Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Malaysia Airline MH370

6:10 AM

I have had a lot of questions regarding this, so I wanted to take some time to tune in:  

Q. Could you please do a reading on the Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 that is reported to have crashed in the South China Sea on 8 March 2014.Was it an accident or was it deliberate sabotage ?  [I will continue to monitor the questions/comments and update as necessary. Please scroll to the bottom for the most current posting.*Last update 7/13/14 9:08 PM EST.  Reading on Wan Hock Khoon 4/24/14. Reading on JU Kan 4/19/14.  Reading on Faruq Abdul Hamid and Mary Burrows 4/18/14. Reading on Philip Wood 4/16/14.  Reading on Paul Weeks 4/15/14...

I wanted to make an audio option for those viewing this lengthy entry.  I have included a YouTube video (Part 1) that focuses on me reading through the original reading and comments up to and including March 25, 2014.  I did a second (Part 2) that reads over the last month worth of updates concluding on May 27, 2014.  Thank you for all your energy on this.

Part 1 (Below) 

Part 2 (Above)

A.  When I tune in, my mind is at the point of the flight where issues start to arise.  I see that there is a huge electrical disturbance.  What looks like a clear day turns into this dark, gloomy surrounding.  It looks like heat lightening and flashes surround the plane.  I also see what looks like discharges of static electricity coming off the plane.  The flight attendants are trying to stand, and people are trying to stand and grab something above their heads?  It is chaotic and a lot of turbulence.  Oxygen masks then start to fall.  Then there is this loud thundering sound that is so deafening that people are grabbing the sides of their head (I feel the pain in my ear, like it is loud and so much pressure!) 

Then all of a sudden there is this silence- It is so quiet and calm.  No one is talking, there is no noise.  It is the ultimate peaceful feeling.  I don't even hear the noise of the plane- as if the engine isn't even running.  It feels like the plane is gliding, there is no turbulence.  Like it is floating so peacefully through the air.

I can't help but feel like this plane went into a different layer or dimension of our current existence [I realize this is a very alternative concept, but I just report what I see].  I see the jungle, and what I notice most are the leaves.  The passengers are looking at the vegetation is complete amazement, but not in complete horror, but rather amazement.  They are gigantic.  The climate feels warm and humid, but rather comfortable.  I also have the images of the plane on a beachy coast as if it coasted to a graceful landing.  I can't get the images of show Lost out of my mind, as if the fundamental situation may be similar...

Q. Many people are very suspicious about what happened and do not believe it was an accident due to suspicious circumstances and coincidences surrounding the flight. Such as 2 passengers on the flight having fake passports from Thailand. Also the pilot was interviewed and photographed with a CNN reporter 1 week before the crash.
A.  As I focus on this, what I get is that China is behaving oddly about their airspace.  They are being very restrictive as to who gets into and who doesn't.  I also get that this flight was forced south of the planned route in air.  Shortly after it was forced south is when the electrical disturbance began.  I am not getting anything specific with passengers or the pilot.  

Q. Could the crash be because of a oometary explosion ( similar to Russia last year)? The air France was also kind
of a mystery over the Atlantic ?  That would explain why the crew is taken by surprise .
A.  I see this as some electrical / magnetic situation.  I can't visualize an explosion at this time. 

And that is all I have for now.  It is 6:38 AM.  (No audio at this time).  

As a side note, if anyone has further questions on this topic, just leave a comment and I will monitor them.  I'm sure there are a lot of unanswered items out there.  Thanks.

[Update from comments: 3/11/14 2:50 PM:
Thank you everyone for the great comments. I even respect 12:18 PM as I think everyone deserves their own opinion and my reading was a little "out of the box." Truthfully, I surprised myself with what I saw. 
Anyways, I wanted to address some points that came up.

Phones: I get that they may be ringing, but no one is able to answer. It looks like a one-way communication. It looks like the number can be dialed as valid, and the phone may sound to ring, but in reality the call is not connected. This looks to be able to go on for a while now.

What they saw before and during the event: They were flying normal, and it got very dark out. Like the were being surrounded by something that looked like smog. Then I saw what looked like a lightening storm. Lighting was hitting the plane and electric sparks were coming from the plane. The ride got rough and it was complete chaos. Then this loud rumbling started, and at that time people started covering their ears. Once the rumbling stopped, there was an eerie calm over everyone. It was incredibly silent.

Description of the place: It is warm. Looks like an island. The plane coasted into a sandy beach. There is what looks like a tropical jungle about 100 yards off the coastline. The leaves on the plants are enormous- reminds of something I would have seen on Jurassic Park. The temperature is warm, I see people in short sleeves and still sweating. They were able to make fire and are keeping a fire on the beach as some kind of signal. Looks incredibly remote- I see no other people on the island. I can see some mountains in the central part of the island and at a distance look like they may have snow on the very top.

Will they come back, do they want too: They don't realize how lost they are. Yes, they want to come back. They are more anxious than scared. I cannot see them being located- I feel like bits of the plane broke off during the turbulence / electrical storm and that will be found, but for the most part the plane is in tact.

How and Why did this plane slip into another dimension: To be honest I can't see the why or how, I just see what looks like an electric storm and the sky immediately surrounding the plane has this plasma look to it. When you stare at a hot road it gives the appearance of blurry vision in the space directly above it- well the sky looks like that around the plane. The next thing I see is that the plane is gone.]

[Update from comments 3/11/14 8:01 PM:
Thank you again for all of your feedback. 

There are a couple more things I wanted to discuss. I do not see this as intentional or a government plan. I see this more as a phenomenon or rare, unusual event. They were at the wrong place at the right time and right conditions. I see this as being unexplained for a long time. 

Also regarding where they are. This is a concept that is somewhat hard to understand, but we are taught that time is linear. We are also taught that there is a start and stop point and things progress forward along a line. I too see time as linear, but I don't think we are restricted to always moving forward. I see we jump ahead and backwards. We don't always remember where we have been (just like we can't all remember with our conscious mind what we ate for lunch last Tuesday). Your subconscious knows and that is why (for example) we may feel that we have been somewhere or recognize someone (because we have been there or met them) and don't remember. Having said that, I see that they had a (what I call) "time slip" into the past. I have had many images of Gilligan's Island pop up in typing this, so I think that is also noteworthy. I still see them on an island with a jungle inland. They are alive...

I also keep seeing tiny islands on a map to the east of Malaysia- I feel the plane was directed more toward that area.]

[Update from comments 3/12/14 6:57 AM:
Thanks again for all the feedback. I agree with many of the posts- the only way back is the way they went, and I can't see that happening (in my mind). I see them being on Earth, but in the past, like an alternate reality (I know this is a very different concept- I just report what I see).

As a whole, people look to be ok.. There are some injuries- I see one person specifically with some pretty big cuts on their leg and limping, but there is some kind of huge leaves wrapped around it. I am not viewing any deaths, just injuries at this point. If there were deaths, they are out of my view. 

I also see some kind of tribal people. I get the impression that they will eventually meet them, but I don't feel hostility. I see them looking at the survivors strangely like they don't understand the aircraft that brought them, and the clothing is very perplexing to them. The tribal people are more afraid of them than anything... This looks like a glimpse as to how they merge into a society....]

[Update from comments 3/12/14 8:46 PM:
I wanted to provide another response to some great questions coming in: 

Government- Do they know / What are the doing? I feel this shock and amazement. As if this incident was horrific, and yet unreal at the same time. I get they are trying to track this somehow with electromagnetics and heat, but it is unclear as to how, and it is unsuccessful.

Someone had mentioned to try scrying or dowsing. Those aren't skills that I have practiced, but anything is worth trying. If someone has had experience and is comfortable, go for it. It could be helpful]

[Update from comments 3/13/14 2:35 PM:
Hello everyone. I am still watching this thread closely. 

I see the area in question to the southwest of what is shown on the map as the search area. The were much more off the path that they are broadcasting.

Many of asked how to come back. I cannot get a visual on that. I see them as ok, some injuries, but for the most part ok. I also get an impression that mentally something happened as they disappeared, because they "feel" accepting of their situation.]

[Update from comments 3/14/14 6:58 AM:
Thank you everyone for your comments. I enjoy reading everyone's opinion and perspective. When we come together, I feel like it increases our intuition like an amplifier. Having said that I would like to do another update. 

Question: What will happen from now on?

A. We will continue to look, and even when it is out of mass media, government will be so
intrigued that they will continue to search for this. I also see some kind of a distraction coming up that will take over the media as a way to get this off the news. Government doesn't like dealing with all the questions (I see it makes them squirm). It is as if they have similar theories as this reading, but don't know how to explain it or what to do just yet when addressing the mass population.

Question: How are the passengers now? 

A. They appear to be what I would call just "ok". I see huge fire on the beachy area trying to create a smoke screen. They look dirty, but appear to have water (I see sandy jugs sitting around.) It looks like after you get within the jungle part of the island there is a stream with clean water they are able to drink from and they send teams to go retrieve it. They look very tired too- sleep is the issue... Also, some of them are just angry. They are so mad they haven't been found. Others in a way accept it, and have had a peacefulness come over them.

Question: Is there any information you can provide from the list of passengers so that their relatives will know for sure you are seeing them for real?] A. I haven't looked at the list because I don't want it to effect my impressions, but I will try to get some descriptions... let me take a moment...

Ok I had some random people come into my mind 
1-There was a business man, looks to be in his late 20s, and was traveling wearing a suit. When the plane landed he morphed into a leader. He took off his shirt, and is just wearing a white t-shirt with his dress pants, he found a bandanna and twisted it up and is wearing it as a headband. The distinguishing feature of him is he has a golden chain around his neck with a very unique charm. He never takes it off. (If feels like a gift and a link to someone close to him here) He also has a scar on his cheek- and I want to say it is acne related. He has a lot of survival instincts- as if in his personal life this person practiced or studied how to survive... 

2-There is a guy, also in his 20s that he emerged to be "2nd in command".. What I see with him is a tattoo on his arm that looks like an upside down triangle (I felt like it had a Superman quality about it). 

3-There is a woman that looks to be late 20s early 30s and there is something about her with her purse. It is like she is guarding something in her purse (food, candy, mints??). The purse had really huge metal buckles and an "expensive" feel to it. Wherever she goes, she takes this purse. I even see her walking to the edge of the jungle to use the latrine and she keeps this purse on her shoulder the whole time.

4-I see a lady who has really nervous hands. Like she is "ringing" or moving her hands all the time. I get an image of knitting or crocheting (I can't tell if she is knitting there, or this is something she does at home) but as she is doing this activity, her eyes feel rather large. She is paying attention to everything being said and everything being done. I get an intuitive sense with her (card reader?). 

I also get an image of the group chewing on some leaves that have a sweet taste in the middle. I get that there are some people that are educate
d on herbs and plants, and understand what is safe to eat. At the edge of the jungle are these "sweet" tasting plants.]

[Updated from comments 3/15/14 at 9:55 AM:
I recently had a couple of people ask me about the Andaman Islands and Jawara Tribe... It feels even more south of that- my eye wants to look more south that that location.  I do absolutely feel there is a tribe on the island, and I see them giving assistance to the missing people after a certain amount of time studying them and making sure they are not a threat.]

[Updated from comments 3/16/14 at 2:00 PM:
I wanted to do another update on some things that have come up…
First, I got an image of an Asian man that was trying to convey a message to me in a language that I couldn’t understand.  He seemed frustrated that he couldn’t “talk” to me, and then he held up his hands and showed me 2 fingers, 3 fingers and 7 fingers.  Does anyone know what 2-3-7 means?  I couldn't get a clearer message on that.

One distinguishing thing I saw was that the gentleman trying to communicate with me had a pinky finger that was either broken, dislocated or possible deformed.  It appeared to be bent oddly at the first joint, didn’t seemed painful, and looked healed over, but something noticeable.

I was then shown that the Indian tribe that inhabited the island finally “trusted” them enough to come to their aid.  I see them being led in a single file line back to the village near the center of the island (and also near the foot of the mountain).  I did see white paint on the Indian’s face, and it looked like the different markings distinguished who was in charge.  Back to the walking single file.. They had to walk in a single file because there were certain plants (reminds me of a huge Adams Needle plant) that have a sharp pointy end that if it scratched you burned and itched.  They had to be cautious walking the path. 

I don’t sense fear or danger.  I believe this tribe is trying to help.

To answer some questions: I don’t see anyone in the cockpit right now.  I think they were led away from the beachy area last night (more like late afternoon). 

I have been asked about some islands in the area: Sumatra: It feels west of that, Cocos: This area feels more right, Christmas Island: I felt the best connection with this and Cocos, Flores: This feels off to me.

I will mentally work on Paul Weeks and see what things I can connect to.]

[Updated from comments 3/17/14 at 6:22 AM:
I have been following this thread, and wanted to do another update.

I am still not sure about the numbers 2-3-7.  I didn’t know the number of passengers until I continued to read my comments, but I also don’t like to make any stretches, and since there were originally 239, I can’t say this is right (It could be but I can’t confirm.)

When I focus on what timeline, I still felt they weren’t of this timeline, but in a previous time… When I mentally tried to sort how that worked, I got that for that to work what happens is their vibration (or frequency) as a whole shifts.  I then got that the way to find them is to some how tune into their frequency.  I was still a little unclear how to explain this, and here was the example I got- We can’t see microwaves with the naked eye without a special device because they are at a frequency that our eyes can’t “see”, well this alternate reality is also at a different frequency that we can’t see with our naked eye.

I also wanted to note that if I am able to connect with the Asian man again, I will try to phonetically write down some words and have someone help me translate.  I still feel there was something significant with 2-3-7.

Paul Weeks:  I did work on tuning into him.  The first thing I noticed was my ear hurt, like something in my eardrum was injured.  I also get this ringing in my head.  What I most related to was watching a movie in which someone had a flash bomb go off and there is this silent ringing/muffled sound effect going on. I looks like something is going on with the hearing in one of his ears. 

I also got this image of a leather briefcase.  I actually got an angry feeling toward this case (or what it represented- like he felt like he wouldn’t be in this situation if it were for this “brief case”).  Again, I was unclear if this is symbolic or actual, but he felt to guard this case, but had some mental dilemma as to why he was caring so much for it because it felt as though it meant nothing were he was now.  I see him walking around this jungle area, banging it around, and using it as a seat.

(I will keep working on him and I was also contacted about a few other people)]

[Updated from comments 3/18/14 at 6:21 AM

I wanted to do another follow-up. 
First, thank you everyone who is putting their energy into this.  I think the more we focus, the more we collectively can pin-point this and help these people.  I call this type of collective thought synergy, and together we are so much stronger. 

Someone said that many people are getting and seeing different things- I think that is because things come to everyone differently because of their own personal life experiences, but what we have to do is see what is in common, or the link between it all, and that is where we will find our answers.

It came to me yesterday when I was focused on all this, and looking at my blog, that “The answers are here, right in front of me, I just need to look to see it.”  The message was that the truth is there, and it may not be obvious, but it is there… I have been rehashing this over and over, and looking at comments, and I haven’t seen that moment of clarity just yet.  I will not give up though- Thank you for all the comments/feedback, all of the alternate views help me to break away from my train of thought that I am on.

Having said all that, I wanted to address some specific points that people have brought up.
Poyang Lake – I get this is too north. 
Java- This is a possibility, but I really feel a pull to the Cocos Islands and Christmas Island. 

I was still focused on the briefcase too.  There is so much anger directed toward that!  I just see him banging around, hitting it on stuff, and it is so tattered.  At the same time, he drags it everyone and won’t let it go.  When I focus on the anger what’s in it and the anger, I see graph paper and then graphs, like a presentation.  I also see what looks like blueprints to something.  Then I get this anger again- It is coming through that he feels like he is where he is because of what is in the briefcase or what it symbolizes.  I also keep hearing, “They did this to me, It’s their fault.”

I still stand by the numbers 2-3-7.  As I was typing this it came to me to ask if anyone reading this knows sign language?  I saw myself signing the alphabet (which is the only sign language I know). What are the equivalent words for holding up 2 fingers, 3 fingers, and then 7 fingers? Does that symbolize numbers or does it create words? 

Mr. Wan Hock Khoon- The only thing I get is that he is a very spiritual person, and he is mentor.  I don’t see him as a physically strong leader, but rather a spiritual healer.  I want to use the word Shaman when I focus on him.  I am only seeing the energy about him, so I will keep working to try to see more.
In getting the plane back here- I am still working on that too.  I just haven’t been able to connect what needs to happen before the plane can materialize here.

Thanks and I am continuing to watch this…]

[Updated from comments 3/19/14 at 6:39 AM

Thank you for your continued feedback on this thread.  I think all the energy helps many people collectively sort through this and try to offer help or clues..

Lanipure:  I was asked if I could hear this name, word or another word sounding similar (another psychic had tuned into this).  When I put that intent out there, the first thing I get is that there is an animal on this island and that it what it is called.  It feels rare (and at a first image it looks like some kind of a wildcat but it could be my mind reinforcing it is an animal).  I wouldn’t say it is extremely harmful because it looks to avoid the tribe that is helping the survivors, but the tribe members look to be cautious of it.  Possibly someone knows (in English or Chinese) if Lanipure (or something sounding like it) is a rare animal living on an island in the ocean…

Paul Weeks:  I tried to focus on positive energy with him.  I feel like the anger and frustration he is feeling is blocking me from communication.  I can “see” images, but I can’t get a mental connection to convey messages.  He looks to be very emotional now.  I see him very sad, and then in the next instant he is kicking his briefcase.  I even see briefly that he took out some of the papers in his briefcase and burned them and then said “Here, you want them, you got them.  Here you go.” And threw them in the fire.  Very angry- I feel like we need to send positive energy to him.

Wan Hock Khoon-:  I was asked to see if I could somehow connect to this gentleman.  He feels very calm.  He also feels very connected to his higher self. As I try to have some spiritual connection with him, I am getting a conflict resonating within me.  I see him zoom out to a map of the world and I see his finger point to an area of water in the Atlantic that is to the northwest of Africa.  I really felt an internal pull toward Christmas Island and Cocos Island which is not even close to the northwest of Africa, so I am trying to sort out why he is showing me this area of water to the northwest of Africa, so I am going to continue to let my mind work on that.

Maldives: Someone yesterday questioned Maldives… That could be a possibility, but I still feel a connection to Christmas Island and Cocos Island.]

[Updated from comments 3/20/14 at 7:05 AM

Hello and thanks for sharing continued energy on this…

As I read through the comments (and I appreciate all of your thoughts- alternative views are what makes us stronger and help us to mentally stretch our ideas) I had some things come to mind that I wanted to discuss.

I had some people ask about Comoros.  I get that is too south.. I have adopted a philosophy that things happen, and they are a sign rather than coincidence.  Yesterday, I put in a DVD (cartoon) that I have never watched or heard, and when children were singing, the word “Cocos Island” was in one line in the lyrics- and I actually was paying attention at the time and heard it.  I am sticking to my gut regarding this region / area.  I still see Cocos as a clue and area of interest.

