Q. Hi Lynn, Could you please do a reading on Indigo people? I recently found out about Indigo people. There seems to be fascinating information about them on Internet, but not supported scientifically and totally buffed by Wikipedia.
Is there really any truth in this 'Indigo People Theory' or is it just a word given to people having certain traits?
(Wikipedia link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indigo_children)
A. I see this as a term used to group people that share many of the same traits and abilities. They feel (most times) introverted, and very tactile (sensitive to texture and smells). I see them as being empathic, knowing and feeling what others experience, and not always understanding why.
I also get since they do have heightened sensitivities and realize they have differences, as they get older they have a difficult time feeling as though they belong. They may be with a group of people and still feel alone because they view the world so differently that they have a difficult relating. They see people as spiritual beings living a human experience and the superficial things feel so little in the vastness of our existence.
I see there is truth to the Indigo People Theory, and it is much more than just a word, They are people that have abilities to tap into a subconscious reality (full of emotion and higher vibrational thoughts) while assimilating in a conscious world.
Q. What is their mission on earth?
A. Their mission is to learn and grow through experience. They feel like people that are meant to introduce higher vibrational abilities into the conscious mind of our 3D reality. They are helping to shift the current paradigm for when earth merges into a 4D existence.
Q. If they have a mission to fulfill then why do they seem to fall in misguided lapse or sense of loss of direction? Thank you in advance.
A. They look to feel lost when they know they are different from other people, and don't know why. They can even have a hard time verbalizing it since much of what they experience is emotion or feeling based. We are trained when we are children to want to fit in and be "normal" (whatever that may mean), and when they feel abnormal, they think something is wrong. I see many times gifts being suppressed, but nothing can stay suppressed forever.
When Indigo People embrace the difference, own it and honor their abilities, the results can be beautiful.
And that is all I have for this reading. Thank you. Love and light-
I am a mom of 4 with a passion for helping others. Using an intuitive spin I write on a variety of [controversial] topics. My goal is to find truth and offer guidance. You can request a topic for the Public Blog or schedule a Personal Intuitive Health, Wealth, Relationship or Happiness Coaching Session by clicking the appropriate tab. Please consider checking out exclusive content on my SubscribeStar and Substack channel. God Bless, Lynn
Indigo people are what Michael Newton would call 'old souls'. That is souls that have reached a higher vibrational level than most souls living on Earth at present which are still 'young souls'. Indigo color is higher in vibration compared to other colors such as blue, yellow, read.
All of us have to go through the evolutionary path.
As an adult Indigo, your reading is pretty accurate, thank you Lynn, however there is more to indigo's than just old souls who see reality differently. We came here for a specific mission and unfortunately at the present moment most indigo's are still asleep and do not know who they really are and what they are here for, however there are many of us who are trying to change this and we are trying to wake up indigo's to their true calling. I can go into more detail about indigo missions, how many there are here etc. however this information is available online if you know where to look, and you certainly will not find much depth or truth to indigo's on lame stream sites like wikipedia...
There are variations on this theme. Dolores Cannon called them the "Three waves of volunteers" — "Some have come direct from the "Source" and have never lived in any type of physical body before. Others have lived as space beings on other planets or other dimensions. Because all memory is erased upon entry to the Earth dimension, they do not remember their assignment. Thus these beautiful souls have a difficult time adjusting to our chaotic world. These souls have a vital role to play as they help all of the rest of us ascend to the New Earth."
More recently, a lot of Youtube channels discuss Starseeds, people who spent more lives as alien beings and who are down here to help raise our vibrations in preparation for ascension to 4D (our consciousness is expanding from 3D to 4D reality). They have a lot of trouble down here on earth because of the "forgetting" and are often misunderstood by their families and society. Many will end up being medicated. Pamela Aralyn has a YouTube channel, as does Gigi Young. Lots more...just look up starseed.
Here is an interview with Pamela Aralyn about galactic origins: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qW00hX8GDmo
Gigi Young on "What is a Starseed": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nlHXwcSNvYs&t=189s
And Gigi on why it matters: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ULNoHKSVCLg
IMHO Starseeds is a general term, and although indigo's are starseeds, not all starseeds are indigo's. Indigo's originate from the same star system and came here on a mission many many many 'moons' ago. We are similar in traits and abilities and our mission here is the same, however there are indigo types, namely type 1, type 2 and type 3. All 3 types have different abilities and slightly different missions...
Fascinating! Could you explain the other types please?
