Q. Will Donald Trump be impeached? I have had several newsletters, and I listened to one EX-CIA employee say that he will be if the Democrats can work it out.
A. I get that the Powers That once Were (PTW) want him out of office as soon as possible. With every day he is in office, they grow more and more furious. The PTW have agendas in play, and Trump is working against them in many ways. The more Trump resists, the more dollars (directly and indirectly) they lose.
The PTW are also using human psychology to force an impeachment. They are controlling the media and social media outlets so they most always talk of Trump negatively, telling half truths or very biased opinions. They feel if they instigate enough negativity and orchestrate social unrest (some is legit, but much is organized) it will make there "opinion" a fact. This does hit the radar of the human psyche, however, many people (I hear the term "silent majority") are waking up and seeing though this, like it is part of a bad reality show. I see that even people that may not prefer Trump are seeing or feeling the real truth in terms of the manipulation. The media feels to be doing a huge disservice to the people.
I cannot see an impeachment, but it will not be for lack of trying.
Q. Will Trump survive his whole presidency, be "taken out" or pass away from another cause before his term or terms are up?
A. i see Trump making it at least through the first term. Then I hear a laughter, and a voice saying "He will have to because the PTW won't afford him the luxury of a body double."
Q. How long will protests continue? Will these people ever really be heard?
A. I see a wave, and realize that the protests will be intense, die down, and then regain momentum. The cycle looks to repeat over and over for the next year (ish). I see some protest as very real and emotionally driven, but most are organized by the PTW to try to grow a movement. These people are being heard and acknowledged, I just can't see much changing with the government as a result. It looks like the change that occurs is within society (if you have a different core belief you will get a label, so people that have a strong belief remain silent, and a larger "silent majority" grows.)
Q. Lynn. In many years from now what's going to be Trump's legacy? How will he be remembered as a president?
A. I hear that "those that write the history books control the way it was remembered." What is written in the books will be different than what people remember, and books will portray him just as the news media does now.
Due to his courage to speak what he feels, many people will remember him as a man with an ego, but he gets stuff done. I get that regardless of what side you are on, he is one of the first presidents to aggressively address the issues he promised in his campaign. I see his dedication to securing the border (positive and negative opinion), his attack on illegal drug smuggling, revamping the way we use health care, and a tax code revision, will live on much longer than his presidency.
And that is all I have for this reading. Politics can be very emotional, so please take a second to breathe and surround yourself with white light (I am). Love and light-
I am sorry, Lynn. I love your blog and read it all the time, but I just cannot agree with you about Trump. I have been watching what he does....not what the media portrays but the video and transcripts and tweets and speeches. He is an ego driven, poorly educated, unread, narcissist who cares mainly about himself and his image. He treats his employees terribly, he cheats and lies and is costing the taxpayers a fortune with his constant trips to Florida and Trump Tower for his wife and child. This is not a good man. I feel it all the way to my toes. He has surrounded himself with some of the worst people in the country, many who have literally paid to be there. Nope. I cannot agree. But, I still love what you do and am grateful for you!
I am s sorry too to disagree with Lynn this time. As a native born citizen but with hispanic roots, I see myself and my people degraded as subhumans. Not to mention the poor black people! Maybe some "whites" not all of course, see themselves as "superior." Disgraceful. And Mr. Trump is surrounding himself with some of the worst white "supremacists." God have mercy on us all, whites, blacks, hispanics, asians, Indians, and even Arabs! This nation was started with immigrants. And non white natives were here first.
Excellent job as always, Lynn. Thank you for keeping up this blog! What you say about Trump is in line with what Mary Houston said in her recent interview with Alfred Lambremont Webre - see https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1GfjntU2nPs. You both have a refreshingly objective view of Trump and his presidency.
For those who are interested, Mary does an excellent job in this interview of tying in astrology and her own professional career with top people in government in providing background on Trump. I learned quite a bit and it has really allowed me more of a balanced view of the current situation. Thanks again, Lynn. You rock.
I know this is a sensitive subject, but I know it is on the minds of many people. I do appreciate all the various views and opinions. I hesitated in doing this, but I felt this topic is so important I didn't want to ignore it. I do send love and light out to all of you. Much love, Lynn
Thanks Lynn. Trump is only doing what he promised when he was running for election. The MSM has an agenda to discredit him at every opportunity. People can see through this just like you suggested. That is why the Press only has a 32 percent approval rating among the Public, 14 percent among Republicans. The Media is only cutting their own throats. If they lose their integrity, they don't have much else to sell because current news stories can be acquired anywhere. We don't have to rely on the major networks anymore.
