A. As I tune into these "papers" I first hear that money laundering and hiding money has been going on in some form since the beginning of civilization. Some did it for self preservation, others did it for greed and some did it for security.
As time evolved, new rules were introduced (laws, taxes, etc) and we became more international. Not only did leaders need to "play nice" with those around them, but they needed to abide by some worldly rules in order to survive and keep economies going. I see that not everyone agreed with the rules that they were forced to abide by, so they tried to to work the system to their advantage.
I get that some of the people listed in the papers hid their own money, but many obtained the funds through extortion, theft and scamming their own government/people. They then took the funds and used these offshore accounts in order to protect the funds from taxes. Basically, a lot of illegal and unethically obtained money was hidden and laundered through these accounts.
I see a huge investigation happening where each named person will have to account for their funds. I get that the IMF (or some kind of organization that is large and powerful like the IMF???) will somehow get involved. Some of the leaders will use power and connections to "hide," but many will endure a lengthy questioning process.
Putin stands out to me, and I see him undergoing some form of prosecution and having to pay back the funds. I also hear the word "retribution" so it sounds like something more will be expected of him as well.
These papers look to spark a long, slow investigation. I see it spanning over several months.
And that is all I have for this reading. Thank you.
Welcome back Lynn. Hope you had a good break with the fam :)
Always great hearing your perspective on the topics of the day.
Hi Lynn,
It so great to have you back! About this Panama Papers story, I understand that there are many elite in the world hiding money but these papers are only revealing the elite who are not on friendly terms with the west. Why aren't the guilty elite from the west being revealed in the news... just the bad guys for the west? Is there a news blackout on our western guilty elite? Who is behind these information reveal ...someone from the good alien side or is this a set up by the elite to hurt non western powers?
What will come of this? Will the people rise up and will the guilty western elite be revealed? I can't believe the IMF will be in change of the clean up as this organization is made up of the guilty... Will big names go to jail?
Is this the big reveal that the good aliens have been saying will happen? The big disclosure of all the bad deeds of the elite? The Queen, and all ...
Thanks for all the insight!
It's interesting, to me it would be common sense to have an off shore account after you acuire a certain amount of money. My medical Doctor banks off shore. If I ever make enough money I would bank off shore. The American economy is to unstable...
What I'm missing in this post is the missing focus on huge US and Canadian tax evaders. It is clear to an observer not living in North America that this is a selected leackage. A more thorough examination of this aspect is expected (hopefully not left for a moment far in the future as it frequently occurs when the inquiring person does not live in California!)! Thanks!
I think you are wrong on the Putin issue as Putin has not been shown to have been activre so far. Only childhood friends and the rest is propaganda from the Western media. Believe me if they had something on Putin they would have released it.
Time will tell.
@Susan: I do agree. There are many more names that have been protected. They will slowly leak, but won't be as heavy in the media..
@Mark: This is true. At first my mind wanted to go down that path, but then the issue as to how the funds were obtained became the bigger issue. It is more how they got the money to hide rather than the hiding itself.
@Joao: Yes, there are missing names for sure. There are many more North American people than what is listed.
@siketa: Thank you for sharing!
@podsmagi: I do hope you are correct. :-)
Western Cabal and Eastern Cabal both sitting over fire and throwing fuel on it , hoping the other will burn , while they will not ...
This operation will - ironically - backfire to both sides . Its amazing how both sides of the same coin are losing in scenarios that they envisioned , yet cannot control . Cabal will implode on itself ...
Journalist Yoichi Shimatsu has a video about the papers:
Hi Lynn! Even the United Nations manifested a necessity for general and full disclosure in order to prevent more directed leakages! "After ‘Panama Papers’ leak, UN expert calls for end of financial secrecy to halt illicit fund flows"
The vile cameron in my country UK is named. I hope he and his disgusting cretinous ilk have to resign.
US admits to funding Panama leaks...
US-Aid funds (among others) used to launch Panama papers leak according to Wikileaks...!
Very interesting! Thanks for all the great info!!
Sorry, but this is an ongoing discussion! Why put a forced period sign to it?
We clearly see now that it was an intelligence smear campaign as a renowed whistleblower confirmas: “The CIA I'm sure is behind this, in my opinion,” Birkenfeld said, citing as evidence selective management of the information exposed to the public domain that “doesn't hurt the US in any shape or form.” Unfortunatelly we have been accostumed to see the US pointing fingers at the world and teaching lessons, sometimes all they need is a mirror and the corage to look into it!
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