Q. I have been looking at various celebrities in the alternative media and even those in the mainstream, who supposedly want to change society for the better. Over the years it has become obvious, if you look closely at their words and actions, that many of them are gate keepers or controlled opposition. That means they give us a sense of comfort and satisfaction that there is a change, awakening, exposure, disclosure etc. happening, while in reality keeping us trapped in the same old status quo.
Can you give a short comment on each of the following figures and tell us:
- At what point in their career they got bought off by the PTW?
- What leverage is used against them (money, fame, threats)?
- And, if they are even aware of being toys in a larger game of deception?
A. I see that there was this pivotal point where he went from really struggling, (and i hear the term "grit") to things being easy. It was at that point when he was approached by some larger and more powerful people that something in him changed. I see the MTV logo, and see these "powerful people" tied to that media outlet (or something similar). Bono was getting a huge following and his music was becoming more and more popular. There was a huge promise of money and fame, and as long as he stayed within certain boundaries, he was on their "good" side. He didn't realize he was being manipulated, but he did realize his life was aligning into what he wanted. Now that he has accomplished many of the things he set out to do, he doesn't want to shake up his life. It feels like a form of control, without realizing he is being controlled. I then hear this is the best type of control for the PTW (Powers That Were) because there is no push back.
Edward Snowden (the guy who managed to smuggle 2TB of sensitive data out of a highly secured NSA facility and was able to hide from all of the most powerful intelligence agencies for one month in an airport toilet in Moscow without getting tracked down by them, really?)

Glenn Greenwald (he was the first to bravely publish Snowden's revelations of the extent of the surveillance state but now releases obviously manufactured military propaganda in his independent magazine The Intercept)
A. He looks to have published this information because he felt it was the right thing to do. He was passionate about letting the people know what was really going on regarding privacy. People started to really look into things and question what they were being told. I get that right after he published this information, and other stories arose due to it (the trickle down effect was in full force), the PTW took a close look and knew they had to do some kind of damage control. He was approached and threatened. At first he ignored it, and then the threats escalated to where he got scared (they threatened family). He was allowed to release some approved truths (because that is what the people were looking for) but he had to incorporate some of "their" stories too (the PTW are dominantly Democratic and very anti-Trump). I get he does not feel good at the direction this is going, but he fears he cannot go in any other way.

Jacob Appelbaum (is an ex-Wikileaks member, underground hacker and charismatic speaker for online privacy and yet he keeps recommending people to use the supposedly safe network Tor, which is known to be have been compromised many years ago by the NSA. In general he seems to know more about the current state of surveillance than he admits)
A. He was approached a long time ago. When the PTW could not get to Snowden in time, they went after anyone associated or capable to providing assistance. He was approached and they attempted to pay him off. At first he didn't take the bribe, but then they added a dose of fear to the bribe, which he took. I see him standing there and staring at these two guys. They told him, "you will do what we tell you, so you may as well take the money." Appelbaum took it, got in his car, and as he was driving he got so nauseous at this situation he had to pull over to get sick. He sort of did this mental disconnect, and from that point forward he knew that he lost control.

Steven Greer (he made disclosure a household term by organizing a UFO press conference in Washington in 2001, but since then has been spreading lots of disinformation about extraterrestrials, holding back the best of his witness testimony, and in general has a really, really weird vibe).
A. He does feel like a plant from some other government organization. I want to say CIA (but it isn't exactly called that??). It looks like the topic of UFOs could no longer be hidden, so rather than let random truths out, they (the PTW) organized a way to let these truths out in a controlled way. This government organization looks like they allow a certain amount of non-classified info out, but only enough to keep people slightly satisfied. I get that Greer is more like an orchestrated character as the face of PTW's subtle disclosure than an independent man that went rogue.
- Snowden really pulled this stunt off all by himself? Unbelievable. Judging by the latest Wikileaks releases the NSA should have located him and his laptops anywhere in the world within 24 hours via any phone, TV, street camera, fridge, electricity socket or even his probable implants.
He did use assistance from the enemies of the PTW. I hear that the enemy of his enemy is really his friend.
- Very sorry to hear the situation about Appelbaum; he seemed to be a good guy at heart. The information he reveals about the hacking capabilities of the US are staggering. So is he just holding back the deeper info or spreading disinformation?