Jee Jing Hang:  I get he was there working a new business deal (I see him shaking hands with another man).  I also see him looking at a laptop (as if to say I could do this online, but it isn’t right, he wanted to be in person.).  He was excited about the project (business deal) , but not the trip.  I get he didn’t like traveling (motion sick, nervous?) I also get the impression that he wanted to surprise someone with this deal he was working out.  I ask myself what this deal was- The first thing I hear is that it is confidential (as if it is confidential until it is settled).  I also get that is has to do with real estate- and the business has to be at a specific location (and expand, grow from there).    He looked to be practicing or rehearsing what he need to say during his business presentation, as if in his head he was prepping himself (I see this chanting in his mind) right up until the plane ran into trouble.

2-3-7.  I had some questions regarding the actual finger placement when this was shown to me.  The “2” looked like a peace sign, (first and second finger), the “3” was the first three fingers and the “7” was again the peace sign with a high five (first and second finger and then all five on the other hand).  Maybe this better helps with the sign language aspect too.

Again with the 2-3-7 (and believing in signs).. I was searching Netflix for “Robin Hood” and there was a show called “Room 237” (which I then remembered someone mentioned much earlier in the blog).  I felt compelled to watch it.  It is so much more than just discussing the Shining, but rather the hidden symbolism in the forms of media we watch (subliminal messages, links to the truth via prop placement, hidden truth in general).  I knew then that I was being told that the truth is out there, we just have to come together and figure it out. I have an overwhelming feeling that the truth will come out.

Thank you, and I will continue to monitor this thread.]

[Updated from comments 3/21/14 at 6:48 AM
Hello.  I wanted to give an update on this thread…  Thank you again for sharing your energy.

NW of Sumatera:  Some people have asked about this area.  I will say the area feels right.  I still feel that Cocos Island is connected to this (maybe there is a named or unnamed island that is in very close proximity to Cocos).. I am trying to focus my energy to that area to see anything I can..

ET Forces:  I have been asked to try to get some kind of connection with that type of energy.  I am going to put some focus into that and I will update you on what I am able to do.  I will say that my initial image is a snapshot of ET (from the movie ET) and he is putting his finger up to his mouth and shushing me.. I haven’t figured out what this is yet…It feels a little negative, but I haven’t fully explored it.

Pilots:  I do get there were some unbalanced energy with at least one of them BUT I also get that when the plane entered the strange electric storm, they panicked.  They maintained control, but on the inside they felt fear.  I don’t see foul play from my perspective. I see an instinct of survival come over them..

In closing, It came to me yesterday that the media is wanting closure to this story.  In some of the comments I didn’t feel the news of finding wreckage was real.  I believe that they are telling people it is real to “tie up” the story, but I don’t see evidence that is very compelling that the plane or any wreckage was found.  My mind went to a scene in the movie Room 237 (that I described accidentally finding in the previous thread) where military scenes were shot in a studio set and televised as being real (military things did happen, but not the way they were always televised).  I just see that we can’t fully believe what we are shown, and trust in yourself to know what is the truth]. 

[Updated from comments 3/22/14 at 9:17 AM
Thank you everyone for your continued energy on this.

Something that really caught my attention in reading through the comments was the idea of the Urung (I was also told it was called Pulau Pulau Koko) Island..  In thinking about this place I do connect to the energy, but I can’t find it on a Google map to really focus in.  I really get that either the word Cocos is where they are, or they are really close to it (if it isn’t the name, the sounds of word Cocos is relevant).  Possibly Christmas Island, but I would like to be able to meditate on the Pulau Pulau location.. For those that know, can you direct me- or give me a proximity on a map?

I have had a few questions asking me about remote viewing groups.  I am not working with any groups.  I am sharing energy with everyone, but I am not talking to groups directly.  I don’t want to change my impressions by influences (or their intuitive impressions), but rather see if we can come to the same conclusion independently.  I think that helps to pin-point the truth and help to eliminate the impressions the pull us of track.  You may read ten facts, eight are right and two are misinterpreted- the commonalities amongst independent reads leads you to the truth..

Yesterday I also had an image.. New debris that they find will be broadcasted as part of the plane (I get the media is wanting this unsolved story off the news).  In reality they need to be looking for aged debris.  When they time slipped (and when I focus on what time- I see 1950s style clothing) and landed, pieces of the plane broke (the plane was mainly intact). They need to look for current looking plane parts that appear to have aged for many years..]

[Updated from comments 3/23/14 at 11:40 AM
Thank you to everyone putting their positive energy into this.

I was finally able to locate Pulau-Pulau Kokos Indonesia on Google Earth.  I did get a connection to this.. I can’t help but feel that the word Cocos came to me in order to later discover this.  This is to the west of Malaysia, just as I previously felt, and the island itself feels “right.”  I still maintain some connection to the Cocos and Christmas Islands, but definitely feel this is an area worth exploring. 

I have been asked to focus on the Indian Village again.  My initial feelings are that it is “ok” but kind of quiet.  Meaning people are into what they are doing, and for as many people that are there, it sounds quiet.  I also see that the passengers are helping the Indians.  At first they were guests, but now they are contributing.  I see men worked to help clear more trees and the women are mashing something in a bowl to make dried crumbs (looks like something they eat.) I also see some men trying to communicate with the Indians by using a lot of hand gestures, but it almost looks like the passengers don’t know how to even describe how they got to where they are.. There is a lot of mental confusion as if they are waking up and trying to understand what is happening. 

The next thing I got is that there are passengers (let’s say it was a time slip and they are 50 years in the past) that adopt the Indian lifestyle and grow up into that culture.  If we found them today, they would be older, have children, and those children would hear this story as if it happened in the past.  I realize this is a difficult concept, but I feel like if we could communicate to an Indian tribe on one of these islands (Cocos, Christmas or Pulau-Pulau) they could tell us what happened.  I get that they even have some of the debris or even the plane poked in a cave. 

ETs.  It was in a comment that ETs don’t look like ET.  I want to explain that I understand this (some may look this way and some may not).  When I get an image it can be literal or a symbol.  I see my image of ET just a symbol to point me down an alternative path of thinking.

[Updated from comments 3/24/14 at 6:46 AM
Continued thanks goes out to all of you.

I had some questions as to how the time difference would work.  I see it this way… If you had someone that was 70 years old on the flight, and they slipped back (let’s say 50 years),  They would still be 70 years old, but just living in a different time.  I see that if we could locate this tribe that I see on this “jungle island with a large snow-capped mountain in the middle” we could get real answers.  
I would also like to explore the area of Palau Palau more. The term or sound Cocos (Kokos) is relevant to this search.  The more I focus on this the more connected I am to this area.

With regard to the mental state.. I am having a previous reading pull forward regarding the Bermuda triangle.  When people (and in my vision I saw it as a plane) were transferred to a different time/place, when they left the aircraft they suffered a terrible state of mental stability.  The confusion and understanding of what just happened was so great, that it was almost difficult to “ground” themselves and understand what was real or what just happened.  In the reading I had the word “Boonshock” come up as a term used by inhabitants of the place that the aircraft was transferred to describe this mental situation…

I will say I do get a connection to a similar feeling with regards to the location of the passengers now.  They (the passengers) are so confused as to how to describe what happened.  They don’t fully understand where they are in relationship to time because they are on a scarcely inhabited island, but they think they just landed there.  They remember the electrical storm, but after that it was just strangely quiet.  The passengers that seem are mentally strong, feel fine, and they are trying to tell the ones that are mentally catching up (they are confused and don’t know why, and feel something happened but don’t know what) that they are in some kind of shock.

I will continue to work on this…]
[Updated from comments 3/24/14 at 12:30 PM
Hello everyone.  I was reading through the comments (as I do throughout the day to keep my mind in tune and energized), and I saw where they had announced that the plane went down in the Indian Ocean with no survivors.  My initial thought was, Who is saying that?  It just felt like someone’s theory. It felt like a made up story.  I looked online at some of the sources, and realized it was the actual news people were given.

I had said that they would find debris and label it as belonging to this flight (and it isn't).  I had also said that they would end this soon because the media wants it off the news.  I just ask that people not give up using some energy on this, as I feel if we keep our minds open to communication flowing with our higher selves, we may still be able to see this tragedy through with a different ending.

Love and light-]

[Updated from comments 3/25/14 at 7:05 AM
I had some folks clarify what I was referring to when I said Pulau Kokos Island.  I too had a hard time finding it on a map (and there are several similar names).  It is west of Malaysia looks like a small island.  I was only able to find it on Google Earth.  I am attaching a pic off Google Earth to clear this up. (The island itself I am looking at is under the "A" in "Alafan".   (This won’t show on the date/time stamped comment page- to see this go to the blog posting itself).

Yesterday I was focused really hard on this because of what the media is saying.  So much of it seems disturbing and does not resonate with me.  I questioned my higher self a lot on this because I would never want to give people false hope BUT in saying that, I do not get that they found the plane!  I am compelled to speak what I feel. I see they want this off the news.  In fact, I see the government over there even monitoring the news that is accessible to their people trying to cut down on the chatter or speculation.  Many people have a gut intuition, and many of those families will not accept that they found the plane and I ask myself if it emotional driven denial, or higher self knowledge- and I get it is because this story does not ring truth within their inner soul.  I see them producing bits of a plane, but there is never going to be undeniable evidence.  I also see that the governments have strong speculation as to what happened (the truth). They thought they could cover it up, and in the end they are a little shameful or embarrassed at the execution of the cover-up.  They couldn’t fully predict how people would accept the answers they were given.  I also see something drastic will happen (like they are fabricating something or some evidence) to get this story to go away…

I then focused a lot on this time travel theory.  I see it clearly in my mind, but when it comes to translating it on paper it feels so complex.  I am not a scientist or researcher on the topic (this is very new to me)- so please feel free to share better explanations, but I will share what came to me during my focus with this:  The image I got showed me a pillow- then a needle pierced one side of the pillow, and traveled into the cushion part of the pillow, then the needle pierced out through the other side.  When I asked for a clearer explanation of what I was seeing, it was like the outside of the pillow represented our current time, the needle represented the plane.  The plane was in our current time (on the outside of the pillow), and once it pierced the fabric (electric storms, turbulence) it entered into the cushion (alternate time line).  My strong focus was questioning if there any chance that the needle came out the other side, bringing the plane back into our current time line.  I couldn’t get a confirmation on this! The last thing I got was that the plane with still in the cushion (alternate time line).

I have had several people ask me to focus on the ET aspect… I thought about this as well.  I do see there was some kind of involvement, but it is being hidden.  As I focused on this (I again got the image of ET- my mental dictionary symbol for ETs), and it was so dark and eerie.  Again I was shown to “Shush” and it put its’ finger to its’ mouth.  I was so uncomfortable in the image I was given, that I couldn’t really explore this.  Some ET experiences are great, even loving, some are bad, but this was just very negative.

Regarding deleted comments… I want all of you to know that I do not delete comments (except for inappropriate spam).  I appreciate all the positive, thought provoking, helpful and even negative or constructive criticism comments.  They are all necessary to make us think, question ourselves and create a balance.  I leave them all there for everyone to read.  When you are putting through a comment, check to make sure you get a confirmation and also scroll to the newest comments and you should see yours there. 

Thanks again everyone.  I will still keep focused on this…]

[Updated from comments 3/26/14 at 7:11 AM
Thank you again for sharing your energy…

I was asked to focus on a few more ideas, so I wanted to see what I could get…One question was is the flight tied to a Russia / USA military operation? I cannot get a connection with that.  I don’t see it as retaliation or testing of equipment.  I will never tell someone that they are off, I just don’t have a connection or image of things happening that way.

I was also asked to describe the tribe on the island.  Here is what I see:  They have dark skin- not African American, but just dark tan.  One thing that stood out to is when the men and women moved, and you got images of their upper leg, they had no tan lines, they had a uniform dark skin.. They have silky black hair, all of them. They wear leather looking short skirts (both the men and women) and the women, once they develop breasts cover them as well.  It also came to me that breasts were for feeding their children, and in some way they needed to be protected (?) and that is why they are covered..  They use white face paint to determine rank, it is a signifier as to who they are.  They have some structures that are built from trees/leather/thatch, but they also use the caves at the bottom of the snow covered mountain… The structures that they built look to always have smoke coming out of the tee-pee (even though it is warm). The temperature is warm to hot, but tolerable, slightly humid.  There are a lot of mosquitoes and other flying insects, but they looked used to it, they sometimes swat them away, and other times just let them fly.

I had some people ask if they are possibly on this time line, but where they are gives the illusion that they are somewhere else…That could be a possibility, I just can’t see that.  They are in a rather primitive
location, and it would be difficult to differentiate what is going on and have some clarity.  There is a lot of confusion still with the passengers.  It almost looks like their subconscious and conscious mind are having a disconnect.

Diego Garcia.  There have been a lot of questions regarding this location.  The area feels “right” but I can’t get a connection to the environment.  I want to look at this a little more.. There is a lot of energy out there on this.I attached a map of the location below so others could tune in as well.  The area in question is under the label "British Indian Ocean Territory" on the left]

[Updated from comments 3/27/14 at 7:03 AM

I went through a list of native Indian tribes in that area, and here is what I found: Suku Mentawai (similar but I didn’t see the white face paint when I searched the pictures), Suku Nias (clothing does fit my image), Suku Dayak (similar), Suku Sasak (that didn’t fit- and in some pictures online the women had their breasts exposed, and I was shown that they were covered in my image), Suku Asmat (the clothing didn’t fit), Suku Dani (again  the women’s breasts were exposed). Of all the tribes I looked at, the Suku Mentawai and Suku Kayak felt the closest- I just didn’t see the face paint that seemed to be a big clue. 

I was also asked about their return.  I cannot get an image of them reappearing in the sky, but I do see them as alive.  I also get that if we found the right location, there would be survivors, they would just be older.  I also get that pieces of the plane would be there, but it too would be aged. 

I feel like if we searched for new looking technology that has aged, this would be a bigger clue.
Someone had requested clarification on which of the Kokos I was searching because there are several with the same name.  I was focused on the one that is called Keeling.

Maldives… I can’t completely rule this out. I haven’t looked into what Indian tribes that are there, or if there is a snow mountain in the middle. At my first impression it looks to be a resort of some kind with roads (based off looking at Google maps), which if that is true would not fit my image.  It also looks like several islands, so maybe someone else is able to shed light on this island or group of islands. Possibly one of the islands isn’t heavily populated and a tribe lives there.

I was trying again to connect to some of the other higher selves and get a location.  What I was shown was an image of someone pointing to the sun and it was in the northwest part of the sky. They wanted me to note the position of the sun..

Some comments were also made about the government.  I see them as embarrassed, know what happened even though they didn’t cause it, have no way to explain it and are trying to make this go away.  I do get that the government there is working with other more powerful governments in this cover-up, like they could never handle it on their own.]

[Updated from comments 3/28/14 at 8:54 AM
Thank you to everyone for sharing your energy and effort.  There are a lot of great ideas to explore..

I first wanted to look at Saint Brandon Rock /  Island- Coco: This island does resonate with me!  I have been very tied to the word Cocos or something sounding like “Cocos.”  I will say this is the first time I really felt a strong pull to somewhere else beside Cocos Island and Christmas Island. I can’t get a clear definition of what this island (Saint Brandon) looks like, but of everything I have looked at this far, this is the one that really stands out to me.  I would need to see what Indians live there, and what the terrain looks like, but I do have some kind of connection with this place.  I also get a sense that they may on an island that has more modern ways of life on one side, but they are on the desolate side. They haven’t gone out to explore, and don’t realize what is around them.  There is a big distance (on foot) from one area of the island to the other.  They are in what looks like a never ending jungle.

Lanipure / Sumatera – Lanipure: I do still see this as relevant.  I see it as some kind of wildcat.

Diego Garcia: I focused on this, and I still can’t get a clear connection.  I can’t get these passengers associated with anything military.  For a moment I had thought that maybe the passengers were dropped off on a deserted part of an island, and then the plane was taken elsewhere, but I couldn’t stay connected to that image.

I have also had some questions as to if I am seeing the passengers in spirit.  I can say that anything is possible, but I feel as though they are alive.  The energy is very intense surrounding this event! Usually when someone crosses over, I see it in a much hazier form, and this seems so alive.

I also see that drastic measures to end this are about to happen… The government is desperate to end this story. I see that some fabricated debris will soon be found, and there will be a lot of speculation surrounding this…

Thank you again everyone.  I will continue to focus on this.]

[Updated from comments 3/29/14 at 10:54 AM
I had quite a few people ask me about some links in the comments.  I wanted to respond to btarrer.  I did view some of those links.  What I got as a whole was that we as a society are enlightening  and we are spiritually evolving.  Some people are slower to ascend or evolve, but we are making a lot of spiritual progress.  There is so much more out there than what we perceive in our reality, and just because a certain way of life isn’t present to us (ie UFS, ETs), it doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. You may never see an impoverished county, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t there. These links help you to understand that in the scope of the universe, we are just one small piece.  I think the truth will come out with regards to this plane, and some people will feel very shocked, and others already know the truth (or have a feeling at what feels true).  Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

I was looking at images of various tribes trying to make a connection to my images, and someone suggested the Jarawa… They have very dark skin.  The skin in my images were a dark tan. Their hair was also silky and straight. I still resonate most with the area around Cocos and Christmas Island.

I have also had a few ask me about how I connect with the energy or spirit.  I can usually get into the energy of a living person easier than someone how has passed.  If someone passed, it isn’t guaranteed that I can mentally “find” them.  Sometimes the energy is strong in someone that has passed because there is a message or they haven’t  decided to cross over or reincarnate.  I have moments where I feel a strong connection to these people from the plane, and other times I can’t get a lot.  I feel the most energy toward the situation and events around the situation.  I feel the collective energy, and can see scenarios rather than connect individually.  For example, when I connected to Paul Weeks, I saw him bang the briefcase, felt the anger, felt the frustration and could see the images- I couldn't really get into his head in a strong way, except for a few phrases of his thoughts.  It is like I am able to see the surface of what is happened (being shown the 2-3-7 or shown the sun, but not get really into their minds and have a telepathic conversation.)  Sometimes I can and sometimes I can’t. I just haven’t had that telepathic  moment of clarity.]

[Updated from comments 3/30/14 at 9:31 AM
I just viewed the link associated to David Icke and it discussed a land mass to the west of Australia that appeared on a map in a movie, however, that map is not matching any of our current maps or atlases today.  It was as if this land mass was in an alternate reality, but not in our current physical plane. I am including a screen shot in the blog entry.  I see that a lot of our media (movies, tv) depict things that are true, because in our subconscious we know the truth, and the truth comes out even unintentionally (many times by artistic means). Even though this land mass is south of where my mind takes me (again Cocos or Christmas Island) it fits my intuition of being in an alternate reality- I would need to see the terrain or someone determine if there was a mountain in the middle to validate my intuition (those descriptors are also relevant).  I was directed to this by a link, but if someone else more info on this I am interested in viewing more..

I still in my mind see this plane in an alternate reality.  I hope I am wrong, as that does make things more complicated, but I can’t see where they went into a different time, and then came back to our present timeline.  My hope is that I see them come back, and I haven’t connected to that yet.  The analogy that my mind keeps seeing is that if you take a pillow, the outside of the pillow represents our current time.  Then there was a needle, which represented the plane.  I see the needle pierce the pillow, and enter into the middle of the pillow (an alternate time).. They look to be stuck there, in this alternate time.  I never see the needle pierce out the other side. 