It can get complicated due to the origins and because so much has happened over the eons. The terminology is also different to what we are used to however here is a brief summary:
Type-1 Indigo - most uncommon type - have advanced psychic and occasionally direct manifestation abilities, usually have physical contact with their Elder Race family in childhood and have a core life purpose to fulfill advanced planetary grid work contracts. They are sensitive to everything and often remain detached from human issues to focus on their service contract. They hold great love within for all life forms.
Type-2 Indigo - second most common type - Dominants have advanced psychic development and may have open interdimensional contact from birth throughout life. They are gifted in linguistic translation, the arts, music and interpersonal diplomacy, but may become excessively introverted due to fear of the earth environment. Type-2’s are the most personable of the 3 Indigos and enjoy human bonding if sheltered. Energy healers are often type-2 Indigo's.
Type-3 Indigo - most common type - have the most extremes in polarity issues of all of the Indigos, are highly intelligent, mathematically inclined and athletic and may have difficulty with emotional bonding issues. May seem like “angel & devil” in 1 body, this is because Type-3 Indigos are literal incarnations of 2 different avatars in one body.
Thank you, Zioax. What would you say you are?
I am definitely type-3, thanks for asking :)
You're welcome. :)
I wonder what kind of environment you would have if you had a room filled with Indigo people. Especially school children that learned and looked at the world differently. I think a school full of Indigo children would be interesting.
@ Alice....I follow both of the channels you suggested, as well as Abbey Normal and Spirit Channel. I bet if a personality profile was done on each of us, along with our personal interests; that there would be a lot of common traits among us that are not commonly found in the average person.
Thanks Lynn.
@Raymond, I think so too -- will check out those other channels. Thanks!
This subject is fascinating to me, because a number of years ago I was 'diagnosed' with Asperger's Syndrome. Obviously I had been that way since infancy, and had dreadful problems that I couldn't even put words to. Autism had always been defined as a male thing, a logic thing, and medically a repulsive, negative thing, although whenever I read about the basic issues I thought 'but that's my life'. Then about 10-20 years ago with the rise of the internet, autistic people had a voice to describe the world as they saw it rather than how neurotypical 'professionals' saw it according to the medical dogma.
This is why my 'diagnosis' became possible, as there were so many people who had different brains but didn't fit the old pathological model. There was so much more to it, and that is now becoming the accepted norm about Autism. What people thought autism was, was wrong, or rather incomplete. Not only that, but what Autism is can be interpreted as an alternative world of beautiful gifts.
So, it's not a boy thing, but boys were the ones who manifested it more in the male kind of way from the outside (because originally only boys had been studied). Far from having no empathy, Autists have super-empathy and sensory acuity, soaking up psychically whatever is around them. This becomes unbearable when you don't know how to deal with it, so people protect themselves by shutting the world out and staying away from the bombardment. Autists can see the truth about people and how the world works, in ways that science can't measure. They cannot bear to be fake or dishonest, and speak the truth like the little boy who saw the Emperor was wearing no clothes. This makes contradictory social rules confusing, and getting along with 'normal' people is hard. They don't understand predatory behaviour, and become targets. They are disliked and rejected. A life full of this leads to terrible behavioural and emotional problems which also then get labelled pathologically.
As female Autists began speaking out about how they were, it became clear that there were feminine-type gifts that came under the banner that had been ignored before. So Autistic boys were stereotyped as liking machines, trainspotting, maths, etc, while Autistic girls tended to commune with animals, explore depth psychology, literature and the humanistic academia, mysticism, Astrology (which is - oh! - a type of maths!) etc.
Along with the opening up of what Autism might be, there was another world opening up in the New Age, namely the culture of Indigo/Starseed/etc children which spread online. While I was waiting for my Aspie 'diagnosis', I happened on one of those online tests 'Are you a Starseed?'I did it for fun really, like a Cosmo quiz. There was a long list in the article, about all the types of perceptions and gifts that Starseeds and their ilk experience and how they are different from 'normies'. To my astonishment, all I saw was a list of autistic traits. The only difference was that in medical lists, they are deemed negative, things to be stifled or 'cured'. In Starseed world, they are positive aspects to treasure and develop. Look at the traits described in posts above, isn't it just the same thing in a different societal frame?
The rise of the Age of Indigos/Staseeds is the rise of the Age of Autism, which is the rise of the Age of Aquarius, and the Internet - itself characteristic of Aquarian values, developed by people who were on the spectrum - was the key that liberated them. Up until these realisations, I was in a state of permanent victimhood and persecution, and suicidal self loathing. Being alive was torture. Now I feel an inner glow, and understand that I am part of the future.