He sprinkles a little bit of truth, but the disinfo agents have him under close scrutiny. He is very limited in his abilities at the time.
And that is all I have for this reading. Thank you. Love and light-
[A few follow-ups..]
[A few follow-ups..]
- it must be very frustrating for these initially free-thinking minds to be under constant duress and lie to the public. Are some of them trying to tell the bigger truth via different oulets, such as close friends, fiction, Freudian slips, etc.?
I get to pay close attention to conflicts as they communicate. For example, if they are showing a diagram, and it appears there is a time delay with what they are saying, this is a clue it isn't right. They are not able to (generally speaking) do this as often as they want, but there is some premeditation when they feel they can. Also pay attention to slip ups, but these get edited, so they are not as blatant. As I type this I see them using their eyes when they are not speaking truthfully (they look to look up or look up to the side, and it is involuntary).
I get to pay close attention to conflicts as they communicate. For example, if they are showing a diagram, and it appears there is a time delay with what they are saying, this is a clue it isn't right. They are not able to (generally speaking) do this as often as they want, but there is some premeditation when they feel they can. Also pay attention to slip ups, but these get edited, so they are not as blatant. As I type this I see them using their eyes when they are not speaking truthfully (they look to look up or look up to the side, and it is involuntary).
He did use assistance from the enemies of the PTW. I hear that the enemy of his enemy is really his friend.
He sprinkles a little bit of truth, but the disinfo agents have him under close scrutiny. He is very limited in his abilities at the time.
What frustrates me more about this is why they are allowed to go after family and innocent without consequence? I get earth has been under control by dark forces and it's basically "their" terf but are we not allowed to speak truth with any protection? Sure, we're allowed to start little blogs like this but the minute you get a large appeal you are bribed, threatened,or "heart attacked". This whole process could have gone faster if we were given some help is all I'm saying :/
So... does telling a lie to one person mean karma x 1 and lying to thousands as karma x 1000? Does it work that way? Are these folks digging a deep hole for themselves that they'll have to work on for lifetimes to come? (e.g., HRC's next life doesn't seem to show much in the way of karmic repercussions.)
Also, what do you get for:
-Dr Steve Pieczenik
-Ben Fulford
-VP Mike Pence
-Alex Jones
-Courtney Brown
Lynn, what could you tell about PtW in latin america?
There recently this regime pf cuba being open to us after many years and brazil is going through a very stressing unbalance of its democracy. Are these related to the PTW?
I felt that this reading was one of your most powerful, Lynn, and thanks to the requester--what an insightful topic!!! Helps me as I think of people who appear to have one agenda and then, oddly, don't appear to adopt consistent positions or strategies to follow up. Such behaviors may not indicate that they are "controlled opposition," but given the confusing disinformation which pervades everywhere these days, we can, at least, consider this option. Very interesting and enlightening for me!
Thank you so much for the info! I seem to recall you covering Alex Jones and him wanting to tell his stories but him possibly being held back. He seems more credible now than in the past. Do you have names of people that were held back by the PTW but are now getting the truth out? So much info to sift through. Also any updates on Assange? Thank you again.
@Dada-would love to see Max Spiers on your list. His death is so unsettling. Feel like he was onto the pedo corruption.
Can you please add "The Ruiner" to Da-da's list? His very interesting blog from 2015: http://theruiner777.blogspot.com
This was one of my favorite blog posts in awhile. There are times where I think am just frickin' crazy and then I read something like this and I realize na, it's the world.
This was both great and frustrating. I would ask for a list of those whom the PTW have not touched, but I would guess that it would be a really short list. I wish someone would just say the truth out loud and tell the public that their family has been threatened. As I was watching James Comey's testimony to Congress, I kept feeling like they put a gun to his family's head. It's a sad state of affairs when we are waiting for things like pedogate to break open so that these people can be exposed.
Sadly, issues surround Comey from the Clinton White Water scandal 20 years ago, where Comey was a deputy special counsel on the Senate Whitewater Committee looking into the conduct of then President Bill Clinton and the first lady. Which side did this coin fall? No idea. But the Clintons got off scot free while everyone else... did not. Not a judgment. Just the facts of the case.