I will continue with this.. I keep looking for more or to see some kind of change or event]

[Updated from comments 3/31/14 at 8:18 AM
I have been scanning the islands suggested in this thread, and some I recently looked at are:

Maldives- I still can’t get a clear connection to this place.

Maurice as viewed in this link:http://www.panoramio.com/photo/30819138- This does look like what I see in my mind.  I really related to this island, and it has the appearance that I described.  I need to look at it a little more.  I didn’t get that there were modern people living near the island, but maybe the modernized people are on an opposite side.

St Brandon: I feel a strong possibility to this too. On the map I was able to view it shows that this is connected with Cocos Island (which I still maintain is relevant).

Pulau pulau Kokos (W Sumatra): I cannot rule this out yet either.  I see these islands so connected somehow that it is frustrating they can’t all be explored…

The media was discussed also.  I get the media wants this story to end, and they don’t want controversy.  What is being shared is heavily monitored an influenced.  There are no clear answers being released to the family, and the media doesn’t want speculations and questions keeping the story alive.  The government also doesn’t want protests or civil unrest.  If they can persuade the people to believe the plane went down, then they can start to put this behind them.  I see people just need to stick to what they believe in their gut to be true. 

I was asked if I could connect to the passengers.  I don’t feel their energy is as strong coming through.  It looks like they have accepted their situation and the focus is on survival and adapting rather than focusing on anything else.  If there is a specific person, I can try to work on their energy, but as a group I just see them as a whole and individual people aren’t standing out.]

[Updated from comments 4/1/14 at 6:53 AM]
I had some locations I wanted to look at today. The first is Diego Garcia.  There is a lot of energy surrounding this place.  I just get if they were there, they aren’t there now.  I looked at the overhead on a map, and it is too military- no jungle, tribes, etc.  I still see the jungle and sandy beach island.  I can’t get a connection to them being there. Some people have suggested that the passengers were dropped off elsewhere or they may have stopped to refuel, but I can’t confirm or deny that. My mind is still showing me this island atmosphere.

I also looked at Amsterdam Island.  I couldn’t get a good image of the terrain, but regardless of that, it  does feel off to me in just looking at the location.  I feel most of the energy about this missing plane is to the west of Malaysia.

Mauritus Waterfall- This location looks right.  There is lush green, and mountainous feel in the center (even though it looks like rock).  I can’t get a clear location, but the “feel” of this looks like images in my mind.

Someone else asked if there are islands we don’t know about.  That rings so true to me!  Some people have stumbled upon David Icke’s information regarding the existence of maps showing islands and land masses that are not on our current maps.  These islands and land masses appear to be existent in alternate layers of earth. I am curious if there are land masses near Cocos or Chirstmas Island that are not on our world maps (either not documented on our current maps, or perhaps existent in an alternate reality).  I have done Google Earth on the area around Cocos and Christmas Island, and I still want to revert to that area. I have also had someone point out that the longitude of that area (near Cocos) is a combination of the numbers 2-3-7 in that order, and I sense that is also a clue.

I also had some comments about them trying to leave.  I get that when the view the ocean, they see no land and don’t have a clear depiction of where they are.  The idea of leaving (right now) it too overwhelming on a life boat.

Thanks again for sharing your energy.  I will continue to work on this and update as much as I can (I will have limited online access until April 7th).  If people would like to leave names of passengers, I will do my best to try to tune into them. I would like to do a reading with that focus on April 7th or 8th.  I just need a name and anything you want to share (not required but sometimes helps.) I will compile a list as I see the names come in.]

[Updated from comments 4/6/14 at 9:28 AM]
I wanted to take some time to do another update based on some things I have read in my comments.  

I have had many questions about Ashtar and the Galactic Federation of Light.  I do get that ETs are somehow involved (I can’t confirm it was associated to Ashtar- but definitely ETs).  I was shushed by an ET the last time I connected.  I have been still going back to the image and focusing because I am trying to understand the image more, and I get that the reason it was so “dark” and I was told to be quiet was either because we as a society aren’t ready for the truth, or they (meaning the ETs aren’t ready to reveal what it is they plan to do.  In some capacity ETs know what happened, but I can’t see what the follow through plan is.  I get a sense that some kind of negotiation will need to be made in order to “bring them back” but I am still clarifying that. I also still feel the passengers are in a “non-typical” location- perhaps this could be inner earth- I get they are on the surface, but in an alternate timeline (both situations are “non-typical.”).  As I read the following link- I too agree they will not find the wreckage (I actually see some wreckage being faked fairly soon to try to get this story off the news.).  I also feel that the energy around this is so strong, that these people are alive. http://galacticconnection.com/commander-ashtar-declares-flight-370-crash/

Diego Garcia- I have had several questions about this location.  As I try to remote view the island and see the behavior of people, I see mass scrambling.  It seems very chaotic, and I keep getting the word “scramble.”  I do not see a plane or the people, but I definitely get a sense of more than normal activity, nervousness and a “hurried” energy.. I get this is not normal behavior for this military base, so something is going on I just haven’t tapped into it yet.

Government Secrets- People are asking why the government is keeping this a secret. I get they know the truth, but don’t want to answer for it because the truth is way worse to admit than going through all this “show.” Then I hear a phrase, imagine telling the people, “Yes, we know where they are.” “We are working with ETs.” “We have a tactical plan to rescue these people.” None of those things are something that they world is capable of hearing and processing. I further get that when the faked pieces of the plane are found it won’t be something that would cause a plane to crash- for example you won’t find the engine because that is strong evidence that the plane went down.  It will be insignificant pieces, because they will allude the plane crashed, but in reality when the truth comes out, they will have to be able to have a spin on the story to bring these people back to our current “time line” or have an explanation.

Adaman Islands- I wanted to look at this area again.  The location seems to fit, and I have heard some compelling energy from the comments go that direction, I just haven’t been able to sink with it.  It most definitely “feels” in the right area.  I just get a sense that it is too inhabited.
I also had some folks ask about intentional comments to try to discredit.  That does happen to every site.  There are people out there that want to misinform and try to keep the truth suppressed.  This is unfortunate, but very much a reality.  When I read stuff (or view something on tv)  I always ask myself what does my gut say.  Sometimes it is truth, sometimes it is false, but mostly it is truth with sprinkles of lies.  I can usually tell when comments (good and bad) are coming from an honest part of a person, but occasionally we get intentional bad information trying to discredit hard work- Just ask yourself what rings true within you. 

Love and light-]

[Updated from comments 4/7/14 at 6:22 AM]
Hello everyone!

I had a few people asking more about Diego Garcia. In my previous update I saw the military on Diego Garcia running around in chaos.  I also kept hearing something about “scramble.” When I really look at this situation it seems like the people in charge know what is going on, but that information is not being relayed down the chain.  It looks like they give orders, change the orders, give new orders, and just keep things chaotic.  I get the impression that this confusion is intentional..??

I also had some people wanting to know who is communicating with ETs.  I get we have representatives- I also get that our government actually has an Alien Ambassador, as does other larger countries. It looks like the ETs want us to disclose their existence, and we (as a planet) were suppose to disclose this by now, and it hasn’t happened. I also don’t get that the ETs are trying to be malicious- it seems like the plane approached this portal, went into it, but the ETs have the technology to retrieve it?? They just ask in exchange for their help we disclose their existence in way that makes them look helpful and an asset rather than evil or negative.

I am still connected to Cocos Island.  I stand by the association to this island or the word Cocos.

Many people are also curious if this situation has happened before.  I get that it has, and this won’t be the last time.  This is just the first time in which we have social media and other information outlets to share ideas and look at alternate views.

Thank you again to everyone for sharing your energy.]
[Updated from comments 4/8/14 at 6:14 AM]
Hello everyone, 

I want to thank everyone for their continued energy.  A comment stood out to me talking about how powerful collective positive intentions and thoughts can be in seeking truth and helping people.  It is so important to stay focused and not let the frustration and aggravation deter you.  I sense the media is trying to wear people down with mass amounts of not credible information. In my mind it looks like some kind of contest to wear people down so when they present the finale (and I still see a faked pile of debris) we accept it willingly. 

The number 2-3-7:  Early on I connected very strong to Cocos Island (or something sounding like Cocos). I later found out through all of the comments that the longitude of these islands is a combination of the numbers 2-3-7 (thank you to everyone who is doing this research!). I also found out very early on that the number of occupants was 239- I have had several suggestions that there were 237 passengers and 2 pilots- That could be the message, but I would have felt more confident if I would have gotten 2-3-9.  The same day I got 2-3-7 I stumbled randomly on the movie Room 237 (while searching for Robin Hood in Netflix).  I watched it- It talked about hidden meanings and things aren't always as they are portrayed which opened my eyes even more to the situation. I just try to open myself up and see what my surroundings are telling me.

I will also say that in some compactly ETs are involved.  My mind also has a nagging feeling about Diego Garcia, as if someone there knows what is really going on. The energy and activity at this location (Diego Garcia) is off and it looks like people are intentionally being run around (the image I see is a maze and people are being forced to run through it while top official view the people in the maze and laugh at them) for entertainment. I do not get the passengers are there, but there is some suspicious about this place.]

[Updated from comments 4/9/14 at 6:55 AM]
Hello Everyone- I did have a couple things to go into…

Number 2-3-7.  I was asked how I came about seeing it.  I was meditating, and when I get to that “place” in my mind, and kind of open myself up. I was asking for information or clues, really any kind of message.  I was there to help, I just needed to connect.That is when I saw what looked like an Asian man, and then he was trying to speak to me.  I couldn’t really hear what he was saying because it sounded like a whisper, but I could tell it was a different language.  I then said I didn’t understand and to show me instead of tell me what he had to say.  Then he held up 2 fingers, then 3 and lastly 7.  I don’t get it is cryptic- the message seemed straightforward… My gut tells me he is somehow telling me a location… When several people explained how this number corresponds with coordinate or longitude- I felt even more sure that he was telling me where they are.

Mentawai Tribe. I was asked about this tribe.  They do resemble what I saw,  Of all the pictures I have seen, this is the closest resemblance.  I will need to do some more research to see where they live (if they are near Cocos or Christmas Island).

I also wanted to update you on what I have been able to put together. I am still working on this, but here is what I see…. The plane left, got into some kind of a detour around the Chinese airspace.  They encountered an electrical storm, things got dark and loud.  People were scared and didn’t realize what happened. That was followed by a sense of calming as they entered a portal that led them to this island (that I feel is in current day Cocos area).  Meanwhile, ETS somehow guided this plane to that area safely (I see some kind of energy field surrounding the plane as it was gliding after the portal entry).  The passengers landed, and many suffered some kind of mental shock (almost like an amnesia or confusion of sorts) (I see what looks like mental patients walking around and they look drugged up).  They stayed on the beach and started to come out of their “sleepy” state.  As they did an Indian tribe that lived in the central part of the island came in to help them.  They were taken to the central part of the island where there were some mountains and caves at the base of the mountains. The passengers are still there, and are being helped by the Indian tribe.  

I also get the people of Diego Garcia know what is going on and have been in communication with the ETs that originally guided them.  The passengers have the capability of coming back, but first the ETs want some disclosure made to the world that they exist.  The ETs want to be able to walk freely, and cannot do so until some things happen.  The governments don’t know what to do… They want this story to go away..  I feel a plan of falsifying evidence is in the process, but nothing significant will be planted in the event that these people are brought back (you can’t find engines at the bottom of the ocean and then explain how people have magically been found).

I realize there aren’t a lot of details, but I am piecing this together slowly.  Thank you for your shared positive energy.]

[Updated from comments 4/10/14 at 6:31 AM]
Hello Everyone.  Someone had posted that we need to really focus our energy on this.  Even though this is still in the media, there feels like a shift in energy and it doesn’t feel as strong.  Collectively I believe we can make a difference. 

Some people were asking about China.  I do not see China involved in this at all.  I only see that the plane was avoiding their airspace.  I get that China is really tightening their security with regards to airspace.  They had nothing to do with this plane.

I also had questions about the ETs.  I get that when they do walk the earth, they will blend in with the people.  (I get an image of Terminator – the insides don’t match what is portrayed on the outside). I see it done in a way that doesn’t cause a bunch of fear of hysteria.  To some extent I see that this already happens and they walk amongst us, but their population here is very small. 
Not all ETs are out to cause harm.  In fact, they are intrigued by us and our capability to express a wide range of emotion.  I see that many ETs even though intellectually advanced (I get they have learned to unlock parts of the brain) and possess a higher vibration, there is something void in them that does not allow for emotion and feelings to exist (at least to the extent that it does in humans).  They are fairly emotionally simple.

Lastly, I still plan to do a reading on some passengers on the manifest (basically look at the manifest and see whose energy really stands out to me and go from there.)  The one conflict I have is I go by a personal rule or code to not read a person without some kind of permission (at least by one party involved like a parent, spouse, loved one, etc...)  I view public, historical and famous people and situations / events much differently than a private citizen just living their life. I do think this situation is unique, and I may pose my intent to just surround the situation rather than reveal anything personal or private.  If you are a friend or family member of anyone on the manifest and you do not want me to tune into someone’s energy, please let me know. I will just remove them from the list and not consider them.  I will respect your decision, and no questions asked.   Likewise, if there is someone specific that you really want me to tune into, let me know that as well.]

[Updated from comments 4/11/14 at 7:54 AM]

I had a few updates that I wanted to address. I was asked to look at the Spratley and Paracel Islands.  Someone has shared that they have some energy pulling them in that direction.  I can’t seem to get there in my mind.  It feels too north.  My mind pulls me south west of Malaysia.

Even though my mind still wants to connect to Cocos and Christmas Island, I can’t help but feel a slight connection to the land mass that David Icke addressed on his site and was brought to my attention on an earlier blog comment. This land mass was located to the west of Australia.  This mass can’t be found on any other current map, but rather a glimpse was shown on a movie. I haven’t been able to figure out why I want to go there, so I am really focusing on that.

I also still have an unsettling feeling about Diego Garcia.  I am working on the association with all that.

Please continue to share your energy.  Love and light-]

[Updated from comments 4/12/14 at 11:14 AM
I have been thinking a lot about the ping that is being heard off the coast of Australia.  Something feels off about it.  I get this impression that it is a trick or a trap of some kind.  I see this as some kind of search for something that isn’t there- almost like someone chasing a dangling carrot (that is the image I see in my mind) only to never catch it.

 I also flash to the David Icke  “mystery land” that he brought up, and it was in the same spot at this ping (or very close to it.) Lately in my mind I see this area where the ping is forming a point on the map.  Then I see the area by Diego Garcia forming another point, lately I see that Cocos / Christmas Island area forms a third point creating a triangle.  I am not aware of a “Bermuda triangle” in that area, but someone is very off and mysterious about it. There is so much uncertainty and bad energy tied to what feels like a “cover up.”

I also get that there are few people that know what happened, but they do know.  I see that they watch us run around on these false missions knowing we won’t find the answer.  It is both a disturbing and confusing feeling.  I also feel stronger than ever that ETs are somehow involved in this, almost begging for some kind of resolve but we are stubborn to negotiate]

[Updated from comments 4/13/14 at 9:20 AM
I have had some people request to know what the passengers are doing.  I see them in this numb state.  I wouldn't say they are sad, anger or happy either.  It almost has this ‘trance” appearance, like I would see someone in a dream or sleepwalking.  As far as the surroundings, that is unchanged.  I still see the huge jungle (and the plants seem super-sized, the leaves are much larger than any normal plants I see in my current environment).  They seem to be existing with the native tribe, and the native tribe is guiding them or helping them, as if to mentor them in their situation.

When I focus on clues (and I do this all the time) I see erratic signs in the clouds in the sky.  It looks like a jig-jagged smoke pattern.   There are flying machines or something that fly in this “Z” pattern all the time (The image I first got was of the Wicked With in the Wizard of Oz flying on her broom at the Emerald City leaving a smoke trail behind her??). (It also reminds me of watching Zorro switching his sword back and forth).  Possibly “Z” is the clue, or the flying machines are telling me something that I don’t understand as of yet.]  

[Updated from comments 4/14/14 at 6:01 AM
I received an email regarding the area I am looking at trying to figure out what doesn't feel right about the energy.  An anonymous person told me that the area to the west of Australia is a vortex just like the Bahamas and is called the Wharton Basin.  I wanted to share this with you in case any of you know or understand this energy that I am sorting out,.

In my mind I feel like I have narrowed this event down to the energy I feel in the triangle area I outlined earlier (which I later learned was called the Wharton Basin), significance surrounding the word Cocos, ET involvement and there are some officials on Diego Garcia that know what happened and are watching people scramble around unnecessarily. I also get that very soon an announcement will be made that wreckage will be found, and that story will be completely false.]

[Updated from comments 4/15/14 at 9:43 AM
Hello.  I first wanted to go back into the Cocos Basin… I do not think the plane is in the ocean within this triangle. I see it on an island (still saying something with Cocos) and higher profile people (actually the highest one or two people) stationed at Diego Garcia know what really happened.  I get a huge sense of unbalance leaning toward the negative in the triangle that is located between the west of Australia, Diego Garcia and the Cocos Islands. The unbalance of energy may not have anything to do with the missing plane, BUT the uneasy feeling seems to “fit “with the plane as if there is a connection (it could be all the activity surrounding the plane happened within this triangle of space.) 

I spent some time today focusing on Paul Weeks- opening myself up to get any information I could, and here is what I got.  In initially connecting with him I get a sense of sleep deprivation.  He is sleeping, but not great, and hasn’t had much of it.  He is still persevering and focused- he wants to get back home.  Many of the people around him have sort of given up, or lost their drive, but he has a certain determination about him.  I see that he carries a picture of his family, and when he is feeling at a low, defeated point, he uses the energy of his family to keep going. (The picture looks to be of him, his wife, and a blonde haired, large dog- this could be a literal representation of his family or symbolic in some way.??) The odd thing of the picture is that it isn’t in his wallet, he looks to keep it folded in his sock- There feels like something strange about his wallet but that didn’t come through. I’m asking him for clues- I see what looks like a make shift sundial made of rocks, and I am telling him I need more.. He says something about either “3” or “30”- I feel more pulled to the 30 (location?), and I still keep prying.  Then he makes a comment about wishing he had a sextant, and I ask what he sees.  I feel like he wants to show me a constellation, have some sense he is pointing to Orion’s belt in the sky (I know very little about astrology, but I see three starts all in alignment and I feel like it is straight above my head).  I also ask what he remembers about the flight- direction, etc..He tells me when they were “taken” it felt dark, and then he had of sense of abrupt turning (they didn’t land strait in line with the direction they were going). He remembers something about seeing what in his terms looked like the Alps (even though it may not be the Alps, these mountains had a similar “feel”). He also remembers feeling this complete disorientation as if he was sleep walking while all this happened maybe it was shock or something else, but he says it felt like time moved slower and he was in a dream…He also said something about this place where there is “ like nothing he has ever seen”..?. I then tried to ask about him personally, he was so angry and how is he doing- He clarified it much better- He had a message that he was more angry with himself- He is very scientific, doesn't believe a lot in what can’t be proven (ie psychic ability is something he doesn't know how he feels about). He had intuition that something with this flight was not right- he knew it, and didn't listen to himself and what his gut was telling him.  He feels so angry about that! He is also angry that he feels like he abandoned his family, and he is worried about them far more than he is worried about himself. 

Please share your energy to help me understand this better… I have some other people from the flight  to  focus on as well..]