Trump is a well educated man. He graduated from the Wharton School of Business at the University of Pennsylvania. Wharton has consistently ranked among the best Business schools in the country for decades. Trump is flamboyant, and he is prone to exaggeration, but he gets things done. I hope he does well. If he is successful, so is the U.S. If he wins, we win.
Thanks Lynn,I love this guy and I see he will be great president.George just cleared all spells,curses,negative thought programms,dark portals etc.from him.We both like him and wish him best of luck!
The media is so good at what they do, they have programmed otherwise intelligent people into actually comprehending Trump's travel ban as a ban against ALL immigrants from entering - from Europe, Africa, Asia etc. - when he has not banned LEGAL immigration. Like the type that built this country. These people dont view it as a temporary travel ban only on illegal immigrants from the Mexico border who are bypassing US immigration laws AND immigrants from specific, terror-based countries. Now, the media has people unconsciously viewing Trump as anti-legal immigration too, which is not the case! The media has these same people viewing Trump as a racist as if the travel ban reaches unaffected people like African-Americans when he has exhibited no such racial behavior pattern.
I really hope the taxpayer money saved from handling the illegal immigration and drug crisis issues stemming from the Mexico border will go towards redeveloping our inner cities and urban areas as Trump states he will. And this despite our country's history of neglecting these areas and people - neglect which occurred during both Clinton and Obama administrations. But no one acknowledges that - but they certainly will if Trump fails, he is under such strutiny.
There is only one person on the planet that has the ability to push back againat the elite establishment and its Trump. This has been one of the most exciting months In politics I can remember.
I know it is extremely difficult to navigate this emotional storm. I understand the fear for our country but I also believe as you say it is being maximized and manipulated by ptw. There are many things that need to be protected like environment, treaty rights, social security and the list goes on. But this is where I think we as a people, we the people continue our path to freedom. We are being challenged to be more loving, more forgiving in the face of the fear and the anger. Prayerfully listen and continue to move away from giving our powers away to rise above this breakup of an outdated paradigm. I believe Trump will serve a grander purpose but it is up to us all to bring in a better world.
Thank you so much for helping share light in these confusing times.
Thanks, Lynn, for your courage to take on all subjects, no matter how contentious, in your quest for truth!
As a Canadian, I only wish Canada had a stronger leader who could take on the PTW instead of being a meek Mr. Nice Guy who is serving his masters well.
To be fair, in his campaign Trump used a lot of his own money and is now continuing to put his money where his mouth is by taking a salary of $1 to serve as president. In my opinion that is quite remarkable and unprecedented for any politician. Not sure what his trips are costing the public now but it's well documented the staggering cost to taxpayers of President Obama's many vacations let alone business-related trips.
And I agree with Raymond's assessment. Trump is well educated and exceptionally hard working. Those who continue to underestimate his abilities are being influenced by a biased media.
I am the silent majority and I thank you lynn for posting this!!!! PTW will soon be gone. Hopefully this year sheds more truth on their deception.
I agree with everything you have stated. I also respect lynn, and this blog however It is quite obvious you are pro trump. Hence better to stay off a subject As Trump. If one was to read this not knowing who you were, they could obviously see your personal opinions peeking thru this post.
Many thanks for this reading and bringing clarity to this topic. These beings(PTW) have us under a heavy spell and they have been doing the same tactics for centuries, their time is up.
Trump certainly strikes a cord with the politically "correct". He is very entertaining and stirs the ole pot, right? Easily hateable, and amusing how a everyone who is "against racism, fascism and sexism," tear him apart for his hair and orange skin, lol...anyway, Wanted to comment on what you said about the history books portraying him in the same light as the media portrays him now:( To me this means that "the powers that were" will still be "the powers that be" decades down the line. Sigh....please comment or clarify on this as I was sooooo hoping that they really "were" and no longer will "be".
Thanks for your work and dedication, health and blessings to you and the fan...xoxoxoxo
Lynn, I repectfully disagree with you. Trump is an evil white supremacist. If he was a man of true integrity why use immigrants and people of color as the root of a decaying society? He constantly lies and his supporters are scary to the point of hurting people. Building a wall really? The Berlin wall came down this one if built too. So Trump ending federal protection for transgender children; war on immigrants; corporations regulations terminated; its ok, he is doing a great job? No Lynn, Trump is fair to white and Europeans only. Lynn, it only gets worst for us poor people of color. Im afraid for my children, Im a U S citizen, working woman paying taxes my only sin is my skin color. Every morning I tell my children to be very vigilant and just come home after school, we are on Mexican descent third generation U S born. One son in the Army, another son a Marine (Semper Fi) and still face Trumps supporters hate. No Lynn you are definately wrong. Peace and Love, may the light of the universe protect us from Trump and his supporters
I have not voted for a President since before Bill Clinton. I Believe all of government is over sized an manipulation is so ingrained in politics that people have gotten use to it.