People talk a lot about Oneness, rising above polarity and all that. This is my experience of all the dots joining up. I am so happy 'now' is happening.
I am so sorry I write these long posts, it comes with the 'pathology' lol.
@Kalamota Kook, It was a great post. I enjoyed it immensely and learned a lot.
I feel like I could be an indigo, I am awake but still stuck and have been for many years. I know I need to start meditating to move forward but I still feel like I'm stuck in making that happen. Not sure why this is or why I'm blocking it
I feel like I could be an indigo, I am awake but still stuck and have been for many years. I know I need to start meditating to move forward but I still feel like I'm stuck in making that happen. Not sure why this is or why I'm blocking it
@Blimpy Peach, Have you tried moving meditation where you allow yourself to go into a meditative state while you are doing something? (i.e. while walking, gardening, cleaning cat litter) It may be easier to encompass into your daily life.
Thank you so much for the comments and sharing!! I really enjoyed reading through this. Hugs-
"They feel like people that are meant to introduce higher vibrational abilities into the conscious mind of our 3D reality. They are helping to shift the current paradigm for when earth merges into a 4D existence." ....thank you for verbalizing this...!! xoxo
It's been explained to me over time through my dreams that I was an "indigo prototype". In short, the energy signature had to be fine-tuned in the beginning before the first big wave came in. I like Lynn's description. Here's a bit more color. Indigo have 4th density capable bodies. Meaning they can transition from 3rd to 4th density while incarnated. This is new. The transition is marked by an opening/activation of the heart chakra. Some have accomplished this already and are fully 4D. This will start happening more and more and at younger and younger ages over time. Trust me...it was not easy being as empathic as I was in the old energy. Many of the "prototypes" didn't make it, and I almost didn't make it myself. Each new wave gets an energetic upgrade as the energy here improves and supports it. Get too aggressive with the upgrades and they don't acclimate well (e.g. lots of suicides, depression, get put in retalin, etc).
I am a type 2! As a fellow and somewhat young indigo, could you please share other online resources to help us out? I'm in that "I don't know what my purpose is" phase.
@ashley please message me on bretttech44@gmail for more info.
Mathematically inclined - check. "Athletic" - don't know about that, lol... As for the manifesting abilities mentioned in the type 1, I think we all have the ability to manifest, although perhaps Indigos are more aware of it. I've had very high indigo scores on some aura color tests, so who knows, maybe I am one.
I have the Asperger's diagnose as well, and I hate to say it but I'm not that impressed with the other people with this diagnose that I've met in my life. I find that a lot of them is lacking an own identity and they simply copy from the mainstream of society. I find most to be not that spiritually aware, except for myself.
I just wrote out a load of ideas and responses to people on the thread, but the whole thing's been swallowed up into the void. Oh well, it was obviously meant to be (gnashes teeth) I'll try again later.
These comments are amazing!!! Can you indigo's please explain how you realized you were an indigo? I find this interesting;)
@Amanda Nicolich.
My two cents on the matter would be that I think we all have an intuitive knowing of who we are. However that does not automatically translate into different terms used in society, unless you are aware of them. I would guess that for many it starts as a feeling, which is then translated into a term such as "indigo", when they come across a term that matches their experience. The term then also serves as an explanation for their feelings. However "indigo" actually refers to the color of the aura, so in the purest sense, the only way to "realize" that you're an indigo is if you're clairvoyant and can see your own aura.
I am jealous of all these Indigo people. I think I am permanently stuck at orange or yellow.
Thank you for all the comments and sharing! I continue to learn so much from all of you! Hugs=
The “Indigo” description emerged through intuitive observation of the “subtle body” or auric field, in which a greater concentration of color in the Blue wave spectra is a dominant feature. This would be the starting point. There are explanations online on how to read the color of your auric field. If it is blueish/purple then more than likely you are an indigo.
Regarding what Alice Liu mentioned above - "Starseeds, people who spent more lives as alien beings and who are down here to help raise our vibrations in preparation for ascension to 4D" - this is accurate with starseeds, as well as indigo's, however with indigos we accomplish this in a different way to other starseeds. I will not go into it more here as the information is vast and complex, but it concerns the DNA Matrix and restoring the Codes of Ascension to the Human lineage, where all 3 types work on this in a slightly different way according to their abilities.
It's all based on divine will. I just recently spoke to someone who also confirmed that where we are heading as human species is already determined. Just like one of lynns readings we will be more robotic.