[Updated from comments 4/16/14 at 6:56 AM
After my last post I was told that the name of the plane searching for the plane is the Orion P3..  I felt more connected to the clues being a star position and the number “3” or “30” being more of a clue.  BUT, when I focused on this more I got that in regards to the plane, or a plane searching- they could “hear” it as if it were overhead but they couldn't “see” it (this came through focusing on Philip Wood and I will go into his reading later).  I am still trying to make it straight in my mind if: Are they are on this current time line OR are they in a parallel “layer” of earth? 

To better explain this (I use this example to make sense of it) I see our current earth similar to a Photoshop program.  Our earth that we walk and live our daily life on is like the base photo on a  Photoshop program.  On Photoshop you can add layers, foregrounds, filters to a base picture… these layers, foregrounds, filters are like the parallel layers of time on earth.  All of these events (base photo with the added layers) happen at the same time, but our eye can’t see the alternate layers (much like you can’t see UV light or microwaves- still there, just can’t see it).  I never did get an image or confirmation that they were brought back into our current layer of time, but perhaps they did and that is where I need to focus. I am still trying to gain clarity as to what this is all about…   
Maldives:  I have had many comments relating to this island chain.  I try not to let too much outside influence in because it alters my intuition, BUT these islands are in the geographic “zone.” I feel they are connected to something and I keep getting this nagging feeling in regards to this group of islands..

Ashtar:  I have been asked many times if I have read or seen  YouTube videos on him. I have heard of him, but haven’t watched or read much because again, I don’t want to sway my intuition.  I understand that these messages explain some ET involvement, which I still strongly believe is an influence in this, and I will say that there is a sense of truth that resonates with me in regards to some of his work that I have been exposed to.

Philip Wood: I was given his name because he was a passenger on the flight.. So I took time today to focus on him.  The first thing I got was this immediate sense of loyalty, but on the inside he could really be a fighter if provoked because he has a strong sense of justice.  He is smart, methodical, observant and analytical.  I see an image of someone sinking down low in their seat, with their ears perked up as if he knows how to lay low and keep tuned into the environment. With regards to the phone… I see him messing with it.  He is trying to figure out how to get a signal or boost it in some way.  As I see him doing this (but I don’t see it successful?), other passengers are standing around, but I hear him say something about, “Just a second, let me think” because people keep trying to interject their ideas and breaking his thought, which is irritating to him. I also see him concerned with battery life of the phones- there is a huge pile of phones, tablets, laptops, etc. gathered up (it actually looks like all electronics are in a pile, like they were donated in the cause of finding a way out of their situation.).  I also get a sense of several highly intelligent people being on that plane- and they, along with Philip are really working hard to figure out how to get some kind of communication out.
I’m still making sense of my next image… I see this intelligent group plotting to take some equipment from the plan (radio, electronics from the cockpit, etc) . They want to use this to build some kind of communication out.  Then another group stepped forward and are guarding the plane (I see no guns, but they are standing at the plane like a body guard.  Their stance is that they want to leave the plane in tact- as if it is somehow functional or useful to keep it intact.  I see a divide in the group over this, and that is causing tension and frustration..

The last thing I got was a sense of darkness (maybe these events were happening at night??) and quiet.  It is so quiet, and in that quiet I hear this high pitched ringing in my ears (I sense that is what Philip is hearing).  I also get a message that occasionally Philip “hears” a plane- everyone is excited, but they never “see” this plane- I get a confused feel with that.. They can’t make sense of why it is heard and not seen.]

[Updated from comments 4/17/14 at 6:31 AM
Hello everyone-
There were a couple of islands that I wanted to look at (thank you for the comments and helping keep the energy alive). The first is Anse Coco,  Digue Island. When I looked at this I feel it has too many people living there.  The island (in my mind) looks deserted (or at least the part that they live on is deserted and gives the passengers the feel that they are alone- with exception to the Indian tribe.). 

I also wanted to look at some mountains in Viet Nam.  I looked at a map on Google earth, and I don’t get the feel for the snow at the top.  When I look at the mountains that I feel were seen, I imagine the Swiss Alps having a snowy cap (I may be wrong, and those were his words, so if they aren’t snowy let me know because I need to find what he saw, not necessarily what I am imagining.)

If you know of someone specific to focus on, I have already  tried to make a connection to Philip Wood and Paul Weeks… I am happy to try some else.  I may sit today and look at the manifest and see who “pops out” to me…

Love and light, ]

[Updated from comments 4/18/14 at 8:58 AM
I had some geographic areas that I wanted to look at.  In viewing these I couldn’t really connect, as if something is off.  The locations were Papua Indonesia, Afghanistan and Mount Kailash…  What I did is take where I feel I need to be looking, and I included a copy of that map.  I have been scanning over this area with google earth and feel like the answer is somewhere here. 

Also almost daily I would like to focus on one or two people that were on the plane and try to get some different perspectives.. Today I wanted to focus on Fariq Abdul Hamid, one of the pilots. The first thing I see Is that he is in the cockpit, they hit some turbulence.. He is holding on tightly to the controls as if they had to turn off or assist the auto steering to manage though this rough patch in the air.  Then I see him with this very strange look on his face as if something took the plane over.  I saw him lift his hands into the air, and actually say something to someone else, like “look at this.”  The plane looked as if it was steering itself, and the odd part of the image is that it steered with grace- it wasn’t erratic, fluctuating up and down, it was very smooth as if it was coasting. It was so silent during this too- like you go through this loud turbulence and it is followed by this zen like silence. I get an image of a kid flying a remote controlled airplane, as if the plane itself went through the air with that kind of ease.  The most vivid thing I get when focusing on this gentlemen was the plane ride- I can’t get much after that. 

Another name I had that I want to try to focus on is Mary Burrows. I see her more as she is now.  Very distraught and worried.  She goes in and out of the “numb” state of mind and during her clear times it seems filled with worry.  She is a pacer, walks around, but I get the impression of a slight limp.  I am trying to focus on food, and one thing I she is that she dislikes it, but when you are hungry you will eat most anything.  I get a sense of a strict diet, or things she stays away from (vegetarian??) and she is eating things not typical for her. I see a smaller animal being roasted on a fire as I type this.  They often chew on these sweet leaves that have a sugary taste on the inside- I see they chew these as people here chew gum.  They look to be habitually addicted to chewing these leaves.  Natural food- Berries are the thing I see them gather.  They are brown and red, and there is also a fruit that grows on trees that has a brown furry outside, about the size of a golf ball (relative to seeing it in someone’s hand) and they eat the insides…

I will try to focus on someone new for tomorrow, but that is where my mind leaves me today. Love and light.-L]
[Updated from comments 4/19/14 at 9:48 AM
Betel Plant- Thank you for suggesting I look at this plant.  It does look like the plant they chew on.  In most every image I see they are chewing this as if it were chewing gum.  The Indians all chew this, and they are showing or introducing it to the passengers.  The passengers look skeptical to try it, but enjoy it as if it has a calming effect or creates some kind of mild enjoyment.  I feel like we are onto something here!

The fruit resembles kiwi, but I feel like it is called something else.  (Does kiwi grow somewhere in that area of the world and called by a different name?).  I was trying to look at some other pictures on a blog at cookistry.com, but my browser says what I am looking for doesn't exist anymore.  I will keep focusing on this…

The location I feel pulled to (and mapped out on the previous update) doesn't really show an island that matches the images on my mind… I still feel like the answers are there (in that triangulated area), and maybe they area just difficult to see.  There is some connection to the Cocos Basin, Cocos Island, Diego Garcia and a land mass (that isn’t on current day maps) located to the west of Australia.  I am trying to not lock my mind so narrow to this that I don’t consider other possibilities… one of which that was suggested is Indonesia.  My impression is that it (Indonesia) is too east BUT I can’t completely dismiss it.  Of everything that I have looked at and then looked at again, I feel some pull to not let this one go and keep it in my mind to work on. It was also suggested that I look at the Caucasus in Russia.  This location feels a little too far of the “zone” that my mind wants to work on. I’m and keeping Indonesia in my mind to explore some more.

I also still maintain that there is some ET involvemendt in this.  I have not reviewed the Ashtar readings, I am just aware that they exist.  I am trying not to get too jaded by his impressions and would like to see what I can view independently of him.  I think that will lead to more truth (comparing the similarities).

Today I wanted to put some energy into JU Kan, from China, age 32.  The first thing I see is this man and he is excited and trying to talk fast, so fast he is at a stutter.  He has so much to say, but he can’t get it out.  I feel like he super hyper… The words he is trying to say sounds like (phonetically in English)  “Jute, Jute, Jute, How (long and drawn out).  We, Hawl.” (I need help because I do not speak this language- just trying to get anything.) He also keeps bowing his head up and down really fast.. He is very anxious, or hyper and although physically seems healthy, he is very stimulated. That  is really all I get for him, and that image just keeps playing in a loop as if it was a movie being repeated. 

I will continue to look at people, but that is all I have for today.  Thank you again for sharing your energy.]
[Updated from comments 4/20/14 at 9:04 AM
Hello everyone. 
I had a couple things I wanted to take a look at.. I had some comments about the words or sentence I was able to get yesterday.. Someone mentioned that maybe he was trying to say something about Jute.  I can’t get a true confirmation on it, but maybe he was telling me that was around, or some kind of plant is there that makes “jute.”THEN, It was also brought to my attention that he may be saying that he needs help- which when I read it- I did feel like that was what he was saying. I instantly had this panic feeling, and saying those words in my mind as I combine it to the image of him and how anxious and hyped up he looked-, that felt right (and I felt this panic in my chest). My next quest will be to try to figure out how I can help him… Please share your energy toward this- I’m going to continue to focus on his because he is full of energy and I might get something.

I also looked at Buah Salak and Ciku fruit.  They didn’t seem to be hairy or fibrous enough in the pics I was able to look at. I also looked at Chicos- they resemble this too.  Chinese Gooseberry- looks like it.  It was small, tan and fibrous texture.  I wanted to say it reminded me of a small coconut, but when I looked at Chinese Gooseberry (looks much like a kiwi, or maybe even the same thing) that looks right.. I think we are onto something with the Chinese Gooseberry!

Betel. The more I hear and see on it, I think it is it…When I focus on the word Betel, I keep hearing “Peppermint flavored Stevia.” From the comments I have read, betel sounds very similar to stevia- if I am wrong, let me know, because this “Betel” feel right. 

La Digue Island area.. It is located west of Diego Garcia, and I definitely get a pull east (the opposite direction).  I will keep my mind open to it , but my mind wants to target the area east of Diego Garcia and more in the “triangle” I outlined…I will say that I am really opening up to the Indonesia area though since I have honed in on the Chinese Gooseberry and also the Betel.. What I am trying to now is see how Betel and Chinese Gooseberry fits into the “triangle” or is it unique to Indonesia.]
[Updated from comments 4/21/14 at 6:15 AM
Hello  everyone… I didn't have a lot today, but I still had a few things I wanted to look at.

I keep feeling that there is some kind of Indonesian connection, and I haven’t put it together.  I realize it isn’t within the “triangle” that is I feel has a pull to it.  Possibly I feel this energy because some of the passengers are from Indonesia… I am trying to sort this out.

The Betel Plant fits what I saw, and I was sure that was what I was seeing.  Someone then mentioned Kratom, so now I am wondering… I will describe exactly what I saw / got when I focused on this:  It has green, small leaves.  They chew this as if it were gum.  They don’t just hold it in their mouth, they chew it with their teeth to get the juice or sweetness out of the middle. I got a message that It was like “peppermint stevia”. It is sweet and calming, and it felt a little addicting as if it had some kind of mellowing effect. There are huge abundances of it and it seems as if they could never run out.

I also felt that Chinese Gooseberry fit my image.  Someone addressed nutmeg, and it too looks similar to what I saw. I feel I need to go into as much detail as possible with this also.  It was small, fit into the palm of your hand. It was tan with a fibrous outside.  I also got the impression that it wasn’t only edible, and they used it as food, but it had other purposes too, like putting it on your skin or helping with skin irritations (medicinal properties). It reminded me of coconuts with a cream colored center when it was broken, but I didn’t get the impression it was juicy- the center was firm.]

[Updated from comments 4/22/14 at 6:44 AM
Thank you everyone for your continued support on this.  I had I short update today (I hope to focus on more passengers later this week) that I wanted to post.

I had some comments regarding the area called Pulau Tanahmasa.  Geographically it is close to where I am already looking.  I still feel like the area I am questioning is either near Cocos, Diego Garcia (and lately Indonesia).  I will keep my mind open, but I can’t connect to Pulau Tanahmasa just yet..

Someone shared a link of purple mangosteen fruit.  This is very interesting!   I wasn’t able to see that the outside had a fibrous brown texture though.  I really feel like I am more focused on the Chinese Gooseberry. That keeps sticking with me.

After all the comments and focusing on the Betel leaves, I think this is what this is.  I felt like my biggest clue was hearing the phrase “peppermint stevia” and the fact they chew this as chewing gum…I feel connected to this plant.

I also feel compelled to tell everyone not to give up energy on this.  Regardless of what the news says (or doesn’t say) the answers are there if we continue to look.  Love and light-]
[Updated from comments 4/23/14 at 6:38 AM
Thank you for everyone that is sending information on Betel.  I really feel that we have the right plant.  I am still open to viewing other suggestions (I don’t want to limit myself), but I feel pretty connected to the Betel plant (in some places I understand it to be called Beetle.)

Kumari Kandam is the name of the land mass that David Icke talks about.  I feel a huge connection to this!  In my mind it looked smaller, but it is in the exact same location.  I feel this island forms the bottom part of the triangle of some strange kind of energy (Diego Garcia and Cocos Islands are the other two points).  I am struggling to figure out how the land mass is relevant, but I do feel a connection to this area.

Someone had a good suggestion to ask Captain Zaharie Ahmad Shah how he landed this plane. I wanted to take a minute to focus on that…When I first pose this question, I see his face (or someone who is projected as him since I don’t know what he really looks like) and I see this confused look.  I then see an image of the cockpit, and he is sitting in it.  I then see as they approach the turbulence / electrical storm, he is gripping the steering wheel / controls and his knuckles are white from holding on so tight.  I get there was a real struggle to maintain control during this moment of turbulence.  Then everything goes calm, and I see him lift his hands off the controls in complete astonishment.  He is just looking at the wheel and it is moving by itself, and everything is at a calm. It was like the plane was steering and controlling itself without his assistance.  There is a silence that comes over the whole plane.  A flood of emotions came over him, fear, confused, intrigue, he couldn’t make sense of it.  When I ask how he landed, it is as if he is telling me he didn’t land it, the plane landed itself?? He sort of sat back in shock while everything happened.  To some extent he is still in shock, and he replays that situation in his mind over and over, but he doesn’t like or want to talk about it.   ???]

[Updated from comments 4/24/14 at 6:44 AM
Hello everyone.  I wanted to do another update on some things I have been working on….

Ancient Mu and Kumari Kandam-  I have had several people bring these areas up during the course of all these great comments.. I am drawn to this.  The area falls within the “triangle” I am drawn to, and I can’t help but focus on it.  In the beginning I saw the plane enter into some kind of portal.  I also felt as though ET involvement guided them.  I see they (the passengers) can come back, but there is some expectation or needed action from us to make that happen.  I have been really pondering if Ancient Mu or Kumari Kandam exists on a parallel plane, and that is where these passengers are… I think my emotions want them to be safe and sound here on current earth, so I keep focusing on this physical plane of existence we all experience, but there is something nagging that is much more complex than simply “just finding them.” I have to hold true to my initial reactions and work on what I see, blocking my emotions from the mix.

Metal objects of others:  Someone suggested that I hold metal objects or something from the plane or passengers.  With all the chatter and news on this, it is hard for your subconscious to truly block out every influence, but holding an object in a sense has a grounding effect.  If I had access to that type of item, I would do it.  Since I don’t, I have just been trying to focus on names, images and what situations I see. 
Paul Weeks:  I had someone mention that Paul Weeks stated they were  “taken.”  I too thought this was a strange choice of words.  The way he described it reinforced in my mind that there was ET involvement that either forced or guided them to where they went.

Wan Hock Khoon: Someone thought that if I could connect to him I could get some more insight… I wanted to see what I was able to get.  [Please keep in mind that when I see things it could be literal or symbolic… I am really trying to see any clues or connections that can help these people.] He is showing me sand dollars.  He is then showing me trees that have the bark texture of a pine cones, but the leaves are long and narrow.  The plane is still on a sandy beach, and he is saying that rather than looking at the water for a crash, they need to look on land / islands [which is where I get a little lost because if they are on a parallel earth, even that wouldn’t work.].  in a far distance he can see another island that appears to have a volcano on it (he can see it but it is too far to try to get to from their current location.).  He is then showing me these huge totem poles that have been carved from stone made by the natives with the idea they ward off bad spirits and bring luck.  The distinctive feature is that the mouths on the carvings are huge in comparison to the rest of their facial feature. And that is all I can really extract from that….

Someone found a map and sent it to me of some Indonesian Islands [to the right].  Does anyone know of a volcano, native Betel plants or Chinese gooseberry in this location?
Newly found pieces:  People are demanding answers.  I see they are being forced to produce something.  I see that debris will be found, but nothing that creates a closure or proof beyond a doubt.]

[Updated from comments 4/25/14 at 7:00 AM
I had a lot of points I wanted to touch on today… 

Someone had addressed the plane being shot down.  I can’t see that it was shot, but when I focus on the plane, I do see a flash of light.  It looks more like light than fire, and it appears to have happened right after the turbulence, and prior to the great “calm” that overtook the plane.

I have also been asked to draw a picture of the totem.  I was able to find a similar picture on Google, however what I was shown in my mind had lips that were twice this size.  It was a similar look, just bigger lips/mouth.  It was also carved from stone and not wood.

I really appreciate all the help in sorting our the plants, trees, etc… In looking at pictures the tree looked like a shorter version of the Arecaceae Tree and the top was fuller. The bark is similar, and the leaves are similar, but the top had more foliage.

I looked at several pictures of the Aborigines because they do have the face paintings I described.  The face markings similar, but I will say their skin is too dark.  In what I saw they looked to have the tan skin complexion of an Indian (possibly Asian??) origin, and they had smooth, silky,shinny black hair.

There were some location I also wanted to look at.  The first is Adnama and Papua New Guinea.  I will say those feel off to me (even though I am really keeping my mind open to all possibilities.  I then looked at Krakatoa, Indonesia- This actually feels so right!  I do feel an energy connection to this.]
[Updated from comments 4/26/14 at 10:51 AM
Hello everyone,

I have been doing a lot of thinking on this… I really feel the answers are in front of me, I just have to decipher what they are based on what I am shown.  I have learned that much of seeing things psychically is your mind pulling up images or scenarios from your life to give you clues and that is why some information is literal and some is symbolic, and some makes you say phrases that mean nothing to you, but trigger something in someone elses mind (I believe that is the power of collective thought because someones elses life experiences are different that our own, so you may say or describe something from your life and it means and triggers a totally different thought for some else…I am going to describe the path I feel is unfolding to me and if anyone has any insight to add or thinks I am being steered wrong (because of your own intuition or life experience) please let me know..

