I see elves as being more nature driven, meaning their mission is to protect and care of trees and other vegetation. I see one playing hide and go seek behind a tree as I type this. They act happy, free and have a childlike personality. I also get this image of a tree trunk, and stamped within the trunk is an image of an elf- I get sometimes they manifest in ways that our physical eyes see, but it is more of an impression than a moving being.
Visually they take all shapes. They are small, no more than 7 to 9 inches. Some are even much shorter. Some are pretty, some are not as pretty (in fact kind of scary or startling) . I get that their skin comes in different colors, but the one I see looks like a pink tone. Regardless of their appearance, they are of good intention and not to be feared..
And that is all I have for this reading. Thank you Narrated reading available on YouTube.
Dear Psychic, could you focus on this picture and really confirm us that these beings photographed are really fairies? Regarding this, someone claimed that these are not fairies but a type of flower that closely resembles humanoid shape.
@a2k: I do see fairies as real BUT I cannot confirm that this is a photo of a real fairy...
Hi Lynn, Do elves and faiths work with us humans? Can they help us if asked?
I was half awake one morning and saw a dancing nature spirit on my bedroom ceiling. It seemed to glow and kind of looked like a bug but crossed with a sea creature. Now maybe I was still dreaming but it seemed so real. I just remember being shocked as I watched it put on a show and them go through the ceiling. I have never seen it since. I have always felt very close to trees and animals. I always attributed it to my Native American great grandfather and that DNA. I do have a question have you ever considered doing a session on shadow people? I have had at least 5 encounters in my life with them. None of these encounters have been negative. I even woke up to one hugging me. I understand from research many people have negative experiences though. And another idea if I may be so bold all the odd sounds people are hearing world wide. Earthfiles.com has a great interview with two people with the sound recording. Thank you for your work really speaks to me.
@SB: Thanks for sharing your story. I have done readings on Men in Black and Black Eyed Kids, but I cannot recall doing Shadow People. If you would like submit a request under the Focus Request tab on my blog with some specific questions you would like me to look at. I am happy to add this to my list. I think many people would be interested. Love and light-Lynn
Thank You Lynn, wonderfull post!
10 to 15 years ago soldiers where assisting to build a new surrounding Road through the Rolling hills next to the town of Camiri, BolĂvia. Until one day one soldier appeared to a native healer woman called Veneranda claiming that while working on that road a giant had pursued and injured him (she medicated him and he recverred fully). Although skeletons from giants have been found in Bolivia recurrently, until that day nobody had reported seeing let alone getting hurt by these huge men (at leat it was unheard in the area. Please what do you get from this story? Was the soldier possibly just drunk and hurt himself unwillingly, or could it have been a spirit manifestation of an entity enraged with the new road project crossing theyr sacred land? Thank You! (attached satellite pic from the new road). (aerial image of route 9 (red lined): click for a larger view: http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=n5pkxs&s=8 )
Related to this and regarding elves in Iceland in the video referred below, a white collar from a road construction company confirms that, after they started consulting shamen before building new roads through unknown terrain, the number of mysterious accidents fell dramatically (position 9:25 minutes http://youtu.be/gRjatXe5bis?t=9m25s).
@knockandwatch: This sounds like an interesting reading... Would you mind forming a request on the blog request tab? I think others would enjoy this and it might get lost here on this thread.
OK, it will be a pleasure but the 3 last lines actually refer to an episode that occurred with elves in Iceland (including the video refference)!
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