Q.This is a very minor question to be bothering you with but I was wondering if you know much about household objects literally disappearing. I've heard a few things about this on forums and stuff, considering my interests I was bound to run into this subject at some point.
The reason I'm bringing this up is that I have a black drumstick that I keep next to a chair that I sit in. I twirl the drumstick in my hands when I'm bored and I do it regularly, it's like a personal object or trinket that would be associated with me; like my cat, my xbox controller, or my necklace. I was flipping this drumstick and it went behind me and to my left and when it did, I was expecting to hear a loud noise from it hitting a wooden cabinet behind me or at least a thud from it hitting the floor but instead I heard absolute silence. I felt the stick hit my hand as I tried to catch it when it was flying back there and then nothing, it just completely disappeared. I checked everywhere in the vicinity, even places it feasibly couldn't be, and it is nowhere to be found.

Eventually the Universe will realign (much like fate) and self correct. The time lines will separate to maintain their different paths. When this occurs a person will many times "find" the random missing object (most times in the same location as where it was thought to be lost, but not found after countless inspections).
The following is a previous reading on memories that were factually different to different people:
http://psychicfocus.blogspot.com/2015/03/concept-of-time-false-memories-and.htmlAnd that is all I have for this reading. Thank you. Love and light-
Thank you for this reading..I am going to pass it on to my husband..yesterday he looked for hours and hours (and lost his mind)looking for a roll of tin foil that he put on a shelf not too long ago..he called all of our children to find out if they had moved it or taken it and went to bed upset that he couldn't find it...so perfect timing on this reading.
Love and light :)
my keys are gone and I can't find them - and I swaaer I left them in the same spot...
Is Universe called God or Creator too?Thanks.R.
Very, very interesting...sometimes Providence jumps in with this technique because it inevitably leads to an experience that teaches you something. For example, some time ago I couldn't find my keys while visiting with a relative, and so I had to stay with them a couple of days longer. It ended up becoming a life changing experience...(and after I had my car towed, we found the keys in a totally obvious place).
Hi Lynn,
I experience the phenomenon where text or sentences are different than before when checking the same page in a book or magazine or online text some time later. What causes this?
Hi PF,
is the "Berenstain Bears" conspiracy proof of the glitch. People remembered it was spelled as "-stein" instead of "-stain"?
Here is another conspiracy glitch:
Is it Looney Toons or is it Looney Tunes?
I believe it used to be Looney Toons.
@Rachel: The Universe can be called many different things depending on your belief system.
@Dante: It is the same type of phenomena…
@Astro and Charlie: Those are perfect examples to illustrate this… People will remember it differently (and REALLY believe what they think).
A popular New Age writer (I can't remember which one) described how she put a book down when she was in a certain state of mind (vibrational, not emotional) and when she came back to it, it was gone. She knew that she just had to be back in that same state of mind to get it. She interpreted it as a different dimension. I hope I never do that with one of my cats.
@Alice Liu How did she figure she had to get back into the same state of mind? I had something missing very recently and this morning it showed up in the very place it was supposed to be. Because it was new my mind at first wondered if there were only small containers with it or not because at first I couldn't find the large ones any where.
And here I am constantly blaming my hubby for losing everything :) we must have a time slip fault line in our house!
@Eva Witte I "think" it was Echo Bodine (but I'm not sure) and she is psychic, so she is used to altered states. However, I remember her saying she had to wait to be in that state again, so it wasn't something she consciously could do. She just trusted that the item was there and would eventually show itself when the conditions were right. I'm glad you found your stuff! It's fun when something that's been missing pops up unexpectedly.
How much do you charge to psychically locate missing items? The ones not trapped in other realities I mean. I'm constantly loosing stuff.
Has anyone seen Da-da? Oh. There I am.
@Alice: Very interesting!
I have to bring this up and see what you think. Must be back in 98 I had an Angel card reading when I went out with some work friends and he asked me if I lose things a lot and I said yes! He said I was doing it to myself. I still continue to loose things but they often they reappear, like everyone says, in the same place you looked over and over. Still missing those car keys thought! So need those car keys!
Maybe it's where you left it, the Looney Ben. Karma
@Diane: Think about where you last left them... Sounds strange, but keep checking there. I think they will reappear in something you have looked already a hundred times..
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