Thanks, Da-da. I didn't mean to suggest that Comey was a good man, but he looks so defeated. I guess when you spend 20 years digging a hole that is as wide as it is deep, you really can't see any way you can dig your way out.
would love to hear more about the "white hats" that are out there... i think we all NEED to hear about that actually...we keep hearing that things will get better (here and over at the CATs site amongst others) but to watch the deep state pushback is kinda crushing sometimes. thanks Lynn& DaDa for all the work btw.
Things ARE getting better -- a LOT better, infinitely so, in fact -- but paying attention to the feigned veracity of whistleblower details is not what we're supposed to be doing. We're supposed to be unplugging and looking ahead, LIVING AHEAD. Who cares about all these petty political squabbles/fantasies? Some of us are literally SEEING the New Earth AND IT'S RIGHT THERE, right above our heads, about 30 feet. You can meditate UP to it.
So... you gotta ask youself a question: what do you want? Superman words (Truth, Justice & the American Way), or the ultimate retirement from this sad and polluted civilization? It's time to grow UP with the New Earth. Make it so.
Very true dada, we should mediate and turn our hearts and minds to live within our greatest light. unsubscribe from the craziness keep calm and carry on (a better version of oneself that is).
Wow, great reading! To add to Da-da's list, I'd love to hear about the authenticity of:
Simon Parkes
David Wilcock
Corey Goode
Thanks for all you do, Lynn!
Lots of comments! Thank you everyone!!! I see a really great list of people to add to a future reading. Thanks for the suggestions. It will be interesting!
Hi Lynn. I wonder if you might provide some clarification about your comment, "the PTW are dominantly Democratic and very anti-Trump". It's been my longstanding observation that the Republicans are the ones driven by Randianism (the doctrine of selfishness), in wishing to further enrich the already rich, by taking away the health insurance of the less advantages. And also in wishing to declare as "other" the LGBT population and reversing their equality gains of the past decade, as well as denying women abortion rights.
The Democrats have in recent times been the party of liberty, of free will, and are philosophically attuned to the "service to others" side of the battle for hearts and minds in today's America.
So, how can Trump be a positive development? He wants to do the opposite of what would be right for the people; he is supported by, and advancing the agenda of, the Randians.
Can you help me see what I'm missing? Thanks very much!
@Jim Christian, That definition of Democrats is a stereotype. The Democratic party is run by NeoLiberals. This does not mean they are super duper liberal, it means the opposite. NeoLiberals are basically socially liberal NEOCONS (think Dick Cheney). So in the past 8 years of NeoLiberalism, they bombed 8 countries in 8 years without the authorization of Congress, they bailed out banks, increased fracking, punished third world countries that tried to convert to solar power, pushed for the TPP which would have given exorbitant control over to large corporations, passed the Daded the Act, eroded the constitution through presidential overreach, made propaganda (using the media to lie for the government agenda) legal, prosecuted whistleblowers, setc. The NeoLiberal candidate ran the largest money laundering scheme in the world and her policies as secretary of state led to the deaths of tens of millions of civilian Muslims, the displacement of hundreds of millions, and a refugee crisis that is destabilizing the EU. She also authorized the use of Sarin gas (a weapon of mass destruction) against civilians. If this is your idea of service to others, then there is no hope.
"Dark Act" not Daded (sorry about the typo).
Alice, I appreciate your speedy and fulsome response. While obviously those are all terrible policies, it's unclear to me why the domestic policies of the new administration and its Randian supporters are anything other than a disaster for this country. Can you explain why these supposed "good guys" are engaging in environmental destruction, as well as all the policies I listed in my post? Thanks!
Incidentally, I'm not coming from a political perspective. I'm simply trying to understand why spiritual people regard this administration with such unqualified enthusiasm, given its numerous and obvious problems...
