Thank you.

It looks as though stress, lack of sleep and not eating a balanced diet are the main contributors that trigger her illness. As her body is weakened, I see her immune system gets out of balance and opens her up to viral and bacterial infections. Even a catching a common cold creates an overdrive with her immune system which results in the neurological "short circuit." It looks like she wore herself out, got sick, her immune system went haywire and attacked a cluster of nerves. It will be difficult to fully recover if she doesn't get the needed rest.
It feels as though she is letting down the PTW (and she knows it and is concerned because if they turn their back on her, jail may be a reality). She has been prepped and coached tirelessly to win this race. The amount of exposure due to her email breech and a cell phone camera at every turn to document her health episodes are creating a huge let down with the PTW (because the doubt of the American people is increasing, and even dirty tactics can only work so much).
The PTW are starting to think that bargaining with Trump and pulling him to their side is a better option for retaining control. I see that in many ways the PTW are showing their frustration by encouraging the media to broadcast things that sort of "discredit" or cause question in her. For the first time during the race I see the PTW are really questioning their strategy and are working hard to determine their best path to maintain control.
And that is all I have for this reading. Thank you. Love and light-
[As a side note, regardless of your political views, please send some positive energy toward her to counteract the dark forces that surround, influence and are created by her. Nothing about this "feels" right or balanced.]
Hmm. They both scare me. I'm going to vote for Thomas Jefferson.
What do TPW means in this context? I looked in the Internet but nothing fits this context.
Will the DNC try to replace her? Or will they sooner try to cozy up to Trump?
Wow Lynn thank you for this, always on top of the news!
What about the people on the internet and alternative media who basically are against hillary and the ptb. I mean don't they get affected by that. not only nationally for usa but globally nowadays.
We, who are a part of Lynn's communtiy here, refer them to the The Power That Were - we havent given them that power - they are powerless against us
Thank you so much, Lynn. When I saw the video of her collapsing, I knew she was far more ill than we all had previously thought. I also wondered about the PTW reaction to her obviously failing health. I also wondered whether or not she can effectively continue campaigning.
I'm afraid that I don't expect much change one way or the other with this election. Ron Paul sums up the situation the best for me. If readers are interested, the Micheal Lofgren link is particularly revealing about the "Deep State," an excellent coin of phrase.
I take your suggestion to heart, Lynn. I hope Ms. Clinton regains her energy and health, although I have no personal liking for her.
I was going to vote Libertarian, but Gary Johnson, their candidate, has now reneged on his anti-vaccine stance. Very regretful.
BTW, has everyone followed the current news break on this issue? Many, many web sites have been reporting, but I feel that Barbara Loe Fisher has written the most concise, reasoned article which I have read. The CDC would like to include measles among a short list of diseases like Ebola which can enforce a 72-hour quarantine of you, wherein you would have no recourse to counsel or manner to exit their custody. E.g., a flight attendant or anyone interacting with travelers could report you for a cough she/he suspected was "suspicious" or perhaps "contagious." Those who are so disposed might want to click the link in Ms. Fisher's article and leave a comment for the CDC. You might also want to contact your representative and Congress people.
It has been an interesting 48 hours, just seeing the desperate scrabbling to cover up, make excuses, and people just aren't buying it any more. The ludicrous performance with the obvious body double clinched it (I wish I could lose weight that quickly!). It's very much the turning point, and how symbolic that it occurred in that place on that date. We've been hearing about and discussing the bifurcation/ascension/shift/etc for years in alternative circles, but now seeing things happening in the mainstream world, around the dates that things have been predicted, seeing the PTW tactics crumble and fail, is potent. On the other hand, seeing so many clips of her illness and deterioration is distressing. I have no liking for her, but it has been like watching someone slowly dying in public, propped up by handlers. Extraordinary times. They always said September would be a doozy. I trust that this will see her moved on to focus on her health, there's no way she can continue with the presidential bid now.