"old souls" have been here forever and it's only of the last decades that we are more concentrated on this earth.
Since the time of materialism is coming to an end many of us are introducing spirituality back in civilications. As in remember the old ways.
Most of us are spiritual souls who are brought into a world where there is a lack of understanding and knowledge. So we might take on different challenges to further our own spiritual learning process. Or the soul might be put on hold to protect itself and the only thing you have to do is wait until the time is right. So we come in toxic and disfunctial situations for example.
Old souls must be dealing with the inside whereas younger souls deal with the outside.
I just woke up feeling down about dealing with relationships. Not understanding people or wanting to deal with the world and its lack of love and consideration. Now when I say I dont understand ppl, I actually can read their thoughts at times and can see them and I guess feel a lot about them. But I dont understand why they do what they do. It can get depressing. So I try to just accept ppl as they are. And focus on my goals which have the overall purpose of helping ppl with greater understanding that may lead them to higher actions. Ive always felt old and out of place since I was a child. And I tried to fit in, with disastrous results for my life. Now I accept that I cant do what everybody else does. All tbat to say, Im feeling better reading these comments. Dont feel so alone. A psychic said she saw violet in my aura. So Im guessing (knowing) Im part of this group. Once a psychic told me it was like I was sleep. I think it takes time for the mind and experiences to develop and ripen enough for the soul to begin to manifest the big goals it may have for this life. Some are called or maybe volunteered to be in the world but not of it. So here we are. :)
@Amanda Nicolich: I've learned a lot from direct experiences and then dreams that explained the context of the experience.
@Ashley Filippo: Everyone's purpose is to grow spiritually in my humble opinion. The more progress you make the easier it is for those around you to make progress. Your energy affects everyone around you. I found great benefit from the Law of One material. A major milestone is to open your heart chakra. This has little to do with what you do on the outside and everything to do with what you do on the inside. The inside is primary....outside is derivative. There is no bigger lesson IMO.
My guess is that at LEAST 60% of children today are indigo. Don't expect that all indigos will be especially psychic or if you are not especially empathic that you are not an indigo. Indigos are far more sensitive in many ways. My son is not especially psychic or empathic but he very sensitive emotionally and especially sensitive to bright light and loud sounds. If you know a child on retalin, then they 95%+ probability indigo. The child doesn't need to be fixed, their environment does. The drugs are hurting them (and therefore everyone) long term.
@Darryl T. Barnes - your words to Ashley are very true and the path to growth you mention 'is' the path take out of this mess.
However with all due respect, your comments (guess) regarding indigo numbers and their 'psych' makeup is inaccurate and unfortunately sounds a little like what has been put out about indigo's for millennia. We do not need to 'guess' anymore, we now know the truth. We have the facts. IMO The 'new age' spin on indigo's is designed to keep indigos asleep and to prevent them from realising and fulfilling their true missions. It is designed to label them and stick them in a corner. Being an Indigo may sound good to some, but unless you know the full scope of the truth about it, you are being deceived.
As an example - Presently there are only about 2.5 million indigo type 3's incarnate on earth today, about 700k type 2's and only about 6000 type 1's. Between 1999-2017 another 150,000 Indigo Children have incarnated, all holding a specific contract to assist with 'ascension'. Unfortunately most will not be awake enough in time for them to fulfill their contracts/missions or even realise and start, but for those of us who are - we are working hard everyday to do what we came here to do so very long ago...
@Zioax Well, mellenia means thousands of years, so perhaps we're talking about two different phenomena. The phenomena I'm talking about is a few decades old. Best of luck on your mission.
how do you know you are one?
how do you know you are one?
If you are asking me...I am nothing. I am nobody. I don't know any facts, and I'm no Type I, II, or III. Best of luck...
Thank you so much for all the sharing! I really appreciate all of you. This is such a great community!!
@alice liu, thank you, I've actually rediscovered music that I used to listen to in my twenties and have been singing to my little hearts content while in the car (so no one can hear me) and I feel like that is putting me in a zone. Am looking into Tai chi too. Thanks for your suggestions x
I just re read this post. I had my aura read recently and I was told I have an indigo aura. Is this the same thing that you are mentioning? Thanks!
@Amanda: Indigo is a term, but yes it can relate to this group of people. People that are in this category usually have very active and bright third eye and crown chakras (that can be indigo or white). When that chakra is active, it most times translates to the aura. This is a really GREAT thing!
Thx ❤
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