Trump being in office is making people go off the rails . Every morning I look for snipets of news to see what to expect for the day.
Lana Del Rey is posting witch binding spells on twitter an setting up a time to bind Trump?
It is spreading like wild fire on the internet.
Hope in the end something good comes out of the chaos. Feels like a really bad movie playing out .
This is similar to a comment I dropped in a previous post which I am not sure was answered. I fully understand Trump being the president has trumped (pun intended) the PTW's agenda. However this is a man whose campaign was built on derogatory remarks about not only people of colour but also Aliens. A man who, as you have mentioned before, says anything that comes to mind whether or not his words scars people and causes dissent. He may be serving the greater good of the universe in some way, afterall according to the universe it is all about balance; and there is really no good or evil. But that is ACCORDING to the universe. It is fine if Trump has supporters, but what makes their followership seem insidous to non-followers is their blatant ignorance and refusal to see his bad traits. They brush off such hurtful actions and comments from Trump as if he is a toddler that still needs time to grow without acknowledging the consequences.People who refuse to acknowledge such of those actions I think, honestly never really liked the people suffering the consequences in the first place. Yes PTW is instigating riots and media is sensationalising headlines. Yes Trump is probably going to get the job done as it were but please for goodness sake lets not overlook the elephant in the room. Trump may be the cure to PTW's shady plans, but this cure is definitely going to have harsh side effects for a lot of people.
I didn't like either candidate. I agree that Trump is an "ego-driven narcissist," but many articles on the internet actually list the megacorporations (with their primary constitutent companies) who control the U.S. MSM. Only six megacorporations control all the press, news, TV, etc. in this nation. Only six!
I didn't follow the campaign closely but was aware of both Trump's comments (for the most part) and the violence directed toward his supporters. I simply suspected that he knew, if he played the campaign safe and "adult," that he would lose--big. Other articles actually give evidence of the voter manipulation and fraud committed by Hillary Clinton while running against Bernie Sanders in the primaries along with the high level of corruption the Democrat party employed during that time period. I think Trump knew that, if he didn't approach the press with a "shock and awe" compaign, he would not have even the smallest of chances to campaign let alone win.
I know that many independents, like me, felt the violence directed toward his supporters and campaign rallies revealed a very dark, ugly side to our current political climate. I first voted 47 years ago, and I had never seen a nominee treated so ugly. I never felt that Obama represented my thinking in anything; his actions belied his campaign promises. Yyet, he was our duly elected President, and he deserved his chance to run the nation and provide leadership.
P.S Lynn no hard feelings. Love you still.
Which politician isnt some/all what you listed above⁉️
They all hv been doing that subliminally
My MO is when lamestreet media and celebruties are for something, go against it; if they are against it, be for it. They always hv a hidden agenda and are paid shills‼️
I am not able to see Trump as evil. He can be rude and arrogant yes, but I have a feeling he signed up for this job prior as part of his life incarnation. I can't think of anyone else that would have the nerve to take on the Establishment.
Agree, Robert. Very well said.
Thank you, Lynn, for your valuable insights. I try to be an objective observer and I have come to many of the same intuitive insights as you have about him. I have been reading your blog for some time and that happens often. Thank you for being consistently you. MUCH love and lots of light to you; thanks for being so brave, it's truly inspiring. :)
It is very important now to use strong discernment because the mainstream media is controlled by 4 families, and that's 96% of all media outlets -- tv, radio, newspapers, book publishers, magazines, and online news sources. Look at the SEC statements if you want to see the chain of ownership, you would not believe who owns what. Unless you speak to Trump directly, you probably cannot believe anything that is said about him, his policies, or his politics. I find it interesting that in spite of Hillary Clinton's vast criminal activity, she is not under indictment or facing a grand jury. Why and how is that possible? Anyone else would have been in prison by now. I agree with others here that some kind of mind control technology, which I have written about and studied intensely, is at work because the anti-Trump movement is illogical, unreasonable, and completely rabid in their hatred of the man. I believe he has a tough road ahead and I support him because he is the president, duly elected by popular and electoral vote. Since there no other acceptable alternative, thanks to the machinations of the PTW, we should probably be grateful we have Trump and not someone like Clinton or worse, Sarah Palin.