Lynn, there are already rumours swirling that Hillary has in fact already died - can you clarify that?
When Hilary is out before the election, Joe Biden will be the next candidate chosen by PTB?
Hopefully this will make people wake up to the manipulative press. I think Lynn is right that they deliberately are letting her condition slip out because those shots of her from multiple angles collapsing as she got into the van looked quite professional and one got put up on a CBS news in an hour. The English body double who came out later has also been dissected online, but not in the mainstream press.
Lynn, I'm wondering why if they were having so many health problems with her, why didn't they clone her?
Might it be Parkinson's? A doctor's professional opinion:
Also, a Republican state representative from NH posted on his FB (which he later deleted) that Hillary Clinton is rumored for some time to have had Parkinson's:
What amazes me is that so many people around her know what is going on and it still remains a secret. This was interesting. Thanks for the time you give to this blog Lynn.
PTW: Powers That Were.
Obama is so despised now that Biden would be seen as the same cabal dog with the same cabal fleas. He has no chance. Same for Kaine, who's a cabal/Jesuit tool, and not even popular in his local party. Ben Fulford has Bernie Sanders and Michelle Obama running, but this would be a very very weak ticket, for the same reasons. Really, any cabal replacement package the DNC can conjure has been injured by the total lack of common sense and ethics they've all shown for the past XX years -- and by the huge gains in real-world education people have been making lately. The DNC might be dead for good. (The RNC isn't much better.)
As for the media, they're owned by the cabal (for now), but they're also people who want to keep their cushy jobs. Expect them to twist in any way the wind blows... that is until the cavalry arrives and forces the issue. Then, talking heads will roll. Expect many media flagships to sink beneath the waves, never to return.
The Big Show is about to commence. Best stock up on popcorn.
And don't forget Lynn's upcoming Equinox meditation. Meditation is more important now than ever -- for you personally. Connect to SOURCE and... relax. Place the future in the hands of SOURCE. There's nothing to worry about.
AND... while I'm thinking about it... Daylight Savings Time will end on 11/6. It also needs to be either modified or eliminated.
Thank You Lynn! <3
Thank you, Lynn!
Hillary is set to resume campaigning tomorrow. It takes a month to recover from walking pneumonia (longer for older adults), but only 3 days to recover from LYING pneumonia. Someone argued with me that people can recover from walking pneumonia within a week, but walking pneumonia is contagious and would mean she recovered in 90 minutes -- just in time to hug that child who was probably getting paid nonunion wages, and in time to shout across the street...something she hasn't been able to do on her best days.
What is with all these news reports of Hillary Clinton's death that popped up on channel 7 channel 4 and quickly disappeared ?
This feels staged to me. Just my two cents. I only believe about 2% of what the media feeds us.
As someone with a recently dx autoimmune that sometimes affects my motor and cognitive abilities, my heart goes out to her. I may not agree what she has done in the past (though I feel some is out of her control), I will still provide grace and kind thoughts. I think we all need to rise above, live more to help each other. And not tear each other apart like the media and those in power would like to see.
What a wonderful world this would be!
Oh really⁉️ Interesting
I had bacterial pneumonia earlier this year and the medical doctor who treated me told me that: 1) it was not contagious, and 2) I could go to work the next day as long as I didn't over exert myself and took necessary rests. Once I began taking antibiotics, I began to feel better within a day or two., though it took a couple of weeks to clear out fully. This is the exact condition that has now been disclosed in the newly released medical records by Hillary's physician of the last 15 years. I have no agenda here, just stating some facts to ponder.
