest take away was the sense of purging and getting a little more in tune with myself. It wasn't about images, but rather a feeling of being grounded (I did lay in the back yard barefoot for 1 1/2 hours, so I feel that helped me connect better with the earth).
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