You worded this well. I'll link a QHHT session discussing this.
Here it is.
Long time reader, first time commenter. ;) Thanks for this reading Lynn. This is what I have been intuitively been getting about Trump as well. The one thing that you didn't mention is his recent announcement to focus on eliminating human sex trafficking. This has become a huge topic of interest due to the number of government officials that are involved. This has actually consumed me and so many others out on twitter. Where do you see this pedogate/pizzagate going? Will arrests be made? Thank you!
Thank you for the comments. I know this topic is emotional and even typing and posting a comment can tug at you. I also see several questions (like sex trafficking) that I will save for another post (they deserve their own thread).
Hugs to all of you.
Lynn do think Trump has met with or will meet with any ETs? Does he have knowledge of them at least and the Lizzie's?
Englightening Life--I recently became aware of FBI Anon on the 4chan /p/ who spoke on an AMA (Ask Me Anything) at length about the material they derived from their investigations against Bill and Hillary Clinton.
"We have no power to prosecute, we simply hand over the data to the DOJ for them to prosecute. And we do not have the authority to hand over all of the data because of its sensitivity. And some of the data will lead into other cases of corruption."
"The real point of interest is the Clinton Foundation, not the e-mail server. We received the server from Benghazi, then from the server we found data on the CF. Then we realized the situation is much worse than previously thought.
Killing HRC would not cause this problem to go away. The problem is with the Clinton Foundation as I mentioned, which you should just imagine as a massive spider web of connections and money laundering implicating hundreds of high-level people. Though I do not have a high opinion of Hillary, she is just a piece -albeit a big piece – of this massive [horrible situation]."
Will Jeff Sessions proceed with prosecution? Evidently, Loretta Lynch declined. Do you remember when she met with Bill Clinton on a tarmac--evidently very inappropriately so--during the campaign?
Frpm "Investors Business Daily":
"All the way back in May, we outlined how the Clinton Foundation had taken in $100 million from a collection of Gulf sheikhs and billionaires, along with millions from private businesses, who expected — and received — special access to the State Department's top official, Hillary.
In his 2015 book Clinton Cash, author Peter Schweizer showed how during Hillary's years in government 'the Clintons have conducted or facilitated hundreds of large transactions (either as private citizens or government officials) with foreign governments, corporations and private financiers.' He called the sums going to the Clintons 'staggering.'"
Researchers into the Clinton Foundation (which closed in January) say that, among these activities, very sadly, is human trafficking and child prostituion. Look where the Clinton Foundation conducted "charity" work. How many children disappeared from those areas? How many were taken from a family and "adopted" out to "better" homes in a foreign country? Look at Bill's exercising very surprising and unusual cohersion to get human traffickers out of jail (in Haiti) (a bus load of 33 children from homes in Haiti stopped at the border with the Dominican Republic). Very sad.
A propos Trump and the unseen "forces" he faces: I'm wondering why those individuals/factons in the government want and keep wanting--trying to steer--our government toward a conflict with Russia? Particularly ousting an individual like Flynn who was so pro Russia. The MSM paints anything remotely resembling negotiation with Russia as "treason" and "sedition." ??? Several recent articles describe any such conflict as ending the world as we know it. What do the PTW hope to gain with such a conflict? Surely they, too, would be destroyed? Or are they, for all their power, naive? Maybe you could put this suggestion to use somewhere in one of your readings at another time.
From the last citaiton:
"Such a fight would be suicidal for all sides. We strongly believe that a conventional war in Europe runs a strong chance of turning nuclear very rapidly, and that any US/NATO nuclear strike on Russian forces or territory will automatically trigger a retaliatory Russian nuclear strike on the continental US. Contrary to irresponsible statements made by some American propagandists, American antiballistic missile systems are incapable of shielding the American people from a Russian nuclear strike. Russia has the means to strike at targets in the USA with long-range nuclear as well as conventional weapons....
...the Russian leadership will not 'blink.'
With great sadness and a heavy heart they will do their sworn duty and unleash a nuclear barrage from which the United States will never recover. Even if the entire Russian leadership is killed in a first strike, the so-called 'Dead Hand' (the 'Perimetr' system) will automatically launch enough nukes to wipe the USA off the political map."
I've gradually changed my mind about Trump I think he will be an OK President and totally agree with Lynn's reading.
