A. The first thing I hear is that sometimes winner and losers are chosen by the government and PTW. Part of how they are chosen is based on how sincere they are, how believable they are and their own personal story. I get that Mark Richards was confronted on his blatant honesty, and when that meeting occurred, he basically voiced some expletives and told them he wouldn't be hushed or lie. He felt the people had a right to know what he knew, and didn't hold back. He couldn't be controlled, and as a consequence he was framed for a murder as both a punishment and a warning to others, while trying to pose the question of credibility in people's minds.
Captain Randy Cramer and Corey Goode feel a little different. They speak truth, and believe in their message, but there is also a factor of influence from the PTW at play. I also see that both have been approached, and Mr. Cramer looked to use specific verbiage that he was "permitted to use" with very little convincing.
Corey Goode took a little more convincing to "alter his speech." I get that people in his life were starting to have "accidental" deaths, and his own wife nearly "almost drowned" (in the image I see she looks out of it like her frame of mind was altered from either medication or intense illness). He has since taken these threats very seriously, and even though he says what overall message he wants to say, he has to change his tone and sometimes redirect (or even add elements of disinfo) to his work. Many things he says are true, but I get that if he starts to share too much truth an "alarm" goes off and he needs to incorporate something else, or interject something evoking fear.

[Please send all of these men that are good at heart some healing and protection!]
A. The first thing I hear is that sometimes winner and losers are chosen by the government and PTW. Part of how they are chosen is based on how sincere they are, how believable they are and their own personal story. I get that Mark Richards was confronted on his blatant honesty, and when that meeting occurred, he basically voiced some expletives and told them he wouldn't be hushed or lie. He felt the people had a right to know what he knew, and didn't hold back. He couldn't be controlled, and as a consequence he was framed for a murder as both a punishment and a warning to others, while trying to pose the question of credibility in people's minds.
Captain Randy Cramer and Corey Goode feel a little different. They speak truth, and believe in their message, but there is also a factor of influence from the PTW at play. I also see that both have been approached, and Mr. Cramer looked to use specific verbiage that he was "permitted to use" with very little convincing.
Corey Goode took a little more convincing to "alter his speech." I get that people in his life were starting to have "accidental" deaths, and his own wife nearly "almost drowned" (in the image I see she looks out of it like her frame of mind was altered from either medication or intense illness). He has since taken these threats very seriously, and even though he says what overall message he wants to say, he has to change his tone and sometimes redirect (or even add elements of disinfo) to his work. Many things he says are true, but I get that if he starts to share too much truth an "alarm" goes off and he needs to incorporate something else, or interject something evoking fear.

[Please send all of these men that are good at heart some healing and protection!]
Q. Plus Space X. Elon Musk mentioned they are not ruling out the anomaly that has showed up in the explosion video of the rocket. He or they mentioned on twitter that there was also a loud noise heard right before the explosion? If true. who gave the order to blow it up?
A. I get that Space X posed a threat to a lot of powerful PTW. The more successful it became, the more concerned the PTW got with regard to their investments (and the value of their investments). I see an element of sabotage at play, and it looks like a dirty deal was made between the PTW and the government to "make this go away." It was supposed to look like an accident and make it appear that a lot more work needed to be done in order to make Space X reliable and trustworthy. Ideally, the PTW would like to bankrupt the program and get the development to stop. (I prefer not to get into this any deeper).
And that is all I have for this reading. Thank you. Love and light-
A. I get that Space X posed a threat to a lot of powerful PTW. The more successful it became, the more concerned the PTW got with regard to their investments (and the value of their investments). I see an element of sabotage at play, and it looks like a dirty deal was made between the PTW and the government to "make this go away." It was supposed to look like an accident and make it appear that a lot more work needed to be done in order to make Space X reliable and trustworthy. Ideally, the PTW would like to bankrupt the program and get the development to stop. (I prefer not to get into this any deeper).
And that is all I have for this reading. Thank you. Love and light-
So, how did the PTW destroy that rocket? Was that some SSP tech used?
@Dada: I'll be honest, when I got to close to it something said to "stop." It really creeped me out and I knew I said enough...