Jim, I'm not supporting the domestic policy. I applaud TPP and Trump's vaccine stance. He said gay marriage is "settled law." While my knee jerk reaction is to be against a lot of Trump's policies, I'm trying to see how I may have been deluded by my some of own preconceptions as well. I do know that the bullying and shaming on the part of the left pushed him closer to the right, so I think the Dems need to rethink their strategy because he does not think or react like a politician. Aaaaaanyway, what happened during the Democratic primary where the DNC controlled the media narrative and stole the election, a lot of people became aware of the Deep State. So, many people are not so much pro-Trump as they are anti-Deep State (PTW). It's a matter of individual priorities. I've heard a lot of people say that if we have to give up some of our social issues to stop the murderous regime change wars, then so be it. You, obviously have the opposite priority and that is your prerogative. What you seem to be questioning is why people care about one disaster when you care about the other disaster. Dismissing what other people view as a disaster because you don't personally care about it ("yeah that disaster is bad, but what about MY disaster") is at the crux of the divide in the Democratic party.
@Jim, as per the spiritual perspective, look at it from the higher 4D (which is what the PTW narrative is about) rather than in the 3D (individual issues).
"I've heard a lot of people say that if we have to give up some of our social issues to stop the murderous regime change wars, then so be it."
That's a false choice. There's nothing about the social issues that has anything to do with foreign policy and wars. We could easily do the "right thing" in both cases. You seem to be saying that we have to give up some rights in order to achieve progress internationally. Yes, "they" would love you to think that way.
These criminals that "we" have put in office are probably going to involve us in more wars as time goes by. Their oligarchic, authoritarian rule, and their disregard for the rights and welfare of vast portions of the population, don't point to a desirable outcome for anyone but the very wealthy...
I'd love to hear what Lynn has to say!
is there any truth to this whole Zionist consipiracy? That it all leads back to the "jews"? When i read about the middle east there are always comments pointing to this conspiracy. i feel conflicted about what truth there is to the middle eastern conflict. will there ever be peace there?
@My Picks, This is an interesting article. There is more info about the situation in the comments section. http://abcnews.go.com/2020/story?id=123885&page=1
Thank you DaDa for the reminder.
Rising above with 528mhz while I go to the "place outside of time"...
"Jim Christian" says he is not coming from a "political perspective" though his posts 100% Pro Democrat. I smell a rat...
Bono wears dark glasses because he suffers from Glaucoma. I saw and heard him say so on TV over here in England.
Again, thank you all for the comments. I enjoyed seeing how you answered each other, and I really enjoy all the info from different perspectives. Hugs to you, Lynn
So, I'm asking Lynn for clarification on the current battle between the Service to Self faction (which it seems the current administration is representing) and the Service to Others side, which everyone has agreed is the side of the forces of Good. No politics, just would like to know. Thanks, Lynn.
Spell caster as in spiritual abuser just like the ones in this reading? I'm currently almost done reading a book about the first white medicine man. Black magic is something weird and should not be misunderstood. If you do harm to another spiritually there are real people on this planet who can send it back to you on your own shoulders and nothing but bad luck happens to you. There is a reason why spiritual knowledge is absent in western civilization. But that doesn't mean it's not based upon spiritual concepts.
As long as it's good for bussiness and money can be made people are satisfied.
Please be careful of giving anyone money that promises to fix a broken relationship or win court cases. Sadly our society has many people like this and they prey on the ignorant. There are those that can help, but they generally don't make promises and they don't ask you to fork over large amounts of money. When they make these kinds of promises and pretend to be a "spiritual healer," you should immediately walk out the door. And please don't think they are going to send you "bad energy" for doing so, because any energy they attempt to send out comes right back to them.
Ryno--for you!
Thanks for the heads-up on The Ruiner blog. Looks interesting. I'll read more later.
Jim C: probably any politician is a "service to self" animal. Democrats are not as you describe. You need to look at "truth" rather than wrapping yourself in a sterotypical characterization of Demos. BTW, I am not happy with Trump because, so far, he continues the agenda set by the Obama administration in both Yemen and Syria. We now have massive numbers of children starving in Yemen as reported by UNICEF (an U.S. incursion started by Obama and the complying Democrats and Neocons), and why the hell are we or Saudi Arabia even in that country? We have no right to initiate war maneuvers in Yemen. This country does not threaten us. Again, on the Syria issue: Russia has been invited into Syria; we have not and we are there.