Ok, I broke away from the “triangle” that I felt so strongly about and really considered Indonesia.  The people, plants, setting, all those things seemed like they could be right, but we still didn't have it figured out.  All the while I was looking into this newer area of Indonesia, I continued to get comments on other locations or things to consider (which is great because I feel it was the “universe” saying to not just focus on Indonesia, there is much more to this.) I was considering that maybe they saw mountains as they were flying in to land, or maybe in the distance they saw mountains, but in my “gut” I still felt this mountain was in the central part of the island they are on. I felt like I was trying to make excuses why the snowy mountain was somewhere else and not on the island (because Indonesia doesn't have snowy mountains),but I don't believe in excuses, something is telling me that as right as Indonesia was, it was still wrong.

As I was going through the comments someone mentioned to look at the Shompens.  That very much looked like the tribe that I saw in my mind (with the exception that they didn't have their faces painted).  They felt more right than many I had looked at before.  [including an image on the right].  As I looked at that image, something made me see that they live on the Andaman Islands (which someone else brought up to me previously in comments but I didn't "see the connection".  I randomly went to Wikipedia to see more about the Andaman Islands, and here is what Wikipedia said in the first lines [image attached]

The definition itself wasn't that significant, but at the end of the definition was the word "Cocos Islands" which I maintained from the the beginning was significant in some way, but I couldn't clue in how or why. I feel like the path I am on is right and that was my "sign." I started with the Shompens, went to Andaman Islands and then saw my signs of "Cocos."

My mind then took me back to my original "triangle" of energy that I couldn't figure out.  One point being Cocos Island- which above I may have really had a breakthrough. That still leaves me with the ancient land mass that David Icke described to the west of Australia (my second point on the triangle) and Diego Garcia (the third point)... So as I was sorting that out, it started to come to me...

I have had many people talk about the island being hidden,and I always felt an ET component that i couldn't understand.. The David Icke discussion also alluded to and island that is there we can't see.  It then dawned on me that I think the ET Involvement that I see is ET involvement cloaking an island or perhaps just the plane ?? somewhere in or near the Andaman Islands.  That is why all the talk of "cloaking" and "hidden lands" kept coming in my face.  It was telling me, but I wasn't seeing it, so the universe just kept it coming at me over and over until I could see it. Perhaps what I saw was them entering this "cloaking" energy and not a parallel layer on earth (still figuring this out as well). 

The last part of the triangle is Diego Garcia and all that strange activity. I see that higher ups there know what is going on.  They want this cloaking technology that the ETs are using. The ETs want disclosure, and the military folks at Diego Garcia see this as game to try to find the people (higher ups know where they are, but are trying to let the underlings find them on their own with the technology they have).  

These ideas are very raw, and I am just sorting it out.  I couldn't have done this without all the collective energy you are providing.  Any other insight or ideas I should consider are appreciated.  I am trying not to lock myself into only these ideas, so even something totally off is appreciated because it could be relevant in a different way.  

Love and light to all of you!]
[Updated from comments 4/27/14 at 1:20 PM
In my mind I have been slowly making sense of this.  I greatly appreciate all the comments!  I was told in my comments that Andaman and Nicobar Islands were at the top or a part of the Cocos Islands (which I always said that the word or location Cocos means something). The one thing that I was trying to focus on was the “snowy mountain” and I felt that was viewable to the passengers (and also one on the island).  I also mentioned volcanoes in one of my posts.  Then a reader commented that a volcano that erupted and was covered in some ash could look like snow, or perhaps that was what I saw and my mind interpreted it as snow- I immediately felt truth with that.  Either they can see a volcano or in the middle of the island they are on has a volcano that erupted and left an ash residue on things that “looks” like snow. I just need to pinpoint this volcano…

Someone else mentioned Easter Island, not because of location, but because of the stone totem heads.  I do feel a similarity, but the ones in my mind weren’t as huge, and the lips were bigger.  Very similar feel and effect though.

I also received a message with a photo [attached]- and this is so close that I can’t tell if they are exact, but they are very close in feel to me!!

I also found it interesting that in this Andaman area there are fruits called sapota, coconut and nutmeg, all of which have the brown furry skin… I really feel that some connections are being made.

Thank you to everyone.  I appreciate the energy more than you know!]
[Updated from comments 4/28/14 at 6:14 AM
Hello everyone! 

Thanks for the continued feedback!  I wanted to share a picture that someone shared with me that looks like a runway found on the islands that we are looking at!  I found this interesting. 

I also wanted to share a photos that someone sent showing me a volcano that from a distance has the appearance of a snow covered mountain.  This sight would be very viewable from the Andaman Islands. The passengers (or even myself in an image) could interpret this as a snowy mountain. 

Someone also suggested that I try to reconnect and get anything more on animals or vegetation.  I was able to get two things.  The first thing I saw was a fish that appears to have really long whiskers.  This looks like something common that they eat.  I also was shown these strange looking spiders that had a neon green appearance, and they almost looked like you could see through them. 

In my gut I feel we are really narrowing this down.  Collectively this energy is amazing!  
Love and light-]
[Updated from comments 4/29/14 at 6:28 AM
I just watched this video on sand dollars in the Andaman Island- this does look right! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_-7C10ZtMCk

I find that when I look at the fruit, many look similar.  It could very well have been the Ciku Fruit / Sapoto.  I remember thinking kiwi when I originally saw it, but it seemed bigger than a kiwi.  I did look like the pics of Chinese Gooseberry.  I think to hone in on this I am really going to have to re-focus because they all look so similar.  I really do appreciate all the pics because it keeps me from tunneling down just one path.

Someone sent me a pic of a Talipot Palm.  The tree I saw looks MUCH like this!  If this isn't it, the tree I saw was very close. [pic included]

The green spider.  Someone sent me a pic, and it was so on target [included and is the top spider pic].  This was in Papua.  I then searched for more (I’m trying to see what location has all these clues in common) and found another that is in South Western India. [included and on the bottom]. I am finding that there are several neon green spiders in that area...I keep revisiting the image and I get that there is some orange on the underneath belly part of the spider...

My next goal is to try to connect to more people, tune into what I have so far and try to sort this out.  I also 
thought I will tune into the sun, moon, etc to also get a location that way.  I still feel there is something with the Andaman Islands (haven’t given that up yet) but am always trying to stay clear-minded. 

Thanks you so much for everyone's help and continuing to send ideas / pictures.]
[Updated from comments 4/30/14 at 6:24 AM
In addition to comments on the blog, I have been getting emails and Facebook messages.  I had one message over Facebook that really stood out and I just had to share what this person was able to find: There is a blog called Welcome to the Jungle of Andaman Island. She read through the blog and there was mention of a “jumping spider” and the trees that are there. [attaching a pic].  They even talked of the Betel plant-..

I started to really look at other images on and I saw that the native tribes also paint their faces with white paint (images attached).  The name of the tribe is the Sentinelese

Someone had asked me what type of tools they hunt with, I immediately saw a spear versus a bow and arrow.  It looks like they take a wooden poles and fashion sharpened rocks to the end of the pole with twine.  I saw may pics of them using a bow (which I didn't get in my image) and then I saw this pic I attached and it looks almost exactly the same as what was in my mind! Then I noted the white body paint!

The same person that shared the finding of the Andaman blog also shared the pic of the tribe having the exaggerated lips.  I couldn't find the stone statues in images, BUT I will say that I felt a connection to this picture.  It was as if the exaggerated mouth was some sort of a clue.  The stone statues had the same "exaggerated" feel to the mouth.

I still have more to review (I have some photos of passengers, etc..) but I wanted to share some of what I already had. 

I have had several people as ask about what timeline they are in, or are they in our time and cloaked?  What is going on with that?  I feel like they are here parallel to us.  I still do somehow see ET interference.  I get some sense that if you look "down" from above you cannot see them, but if you look at them parallel (or straight on) you can (not sure how that is possible and still making sense of it).  Meaning from a satellite above you cannot see them (like a sheet or veil is blocking them), but if you went to the island and physically looked at it horizontally, you would be able to see it with clarity.

My next frustration that I have already discussed to some people is that they aren't looking anywhere near these islands.  They are looking in water, and they need to look on land. With our collective energy perhaps we can persuade a new tactic in their search for this.]
[Updated from comments 5/1/14 at 6:35 AM
Hello everyone.  I wanted to think about some things for today’s update.

I was asked to focus on the ETs- What do they want? I get that we (many international countries)  have been working with some of them, and opposing others.  They would like to come out of “hiding” and be able to be free.  I also get that some counties have casually acknowledged their existence (made and announcement, but not a broadcast), but the US is definitely one of the ones that are hesitating.  They want some kind of disclosure to occur before they share their “cloaking” technology.  The ETs have drawn a line.

Some statements have said that the plane flew for 6 hours.  I was asked to explain this. I have taken in bits of what the media is saying, but I don’t hold onto it as if it is an absolute.  The misinformation seems to be so great, that I don’t feel what they say is much of a clue.  I have taken it in, and then let my mind do the work and trust that the truer image will come forward. Your deep subconscious knows the truth, and I am slowing making sense of it.

I realize that the physical description of the Sentinelese doesn't match what I saw. I saw the tribes skin much more dark tan.  Details are very important, but I also have to trust what “feels” right when I am presented with it.   Everything I have seen and read (thank you for all of these great comments) has lead me here for a reason.  Maybe I got a detail wrong, but it was necessary to get the answer I need- I believe the Universe works that way and I need to figure it out. Maybe there is another tribe on the Andaman Islands, or maybe this tribe is it.. I still have more work to do to explain to myself why I saw the physical features that I saw. I do feel good about the path we are on, and I feel so close to figuring out the truth.

When I do a private personal reading (with the exception of public or famous people or events)  I do get permission to focus on a person.  I am viewing this as an overall event and not trying to tap into their very private life or personal intimate thoughts.  This is all approached with positivity and love, not as an invasion.  This is “ big picture oriented”.  Someone wanted to know how the passengers saw me- Do you know how you may get a random thought or a person or idea- I feel like when I focus or put an intent out there it comes through like a random thought- it is like I am trying to connect telepathically through some spiritual means.  Many of you have probably thought of someone, and then they call- same type of spiritual “thought” connection. I feel part of my struggle is that they don’t know they are connected, so they aren't as open and relaxed as they would be in an ideal situation.  That is why is just get bits and pieces.] 
[Updated from comments 5/2/14 at 7:37 AM
Hello everyone.  I first want to thank all of you.  Without your great input it would have been hard to continue to go on in this type of depth.

Someone had asked about how long they were in the air after the turbulence.  The answer I got (and I felt connected to the pilots during this) was that “time seemed liked it stopped and everything seemed like it was in slow motion.” I still get the image too that this plane was guided (I see a little kid with a remote control airplane) and landed on a sandy beach.  As I ask for more information- any clues- one thing that comes through is that this beach is not all soft sand.  There are parts that are soft, but there are other areas that are very rough and sharp that hurt your feet- as if there are large amounts or coral or rocks around it?? 

I had a couple locations to look at.  I was pointed toward Narcondam Island and Barren Island.  Both of these islands have the right feel, and they both have a volcano in the middle.  Something else I wanted to note was I feel a message is coming through to me (and it has a frustrated feeling behind it) that the island they are on has a “snowy looking mountain (volcano)” in the middle, and  they can see a volcano in the distance?  Then in my mind I think if they see a volcano and can identify it, either they know it is there or they see it smoking…. Are there smoking volcanoes right now in the area?

I have had many confirmations that we are looking in the right area.  We just have to narrow down what island in the Andaman Island area they are on…

Thank you again for all the comments.  I do appreciate them because it keeps my mind thinking.]  

Updated from comments 5/3/14 at 10:00 AM
Hello.  Thank for for all the information.  I have been taking it all in and really thinking about this.  I feel that the Andaman Islands is the right location and we just need to hone in on the correct island.  It was brought to my attention that Barren Island has an active volcano that would appear to be both a volcano (that the passengers saw from a distance but yet felt too far to get too) and also could appear to be snow-topped (what I saw when trying to look through someone elses perspective).  Someone then mentioned Great Coco Island!  I have always maintained that in some way the word "Coco" or actual location "Coco" was important.  I then was told the the Chinese are involved with Great Coco Island (which in one of my first readings the chinese came up- something make me talk about them, and it was in reference to air space and the detour that the plane made was because of them!). This all feels so right, and my next goal will be to try to remote view this area even more... 

The next thing I wanted to look at were the various indian tribes. Many people have sent me names and I went in and viewed them:  What I saw in my mind most reminded me of Kubu, Anak, Dalam, Orang Rimba and Dayak. BUT what really stood out to me were the Shompen! I have always talked about their smooth hair and their tan skin, and a few days ago I mentioned that I saw them hunting with a spear.  I am attaching the first thing that popped up when I searched on google.   

Thank you everyone for all of your help.  I still have a lot to do but this feels like we are narrowing it down. 

Love and light to all of you!]

Updated from comments 5/4/14 at 9:55 AM
There were some things that people brought up in comments that I wanted to address.  First were the Tillangchang.  I do get a connection to them (picture attached). They very much look like the image in my mind. This is an absolute possibility. 

I do not see them (the passengers) on Barren Island (where the volcano is) but they can see the volcano.  They are close enough to know this is a volcano and that there is an island there, but not close enough to think they can swim or make a raft. 

I also viewed the Great Coco Island runway.  Something in my subconscious really is pulling me here (or an island that VERY close to here). I have always felt from the beginning that the work Coco would be a significant clue in all this.    

Another great question I had was when I was viewing the situation through someone eyes and I interpreted the snow topped mountain (which I now realize was most likely a volcano)  what side of the plane did I see it on?  I saw this out of the left side of the plane, and the plane turned to the left slightly soon after we saw it and passed by it.
Thank you so much everyone!  I will continue to work on this.  Love and light-]
Updated from comments 5/5/14 at 7:16 AM
Hello everyone.  I feel like we are on the right track, but we need something else… I thought I would take a different approach and focus on the natives of the island and see what they can communicate to me…

I noted a lot so I am going to start to list it:  First, every thought or intent I put out there, was repeated back to me in English. As if the person I initially connected to could “hear” my words and somehow rethought the words in their mind.  It felt different (never had that experience), but I did get a sense of intelligence with regard to that process..

Then I sort of thought in the form of pictures or surroundings. I see that they take shells and create jewelry out of the shells for special festivals or events.  Not for everyday, but for special times, like ceremonies around a large bonfire.

I was also trying to focus on the commerce, boats, all of that in the area.  I get that they do see boats, and there was a touristy feel to it.  The tourists never come on shore, but they see them.  When I tried to figure out why I was shown that there is a huge amount of coral and rock that surrounds the island and makes it very difficult to get a boat even close to shore.  I see the only way on or off the island is by air.

I was also trying to see or get a feel for the volcano that they see.  I get that they actually celebrate the volcano, and it is a big deal to them.  In my mind I am getting some kind of translation come to me and I hear “big” “smoke” and “fire”.  They watch this and gauge or associate events to this volcano.  They can definitely see it, and I get a sense that they have determined some kind of pattern to the activity (as if there are cycles to it?).

So I then I picture the plane in my mind and ask, where is it? I hear “big” and I nod “yes” and….then I get an image of it.  It really does look like a sandy beach…? Then I hear “it is guarded”. I try to find by who or what… Then I get they “need the plane intact.” My first impression was that they wanted it so possibly they could fly it off the island.  Then I ask, “If it is flyable, why don’t they just leave?” Then I get “it isn’t ready.” I am trying to make sense of this, and then I see a single man with a long gun, like an AK47.  He was walking around the nose of the plane.  I ask “who is that?!!”  The native shrugs his should, as if to tell me they didn’t know and then I get the words “mean man.”  I ask if that was a passenger, “and I get another shoulder shrug… and that is all I was able to get this time.

If anyone can put any of this together, I am happy to try to figure out more.]

[Updated from comments 5/5/14 at 8:48 PM
Hello everyone.  I want to thank you for your dedication and energy you have been sharing.  I was sitting and having some deep thought about this (as I often do), and I feel like I have come to a point that I mentally can’t go any further. I think I have put so much focus on this, and with the amount of information I have, my mind won’t let me open up to more. Please feel free to share information between yourselves.  If more information comes to me I will gladly share it.  My heart goes out to these families. Love and light to all of you.]
[Updated from comments 5/13/14 at 6:49 AM
Hello everyone.

I have been reading over the thread to this, and the contacting fishermen or someone there is a great idea!  I am sending you all my positive thought and energy!

As I was thinking about this I had a couple things I wanted to mention that may help you.  I saw some of the natives fishing.  They look like they take trees and hollow them out to create these canoe boats that they stand in while they fish with long bamboo made spears.  They have to do this because the coral around the island doesn’t let them walk easily into the ocean to fish on foot (it is too rough, unsteady  and sharp). The natives are able to see other larger boats in the distance, but the other boats never come close to the island (as if there is a boundary drawn).

I still see the Andaman Island area, and feel Great Coco Island is the target area.  I see another government involved as well. Then I hear the phrase “Don’t poke the bear” and I get an image of a polar bear.  ??

I will continue to watch and provide you with occasional updates as I see them. Love and light-L]
[Updated from comments 5/27/14 at 7:50 AM
Hello everyone..  Thank you for your continued energy on this.  I thought I would tune into this today..
I still feel there is a huge connection to Cocos, specifically Great Cocos.  My image of the island is not changing, and I see what looks like a huge volcano off in the distance. 

When I focus on the people (specifically Rodney and Mary Burrows), they look to be alive, but I sense they are distraught… This amnesia feeling they had, as if they were in a dream, has come to an end.  I also get the impression they were given some kind of hope that they would be home by now, and they are losing that hope.  I can’t see where they were told they would be home (like an announcement), but I see that somehow they knew (almost like a fact) that they would be home. It just feels sad, like this sense of despair.

I also get the impression that there was a something going on that isn’t going according to plan that is holding this up.  I get the word “ransom” but I can’t tell in regard to who or what this ransom applies to.  I get this image that the passengers are separate from this “plan” like they are located away from the “plan” and have no knowledge of it.  They just know that “something” is going on.   I also get that the passengers don’t want to know what is going on because it would somehow compromise them..  When I focus on the passengers and try to ask what they know, my heart races and I feel panic, like part of my subconscious doesn’t want to know either- it almost feels like what I would think a panic attack would feel like.

With regard to the plane, I see men with tan military suits around it.  The first image with the “mean man” looks to be a normal person that was on the island waiting on the plane, but he has been replaced with these military men in the tan suits.  I want to focus on the uniform, and the thing I notice is that they look clean whereas the passengers look hot and sweaty.  The uniforms cleanliness looks out of place as if they have somewhere to go on this deserted island to freshen up but I see no structures near the passengers or plane??  I sense they are flown here from an off sight location??

The other thing I see is that the military men look like they don’t just guard the plane, but they keep staring in the sky like they are waiting on something.  When I look in the sky, I see nothing, but there is some anticipation that something will show up.

That is all I have for now… 

[Updated from comments 6/15/14 at 7:30 PM
Hello everyone.  I know it has been a while since I did an update, so I wanted to spend a few minutes on this today. 

When I first tune in I see an image of this bubble of energy covering the people, and then two giant hands are pressing or holding that energy onto the people so it cannot escape.  It looks as if they are being suppressed in some way, or their energy level is being blocked or held down by an outside force.

