Q. I have suggestions for a public reading or two. The first subject is the collision of a U. S. Navy destroyer and a very large merchant ship off the coast of Japan. This happened several weeks ago. I was in the Navy, way back when, and I find it inconceivable that such a thing could have happened, given what I knew about such matters from my time in the service. My intuition tells me that there is much more to this story than meets the eye. Also, the press did not give much coverage to it, despite it being much more newsworthy than that. Several sailors died in the incident and I think we are all owed a more extensive explanation, just for their sake, than we got.
A. As I tune into this I get there was a cover-up for a much more serious issue. I actually see this rooted with North Korea versus a Japanese thing. I get that North Korea is ramping up their forces, and they are fine tuning their defenses. Not only are they enhancing their defensive tactics, but their offensive strategies are strong. I see some kind of device that jams signals or corrupts signals was used on the USS Fitzgerald, and North Korea feels connected to it. It is a message to the US (and other countries) that they won't be bullied, and keep ships out of their waters (and even close in proximity). As the USS Fitzgerald had it's signal corrupted, the merchant ship auto piloted into her.
The military knows that something happened, and the controls were tampered with, but they hesitate to say it too loudly because it admits weakness, and promotes fear. I get some kind of strategy against North Korea is being discussed, and until there is a plan, all of this is being quieted.
Q. The second subject is the crash of a military KC135 airplane in Mississippi a short while back. Sixteen servicemen were killed, all Marines except for one Navy corpsman who was apparently assigned to their unit as a medic. They were all highly trained individuals who were apparently special forces troops. The report said that one observer on the ground described the plane as spinning into the ground. Allowing such a large plane to get into a spin is something that pilots would never do out of carelessness or incompetence. Other reports said there was an explosion on board. They were said to be carrying a large amount of ammo with them. In this case, too, my intuition says something is amiss here.
A. As I focus on this, I get a huge sense of imbalance with the plane. It is like one side is stronger than the other (one is doing the lifting more than the other or one engine is pulling harder??). I see them fighting against that in addition to turbulence issues. It feels as though they though they could strong arm the controls to keep balance (they have been trained to do this during simulations). Out of nowhere I hear "some kind flap snapped" and what normally would cause a rising motion on the wing, did the reverse and pushed downward. That created this spiraling motion that was not recoverable. This horrible event looks like it was caused due to the combination of the plane malfunctioning and turbulence.
And that is all I have for this reading. Thank you. Please send love and light to the families.
I am a mom of 4 with a passion for helping others. Using an intuitive spin I write on a variety of [controversial] topics. My goal is to find truth and offer guidance. You can request a topic for the Public Blog or schedule a Personal Intuitive Health, Wealth, Relationship or Happiness Coaching Session by clicking the appropriate tab. Please consider checking out exclusive content on my SubscribeStar and Substack channel. God Bless, Lynn
Witnesses heard a boom in the sky with the C130, and debris was strewn over 5 miles which suggests a mid-air breakup. Any idea what the explosion was?
@Alice: Interesting... I heard the phrase "the flap snapped," so perhaps it had to do with that. Like a piece broke in mid air. Not b/c of an explosion, but the "flap snapping" could create a bold sound...
A KC-135 is a refueler. It carries thousands of gallons of jet fuel in its belly to refuel other aircraft in the sky. I think it is referred to as a flying gas tank. Perhaps the plane exploded in the air as a result of the flap breaking off and creating a spark. The last time a KC 135 was built was in 1965. That's not good.
Thanks for the reading on the collision. I hope something is done about Kim Jung Un real soon before it escalates into something much worse.
Thanks for your blog Lynn.
This plan was allegedly carrying a large shipment of illegal arms, tied to members of Congress and its destruction was a strong message to stop these activities. It's sad that innocent soldiers died in the process. There were too many people on board, this type of plane usually has a crew of 4 people and it never carries ammunition like this. There is much more to this story than we are being told.
@Enlighten Your Life: I didn't know (or want to know) and details of this going into it. After reading your comment, you may be right. Maybe this "flap" was meant to break ???
Spy vs. Spy? White Hats took out a Black Hat plane? I have suspected since 2009 that there is an internecine, internal civil war going on within our government and the "controllers" of it. Occassionally, it gets bloody. Is this one of those times? Feels like it to me.
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