You said, Jim: "It's been my longstanding observation that the Republicans are the ones driven by Randianism (the doctrine of selfishness), in wishing to further enrich the already rich...." However, many sources in print, such as The Washington Post in their article entitled "Broken promise? Obama’s America better for Wall Street than Main Street, stats show," (Jan. 4, 2015) and on web reveal:
"As Barack Obama enters the twilight of his presidency, he presides over an America vastly different from the one he envisioned building during his 2008 campaign that promised to empower everyday Americans on Main Street over wealthy bankers and investors on Wall Street.
A stream of statistics published over the holidays — while Mr. Obama vacationed in Hawaii — paints a clear picture of the gap that has emerged between the audacious promise of his first campaign and the economy’s performance since.
Six years into his agenda, Wall Street is roaring higher than ever, with the Dow topping out over 18,000 for the first time recently and the top 10 percent of wealthy Americans amassing wealth at a double-digit pace.
But on Main Street large numbers of Americans have dropped from the job market, middle-class wages are stagnant, and even larger numbers of Americans are now dependent on some form of government subsidy for disability, jobless benefits or food stamps.
Wow. Those Dems sure do care about the poor. How much has Pelosi enriched her family and extended network of family/friends? Chuck Schumur? They're all one animal. Trump, at least, I hope, is backing off of the war Obama/Neocon Demos tried to start with Russia. Good God, Jim! What the hell did the Russians do to us? What provocation did they initiate? NONE! Look at reality!!! NONE!! Look at this The Independent article:
The U.S. spent 66.41 BILLION dollars on NATO while the next closest NATO member (U.K.) spent 6.03 billion!! in 2016??? The article also suggests that defense spending in all Baltic States is surging. Who benefits, Jim? Who benefits? As TSA grabs your crouch at every airport in our nation, while you and I have no privacy left at all (another agenda placed on supersonic jet fuel by Obama), the U.S. invades every country to either "liberate" them or "chase" terrorists although we have not been authorized by anyone to do so nor been invited by that particular sovereign nation to enter the territorial limits of that sovereign nation!! Have you ever read The New Confessions of an Economic Hit Man? Another question, Jim: who BENEFITS from all the chaos in the world? Follow the money!
Buddhist Lady: Thank you so much for your response. I think we have to remember that Obama was confronted by unprecedented obstruction by the Republicans, and was not in a position to overcome much of it. Even when he wanted to implement ideas that the Republicans themselves had originated (RomneyCare, as an example), they said no way: any policy or program that would make you look good, we're going to block. To hell with America and its people...damn the consequences to them.
With regard to the wars and Middle East actions, Obama wanted to leave us at peace, and at that he failed. If there was a magic want to be wielded in the pursuit of peace, he would have done so. Let's just see how that goes.
But there are plenty of people in this country, and you may be one of them, that believe Trump is doing the right things, and no wrong things. So my question to those people is, what could Trump do, or fail to do, that would cause him to lose your support? It could be eliminating Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security. Or maybe terminating all abortion rights, and declaring fetal personhood as the law of the land. And/or seriously damaging the environment, persecuting sexual minorities, or implementing "stop and frisk" as a federally supported norm.
So, what would it take for him to lose YOUR support?
I really do appreciate all the comments, answers and sharing. I also agree with Serene, be cautious spending lots of money with the promise of helping parts of your life. Many times we can solve our own problems with a little guidance (and not costly potions or clearings). There is good out there, and people that are well intended. Our fears can be our worst enemy, and there are people that know that. Much love-
Ha,thanks Buddhist Lady I highly recommend reading "The Ruiner's" blog when you find time. Hopefully you are at least a little familiar with "Enki" and "Enlil."
Seriously Jim Christian, do you work for the DNC? I feel like I am reading #veryfakenews, CNN level, type of propaganda.
@Alice Liu, Love your comments, but sadly you made them to a programmed robot who lacks life experience and ability to think on his own. If he were so concerned with "Randism"maybe he wouldn't like Monsanto, stealing 3 million from destitute Haitians to pay for a daughter's wedding, or destroying Muslim countries while crying crocodile tears over how racist vetting immigrants is. Mind control is a powerful tool and persistent posters, if they are not a victim of this socialized conditioning that goes against all logic, could be paid trolls trying to press a corporate point of view
Actually, Robert, I hate Monsanto as much as you do, and we would probably agree on most individual issues, including the ones I listed above. I seem here to have uncovered a nest of Fox News watchers, and that is your parallel universe. Probably a little Limbaugh and Breitbart thrown in as well.
