by Lynn & Da-da
Hi all, and welcome to a rather odd Life Detective NEXT #4. As many of you know, these NEXT viewings are different than the regular Life Detective series, in that Lynn looks primarily at the dominant *future* life (or existing life if they’re alive now) of various people who need no introduction. As usual, Lynn’s words appear “in quotes,” and my questions/comments appear [in brackets]. Buckle up. Here we go.

[A tangential question: Bobby Fischer was in a famous 1972 chess match with Russian Grandmaster Boris Spassky — and both complained about sensing some kind of interference. Was one (or both) of the governments interfering with the match, to influence it?]
"I get some 'MKUltra-ish' stuff was going on, as they were trying to influence them to see if they could control the moves. There was something like a gas put into the air that probably made them feel bad, and more vulnerable to psychic attack. I get it was the US doing this, but it had no impact on the match (just made the players feel like they were coming down with the flu)."

[Is he to be a dragon? And is it related to that giant black bat-winged thing I once saw?]
He does look kind of dragon-like. Similar to what you saw and experienced (but it wasn't him). I don't think he was this thing before. I know this is REALLY out there. Oddly, this probably came through the way it did, as far as not letting me continue, until I talked it all through. It’s like the universe or something wanted me to reveal this..??"
[What level being, exactly?]
"4th, though on the lower end."
[Note: It’s important to note that aetheric (higher vibrational) dragons are GOOD (rainbow dragons, for example); they actually come in all colors, are highly intelligent and fierce -- and loyal.]

[So, he’s not David Wilcock.]
"No. It’s just a coincidence that they look similar. I don't see them as one in the same."
[Sorry, David.]
And that’s it. Join us next time for one thing or another! And if you’re not planning to meditate during this Monday’s eclipse… meditate during this Monday’s eclipse. It’s not the eclipse, but ALL OF US who are making the difference.
Loved it. The reading/image of pope francis, is it negative or positive⁉️ Will his vibration raise or will it be lower⁉️ That wasnt clear to me.
Well, next lifetime as a "bat-thing" doesn't sounds like a positive turn to me. Just saying...
I'm not sure it was clear to anyone!
Thats my chain of thought
Glad am not the only one
I read some remarks about the chess match a few years ago. The Russians had a psychic in the audience that was trying to negatively influence Bobby Fischer. The psychic was trying to remotely influence Fischer by suggesting 'I am no good, I can't win, Boris is better' etc... Fischer said he felt uncomfortable and had problems concentrating but I don't know if the psychic was a factor. But it illustrated that the Russians / USSR would do anything and everything to beat the U.S. in any circumstance. I do not recall anything about the U.S. being involved, but maybe it was not popularly known at the time.
It's a shame that Fischer can't apply those skills to free energy today. It would change everything. It would checkmate the Middle East....pun intended..........:)
Thanks for your blog Lynn.
Hi lynn! I heard edgar caycee (cansee) was an incarnation of marduk and so wS wilcock...can you confirm. If so what his future...marduk?
So the reincarnated Houdini lives in my hometown, nice 😄
Could the Batman being be the Mothman?
I've come to the conclusion that Pope Francis is a great con artist and that there was an orchestrated removal of Benedict to install this Jesuit Pope. Lynn's furture live as a cave dwelling demon reminds me of how she saw Soros coming back as a non human demon. The Jesuits have always been the dark force in Catholicism, and traditionally act poor because that way they can better ask for money. Francis has been very key in insisting Italians accept the hordes of immigrants arriving on their shores.
Alex Jones has been putting out many segments on Pope Francis and these are two links to interesting insights from an Italian expert Leo Zagami that talks about the corruption and pedophilia that goes on in the Vatican and the role of Francis in overseeing this.
@Robert Schoen.
The last pope (we can hope) as the prophecy of St. Malachy states. the global meditation, please join and make it viral
Did you mean that this giant bat will exist in the new 4d layer that is being introduced during the shift...... ?? Will it be common to have "monster type of animals" on the new 4d layer like this? (For the lower vibration brings) or will the bat exist in a different dimension altogether? Can you clarify?
Beings* not brings, lol
Don't think any poor has been good. It's a job requirement to be a creep.
Thanks for the comments and sharing!
I couldn't get a read on the "bat being" being good or bad. It really was confusing (but felt intended to be that way). It did feel 4D, and yes, all types of being will be in that reality. They will be seen and felt differently though.
Wow, interesting! It's still a hard concept to grasp, that some lower vibration beings will be stuck in the 3D to work out their karma, life lessons, etc. while others have the opportunity to migrate into the 4d. I thought the new 4D realm was reserved only for the positive ascended ones. It feels like one of these fantasy sci fi realms you see in video games is slowly unfolding.
At least Pope Francis will still have a career with Disney. ;)
I have read that each dimension has different levels--lower, mid, high. Lower 4D can experience a lifetime that seems to be unenlightened in their own view and a being of higher vision will experience them without condemnation. I think 4D will be less negative and judgmental for everyone. I feel that Francis might use the lifetime of a bat in a dark cave as a quiet meditation away from all distractions. I sincerely hope that he is the last pope of the catholic church. I hope that the world has a very different view of religion from this day forward. I pray for more love and less hate in the world.
Can somebody explain what is a level 4 being and how many levels of beings are there?
A bat is completely different from a dragon. Dragons live underwater and not in a bat cave.
Buddhism has already taught that reincarnation in animal form isn't rare so don't read the bible which teaches the wrong views.
Edgar Cayce himself recorded a dream of his next life:
“I had been born again in 2100 A.D. in Nebraska. The sea apparently covered all of the western part of the country, as the city where I lived was on the coast. The family name was a strange one. At an early age as a child I declared myself to be Edgar Cayce who had lived 200 years before. Scientists, men with long beads, little hair, and thick glasses, were called in to observe me. They decided to visit the places where I said I had been born, lived, and worked in Kentucky, Alabama, New York, Michigan, and Virginia.
“Taking me with them the group of scientists visited these places in a long, cigar-shaped metal flying ship which moved at a high speed.
“Water covered part of Alabama. Norfolk, Virginia, had become an immense seaport. New York had been destroyed either by war or an immense earthquake and was being rebuilt. Industries were scattered over the countryside. Most of the houses were built of glass. Many records of my work as Edgar Cayce were discovered and collected.
“The group returned to Nebraska, taking the records with them to study… These changes in the earth will come to pass, for the time and times and half times are at an end, and there begins those periods for the readjustments…”
Thank you for the comments. Thanks for taking time to share your thoughts for all of us to learn.
@John: Thanks for sharing. I had not read this. Very interesting...
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