Did you collapse also and had to be dragged⁉️
They did not release her medical records. This was just a letter from her doctor which leaves out plenty. Pneumonia is a big problem for people with Parkinson's and (I believe) a major cause of death. Nevertheless, @wojokajak, I assume that in your case, you didn't suffer from the so-claimed "overheating" (in 77 degree weather), "dehydration" (when the overheating argument didn't work), and then the apparent neurological seizure (as from her rigidity), and passing out (which is not a symptom of mild bacterial pneumonia). I also assume you didn't flounce out of your daughter's apartment 90 minutes later and YELL out to the crowd across the street in a clearer voice than you'd been using all year, and without your ever present security detail. I also believe (though I would have to check the timing) that her (or her body double's) appearance happened before they realized that someone had a video of the seizure event since their press pool was not allowed near them. Oops. The problem isn't that she's sick...she's human. The problem is the deception.
If I'm coming across as petty, it's because I'm really fed up. As per a body double...again, I'm not judging that. It is done fairly often, but I take umbrage when it's used in deception regarding a major issue. There is a "Hillary Clinton Impersonator" on facebook who posted in August about a job where she needed to fool 1000 people. they provided her a 10 car motorcade, police escort, secret service detail, and bomb sniffing dogs. A practice run? We are being played and I don't like it.
Around 46 seconds, a newscaster proclaims Hiliary Clinton died. The maker of the video writes that it is a "Pre-Programming" tactic. What do you think?
Alice......if they used the Secret Service and other government assets to parade around an impostor......and the Clinton Team knew about it, they should be prosecuted. That is not what the Secret Service and government limousines are intended to be used for. I wonder what kind of stories the Secret Service could tell us about if they could talk about them.
BTW, If Hillary is so deceitful with regards to her presence that she would use a double...what else is she lying about ? If you can't trust her now, she is not going to be anymore trustworthy if she gets the presidency.
So many great comments! Thank you!
@Tracy: I see Trump having a real chance. This is a huge shift, and feels like it happened over night.
@EA RW: Yes, most definitely..
@Buddhist Lady: Thank you for the info. I had not heard anything like that from the CDC!!
@Kalamota: I agree that this is like a train wreck. I don’t see that she is passed, but there is a “double’ in play!!
@Baku: I can’t see that happening, but they are desperate! Their best chance is to get a hold of Trump.
@Robert: To be honest, they really think we are too dumb to notice that a double is in play here. They didn’t realize how bad it was and thought they could buy time with a fake while they let her rest. She really is in a tough spot, and as a human (even though many of her character traits repulse me) I feel sorry for her. This is very sad.
Tracy: It could be… I got it was neurological and the source of it all was in her brain near her brain stem..
@Dada: I agree. I do hope to see all that can be there. It is important. I also agree with Daylight Savings Time- I see it as a tool to get our bodies out of rhythm (which is very difficult to sensitive people). It needs to go..
I do agree we need to build each other up. She is definitely going through major medical issues, so major they warrant a double in her place. This is all very disturbing…
@Buddhist Lady - That Barbara Loe Fisher article is really disturbing. They are trying to open the door to a broad reach by including anyone who could become infected because that means anyone at anytime (i.e. plenty of people vaccinated for the measles later contracted the measles). It could be used as an excuse to detain a person for reasons other than public health. The electronic records are disturbing as well. Before any vaccinations become required by law, I wish the lawmakers would be forced to take adult does of the entire infant vaccination schedules (with vaccines coming from public pharmacies, lest they decide to substitute saline) -- so that would be 25 shots in 6 months, and we can throw in Gardasil to boot. I bet that would stop them in their tracks. Australia already has an onerous law that forces parents to vaccinate before received some governmental benefits.
It is not only government benefits, children aren't allowed to attend childcare or school either if unvaccinated. It's bullying and dictatorship really
On a lighter note, but very much related, I suggest everyone view the 1993 film entitled "Dave".
@Blimpy: I have heard of this. I feel for these parents that can't have control of their child's well-being.
@Cathari: Thank you! :-)
I wondered the same thing...
Rumor has it that Mr Trump will open the debates this evening by stating that he would like to be assured that the woman he will be debating is the real Hillary Clinton.
I wouldn't expect anything else...
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