One thing is clear: Neither of us stands a chance of convincing the other, and there's a lot of that going on across the country. So my basic question stands: What, if anything, could Trump do or fail to do that would cost him your support?
A simple question, right?
Its not democrat vs repulicans; its us against them
@Jim, There you go stereotyping, yet again. It was obvious early on that you were asking a rhetorical question with the intention of standing on your apologist soapbox. You demonstrated a complete lack of sincere interest in trying to understand, which is just as well because you can't understand when you are mired in duality. As @Bee said, it is not Dem v Rep. It is bigger than that. (And, for the record, I left the Democratic party decades ago because of their right wing policies, so your insults have no traction for people like me.)
@Alice.... I am against every government action that kills, injures, or denies equal justice for anybody. I'm a supporter of our founding principles as stated in the Declaration of Independence. We are all equal.
I have insulted nobody, only asked a question.
And let me repeat to you the last part of my most recent posting:
One thing is clear: Neither of us stands a chance of convincing the other, and there's a lot of that going on across the country. So my basic question stands: What, if anything, could Trump do or fail to do that would cost him your support?
A simple question, right?
@Jim, "What, if anything, could Trump do or fail to do that would cost him your support?" In other words, you're focusing on how to get rid of him or make him fail.
@Alice, No, I'm not. I'm asking what, if anything, he could do, or fail to do, that would cause you to stop supporting him. I ask because many people have given him what seems to be unqualified support, no matter what he does. I'm interested to see the boundaries of that support. With you, there might not be any boundaries. I don't know unless you respond with an answer.
One thing is clear: Neither of us stands a chance of convincing the other, and there's a lot of that going on across the country. So my basic question stands: What, if anything, could Trump do or fail to do that would cost him your support?
A simple question, right?
Whats perfectly obvious is this pointless attempt to high jack this board by someone with an agenda that has nothing to do with this site. You fool no one. You represent the divisiveness of politics with.no search for enlightmentioned or to make things better. If you're not a.troll, you're trying desperately to convict yourself you haven't been.wrong in your assumptions for a long time
@Robert, I do not have an agenda. But I've become interested in the question that won't be answered. If it's "nothing", then I can accept that.
I asked Lynn a question for clarification of her comment, "the PTW are dominantly Democratic and very anti-Trump". I have not received that clarification.
Have I done something wrong?
@Robert, It's a trap! Don't fall for it!!! LOL
Too late Alice, I've taken the bait and will answer this disinfo pollster's question. I will dump Trump the.moment he sticks his tongue down Hillary's throat. He is a germophobe so I assume he doesn't want a second generation yeast infection froM some other woman, so the chances.of.him.doing so are inlikely.
Thank you, Robert. I will note your answer on my special disinfo pollster form, and be on my way. Happy motoring, everyone!
Actually, Jim C., my "news" outlets tend to be: Zero Hedge, Free Beacon, Counterpunch, SOTT, The Sleuth Journal, The Independent Sentinel, Unz Review, Reuters, RT, ANP, LawNewz, Voltaire Network, Paul Craig Roberts, 21st Century Wire, The Daily Sheeple, Global Research, AxisofLogic, Mad World News, The Intercerpt...and several more. I look in on Breitbart very rarely to see what they're referencing. I liked Milo a lot. I view a very few of these sites nearly daily and some weekly or biweekly. I also look for opinion and commentary. Fox News is MSM. I never look there or at NBC, CBC, CNN ad nauseum.
The part of your question I find quixotic involves your continued failure to realize that neither Democrats nor Republicans serve this country and its citizens well. They haven't for decades. Are there some good and genuine politicians? Of course! However, haven't you noticed that, despite the "main stage" show of D vs R, on critical issues they either: (1) have someone jump the aisle for a vote or (2) muddle through with some back-up, e.g., an issue which will not change or alter if left without a vote. I.e., the current position prevails.