Lynn I really enjoy your posts and feel you are truly gifted. But I too disagree about Donald. I'm a numerologist', and foresee many many problems with Donald and his ego and his presidency- especially with his current advisors. Steve Bannon- who is a white supremacist and is directing Donald to turn our county into a white only Fascist Nation. Steve has some of the same numbers as Hitler- 11/2- which is a very powerful vibration. And like Hitler- Bannon wants to have a country with one race. If Donald continues to have Bannon as his advisor, our country will go down a disastrous path that will FAIL on an epic scale, like Hitler tried with his aryian race.
Wow, Lynn, an interesting can of worms here, lol. We are so brainwashed here in the US, it seems difficult to have any kind of real intellectual conversation. I learned early in life thru my travels that history books were written differently in every country. People just recite the same ole rhetoric over and over. The truth about Hitler and the "Jews" for example is an interesting study. Why is it Germany still pays for this after all this time. Prison sentences issued for even bringing up questionable accounts of WW2. So few of your readers know of project paper clip and the fact the Grandpa Bush funded both sides during the war. Sigh.....again, in case you missed it in a previous comment you mentioned that Trump would not be remembered well in the history books which must mean that the PTWere will still be the PTAre....how screwed is humanity, really?
Sending all the light i can must at this timexoxoxox
Do you have any info on Brian Podesta working at National Center for Missing an Exploited Children being related to John Podesta? I seen it mentioned but not confirmed . Gal was on vid.me. found evidence of abuse an reported to NCMEC. Followed up an NCMEC said they do nothing with info they receive. Just hold on to it? Had to push FBI an detectives to take off Vid.me sight.
Hi Lynn--I definitely would be interested in a reading on Steve Bannon if you care to do one since he plays such an important role in the Trump administration. Personally I haven't seen any evidence to convince me that he's a white supremacist (rather I see this as more disinfo put out by the PTW to divide the country).
I did see that Erin! Crazy thing is- every time it's mentioned on twitter or you tube it's either taken down, or accounts are being locked out! They are definitely on to something! There is so much evidence against Podesta that it's crazy he is still free. I know this all runs so deep with tentacles everywhere, but I just can't rest until these people are brought to justice. I would love to see Lynn do a piece on this as well as Satantic Ritual Abuse. It's a dark, dark place to go to though and understand if it's too dark to tune into.
His ego is our friend....egos want to succeed.
You are under a spell...lynn can you do a reading on whats controlling peoples minds?
Erin--John Podesta's brother's name is Tony. "Anthony T. Podesta, commonly known as Tony Podesta, is an American lobbyist best known for founding the Podesta Group." (Wikipedia)
Wendy--I wonder if the witches putting a spell on Trump, reported today, will succeed?
Buddhist Lady, the witches tried the same thing before the election to keep him from winning. We all know how well that went for them. I guess they also forgot about the 3 fold law (6 fold now).
Wow--just came across this from SOTT's article "Solving 'epidemic' of human trafficking a priority, say Donald Trump":
Evidently, his daughter, Ivanka, had suggested he look into this issue, and he met with anti-trafficking NGO's and WH officials on Thursday. "Solving the human trafficking epidemic, which is what it is, is a priority for my administration...." I hope so.
God Bless Trump. He is literally a gift from God to mankind.
It's about time we rid the western world of Marxist totalitarianism.
Just as other readings done. Government is here to let you think they are your "friend" just to stay in power.
So why is everybody yelling "it's illegal" and noone dares to say "it's against the law"? Something to do with commerce?
TO ALL OF YOU, TRUMP BASHERS,............for all its worth, maybe not much..heh...
I'll tell you an incident.
Just after Mr Trump was elected, I opened up a YouTube video where he has his picture staring at me. I know it was Mr Trump but I actually saw Archangel Michael staring at me thru Mr TRUMPs eyes. You know, when I look at something, I see far beyond the physical, sometimes.) I saw shocked. I have a running disappointment with AAMichael and I have not spoken to him for ..maybe 10 years.We used to be good buddies.
Anyway,.....I intuitively got that Mr TRUMP is the instrument of Heaven to move
this sordid reality into the lighted realm.. That Mr TRUMP is NOT perfect, as many of you have observed and reported, but that the Army of Heaven do not need any permission from the ego to do what Heaven wants.THE WILL OF HEAVEN ALWAYS PREVAIL. You must remember that the ego is an aspect of SOUL,....and for all practical purposes, it was SOUL that skillfully and painstakingly developed the strength determination and moxie of the ego to make this man who he is today....
So,.........you can rage all you want, you can bash him all you want, but this Earth will be cleansed and returned to the meek, under the leadership of AAMichael and the company of Heaven using Mr TRUMP as the primary tool..