The people looked frustrated and worn out.  They (the people) really thought they would be out of this situation by now, and they feel like if they haven’t been found by now the search efforts are gone.  I also see them walking about on this island, and when they look up there are tiny helicopters flying around (like a toy helicopter) and then they leave. ??  The people wave and talk to them as if these helicopters will help them. ??  I also see food drops happening, it looks like they come from a military helicopter.  It is an army green chopper with black letters spray painted on the side- I can barely make out the letter “NC-“ (is very fuzzy and numbers follow it, but that is what it looks like from the passengers vantage point).

Someone asked if this was deliberate.. I do get an intentional feel behind this, but at the same time I get this phrase “they are flying by the seat of their pants” as if this wasn't truly thought out as well as it should have been.  Like things aren’t going as they expected..

Someone asked me again about 2-3-7.  I see it could be left up to interpretation and mean many things.. Shortly after I was shown this number I came across the movie “Room 237” (in a very random manor) talking about zymology and also hiding things in plain sight with subliminal messages and movie “tricks.” I see that this mystery is hiding in plain sight too, and people in the know are trying to baffle the public with false information… ]

[Updated from comments 7/13/14 at 9:08 PM
I wanted to do an update (I realize I haven’t done one in a while), so I took some time to tune in. I will say the energy around this isn’t as intense as it was, and I have been trying to figure out why.  Then it came to me that there is some kind of disconnect between the passengers and the plane.  Like the situation has a “spread out” feeling… The intensity isn’t in just one location that you can pinpoint, but multiple locations???

I see the plane is still physically located in the Great Cocos area, still guarded and mechanics / engineers are working on this plane either protected or forced  gunpoint (the men working appear to be stressed and sweating)??.  I do see the military man associated with this, and he is definitely not American or someone having American features (his skin is dark and his hair is dark).  The mechanics / engineers working on the plane look to be of the same nationality as well.

Then I look at the where the passengers are?  The natives look to be retreated inland more (there are none on the beach or fishing).  This military force looks to have invaded their area and forced them back or at least forced a retreat from this specific beach area where I see the plane.

So my mind goes back to the passengers… They don’t look like they are on the island any more.  I can not see how they got where they are, but they have been moved to what looks like some kind of a holding area that is disguised as a factory on the outside.  It has a dark feel (limited lights) and cots are everywhere.  I see an image of sand, and it looks like this structure is somewhere remote and in the desert.

I will still look at this thread and try to keep my mind open.  I will also share whatever information I am able to get. 

Love and light-

I feel like what happened is so connected to events that have happened in the Bermuda Triangle that I have also attached links to past readings I have done on the topic.
Bermuda Triangle Reading: 


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Anonymous said...

Thanks for your post! How and why do you think the plane slipped into another dimension, and can they come back?
Will they want to?

Anonymous said...

Will they ever be found?

Anonymous said...

To be honest: I am not surprised by this answer because I already thought about the same: that they are in an other dimension.

The strange thing is that people who tried to call the vanished, say that the mobile phones are functioning, i.e. they get the ringing of the phones, but nobody is answering.
That could be proof IMO, that the mobile phones did not get destroyed and people are living elsewhere.

Anonymous said...

Could you describe this other place in more detail please? Is there a sense of it being temporally or spatially removed from us? Could you describe what people were seeing prior to the event and as it was unfolding? What was the external influences that were acting upon the elements of the event?

Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Psychic focus for having this session where I had a bad feeling a few months ago something really force them to go to another dimension.

Anonymous said...

Reuter reports that the plane signal was detected W of Malaysia , Malacca strait, the plane seems to have turned back and flown for another hour (350 miles) (500 km), on a lower altitude, some fishermen in S China Sea had heard a loud boom and seen a light in the sky. After other plane chrashes phones were reported to ring for days.

Anonymous said...

They heard a bit mumbling and static communicating problem. Had a bit lightning and turbulence.

Anonymous said...

Are you saying the plane is on ground somewhere and still intact?

Can other search party make contact with the lost/missing party?


Anonymous said...

According to Kathryn E. May, the plane will be used as "hostages" by Ishtar and ET's.

"You may also have heard about the airliner which vanished in Malaysia. Flight 370 was just off the eastern coast over shallow water when it wavered in the air then suddenly dropped from 35,000 feet to 0 and disappeared. At the same time, radar showed a "plane" which suddenly accelerated to 4 or 5 times the speed of any other craft, hovered in one place, then suddenly vanished from the radar screen, seconds before the airliner also disappeared."

Source: http://www.whoneedslight.net/page/483751582

Anonymous said...

Adding to above, "I am very pleased to tell you all that the passengers and crew of the airliner are safe and happy in a secret location. There were several ships in the area, and the maneuver was carried out effortlessly. It is very serendipitous that the airplane carried a large number of Lightworkers from many countries who are delighted and very enthusiastic about the proposal we have made to them, that they be used as "hostages" to expedite the following demands:"


Disclosure coming real soon?

Anonymous said...

what an absolute load of crap

Psychic Focus said...

Thank you everyone for the great comments. I even respect 12:18 PM as I think everyone deserves their own opinion and my reading was a little "out of the box." Truthfully, I surprised myself with what I saw.

Anyways, I wanted to address some points that came up.

Phones: I get that they may be ringing, but no one is able to answer. It looks like a one-way communication. It looks like the number can be dialed as valid, and the phone may sound to ring, but in reality the call is not connected. This looks to be able to go on for a while now.

What they saw before and during the event: They were flying normal, and it got very dark out. Like the were being surrounded by something that looked like smog. Then I saw what looked like a lightening storm. Lighting was hitting the plane and electric sparks were coming from the plane. The ride got rough and it was complete chaos. Then this loud rumbling started, and at that time people started covering their ears. Once the rumbling stopped, there was an eerie calm over everyone. It was incredibly silent.

Description of the place: It is warm. Looks like an island. The plane coasted into a sandy beach. There is what looks like a tropical jungle about 100 yards off the coastline. The leaves on the plants are enormous- reminds of something I would have seen on Jurassic Park. The temperature is warm, I see people in short sleeves and still sweating. They were able to make fire and are keeping a fire on the beach as some kind of signal. Looks incredibly remote- I see no other people on the island. I can see some mountains in the central part of the island and at a distance look like they may have snow on the very top.

Will they come back, do they want too: They don't realize how lost they are. Yes, they want to come back. They are more anxious than scared. I cannot see them being located- I feel like bits of the plane broke off during the turbulence / electrical storm and that will be found, but for the most part the plane is in tact.

How and Why did this plane slip into another dimension: To be honest I can't see the why or how, I just see what looks like an electric storm and the sky immediately surrounding the plane has this plasma look to it. When you stare at a hot road it gives the appearance of blurry vision in the space directly above it- well the sky looks like that around the plane. The next thing I see is that the plane is gone.

I will continue to monitor this thread and update folks as questions come in. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Please. Get real. There's no Ishtar, no ET's hostages, no lightworkers on the plane...no soft landing on a soft sandy beach. The plane crashed. It will eventually be found and the passengers are dead.

Anonymous said...

Its possible! Cool reading! Is it possible to build a dimensional portal? What does it mean they switched dimensions, where are they exactly in physical comparison to us, distance wise?

Thank you!

Anonymous said...

I have heard of similar places of planes disappearing around bermuda triangle and stuff, flights in the past century? Are they related? Did they go to the same place?

Anonymous said...

Could you read; can you see who is behind this? Was this a planned event, and can you see what they hope to accomplish? Also, if they are in a different dimension, are they in the past, or a future time line?

Anonymous said...

Thank you for your update. I have been been curious about the plane's disappearance and also thought about it shifting into another dimension. Would you be able to tap into the higher soul agreements of this event? I am aware that we live in a mirror reflection and I am wondering what humanity can learn from this? Also, is there anyway we can help them? Prayer? It's all very surreal...my condolences to all the family members who also have no idea what is going on.

Thank you!

Anonymous said...

Is it weird that for the past few days my phone rings but i cannot hear anything. Also, I have to dial a number twice in order to be connected. Didnt you do a reading about the telecommunication/satelite was going to be affected March of 2012? Is that time now?

Anonymous said...

Weird. I had a dream about a place with these enormous gigantic plants the size of skyscrapers almost. What I also remember from that dream was some kind of currency protest where the protesters were wearing red scarves and put one around me.

Off topic but I remember someone had stolen my wallet in the dream and bought homeless people mcdonalds with it, and I wasn't sure whether or not I was upset about it because I remember flipping through the receipts they left in my wallet and the actual paper money still in there and having this feeling like the real money was worth just as much as the receipts and had no value almost like monopoly money.

Anonymous said...

As for the comments on other dimensions, this reminds me of the bermuda triangle and how planes had been reported missing in that area. I used to have this theory that connected them to the mayans who had sculptures and images depicting what looks like our modern day airplanes as well as helicopters. What I wonder is if it were possible that the missing airplanes in the bermuda triangle somehow went "back in time" to the mayan era, where they then found the inspiration for their modern depictions. I also wonder if ancient people who may have witnessed these structures in the air may have mistaken them for things like "dragons", especially jets or anything that leaves a contrail.

Psychic Focus said...

Thank you again for all of your feedback.

There are a couple more things I wanted to discuss. I do not see this as intentional or a government plan. I see this more as a phenomenon or rare, unusual event. They were at the wrong place at the right time and right conditions. I see this as being unexplained for a long time.

Also regarding where they are. This is a concept that is somewhat hard to understand, but we are taught that time is linear. We are also taught that there is a start and stop point and things progress forward along a line. I too see time as linear, but I don't think we are restricted to always moving forward. I see we jump ahead and backwards. We don't always remember where we have been (just like we can't all remember with our conscious mind what we ate for lunch last Tuesday). Your subconscious knows and that is why (for example) we may feel that we have been somewhere or recognize someone (because we have been there or met them) and don't remember. Having said that, I see that they had a (what I call) "time slip" into the past. I have had many images of Gilligan's Island pop up in typing this, so I think that is also noteworthy. I still see them on an island with a jungle inland. They are alive...

I also keep seeing tiny islands on a map to the east of Malaysia- I feel the plane was directed more toward that area.

Thanks again, and I will continue to watch this closely.

Anonymous said...

Do you see the survivors eventually interacting or being found by civilization in that dimension? Theoretically speaking, if they were to be reunited with family in that dimension, could they possibly meet another version of themselves? (I believe in the multiverse/alternate timelines, so I am being very serious here) Or do you see them in another time frame altogether? I am curious as to what the earth and civilization is like in their dimension. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

You probably arr seeing the episodes of the popular TV series LOST and hallucinating

Anonymous said...

What I would like to know is how the US military and intelligence community are viewing this, and how much they actually know about such "time slip" events. How much, I wonder, have they already mastered such natural phenomena, if at all.

Anonymous said...

Why are the latest reports saying that the plane turned Westward and was last located over the Mallaccan Straits?

Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Hi PsychoFocus,

Thank you for updating. Bashar (channelled by Daryl Anka) mentions about time being flexible and that everything is actually an illusion. Time is what we experience here on Earth and on various dimensional levels there is no time so you are either here or there. There's no 'travel time' from point A to B.

I kind of have a feeling that some of the people on the plane wanted a new adventure like... it's hard to say, not that they were expecting to dimensionally shift but now that they have manifested it, they probably are like wow it can happened... so what to do? A lot of anxious feelings like you said...

Wait, did you already mention that? Sorry, my mind is going wild. Maybe, they can figure things out and come back to this reality and share with us their findings. Wishful thinking...

I know I have personally experience time lapse.... only a matter of 10 minutes but still it caught my attention. The physical plane is a lot more fluid if one wants to accept that it is.

Very interesting... I hope you will keep updating us. Thank you! My curiosity is peeked as I am also interested in parallel shifts. I don't know how to really use my clairs so I appreciate you sharing us your visions.

Stephen said...

Acc. to the military the flight has changed it path towards Malacca and after that they lost the signal .... even with the advanced technology we are unable to track an missing aircraft ... its shame .....

Anonymous said...

I came across your blog just a few minutes ago and i can't help but be in awe when you wrote that you could help but to think of the tv show "Lost" and that is exactly what came to me just a few hours ago watching the news coverage on the missing plane. I do believe there are survivors but question is where are they and how to get them back. God be with them and their families. Much to pray for...

Idoexist said...

believe the flight is grounded or floating still somewhere..

Problem statement :
Signal cut
1)flight signal transponder failure
2)Flight burst at 30k feet
3)Sudden Environment change causing communication failure
4)Sudden power outage on entire aircraft

I rule out causes 1),2),4) considering the below points

a)18 cellphones still ringing
b)no evidence still found by search team after 3 days and so much ships
c)US CIA saying pilot would have suicided ( no chance)

Now if a flight bursts at 30k feet,keeping the point of burst the materials will be scattered to 8 sq km which search should have found by this time.And there is no chance for 18 cell phone to ring.

Ok if i consider the flight crashed somehwere , why didnt the signal txr of aeroplane still didnt respond.In today's technology is it dificult to find the location of phone from where it gets ringed.
why should CIA of US come with some answer that is totally unacceptable like pilot trying suicide.what they want to hide and what they are deviating from.

So at last I believe its landed somewhere unknown location getting into blackhole.
and pray to god they are alive somewhere.

Sherry luv said...

It was reported that 2 infants were on the plane. Do u think they're alright?

Anonymous said...

IMO, the only way to come back to this time, is, starting the plane and flying through the same electric weather-disturbance, through the same "time-hole" from the opposite side.
But to be honest, I personal think that the chance that they can reach the same time-hole again and for example do not get trapped in another time, is minimal.
And we do not even know if the plane is able to fly at all...

So, you think that they are on Earth, but not a parallel Earth in an other dimension, but the same Earth in the past?!

Anonymous said...

I did the session myself yesterday not being aware of yours at 15:22 GMT and I had an impression of a flash of yellowish light around the plain ( blast?, fire?). I could see warm, wet-humid very lush green vegetation and a high waterfall ( more a stream waterfall not that like Niagara or Iguazu ones)and I had also impression of some movement -life forms.I didn't see this plane in pieces. Rather still recognisable as a plane.

Psychic Focus said...

Thanks again for all the feedback. I agree with many of the posts- the only way back is the way they went, and I can't see that happening (in my mind). I see them being on Earth, but in the past, like an alternate reality (I know this is a very different concept- I just report what I see).

As a whole, people look to be ok.. There are some injuries- I see one person specifically with some pretty big cuts on their leg and limping, but there is some kind of huge leaves wrapped around it. I am not viewing any deaths, just injuries at this point. If there were deaths, they are out of my view.

I also see some kind of tribal people. I get the impression that they will eventually meet them, but I don't feel hostility. I see them looking at the survivors strangely like they don't understand the aircraft that brought them, and the clothing is very perplexing to them. The tribal people are more afraid of them than anything... This looks like a glimpse as to how they merge into a society....

Anonymous said...

I have 2 family member on that plain do yoy think they are alright

Anonymous said...

I think they still alive but in the other dimension.

curious and concerned said...

I get that feeling they are alive too. I don't know how, and realistically speaking it didn't seem possible, but somehow there's just this feeling they are alive.

I don't believe in bohmohs, but the Malaysian bohmoh did say he saw this darkness at first and then flashes of light so bright it hurt his eyes.

If they are in a different dimension, how are we going to find them? How to get them back?

ahboon said...

i suspect this missing plane is planned nicely. no offence. i think someone is into this. and maybe they might landed some places or something.

1. landed in one island which ppl might miss search the area.
2. 90 degree straight down to the deep sea (crash)
3. UFO / bermuda triangle? (which is bullshit)
4. tied up tgt with authority to land in other country? (just saying. dont catch me)

Anonymous said...

Oh before I forget Focus Session I remember that one of the family member had a dream his brother lost in MH 370 came back to similar house to find them not living there that's different dimension communicate to them.

Anonymous said...

The phone still ringing can be explained by this: http://www.cnn.com/2014/03/12/world/asia/mh370-phone-theory-debunked/

Here's the excerpt edited:
When a cell phone rings, it first connects with the network and attempts to locate the end-user's phone.
If it doesn't find the phone after a few minutes, after a few rings, then typically, it disconnects and that's what's happening.

Yeah, but I do believe they traveled to another dimension too. It seems impossible that there wouldn't be large debris left if it was an attack or some sort.

But if they've traveled to the past, do any of them realize it? Would any of them try and leave a message behind for us to read?
And with them being in the past, would there be some kind of change in timeline and such? Of course that is unless they're in an alternate past reality of Earth altogether or that time slip was destined to happen...

Also, I kind of wonder when the time comes when finally, the governments admit that those kind of things(time travel and the like) really do happen...If so, when will that be?
In this case though, I don't think any government is involved but they do know stuff like this happen, don't they?

Anonymous said...

Can you see what the passengers are doing now?
Do you mean they just went back to the past or did they slip into a different reality, i.e not in our dimension?

Adrian Brooks Collins said...

I know it's not easy to place your nascent, clairvoyant views on the web, for global scrutiny, but I'm glad you've done so. I look forward to contrasting your visions with subsequent events... Love & Light, Adrian

Unknown said...

Why they dont try to look for them around indonesia islands,anything could b happens,maybe they re route their destination to the nearest place due totechnical problem,....just wish they r comeback safely,our pray and hope for them.

Anonymous said...

Very interesting vision..many psychics can not see the event..some saman ‘Raja Bomoh’came to Kuala Lumpur to see what happened and saw anything..

Anonymous said...

that bomoh who claimed his eyes got hurt when he tried to locate the plane could be a message of some sort that the plane doesnt want to be found, at least for now.

Can scrying/dowsing with a map find objects/people in another timeline or in another portal? or just in the same physical space we are in?

If psychometry isn't able to locate the plane, maybe scrying/dowsing could do it

Anonymous said...

something or someone from a higher power must be blocking all psychic requests - hence not one psychic could glimpse the location of the plane.

although i think the passengers are still in the same physical space, explains the phones still ringing. but that place is so magical that even satellites and advanced technology couldnt locate it.

Im thinking an angel of the Lord protects this place - could the plane be in the garden of Eden? hmmm

Anonymous said...

And yes..I forgot to mention..your vision of the electromagnetic field is probably true..on our planet there is 12 detected vortices,I think our planet have 13.

Anonymous said...

I see the bright green leaves and smell the fragrant earthy odor of the ground. My view is from the moist litter looking up at the strange leaves. I am unfamiliar with this shrub/tree with pointed leaves. It is hot, quite humid and damp. This scene is vivid, persistent and stands alone.

That's it. No impressions other than the plane was absolutely being deliberately flown to where ever it is.

Anonymous said...

All of this gives me an eerie parallel feeling to the story recounted by an anthropologist of his personal time travel
experience. It's a very interesting read and an insight into the the non linear or overlapping quality of time.
Spiritwalker: Messages from the Future by Hank Wessleman.

Anonymous said...

Flown by whom deliberately?

Anonymous said...

I don't know what going on but military already ask for body bags.

Psychic Focus said...

I wanted to provide another response to some great questions coming in:

Government- Do they know / What are the doing? I feel this shock and amazement. As if this incident was horrific, and yet unreal at the same time. I get they are trying to track this somehow with electromagnetics and heat, but it is unclear as to how, and it is unsuccessful.

Someone had mentioned to try scrying or dowsing. Those aren't skills that I have practiced, but anything is worth trying. If someone has had experience and is comfortable, go for it. It could be helpful

C said...

