As a side note, I want let all of you know that I am truly honored to have met and interacted with so many wonderful people. I have a tremendous amount of gratitude for each and every one of you.
Much love,
I am a mom of 4 with a passion for helping others. Using an intuitive spin I write on a variety of [controversial] topics. My goal is to find truth and offer guidance. You can request a topic for the Public Blog or schedule a Personal Intuitive Health, Wealth, Relationship or Happiness Coaching Session OR Intuitive Medical Session by clicking the appropriate tab. Please consider checking out exclusive content on my SubscribeStar and Substack channel. God Bless, Lynn
Thank you so much for this. Your words are beautiful and this meant a lot of me. Hugs,
Lynns readings changed my life because they give answers and closure to topics that no other psychics I've found on the web are willing to discuss for free, and for the public. I've always been drawn to the "supernatural" and she really uses her gift to help people and to help us understand the truth behind things which are considered taboo & mysetries. If I hadn't discovered her website, I would still be in the dark about so much that is happening in this wolrd behind the scenes. I'm always eager to see a new blog of hers and I check everyday for new post to see what else I can learn from her insights.
I agree. For several years now Lynn has provided one of the few outlets to feed the Awakening occurring in so many of us. Youve helped us look beyond the societal manipulations designed to divide us and helped me, personally, see the much larger and universal picture. Thank you so much Lynn for your authenticity and consistency. I'm looking forward to the release of your book.
Chatty Cathy, I couldn't have said it better!! xoxoxo
I think it would also be interesting and helpful to Lynn if her readers could point out which of her readings and topics she has covered since she started that were most important or inspiring so as to give her an idea of what topics to cover in her book. There's also a link on main page to the Gofundme site to help Lynn out with the expense of the book, which would be a great gesture of giving back for she has done.
Thank you all for such kind words. xoxo-
I have learned so much, thanks to Lynn's help and insight! She has helped me with some personal questions and issues, and now I have more hope for a brighter future. I think knowing why things occur and how I can better certain circumstances by raising my vibration level allows me to approach and respond to situations positively. Sometimes we just need a good advice to put us back on track, and she provides that. Her intuitive ability allows her to speak exactly what I needed to hear. I am still learning, like everyone else, but talking to Lynn is like getting a fresh breath of air. Her message always have a huge amount of optimism and it is contagious! I especially like the information she shares about our world, because it offers us an insight that we wouldn't have access to otherwise. It is this very insight that helps us create a new, better world for our future generations!!
Lynn is like a spirit scientist as opposed to just your run of the mill psychic. Her readings aren't vague and sketchy. They are concise, relevant and factual. Lynn is very caring and helpful in sorting out the details and cutting through the clutter.
Thank you Lynn. God bless you for the all the wonderful readings
Just a tip: don't include more than three testimonials at most, if at all. Including more might be perceived as too self-promoting and egotistical I think. If too many testimonials are included, you could as well title the book "look how great I am". Perhaps including a link to a testimonials-page on the web would be enough.
@enlightened one: I see your point! I definitely don't want my book to be a book about ego, so I think that is some great advice. That is a great point and I think you are right. I appreciate it.
Is it Bee or Bill? In any case, I thought your song was just terrific!! I could really feel the pain and the maelstrom in your life at that time.
I wrote a post under the personal thread you posted just a few days ago, which you are free to use in any manner you like, Lynn. Upon reflecting on these posts, I think the idea of having created a community of like-minded people, although we are all so very different, perhaps, politically, socially, and even spiritually, but this blog hangs together because of like-minded people seeking real reasons for events unfolding in our world today. We are on the cusp of great change, and perhaps some of that change may not be pleasant, but your insights and encouragement have acted as a balm to soothe and warn people. I think the most striking and unusual aspect of your readings, Lynn, involves your willingness to ask ETs and various beings who they were/are and what they think or do!
Your book will be intriguing and spiritually provoking. I wish you the best. I will def buy a copy or two to support you‼️
I'm so happy I finally figured out how to comment on this blog! It's been years...hahaha!
Lynn, you are such a great example of love and forgiveness. When faced with adversity or dissention you take a different path than most people who would simply throw that bad energy back. You take a different tack and really try to understand their point of view, lovingly dissolving that attack energy and refusing to pay it forward. You are very special in that regard, and are leading by example in the truest sense! It's beautiful to see such an authentic person being so publicly, well...authentic! :)
I visit often and love your work. Your posts on current events are the most interesting to me just because it's very hard to sort out truth from fiction these days. There are things going on in the world that we should truly be called to action in order to change, but we are so manipulated that we can never be certain of things we read or hear in the media, and it's almost impossible to completely quarantine ourselves from it.
Never has it been more important for each of us to be "tapped in" to the actual truth, and your often-validating insights make navigating this time period we're in much more sane.
Much love to you!
Thank you all so much. I have so much love and gratitude for this blog and bringing us all together. Hugs, Lynn
Well said, Wandering Angel! Hear, hear!!
I live for your readings they are a luxury for our minds.
The main reason why I keep up with this blog is simply the no nonsense mentality. Just simple facts and no twisting around. In the beginning I had some issues, not to attack... but there are a lot of people saying to be psychic and in touch with something so always take some caution. But after done a reading she tapped into some personal things I didn't asked for or told anybody. And she don't even know me or know who I am. I also like this blog for being interactive, well , kinda. There are so much great questions and topics. We haven't got all the time in the world.
I stumbled onto Lynn's website about 2 years ago and I have been fascinated with it from day one. I look forward to reading Lynn's blog and I normally check in once a day to see if there are any new posts from her.
Lynn has a loyal fan base that send her random questions and she picks the ones that have the broadest interest to her audience. Personally, I enjoy learning about unanswered questions from historical events, psychic development, alternative worlds , ET's and future events.
I believe that some people have a sixth sense and a natural ability to sense things that the average person can't perceive. I think we all have the ability, but it has been lost over time and it is 'switched off'. But Lynn has the natural ability that others don't and she uses it unselfishly to help others. But if you have personal questions that need a deeper explanation, she is always available for Private Readings.
I have recommended her site to many people and I would encourage anyone to check it out.
And after you read the current posts, read the Archives. There is a wealth of information in them. It's a great resource to learn something new.
Lynn I just saw your post, of course I would be delighted to assist you in any way. xoxo
Lynn is a truly beautiful and thoughtful soul. I found her blog via another blog (The Vigilant Citizen) about four years ago and have been reader of it ever since. I also had a phone consultation with her which was very insightful and referred a family member to her who was amazed at her talent and clairvoyancy.
Lynn is very caring, giving and answers as many questions as she can for free which is an absolutely incredible thing. Lynn has helped and continues to help people around the world and is a true blessing to have here on Earth.
Lynn has cleared and answered many questions for me over the years. Things I may not have understood at the time became clear. I can't begin to tell you how she has helped me over the pasts three or more years. Her loving kindness just radiates from her words and you just feel so much more at peace regardless of answers that may be hard to hear. Finding her website was a blessing. She is a blessing. Thank you Lynn and of course, I've got tons more to ask you!!
I send you and yours all my love and light!!
Diane Hamilton
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