Respect people's opinion - Trump isnt perfect or a god
I know this topic is really difficult and evokes emotion on both sides. I do appreciate all the opinions and all perspectives. Let's just try to be respectful (I am always reminded during readings that it isn't what you say, but how you say it.). Love to all of you- Lynn
I got a similar message from AA Michael as well. I too have many psychic gifts and work primarily with the angelic realm. I was very anti-Trump and was planning on voting libertarian. Until 1 week before the election AA Michael came to me one very early morning and woke me out of my sleep. He told me that Trump must be president and that we would all know why in the future, but to trust the divine plan. He then showed me several visions of what would happen if HRC was president. It was scary. War would have come to our homeland. So, that week I sat in deep contemplation and meditation and asked several other times and my main guide also kept telling me that yes Trump will be president. I also saw him taking the oath of office, so the day of the election I voted for Trump. My husband who is very democrat thought I was crazy, and even crazier when I told him Trump would win. He believes my "crazy" messages a little more now. Lol. The man is not perfect by any means. Many compare him to Cyrus in the Bible. I strongly believe he's been anointed to cleanse the massive amounts of lies and corruption that have been going on for way too long in the deep bowels of our government. I just pray he makes it out alive.
Someone above described the President of the United States as a "evil white supremacist." If that individual knew what a white supremacist really is, she would hold her tongue. President Trump is so far from anything even nearing a white supremacist that it is laughable. The current policies of the President are not even close to the policies of a true supremacist. In fact, most of them are contrary to what a white supremacist would advocate. The only thing the President is doing is slowing down the process of destruction of the USA which Obama put in fast forward. We are still heading in the same direction, only at a slower pace. I, as someone who does care about the fate of the dying white race, am amazed at the ignorance of people on this subject.
You're so stuck in duality (good & bad/ black & white) that you interpret this blog as "pro-Trump."
We're not talking about politics on such a limited, secular level here. Upgrade yourself instead of trying to downgrade others, dear.
I'm not sure who you are referring to, but I was referring to one specific comment above describing Trump as a white supremacist. I was not referring to Lynn's post, nor the entire steam of comments on her post.
@Joy and Jen--thanks for sharing your experiences. This is what I've come to believe as well about Trump, that he has been anointed for this difficult task of cleansing America of these corrupt ones. I'm not a gifted psychic but I am slowly opening my third eye and seeing behind the masks of people and the false stories that we're told through the media. As well I've been researching for many years alternative news (partially why I love Lynn's blog) and it's helped me connect the dots on the evil plans of the PTW to control society on all levels. I live among Trump-bashers on the west coast and I've had to keep my lips sealed or risk alienating friends, family, and even my husband. So I'm heartened by your words as well as many others on this blog who have shared similar perspectives.
Trump is a first-class jerk, but let's face it, that's the only kind of person who would dare stand up to the PTW under current social conditions in the US. You'd have to have a pair of big brass ones to take that kind of risk. The PTW have waged a scorched-earth campaign against reasonable dissidents...as a result, only unreasonable dissidents are still standing.
Exactly so
How "exactly" is President Trump a "first-class jerk"?
I see that this is not going to be a long, drawn-out fight between the Dark and the Light. The company of Heaven (that includes all of us in the spirit level)are doing most of the work. This means to us humans,...to get out of the way. So, hang in there...this will be quick.(and painless for us)
Do you not see the streak of arrogance in your statement??
You feel that you are so spiritually mature and enlightened that you are part of an elect group.....the "company of Heaven"??
Why is it that so many of those who publicly proclaim their spiritual maturity are the ones with the least humility?
Agreed. Its like the white christians who believe they are superior that other christians from other races wont go to their same heaven. You cannot be spiritually advance yet speak from such ego - an overwhelming sense of inferiority complex. Mindblogging. This is the problem with the world, people dont want to accept other people's point of view and respect their beliefs. I am not appeased with "spiritually" awoken folks who walks around as if they are better than other creations of the source - we all come feom the same source - trust he/it has no favorites. Its all about unconditional love and compassion. The source sees the soul, humans sees skin color.
Sorry for any typos*
The establishment aka cia wants the border open so they can bring in drugs and guns from "messyco" and distribute in poor neighborhoods so they can kill each other over drugs and guns - thats how they do. They wont ban Iran bc they get heroin from their so white suburbs kids can OD....its all about money not about whats beat for humanity.
that statement is just a reminder, in case others forgot.
Folks who walk*
Come from*
Humans see*
oh....hahh..hah.... including the bad guys.