Hi Psychic Focus, then do you see them being able to come back to the same time dimension ever?

Anonymous said...

scrying/dowsing can be done to locate the passengers, but the dowser needs to have any item owned by that person, an item that has a strong bond to the owner.

Anonymous said...

a friend of mine meditate on this two days ago and said he sees them in a jungle like and alive gave me a very similar reading about it.

Anonymous said...

I hope they have enough food on plane to last them till they are found. How I wish they can establish some form of connection to the world

Anonymous said...

The plane is still missing on its 6th day

Search planes find no sign of missing airliner at spot located by China


I get a feeling that we won't be able to ever find this plane. Either it doesn't want to be found or we're not supposed to find it as a lesson of some sort. I dont know.

Yeah, somebody mentioned scrying or dowsing. That might be able to locate the passengers, yeah.

This story really baffles me to no end.

Anonymous said...

Just thought I would pass along...

Might be worth looking into? Another perspective...


The bottom to mid section part talks about mh370

Anonymous said...

I have travelled extensively in Asia over last ten years out of australia .. I always fly with airlines from asian countries and Malaysi Airlines in particular. I am quite clairsentient.. When I first heard of the planes disappearance I immediately thought 3 things..1.at that time they would most certainally be serving meals.2. I cannot say this definitively but I seem to recall that the airline still uses metal cutlery..( it's either them or Singapore airlines but I feel strongly it is MA that does).. 3. Strong gut intuition told me foul play. Recent internal flight in Vietnam the cockpit door was flapping to and fro open in flight.. Last time we returned flying MA our bags were sent to another destination unaccompanied by us and we waited 36 hrs before they came back to us. So baggage DOES fly in hold unaccompanied by owners on occasions such as this.

Anonymous said...

My feeling tells me this radar info released by Malaysia is false. What is your feelings on all the info being aired by MSM?

Anonymous said...

If this truly does turn out to be the result of some sort of space/time distortion or dimensional shift, than we may be facing a revolution in our conception of reality. I look forward with great anticipation to see how the state controlled media will deal with such an alteration in world conception. I am quite familiar with the idea of higher and lower planes/dimensions of consciousness, but interdimensional portals from one PHYSICAL reality to another PHYSICAL reality is something altogether different. And I have serious questions about the dark implications of this.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the follow ups and answers to my questions.

Anonymous said...

Can you tell me something about myself so that I can believe that this is true. I also have a feeling that they are in another demention...

Psychic Focus said...

Hello everyone. I am still watching this thread closely.

@ 2:02 PM- I am happy to schedule a personal reading if you would like to contact me.

@ 7:37 AM- I see the area in question to the southwest of what is shown on the map as the search area. The were much more off the path that they are broadcasting.

Many of asked how to come back. I cannot get a visual on that. I see them as ok, some injuries, but for the most part ok. I also get an impression that mentally something happened as they disappeared, because they "feel" accepting of their situation..

Anonymous said...

Honestly I have felt the same thing - they slipped through time/ dimension. Perhaps it's time for all of us to understand a bit more of what is really out there. Can they come back? Prayer is so powerful , perhaps the shield protecting them from our reality will fall away revealing them. I have not meditated on any of this but this is just what I too have felt over the last day or so

Anonymous said...

they are in hollow earth now after being taken on board ufo and are part of disclosure to the world!!!!

Anonymous said...

This is one of many unusual occurances that are happening as the work shifts consciousness and the veil between worlds shifts x there could be another one coming soon that has something to do with bikes

Anonymous said...

I am in Australia. The day after the flight disappeared I had a dream I was falling from a great height. As I was falling on my back and it was peaceful and I stopped half way to the ground landing on a soft surface. Then I was yanked and fell again the rest of the way down to earth and had a gentle landing. When I was there I found my infant child was now 8 years old and my husband while excited to see me, Appeared a bit dismayed, as though he had moved on, from my being missing for so long.

Anonymous said...

The greatest Initiate of the modern era, in discussing the Book of Revelation,once said the following:
"In the third stage it will be noticed that something about the laws of nature becomes inexplicable. It will be the greatest and most significant experience through which human beings will have to go in the future when they have to recognize that something inexplicable is going on in the laws of nature, that phenomena are occurring that do not fit in with the laws of nature."
I ponder if this event be the opening of something much larger than we realize.

Hannry said...

I also hav the same feeling like they are on a different dimension and just done some sharing with my kids and we agree on this aspect of space and time. But the main question is will they ever get back to our reality on earth again ?

Supposingly if they get back, the linear time line of ours will be map back in sync with their presence in relative sense ?


Anonymous said...

The airplane went down within an approximate 20 mile radius of N13 30' 00''/E97 30' 00''

posted on remote viewer's forum

hope it helps

Time said...

In the bible, it is apparent that linear time is a concept. God Himself is outside time.

The Jews said to Jesus, “You are not yet fifty years old, and You have seen Abraham?”
He replied, "Before Abraham was, I am."

There were also cases where time was non-linear for some people:

Sarah's physical appearance renewed to her youth and she was able to attract 2 kings to want to include her in their harem and also give birth at 90.

Moses could keep the sun from setting by raising his hands so that children of Israel could fight on battlefield.

Caleb was as strong at 80 as he was at 40.

Anonymous said...

When I first heard about this and the plane missing,I immidiately thought of the bermuda triangle,not that i don't believe this other dimention exsists,but it just seems so surreal.all in all i just hope everyones ok.i know all their families just want them home..i have a few questions though.i don't know too much about this case,but were these passengers chosen to be on this flight particularly?were they all going to the exact same place?and how come it has only happened to this type of airline/flight?like example;us,air canada etc?and will it ever happen again?
Thanks so much!

Anonymous said...

A black box can be located using human technology- the only way it cannot be located is if highly advanced technology was used to neutralize it.

All planes can be seen from satellite- the only explanation why Malaysian flight MH370 has not been shown on satellite is that it was intercepted by an extraterrestrial craft, which is why the governments of the world are scrambling to find alternate theories to suppress the truth.

Get ready for UFO disclosure. This was done intentionally by higher dimensional beings to awaken the masses.

Anonymous said...

Come on, this is ridiculous. You don't know where the plane is and there is no such thing as physics.

You are just taking advantage of vulnerable people.

There is an offer of 1 million dollars for someone to prove they are psychic. Nobody has taken the offer because they know they are fake.


Anonymous said...

I read somewhere that there are more turbulent times ahead in the next 6 weeks according to astrology and this may happen a few more times during the months of March and April. Can you see more into this, when and where etc...?

Anonymous said...

To the last guy that said there is no such thing as physics...LOL!

Anonymous said...

I think we will go through unusual times/ unexpected stuff- it will be a matter of trying to stay grounded while trusting in the power of your god, if religion is t your thing trust in the power of your love for your family and friends. There will be a few jolts and some people could become very disturbed as their perception of reality changes. There are whole worlds out there happening behind an invisible veil and the dynamics of the veil and the balance between the different'worlds' is shifting. We always look to the sky for the other 'worlds' because that is easier for us to perceive but really a lot are hear beside us.everything is as it always was- maybe it's just our perception that's changing . I think it's important to focus on positive, love and light- yes really x I hope this helps, we are all very fortunate to be here at this time on earth x

da'c said...

I have similar vision around 3 days ago about this aircraft (mh 370), in my vision i saw this plane is enter to another dimension, still on this earth and have landed near the sea in an unknown small island,that are not detected on our dimension radar.

# possibly the island location is in the opposite side from where the airplane is disappear #

the island sky color looks like sunset with much orange to red, and i also saw there is a mountain in those island .. but i didn't sea a rare leaves around the island, it is more like a rocky cliff around the beach.

overall the plane looks okay in 1 big piece and not destroyed apart, and the people on that plane is survive, they are trying to climb up that rocky cliff to the high and i assume after they are successfully reach at the top of that cliff they will be found.

this is something that are not easy to explain and acceptable in our humanity mind set, but once again this is shown us that there is a lots of things in this universe that are beyond our limited minded imagination and prove that if we are bold enough to open our mind and believe to the creator of this universe, we will see that everything in our world is possible.

Psychic Focus said...

Thank you everyone for your comments. I enjoy reading everyone's opinion and perspective. When we come together, I feel like it increases our intuition like an amplifier. Having said that I would like to do another update.

Questions: What will happen from now on? A. We will continue to look, and even when it is out of mass media, government will be so intrigued that they will continue to search for this. I also see some kind of a distraction coming up that will take over the media as a way to get this off the news. Government doesn't like dealing with all the questions (I see it makes them squirm). It is as if they have similar theories as this reading, but don't know how to explain it or what to do just yet when addressing the mass population.

Question: How are the passengers now? A. They appear to be what I would call just "ok". I see huge fire on the beachy area trying to create a smoke screen. They look dirty, but appear to have water (I see sandy jugs sitting around.) It looks like after you get within the jungle part of the island there is a stream with clean water they are able to drink from and they send teams to go retrieve it. They look very tired too- sleep is the issue... Also, some of them are just angry. They are so mad they haven't been found. Others in a way accept it, and have had a peacefulness come over them.

Question: Is there any information you can provide from the list of passengers so that their relatives will know for sure you are seeing them for real?] A. I haven't looked at the list because I don't want it to effect my impressions, but I will try to get some descriptions... let me take a moment...

Ok I had some random people come into my mind
1-There was a business man, looks to be in his late 20s, and was traveling wearing a suit. When the plane landed he morphed into a leader. He took off his shirt, and is just wearing a white t-shirt with his dress pants, he found a bandanna and twisted it up and is wearing it as a headband. The distinguishing feature of him is he has a golden chain around his neck with a very unique charm. He never takes it off. (If feels like a gift and a link to someone close to him here) He also has a scar on his cheek- and I want to say it is acne related. He has a lot of survival instincts- as if in his personal life this person practiced or studied how to survive...

2-There is a guy, also in his 20s that he emerged to be "2nd in command".. What I see with him is a tattoo on his arm that looks like an upside down triangle (I felt like it had a Superman quality about it).

3-There is a woman that looks to be late 20s early 30s and there is something about her with her purse. It is like she is guarding something in her purse (food, candy, mints??). The purse had really huge metal buckles and an "expensive" feel to it. Wherever she goes, she takes this purse. I even see her walking to the edge of the jungle to use the latrine and she keeps this purse on her shoulder the whole time.

4-I see a lady who has really nervous hands. Like she is "ringing" or moving her hands all the time. I get an image of knitting or crocheting (I can't tell if she is knitting there, or this is something she does at home) but as she is doing this activity, her eyes feel rather large. She is paying attention to everything being said and everything being done. I get an intuitive sense with her (card reader?).

I also get an image of the group chewing on some leaves that have a sweet taste in the middle. I get that there are some people that are educated on herbs and plants, and understand what is safe to eat. At the edge of the jungle are these "sweet" tasting plants.

Anonymous said...

I dreamt there were statues of turtles and other animals relating from Atlantis City deep in ocean they were huge stones size of a city under water. I believe they are alive camouflaged or mis calculated on its location?. Hope they find flight MH370

Anonymous said...

I am wondering if you could communicate with these passengers, even though they are from different dimension, so as to help them to come back or to integrate into the community there.

One of the person is a member of Soka Gakkai Malaysia. He name is Mr Wan Hock Khoon (42 year old) from Kuala Lumpur.

Many thanks for your help.

Anonymous said...

Non-believers in multiple dimensions on Earth, one of which leads back to the past, may perhaps find it amenable to believe if we, in our current today, are able to read about very ancient tribal histories from the region (Malaysian-Indonesian) where the 370 passengers are currently in the past. If any of those histories contain tribal stories of objects looking like what we call today an airplane and about human beings dressed differently and talking a different language, then that can be a good starting point. Is there any historian account of such a tribal story?

Anonymous said...

are they on the andaman islands?

Anonymous said...

To 8.27 AM,

It doesn't work that way. Those people, in my humble opinion, are trapped in something called the Parellel Universe. Time has stopped for them and they will not even age!

The ancient Mayans and Lemurians were able to explore the Parellel Universe using the Pyramids long, long time ago. This technology has been lost to us. I encourage anyone who is interested in so called, "supernatural" phenomena, ancient civilisations, and the purpose of life, to read "Thiaoouba Prophecy". It opened my mind, and provided me with a mature approach towards the MH370 incident.

Psychic Focus, I am fascinated by your ability to see the people in that dimension. Thank you for sharing your gift and experiences. Keep up the good work!

Chris said...

I focused on it after seeing the news and immediatly saw a damaged plane surrounded by jungle. I didn't feel as if anyone was dead, however some injuries did occur. Now they all sit and wait for help not completely hopeless yet. They should be found by tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

do you have a time frame of when you see they will be found?

Anonymous said...

Did they feel the earthquake?

There was one few mins ago in the Amdamans islands.

Frederick Johnson said...

Frederick-CapeTown-Hi,The Devils Playground-the exact duplicate-of each other-Bermuda Triangle-South China Sea-Electromagnetic Vortexes,commonly known as Electromagnetic-mist-any aircraft that flies into this type of condition,the 1st to go is total blackout of avionics,makes no difference what type of aircraft-if its daylight its a "blue out situation"everything is a blue area around the aircraft-up-down-left-right-flying blind.
however there is a method of looking for a aircraft-just follow the heat signature-from the engines-military spy satelites have that technology,thermal infrared-follow the heat source,means if it you cant see it visually-then you try that,your posts are most likely what has happened-can you come back from such a situation,no you cant-you need to establish the exact time portal of when it happened-welcome to "Time Displacement Travel"they simply flew into a time-energy vortex

Frederick Johnson said...

Time Displacement Energy Vortexes-they exist throughout the universe-its an electromagnetic type field,vortex that acts like a gateway-to give an indication of an unfolding event-when a ship,aircraft enters such a vortex,is that everything thats electronics,on board just goes-off-doesn't come on(High energy electrical interference)2ndly the onboard systems like electrical will simply be short circuited,remember that aircraft is a electronics flight deck,magnetic compasses like on ships will just spin around,the pilot is flying blind,the high energy here is identical but not the the same-as a EMP Strike-electromagnetic pulse,to find out where this time displacement vortex,is you need to know the following parameters,exact time-going in-location,weather conditions,a lot of variables,to be able to come back you need to duplicate the exact time displacement vortex in reverse,that is easier said than done-however with thermal infra red military grade-you could follow the heat signature-by following the heat from the jet engines,even if you in another dimmension,you can trace fairly accurately up to a point in time-using this method,there is only 1 frequency capable of maybe getting messages via more code(cw)is VLF-very low frequencies-what ive read here gives me a very cold shiver down my spine-(hollow earth theory)(UFO,s use this exact Time Displacement Vortexes"as star gates,jump gates to go from 1 galaxy to another-so yes dont discount this theory at all-although i live in (Somerset west South africa) i feel exactly the same way that here is more to flight 370 disappearance than what is public ally being told,with all the technology available its still going to be difficult unless we use 2 tools(ESP_Remote Viewing)if we use that we can go beyond the physical barriers of time into the unknown,we simply use the (Collective consciousness)which surrounds us all-those are the only 2 tools there are to go beyond the physical barriers-

Anonymous said...

Are you able to tell how far into the past they went? Was it a few decades, several hundred years, or thousands of years?

Anonymous said...

I was reading your past post on July 30, 2012 about the bermuda triangle and then you had another vision of something similar... near china. You went on to describe the people on the island, how there was a tribe and there was even the nose of a plane used as a home. Do you think that previous vision was the vision of the missing passengers and tribes?? Or is it completely separate. It's really fascinating.

Anonymous said...

Hi All

interesting thread, specially the clear sighted info.

According to galactic federation of light. This plane encoutered technical problems initially. There was a hydraulic control problem.
In the area there was several ships from the Galactic federation. They are in our airspace around the earth by a great number. Most are not visible to human eyes. Due to vibrations(frequencies). They are here to help humanity to transit to a higher dimension. Wonderfull things are happening in near future. This plane happens to have people onboard wanting to participate in this in this lifetime. This happening is part of great peace program that all contries is going to take take part in. Our Galactic friends are using their great technology to help earth humans. They are all helping Gaya, Terra, Earth, with lots of things allready by rendering the air, the sea, the polution etc...

War will not be permitted on earth anymore. One post earlier mentioned love, peace, friends, family....thats the focus.
more info about all these things are described in
Matthew tell me about heaven., by suzanne ward.
I know this missing airliner seems to be totally unreal, but I have come to understand that all the poeple onboard are safe. They will come back to their famlies very soon. they say. (Ashtar) Federation
I have also heard that the plane is located in inner earth. Not accessable by satelites. Wich is a place allready in fifth dimension. Inner earth is very much real, and have entrances several places. But the main entrances are northpole, and south pole areas. The entrances are protected. The people living here, are high advanced far beyond us. also prehistoric animals are living here in all harmony. There are great cities and everthing in peace and harmony with nature. And always have been. Our goverments know about them. But are keeping this info quit. They also have space crafts capable to travel in space, and time. They The Galactic Fedration have capabilities and technology to suspend an airliner in mid air like they did. Radar apps, like the one named radar24, showed an craft moving very fast. They said, this could be a program error. Well, maybe not this time. The plane would if crashed in the sea and leave lots of parts, and most important a emergency signal. ELT(Emergenxu locator transmitter) located in tale, together with FDR,CVR.etc. tx to satelite for a month. But No this plane is mostly in perfect conditon, due to technology by far advanced beyond in our world, on the outside at least.
According to what I know, 25 % of passangers are here in the inner earth and waiting, the rest is participating in the new world peace contract happening very soon.
The Space craft, filmed overhead Ucraina earlier, was a ship part of galactic federation from planet Sirius. They are getting more and more visible. Due to get peolpe used to them. They are all friendly, and all are here to help us during this earth transition. Wich means one world, no borders, one economy, a new nature, as it once where. a garden of eden. The inner earth is a garden of eden with a inner sun. always light and always warm. Aurora borealis is partly due to this sun. I dont expect people to believe all this. But I have come to believe this. Its just to look around the world. What is happening. The corrupt goverments around the world, the pollution, the killing. when is it going to stop? The power of goverments, power of banks. and their economic power over people, supressed technology,
free energy for all. is coming I have come to learn that our space family have come to help us with this so we all can regain our forgotten consiousness.
This plane happend to become part of a bigger plan, picture if you like, and its going to hit the headlines not seen ever before. How do i know all this?
there are people capable of channeling with our space family friends (Thelepathy). The net are full of info about all this. one such place http://goldenageofgaia.com

jess said...

Theres a place called Burma which is a greeny jungle which could have a portal to this other dimension.It looks like an eden.The Burmese jungle that also has mountains of snow.But perhaps at this time its not accessible but could be at some point in time to open to our dimension

Anonymous said...

What you have been describing for 2 days seems to be the current location being now searched and revealed as being the Adaman islands. It looks like what you and others have been describing: the tribes, the steamed waterfalls, a tropical island:


Anonymous said...

I read your blog last night and it struck me that your idea of this plane and passengers being on an island with tribes is plausible - in this time/place dimension. To my amazement they are actually searching the Andaman islands now where there are hundreds of islands, some habitated by tribes who have resisted modern ways (like your vision). I do hope this is the case.

Hannry said...

