A. I first get this is much more complex than a simple yes or no- so let me explain...

Also, don't focus on what you do not want. I see an image of a woman during ancient times fearing she would have a daughter that would be killed because the boys were what was wanted to fight wars. She was scared and thought about "not having a girl," and she ended up having a girl, because that was the energy she put out.
BUT, there is also a universal element involved too. What I mean by this is if in your life you have a lesson, or purpose that involves a gender specific child, you will get what you need to learn and grow through that experience. Then I get an example coming forward that you may be someone who doesn't accept homosexuality- you may have a boy that is a homosexual as a way for you to learn and grow through experience, as well as love and nurture your child that is different that your original set of ideals. You both learn, grow, expand and become more evolved.
Q. What if you wish something that you do not get? Does visualizing and putting intent toward a boy/girl and you get the opposite, effect the baby?
A. I get the the universe (above all) values love- it creates some of the highest vibrations. If you love and have gratitude for the life you are given, the baby will be in the best possible state of being.
And that is all I have for this reading. Thank you.
Hi Lynn,
Is there a specific frequency for love? Or, a frequency that is close that we can listen to either binaurally/isochronically to help get the vibration out there?
Well, after wishing for a certain kind of baby, you invariably end up wishing for a certain kind of baby strait-jacket.
How does the in-vitro treatments change this view? Now in procedures you can pick your baby gender, how could that impact reincarnation?
I am going to visualize winning the Lotto and living a life of luxury.
I will let you know how it goes....:)
Lol, how do I focus intent to convince my wife we need to have more children in general? We've been struggling the last couple years and she doesn't want to hear it, but I say why not, our ancestors raised kids in caves and huts through ice ages without heat and electricity :)
@Dan: I get that there is, but something about it can’t be man made (that is why it is so special and powerful). For love to be genuine it has to be felt from the inside and energetically flow outward. Feeling love can increase vibration, but the ultimate is projecting love (generating it from yourself).
@Me Too: I get that the universe makes things happen the way they are supposed to. If you are in a situation and that is how you are to conceive, you are guided to the decision that follows your path. If you are doing something against the universe, you will not even conceive that way and be forced to keep trying until it is “right.” There is an element of free-will involved, but fate sort of “resets” or works intently at getting things to the path they are to be on..
@Raymond: Love it! Keep me posted! :-)
@Hannon: Things may not make sense now, but everything unfolds a certain way for a reason. (On a personal note, I was very scared having my fourth- did I have the time and energy to handle another child? I agreed to be open to it, and got pregnant. Now looking back, I cannot imagine not having him. He has such a special place in my heart – as do all my children. The love I have for all of them is not even something you can put into words. The universe gives you what you need….)
Can you will/intent for a baby's health like you can for gender? Or is that a what was meant to be is meant to be situation? Due for our second and haven't been able to get it out my mind that she will be sick like our first- hoping I couldn't of unconsciously willed a sick child with negative thoughts
@Blimpy: I see a dual force at work. Part of it is the universe, keeping balance and karma, focus on life paths, etc... The other part is intent of thought. Rather than focus or worry of a sick child, focus on a healthy baby- really visualize it.
Thank you Lynn I will definitely try! X
Interesting. I do feel that you'll jinx your luck if you think a certain way.
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