Lynn, when you RV something like that and you feel uneasy; do you sense that someone is watching you ? Or is it a bad feeling you get similar to way you feel when you are around a table full of people that get on your nerves and you just want to leave? That was interesting, thanks. Just curious, do you have any idea who will win ....Clinton or Trump?
Learn from yesterday,live for today,hope for tomorrow.
Borrowed quote. :)
@Raymond: It depends on the situation, but in this case it was a feeling like they know that I know, and I should not say any more than I already have. I try not to buy into the fear tactics, but in this case it felt unsafe... Just very uneasy of a feeling...
@Erin: Beautiful quote!
Below is yet another situation where much love and high vibrations are needed:
They cut the youtube video in the link to the Mark Richards question, so that should tell you something. Everyone please send love protective energy as a way of directing our intent towards making a better world.
Lynn...I'm sorry. I can well understand your feeling.
I have encountered web sites with, in my opinion, extremely important information or advice, and often found or felt that these individuals covered themselves with layers of spiritual or new age advice/info. I wondered if they "sensed" surveillance and felt as you did.
I liked both Goode's and Richards' initial messages and, again, had the feeling, as time progressed, that something "changed" or was "different." Now, I understand.
(BTW, They Live, I have been following the Standing Rock Sioux and the unbelievably aggressive retribution both politically and physically to them. I have been thinking of getting a tee shirt printed with "I stand with the Standing Rock Sioux".)
I am driven to explore scalar energy weapons (I evidently lived a life on another planet, according to my QHHT session, so I'm suspecting that this "need to know" derives from past experiences...I had a big head--about double the size of a normal human-- and wore a Darth Vadar-like helmet--pretty funny because I only saw the first Star Wars movie), and this morning I've seen a video taken by missionaries prior to the Haiti earthquake, which experts in this field designate a plasma ball [scalar], indicating the quake was caused by scalar technology and, again, unbelievable scalar-energy weapons used by Israel. Evidently, Haiti sits on a goodly oil reserve (greater than Venezuela), and certain powers wanted control of those reserves in the event of a Middle East conflagration and the cessation of oil availability from that region. I think that nuclear weapons are antiquated...although, admittedly, more easily accessible to smaller states and governments than scalar weapons. Best guess by many thinkers and experts--scalar energy weapons and devices are being used throughout the world by governments and deep governments against other governments to form political, military, and socio-economic alliances.
I have a question for whomever has any thoughts on the matter. Given scalar energy mind control (I'm just beginning a serious read on this subject), how powerfully can love, light, and positivity combat that energy? Please give any insight or reasoning which you may have in back of your answer. Thank you.
HI Lynn,
Thanks for your great BLOG! I just wanted to ask you something... the alternative news is saying Hillary died on September 11, 2016. Can you confirm this or speak to this issue.
Do we have hard times ahead? Should we stock up supplies?
THanks...... for all.....
I have also felt Corey Goode's backtracking over the past few months and it felt to me like all of the energy had been pulled out of him. He is no longer telling the truth and I do not listen to him as it's all misinformation now. Someone has scared him and he has decided that he cannot fight the system or reveal it enough to get support for what he wants to share. Without proof, it would be hard to get people to believe the complete truth of what he knows and has experienced, and since he can't take us all to Mars, and those programs are so well hidden, he decided not to make himself a martyr for this cause.
As far as the Space X rocket was concerned, it was a scalar weapon, a few grades above the missile that was used to destroy the grain elevator in Waco, Texas (the one that had a class action suit filed against Monsanto). They (the military of the PTB or PTW (and still are)) have been working on these weapons for decades although they are illegal and in violation of a number of accords, they no longer need missiles, they can simply fire an expanded version of a laser and disrupt ionic activity so the object fire at implodes. In this case, since the object was filled with highly flammable fuel, the explosion could be blamed on that although it wasn't true.
Like maybe there's a dome/firmament the rocket would have collided with, proving space isn't what we are led to believe? I get that it exists, but there's portals in and out (such as the south pole) that is protected by benevolent ETs to stop us messing with things we aren't evolved enough to explore?
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