Q. Could you tell us about the people who built these structures? Where did they go? And did they have special abilities with stone?
In Russia, in the Caucasus mountains, not far from the cities Tzelentzchik, Touapse, Novorossiysk and Sochi, there are hundreds of megalithic monuments. The Russians call them dolmens. Russian and foreign archaeologists have not yet discovered their use. All these megalithic dolmens you see below in the pictures are dated from 10,000 years to 25,000 years ago, according to the website Kykeon. Other archaeologists put the age of these megalithic structures at 4000 to 6,000 years old.
A. As I tune into this, I first see that it isn't a certain group of people, but rather a certain time frame of people that built these structures. I pan out to an image of the people they are geographically all over the area, and each one is peeking their heads out of the holes and looking up to the sky. What I notice is that they are all different in their own way. Some have face paintings, some are very "plain" and others are adorned with different feathers and jewels. These structures were not unique to a certain tribe or group, but rather a result of the time.
As I think a little deeper I realize that as I see all of these groups of people, they look out of the hole (which seems like the "tell tale of the type of structure") and look to the sky. They all have a deep connection to the sky and the people "of the sky." I hear the phrase "sky people" over and over.
Then I pose the question "What is this relationship with the "sky people" and why hide and look out of this hole?" I am being shown that this group of ETs came here, and helped people. They gave them technology (very basic like showing the benefits of levers and pulleys). I see sophisticated processes of gears and ratios and how to move and build things. The ETs also helped them to build these structures as a way to send a signal to "the heavens." The signal served as a navigating system for other ETs to find their way to a specific location (sort of like a beacon).
There was also an astrological significance as to how these structures were positioned and there was a reflective item (looks almost like glass) inside the structure that aligned with the sun and moon. This glass would need adjusted as the sun and moon changed. In exchange for the ET's time, effort and help, they took some of the humans to breed with. When this happened a large amount of fear, mistrust and worry was created in the humans.
The humans then went through a time in which they did what was expected of them because they didn't want to lose more people. The ETs were masters in regard to getting assistance with working the "beacons."
Eventually the societies were so broken that they couldn't function. The ETs became greedy and took who they wanted. The ETs felt they gave them technology to survive, but for the humans it was hard to have important people within their society just taken. The remainder had a hard time surviving. It soon became the beginning of the end for them...
And that is all I have for this reading. Thank you. Love and light (from the woods :-)
I am a mom of 4 with a passion for helping others. Using an intuitive spin I write on a variety of [controversial] topics. My goal is to find truth and offer guidance. You can request a topic for the Public Blog or schedule a Personal Intuitive Health, Wealth, Relationship or Happiness Coaching Session by clicking the appropriate tab. Please consider checking out exclusive content on my SubscribeStar and Substack channel. God Bless, Lynn
I wonder how they cut the round holes in entrance so perfectly round ? It's interesting that so many older structures were aligned with the sun, moon, equinox etc...and if you did that today it would be considered frivolous. Thanks !
Happy Hollidays Lynn!
Awesome read... Russia just seems interesting. Their have been a huge amount of giant skeleton remains found their.
Hi Lynn just came across this ancient South African megalithic site (some call it Adams Calendar). Can you perhaps take a second to look at it and tell us what this was used for (there are many similar ones (thoough not identical)in this country? Thank You! (http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=25ixgk6&s=9)
To hide from dinosaurs during this time frame.. The ET's were helping them survive before the change of age during that time frame and the relocating of humans here took place. Bringing some humans in and out and removing the dinosaurs to new planets.. Which they are still living in this universe
Sorry joao (phone acting weird lol) my statement is not directed to your question im talking about the monoliths in russia.. Have a great day :)
To hide from dinosaurs during this time frame.. The ET's were helping them survive before the change of age during that time frame and the relocating of humans here took place. Bringing some humans in and out and removing the dinosaurs to new planets.. Which they are still living in this universe
Hmmmmmm. I'm afraid that my "take" on the story is not so generous. First of all, if you "take" another species for "breeding purposes" without their full knowledge, appraisal, and consent, well...I'm just not in your corner. I.e., was the "deal" explicitly negotiated or technology offered and then payment exacted as the ETs desired? (Gosh...does any of this narrative sound vaguely familiar? Perhaps a 1954 deal with Greys who promised limited seizure of humans only to violate their agreement and begin seizing whomever they liked? Hmmmmmmm.) Secondly, I suspect that the people, of course, came to understand, even if such understanding was limited (and I think we far underestimate and denigrate earlier or "more primitive" peoples' intellect), that they had made "a pact with the devil." Finally, the ultimate outcome was that "Eventually the societies were so broken that they couldn't function. The ETs became greedy and took who they wanted. The ETs felt they gave them technology to survive, but for the humans it was hard to have important people within their society just taken. The remainder had a hard time surviving. It soon became the beginning of the end for them..." So, in essence, the ETs destroyed these colonies and peoples. Looks to me like the ETs should have been brought before a "galactic" council of some sort with human/"species" violations. Or perhaps that's called karma.
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