WE ARE ALL PART OF THE ONE , WE ARE ONE, INCLUDING THE BAD GUYS. in fact, we are the bad guys.( and the good guys.)it is the cosmic joke.
HERE, IN THIS VENUE, WE WERE "SEPARATED" AND VEILED AND MADE IDIOTS AND ASSHOLES SO THAT WE CAN FIT INTO OUR ACTING ROLES (like drama or movie roles)............but every night, when you go to sleep, you leave your body and assume your TRUE role as a council member that runs this minute-to minute game of life on earth.
What I said was information only, because I get to remember these councils ,sometimes. At this point, i suggest you pick up what resonate and leave those that are not for you.
Perhaps I misunderstood your statement. If I have, I apologize.
Though I am still not clear on exactly what you are trying to say.
There is so much gibberish in these comments at times that I find myself trying to figure out a puzzle.
It read to me that Joy was being inclusive, saying we all are one at(in) the level of which we are all spirit (spirit level) and have just forgotten/been veiled at the material level. I don't see any superiority in that statement.
@ Cathari
"How "exactly" is President Trump a "first-class jerk"?"
In-your-face personal style, name-calling, tacky remarks about women. Superficial issues, and unfortunately in a media-driven political climate these features are exaggerated out of proportion and rile up people on an emotional level.
However, nobody looks for someone with a mild, pleasant demeanor when seeking a candidate to fill the job of army general. An extremely tough, aggressive, abrasive person is the only kind that will get the job done. A people-pleaser is not going to do it. And that is what the fight against the PTW is at this stage, a full fledged war. It's them or us.
I don't normally get involved with political discussions but if Trump is so evil so wrong for the presidency, why are the PTW trying so intently to get discredit him? If he were actually there for the wrong reasons and bought off by the PTW, you'd hear nothing but raise coming from the media.
Thank you for the reading... I don't agree or disagree, you see what you see and write it all out. Personally I really like the Donald and I didn't vote for him. I think he is doing a fine job and doing what needs to be done.
Agreed....in the creator's eye, we are all the same - from the same source
First off, I have the utmost respect for Lynn, her insight, and the down to earth way she shares her knowledge.
About the impeachment question, "Not for lack of trying" will be the catchphrase here. What it all boils down to is that impeachment is the most serious of steps that can be taken against a sitting president. Forget backroom deals to not support his policies, or holding up his cabinet or Supreme Court nominees, or any of the other million things that an opposing party can and does do against a president from another party. Impeachment is as real as it gets, and it throws our country into a state of unnerving suspicion and disarray. I would like to believe that those that are "in charge" of such things know this, how detrimental impeachment proceedings are to the psyche of our nation, but alas, I'm not so sure. Impeachment hurts us as a nation, it's a wound that never goes away. I'm not saying that it isn't a necessary, even paramount, recourse, but many, many, many people think that President Trump is qualified, and to my way of thinking, he's done more to follow through with campaign promises, protect the safety and security of our homeland and its people. I get the sense that President Trump loves this country, and will ignore, call out, and publicly take on all those that question that about him. In the end, folks, it's all about what is best for America and Americans. All Americans. Even the haters (lol). He's their president, too.
As far as the question of a possible "take out" scenario, this scares me, too. I would hate to think that an individual who's been in office just over a month could summon such hate that a plot may be formed and followed through on. I can't really see how anyone could hate President Trump so much. Too conservative, too outspoken, to much not in anyone's pocket? It's almost like is something were to happen to him, God forbid, there are people that would be secretly cheering. I remember back in 2008 and 2012, people had the same concerns about Ron Paul, that is he ever got himself elected that TPTB at the time would just have him "permanently removed" because he would not play ball. Well, I see that not only is President Trump not playing ball, he's taken the damn thing, kicked the other players out, and is amassing his own "Dream Team" of people that want to do right by America. More power to him.
Cont. in Part 2
Part 2
In thinking about the current "protest culture" we're living in, I'm appalled. It sickens me to think that, just because you candidate didn't win, it's now acceptable in this country to have a childish hissy fit and come up with such things as #notmypresident. Seriously? Is that what we're devolved to, Snowflakes? What ever happened to having a campaign, having an election, one person winning, and then, through common decency and pragmatism, everyone throwing their efforts behind the new president and getting on with the business of making America better? Now, we're all "entitled" to just not accept results, or another's victory, at all. We have the right to protest, loudly and idiotically, for days and weeks and (probably) months about the fact that "our" candidate didn't win. I mean, seriously, this is what we get for teaching our kids that even just showing up will get you a medal in the race. In life, there are winners, and their are losers. Now, this isn't to say that those that don't prevail are somehow lesser human beings. Come on, people. It's called good sportmanship, being a gracious loser, and having some class. Stop acting like entitled, spoiled crybabies. It's counterproductive, and it's just sickening.