So, our question to you is: can you step back and take a look at the larger agenda? What does this agenda involve? Where is the country headed with any legislation passed or presidential directive written? Obama was a nicely groomed politician with a down-home persona who carried on Bush's policies and legacies!!! Who toppled the Gaddafi regime? What was the real reason behind that dismantling? Why did ISIL convoy after convoy remained untouched by U.S. bombing while one drone strike killing 2-3 reputed ISIL leaders would play, once again, on center stage? "In this arena, ladies and gentlemen, we have the killing of not one...not two...but three...yes, count 'em...three ISIL leaders!!!!!!" (Trumpets blare.) In many of our opinions, I would think, we find you blinded by a rigid, untruthful fake circus referencing two poles which don't exist.
No one wishes you ill; you just entered the wrong forum for a political discussion.
Buddhist Lady: I appreciate the sincerity of your message, and your time in preparing it. We share some news outlets, and others that you listed I will certainly check out. I had to bail out on Rense, Before It's News, and a few others because they were becoming more and more obviously BS.
In your second paragraph, I see that I have not presented myself in the clearest possible terms. I know that neither political party has served us well. As to the actions in the Middle East, I'm on board with your views. But Trump has taken no actions that would improve that situation.
What prompted me to write was Lynn's statement, "the PTW are dominantly Democratic and very anti-Trump." That's a political statement, and one I had not heard before.
And I had also noted recently that the Republicans in Congress are pursuing policies based on the "selfishness" philosophies of Ayn Rand. Randianism, I realized, is the polar opposite of the teachings of Jesus. Randianism is literally the Service to Self philosophy defined. And for some years now, I've read here and other spiritual sites (and books) about the final battle of Service to Others versus Service to Self. Good versus Evil, in other words. And that battle seems to be happening now.
So, everything I see from the current administration so far caters to the Service to Self side, only starting with the massive tax cuts to the richest few while taking away the healthcare of 24 million people.
Is that going to get better? Am I mistaken in my perceptions?
Maybe Lynn can give us some sort of Players Guide for the Battle of Service to Others vs. Service to Self. That would really clear things up.
Yep, you hit the nail on the head Robert! The programming and the mind-control, unfortunately, runs so deep currently that people have become completely unable to see that they have subscribed to pre-production thoughts that are not a construct of their individual critical thinking, rather the software that has been willfully uploaded for them to regurgitate.
When I see people arguing Democrat vs. Republican, or any other similarly devisive stance, I can't help but to think I have somehow accidentally jumped to a different timeline blog- one in which the people are still asleep and fighting over who gets to be President.
I am grateful to the readers of this blog for knowing where our energy can better be spent and don't get caught up in doing the bidding for others. Thank you for providing a place where we can focus on how to evolve TOGETHER, COLLECTIVELY, and celebrate that which no longer serves us being left behind.
Sending you all love and the wisdom to know your own truth!! Xo
Interesting experiment by (liberal) New York University where they took the Trump/Clinton Debate and reversed the sex roles. "Many were shocked to find that they couldn’t seem to find in Jonathan Gordon what they had admired in Hillary Clinton—or that Brenda King’s clever tactics seemed to shine in moments where they’d remembered Donald Trump flailing or lashing out. For those Clinton voters trying to make sense of the loss, it was by turns bewildering and instructive, raising as many questions about gender performance and effects of sexism as it answered." https://www.nyu.edu/about/news-publications/news/2017/march/trump-clinton-debates-gender-reversal.html
@Alice: I don't listen to the news often, but happened to have it on last night. A guy was being interviewed and he said something really profound. We all know this, but he worded it so well. He said that we are living a time that inclusiveness of all kinds is encouraged EXCEPT when you have a different opinion or way of seeing things. If you think differently, you are berated.. I can't remember his name, but it was a very intelligent discussion..
that Jim C is deeeefinitely dodgy. get him off. seriously.
Yes, that Jim C. is quite dodgy, what with asking his questions and having a different opinion from yours.
I enjoyed Lynn's message especially: "we are living a time that inclusiveness of all kinds is encouraged EXCEPT when you have a different opinion or way of seeing things. If you think differently, you are berated."
Yeah, let's get rid of that Jim C. guy. What's up with him, anyway?
BTW Lynn, I really enjoyed your post about Muslims. A difficult topic, for sure. I have some thoughts, but they might offend Architects Wellington. You can't fight every battle, you know...
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