Looking ahead after such a short time is hard to do. If I had to venture a guess, it seems that President Trump's legacy will largely have to do with issues that keep us safe, secure, working, and prosperous. Does the man have an ego? Oh you bet. A giant one, but ask yourself this, isn't some of that deserved? This is a man that has taken businesses and made them successes, who has weathered storm after storm in the economic markets to still be on top decades after he first became will known. I believe President Trump will be seen as a great patriot, a man who did what he believed (and was right to believe so) was good for America and her people. Now, whether all that plays out, we'll have to wait and see. I for one am going to enjoy each and every moment of the brash, take no prisoners style of this president, and I applaud him for what he's done, what he intends to do, and the style with which he does it.
Thanks for the insights, Lynn.
Interesting. Everybody still participating in the drama, including Lynn.
@ moo. Well said.
Trump speaks from his heart which I respect. I didn't really care for him at first but he is doing an IMPRESSIVE job and he is working hard to RESTORE America.
Joy what is the main goal? Ascendung the planet and will it happen in our lives and will we bein this body?
WENDY........... what i know....
is that the GAME of SEPARATION and LIMITATION, where we are now,is finished. Prime Creator decreed that we will all go home (to SPIRIT) and 3D will be collapsed and dissolved. ANOTHER GAME IS AFOOT.
Every material thing that you see is an illusory expression of energy.
This whole universe as material energy (carbon) will morph into crystalline. When this happens, we will NO LONGER BE HUMAN. We become crystalline beings of light. and we will be residing in what is called the GOLDEN GALAXY...(1000 years of PEACE and PROSPERITY)
Again,...what I know is that all of us,..ensouled humans,including those super-bad criminals ...will ascend to High Astral, where we can become who we truly are. Here, we will integrate everything we learned in the physical plane, as we return to our nature as a super-conscious being. RAHHHHH..........
Relax,... by the time this SHIFT happens, these arch-criminals will have reformed and reached ONENESS in other realities, other planets, other parallels.
Will ascension happen in our lifetime.......? I always get the YES answer, and I'm now seeing the cardinal signs from Heaven,...but
I can't tell WHEN.( not for the lack of trying.....) I hope you and I would still be around when it happens. Prime Creator said this is the most glorious phase of our incarnational journey. Elohim Ariel calls this phase..."cosmic orgasm"
what are you smoking???
cathari,....hehhh........ i assume,you don't like that news.
Morph into Crystalline... okay... Hopefully Trump will still be President so our new Crystalline society will be great.
Mark, what I know is..... I cannot tell you if we will still need Mr TRUMP after we become crystalline light beings. In this transition to high 4D, everything 3D will be wiped out..including our identity as ego-personality. So,...you'll be asking...Hmmm...who am I today...? There is a biblical description of Jesus , when he went up to the mountain to confer with Moses and Elijah...his crystalline light body activated.From then on, he was no longer human. This same thing will happen to us while we're in stasis.Imagine waking up and finding your body emitting soft light. First thing you'll notice is ..you have become telepathic, clairvoyant,clair-audient, clair-sentient.etc., and that the soil has changed to quartz crystals, that the whole solar system has become crystalline...! that you will NO longer eat flesh of other beings..instead you will get your prana thru breathing, direct from the atmosphere.That you will NO longer get sick and that you can control your height, weight, hair and eye color,and become as youthful as you wish. That there are teachers (our higher selves) waiting for you to acclimatize you in this atmosphere, assist you in accessing your talents...such as the power of precipitation and etherialization, power of teleportation and apportation,use of cloaking device ,(cloak of invisibility) Invincibility , etc.
so, if we get to control all these and MORE, I mean, you have become a sovereign master of Light,.... do you think we would still need a government such as this one ..?
Joy, what you have outlined to come is not my idea of kewl. Source will do what it does though and I will adapt. Sounds really unproductive though...
That is not the way the universe works.
I do not doubt your sincerity or desire for the good, nor your inclination toward the spiritual. However, you mix up Truths and Falsehoods to the point where I do not think you can can discern reality from illusion. You are allowing yourself to be swept away into the clouds....lofty, indeed, up there, but not grounded in Reality.
cathari, by your words, i know who you are so, our conversation ends here.
Mark, you have other plans...?
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