I am very thankful that you are still staying online on this topic. We are here in Malaysia are crazily nervous on this not only for the passengers & love ones. Also due to the world political powers are pressing down and telling us what to do and providing so called logical speculations informamation which they think are valid?

I am wondering the place they are landed is it in line with our reality in this spectrum in parallel to your description of the place the plane landed. Is it some where near to the east coast of Malaysia in Peninsula or off in a remote Island near to the Borneo Island or off to the southern part of Pacific Island.

At lease if your reading can be that accurate enough, we could organize a private team to deploy to search for them.

When you said some accept and disappear, is that mean that they accept the reality and in our world means passing away ?

Thanks for your kindness

Steven ong said...

I recently had a strange dream that I never dream before . In the dream I saw the sky above opens up and a dazzling sparkling like a huge fireworks began to rain huge sparks on earth. People were running and trying to hide. Does it had any meaning ?

Steven ong said...

In another dream The sky was completely burning and blobs of fire were raining down on earth . I saw people throwing water on the fire as if trying to extinguish them. Does it had meaning ?

Anonymous said...

I think the island Might refer to the island beach ubucada at the following coordinates, LAT 8th 40'24 .99 "N 106 ° 35'58 .78 LONG" E.
According to the course that had the plane, I think it is the most next to land with a wide and long beach.
However your Might try doing a site survey and give more details. I appreciate your effort and helps us all.

Anonymous said...

I believe in psychics and you are the 2nd one I've heard of that 'feel' nobody has died on the plane. I have my own theory. If you psychics are correct that there have been no deaths on this flight, then it can only mean the plane had landed someplace. This took several years to plan. The objective here is to punish China, a country that has been throwing its weight around Asia for sometime now, angering its neighbor countries. The passengers and crew will be released later after the mission is accomplished. The mission ? Fill a stolen big airplane with explosives (nuclear?), repaint it with PROC airline colors, fly and detonate it over the chosen target in China. Teach the big bully a lesson ! If I'm right, I would think this revenge flight will happen in the evening hours of either Saturday or Sunday...

Anonymous said...

Disappearing into another dimension. What a load of hooey! Jumbo jets and passengers don't simpy de-materialize. This isn't "Men in Black," much as you and others want it tobe.

BTW, also re: "I also keep seeing tiny islands on a map to the east of Malaysia- I feel the plane was directed more toward that area." Wrong. Latest investivative evidence has plane traveling west-northwest. Further indications that these "psychic insights" hold no merit.

Anonymous said...

To : 11.12pm

Keep your opinion to yourself. You do not have to be rude here. If you show no respect to others, others will have no respect towards you. You don't like the page, please move to another website. Shooo!!!

Anonymous said...

Agree with the post above in reference to Anonymous at 11.12pm. If what is discussed doesn't fit with your own beliefs or point of view move on. Publicly discounting someone's blogged beliefs purely on the basis of asserting your own 'rightness' is just distasteful to the author and those of us who value a whole spectrum of opinions and beliefs in which to find our own truths.

Anonymous said...

The electrical event you saw could fit with this scenario:

New electronic weapons allow jamming, blinding, deafening and more, so that a plane could possibly vanish from radar detection and security systems would not be activated. Basic radar Electronic Counter-Measure strategies used in electronic warfare (EW) are: 1) radar interference, 2) target modifications, and 3) changing electrical properties of air. - See more at: http://govtslaves.info/20-passengers-missing-malaysia-flight-dod-employees-involved-electronic-warfare-weapons-can-cloak-make-planes-invisible/#sthash.lmDLKV13.dpuf

Anonymous said...

http://projectavalon.net/forum4/showthread.php?69217-Boeing-MH370..-there are co-ordinates-to a location in the andaman sea-what you have here-is what im seeing in my "Visions"--that is where they need to look in that area,surrounding location-what you describe is in accordance with what i am "Visualization projecting my ESP-Telepathic Capabilities,as a ex-military ESP Operative-my training,is seeing what you physically cant see,find,trace,what you have here-and what the RV,and us in RSA,is the most probable location to date-

Taufua said...

Hey the plane was hijacked and it was confirmed by the Malaysian govt :) You will make a writer LOL

Anonymous said...

I too also heard that the plane was hijacked but this was lead to the obvious, no traces of the plane have been found. Also they have not disregarded the terrorism attack. In saying that, these are reasonable suggestions but also leads to finding a motive. Which after how many days? They are still left clueless. This was also mentioned today in the 'hijacking theory'. I really like what is said in this article about the possible dimension theory as I had been reading up about parallel universes for the last two weeks. I have no idea why I was doing this but I seemed so hooked on it. It makes sense. On my quest to find my understanding on Parallel universes what is stated here is very similar. If this is the case with the missing plane and passengers, the question is, how do they get back to this time and space? - Curious

Shifting said...

Taufua, yeah they said definitely hijacked because they couldn't produce any other information and they now want to at least appear to be in control. The Malaysian Government, or any other government hasn't actually 'confirmed' anything. Before this they've said the plane had either crashed into the sea or disintegrated at 35000 ft. Psychic Focus and the remote viewers have the best idea of what's happening here.

Anonymous said...

they said the plane went all the way to 45,000 and descended significantly after that

Anonymous said...

"I also get an image of the group chewing on some leaves that have a sweet taste in the middle. I get that there are some people that are educated on herbs and plants, and understand what is safe to eat. At the edge of the jungle are these "sweet" tasting plants."

I think this is Liquorice which grows in some parts of Asia. This plant tastes bitter at first but becomes sweet after more chewing. And yes, this plant can thrive in jungles as it needs a well-drained soil with good sunlight.

You also mentioned that you are seeing this somewhat old lady whom you get an intuitive feeling from. Please try to focus on her, and ignore the others for now. That old lady may be telepathic. You could try to communicate with her.

I have consulted another good psychic who's an expert in scrying/divination/dowsing. She says that her crystal isnt responding much because she needs to have a thing that has an attachment to one of the passengers. That wife with ring shown on CNN could very well help dowsers locate her husband. That ring has so much emotional attachment to her husband, which might be enough to locate him through scrying or dowsing.

Anonymous said...

maybe that's when the eerie silence happened.. as they were descending from that altitude

Anonymous said...

Yeah, maybe there's someone from those passengers that's capable of telepathy or thought transfer.

The whole world is so baffled as to what happened to this plane and its whereabouts.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

I hope, maybe this can help in any way:

just at the time as the plane was missing I had a kind of a very, very strange dream I would fly with a plane sinking towards the sea, than flying in a very low altitude over the sea, I felt scared because of the danger of falling into the water then we crash landed in a jungle like forest looking exactly like that http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-_JQFj0NFCZQ/T5HJHYXGdRI/AAAAAAAAAEA/c9JSAQHEUas/s1600/andaman3.jpg in the dream I was very suprised of this ending, as I can remember there were survivors (I survived in the dream). Then the dream was over.

I should mention as I dreamed it nobody knew there would be a plane missing, I heard it in the TV at this morning (I live in Europe) about two or three hours after the dream (as I can remember about 9.00 in the morning.

Maybe it is far irrational to write this to you but I have a very strange feeling and the last days show me that the dream was obviously a kind of a supernatural one. I did not want to believe it but now as the Andaman Islands are a possible place to look for the plane I looked how they look like and I am really shocked now to see exactly that as I saw in the dream.

P.S. Maybe it was a place like that http://disinfo.s3.amazonaws.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/07/AndamanIslands.jpg I can remember from the dream the wings of the plane were broken because we flew in a kind of canyon that was pretty narrow climbing hills around covered with a jungle like forest. I hope this will help in any way, if not, I am very sorry, I hope the best. This is juts what I received in my dream, maybe it is not true but I have the weird feeling that this is the place we have to look for them, a very remote area, an little island, looking like the photo above (especially the first one, the big one), I hope this would help. I was suprised to land on an island because I was scared all the time we would crash into the water, it was a kind of a miracle and I was very grateful for it. Then the dream was over.

Anonymous said...

I guess...probably the place is..
New Guinea island, according to this sentence,"I can see some mountains in the central part of the island and at a distance look like they may have snow on the very top.", the mountain is "Mount Carstensz"...

Psychic Focus said...

Thank you for all the comments. I believe collectively we can use our energy and intent and help these people. I recently had a couple of people ask me about the Andaman Islands and Jawara Tribe... It feels even more south of that- my eye wants to look more south that that location. I do absolutely feel there is a tribe on the island, and I see them giving assistance to the missing people after a certain amount of time studying them and making sure they are not a threat.

Vejay said...

Great blog post. I'm from MAlaysia and have been following this story like crazy. I also believe in ETs and extra dimensional travel. Its entirely possible.

Did you know that there was a greek monk named Daniel who predicted as much that the plane will go missing or go back in time?


Anonymous said...

How many people do you see in the cockpit ? Thank you.

Anonymous said...

I just find it curious, if its in different dimension and time in the past, how can we locate their physical presence now? Their physical presence is already in another reality... isnt the search futile?

Nam Myoho Renge Kyo

Anonymous said...

is it somewhere around sumatra? there're lot of islands and have mountains (even not snowy on the top)

Anonymous said...

i am afraid it's cocos (keeling) islands

Anonymous said...

Strange indeed.. Why no out going calls on cell phone in first few hours while is cell service? If in different time dimension you would not hear ping from satellite information 4 hours later. If cashed ELT would go on. I'm sure when first reported missing
all systems of tracking would have been on it.

Anonymous said...

They only had 7 hours of fuel and had been flying for four hours (apparently). From Andaman Islands to Cocos Islands would need a lot more fuel than they had, unless they flew direct south immediately after turning the plan around.

Anonymous said...

after 7 hours of flight the plane was detected somewhere along the red lines:


Anonymous said...

Are you able to get a focus on Paul Weeks, the New Zealand father on board. He was living in Perth Western Australia with his wife and two small children. He gave her his wedding ring to keep before he flew out to start a new job. Do you get anything about him? Would really appreciate any information, Thank you

Anonymous said...

according to the new map and all explanations give... I would guess its Xmas island.

Anonymous said...

If they are in the past is it possible to find any debris of the plane today as aged rusted material or any signs of the old belongings that could be identified from the missing passengers?

Anonymous said...

Hello, this happened because of a shift in the magnetic poles, it won't be an isolated incident - this will happen to other planes

On another note you can send love to the past , present or future because the love is real and there is just now- just concentrate on the person and feel the love wrapped around them like a big bright halo- they will feel it x

Mike said...

The Contact (Time Displacement Travle) http://youtu.be/7pfOFCUjmEU

Thanks for your comment Anonymous..! ;)

Anonymous said...

Hi, i dont really want to comment on indivduals but i will just say the first think that came to mind is I think he is ok but he might have hurt his right hand on the back like ouch something has pierced it. Someone who wants to can focus on him and they may get more. The reason I don't go there is just because I get all the emotions by doing this . But try for yourself or ask before you go to sleep to visit him- yes you can do this x

Anonymous said...

In the news, they just said that the plane was flying ca. 6.5 hours after loosing contact. Either in North/West direction or South/West direction of the Indian Ocean.
So, you are right, it is much more south than the Andaman Islands.

Anonymous said...

the trouble is if you use your logic you will go round in circles and if will drive you mad..this is something different

jess said...

Look at this link and see if you get any pinpoint of the location.If they are in the past how will the re-appear.?Do you know if they will come back to 2014?

Anonymous said...

The Indian ocean is so vast...
If the plane has flown some 7 hours more and if they are in a physical (real) place, south the Adaman islands, they could be 500 km south the Maldives islands, in the Chagos archipelago...but there are dozens of islands there - unsure if any tribes or mountains.
What do the tribe people look like? (Asian type, black African type?)

Anonymous said...

Just heard an expert say on CNN that the reason the plane flew up to altitude of 43000 was for most likely purpose of killing off the passangers!!!!horrendous if true????

Anonymous said...

If the plane went to another dimension then why won't the government just state that it could be a possibility since this dimension thing is a natural occurrence? Why not just allow the public to be aware?

Anonymous said...

Missing airliner may have flown on for 7 hours



Anonymous said...

To Anonymous 6:40 PM,

Why not just tell people the truth? Because it's all about control. Governments and organized religions control societies. To admit knowledge of different dimensions (if they in fact know about this) demonstrates a lack of control, a lack of knowledge and science as we've been taught it, as useless. Scientists don't believe in alternative realities, or different dimensions, or anything other than time being linear.

The other reason we would never be told about anything like this is because it suggests we all have power and possibilities beyond those that traditional leaders of society (religion and governments) can give us. They don't want to lose power and control that they've had for centuries.

Anonymous said...

Thank you anonymous 7:18
This world is so corrupt. I can't help but feel I wouldn't mind traveling to another dimension myself! Something needs to give here.

Anyonmous 6:40

Anonymous said...

you guys our government doesn't even know thw whole truth about life, and if they did trust me they would be good hearted. anyone who knows the truth knows do unto others as you would do unto yourself.

to leave the third dimension means to leave the physical body unless you were carrying enough light to take your body with you.

Anonymous said...

To Anonymous 7:49

As much as I would like to believe the government would be good hearted; for so many reasons and levels I cannot. If the entire world lived and breathed by "do unto others" the world would be an entirely different place. Unfortunately corruption is everywhere and temptation can consume even the best of us.

Anonymous said...

I know but some people are suggesting the government is covering up knowledge of other dimensions. but what people arent realizing is our government doesn't even know the whole truth about other dimensions.

you are right but one day we will achieve heaven on earth. one day every one will be a master.

one of my teachers said one day ' you know how humans are always asking if there is intelligent life out there in space, well, we are always asking if there is any intelligent life on earth'.

LOL! :)

Anonymous said...

Lol can't argue that! :)

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

In your opinion, do u believe that this was not a hijacking? Is it Possible that a gas agent was used against these passengers to rendered them unconscious in order to hijack the plane and do some type of religious suicidal/terroristic act?

Anonymous said...

Firstly, thank you for all you have done, and continue to do, on this.

Secondly, I too would be interested to know if you can make a connection with Mr Paul Weeks, please. I appreciate you might need to actually be holding a personal item of his, but I'm hoping that you might be able to channel the energy from his watch or wedding ring, both left with his wife for safe keeping.

He is in his late 30s, and has brown hair and very masculine facial features. His right ear sticks out more than his left, and he has crooked teeth.

I have tried to ask him to communicate but in doing so I just feel nauseous. I don't see anything but I smell jet fuel.

Thanking you.

Anonymous said...

Dont you think its strange that a craft was seen in broad daylight in Ukraina 08.03 The only comment was from an newsagency claimig it to be a new military craft from US. Well i know a little about aircrafts. And this was NOT a US millitary aircraft.

No one else have said a word officially, about it. But one can find film of it, and other information regarding this on the web. Governments are just turning a cold shoulder to this. Why is that ? They dont know how to deal with it. Or do with such a superiour power. Why would ET fly over ukraina at that time?

I know that this craft was not of this world. And it was made visible for a reason... for all to see. Why? They dont want to provoke and cause fear. They just want to show themselves to say we are here. Look.

Now think. What happend to MH370. That aircraft was in trouble. There was technical issues causing it to climb. Servce ceiling for a Boeng 777 is about 44000 feet. They found out it had been up to 45000 feet. They where doomed. This Boeng had recently been trough a maintenace overhaul 12 days earlier. It would not be the first time a scheduled maintenance order and released to service without proper check, would cause a problem.

I seriously believe they where helped. I believe all the pax are live. And i believe this plane and its pax is part of a bigger plan.
I believe

To them who dont believe. Look around. The web are full ET crafts. All kinds.
Now, why would ET help this Boeng 777 ? Or did they help? Why isnt there a wreckage? And where went the emergeny signals? Because there was none.
Or They obviously saw the airliner in trouble, and they interveened, because they could use this in a bigger plan. And incident of this magnitude is just to big for the governments of the world to ignore. This is going to get attention.

The govenements know by now. They just dont know how to deal with this yet. But they will, soon. The outcome of this is going to create a lot of questions. And few answers from the ones who are leaders.

They are still searching in the blind. Everywhere. And I dont believe they will find the plane or the pax before the time is right.


Anonymous said...

I find it interesting there was seismic activity in the area where the plane made a u turn..

Anonymous said...

Thanks for your kindness to still engage in flight MH370.

Could you pls help to do scanning again as you previously mention u see snowy mountain where those passenges were landed into the forest. Some said it could be U Minh Thoung National Park in Vietnam as per your descriptions.

Anonymous said...

Are you able to describe any more of the passengers so that they can be possibly identified by relatives

Anonymous said...

With regard to the cellphones ringing, I read on a couple of sites that they not only rang, but they were picked up - a connection was made - before being hung up. One person said they had tried calling their loved one several times, only for this to happen ... the phone would make a connection, then be disconnected.

How might one explain this in the time traveling scenario?

Anonymous said...

that mwhatrHi,just to come in on your discussion. I have been blown away with the topic. Back on Thursday evening Central Australian time I gave my son a brief remote viewing session, asking him to locate a couple from Australian that where on the plane in question.A photo of them was on a recent newspaper and I used this as a target. The question I asked my son was could he describe where the couple are at the moment.He saw them on an island that had a large mountain in the middle of it and the couple were with a group of 10 or so other people that looked like natives.We never looked in to what happened to them or any other details about the missing plane only the couple in the photo. I have since shown my son your blog and asked him about the large vegetation and snow on the top of the mountain to try and define things a little but he can not recall seeing those. This was only a very crude session and I am very inexperience at remote viewing but on the occasions I have used my son as a test subject, he has been very accurate. I personally have a different view on what may have happened but I wanted to share this with the group.

telecom wonder said...

Some things that baffle me.

The satellite could pick up signals of the plane flying for 6 plus hours, and also could detect the plane landing.
Some of the passengers were on social media platforms, nothing was communicated, but they were shown to be online.

Can there be something about telecommunications that can actually transcend across time or dimensions?
It's both eerie and exciting to think about that.

Anonymous said...

As much as I really want to believe all that you've said, I honestly think they've come to harm, at the hands of one of the pilots. I feel that what you've described here is heaven (literally - that these people have landed in heaven). But they haven't been reunited with their loved ones as they're stuck on the earth plane ... like what happens with ghosts.

I'm also curious as to whether you (the blog author) or someone else who has psychic abilities, can explain the plane turning around in the event what you have said is true here. Why did the pilots not stick to the planned flight course?

Anonymous said...

well telecommunications are only a possibility because of the Ether element, which is the fifth element. So yes.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 2:46pm, why do you think they've come to harm? Because you're paying attention to the clueless governments and media who have now decided, all of a sudden, that terrorists are to blame?

My feeling is that the military feel completely powerless in this situation and that they're trying to sound as if they're making progress when they're not. I think this situation is unprecedented and I don't think that anything you read or see in the media is worth relying on now. For some reason, I attach far more faith to this forum and the internet generally, than to anything else at the moment.

Shifting said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Shifting said...

Actually, their story is that the pilots are most likely to blame now. :) Either way, the media and the former protectors of the world etc are jumping from one theory to another, completely out of their depth.

jess said...

Something very weird happened to me yesterday.I have this app called fring and i only have 1 contact on there which is my bf.Yesterday i got a call from +966502424912.Now usually you get wrong numbers call you all the time directly to your phone.This particular phone of mine is new and nobody has my number to begin with.So in order to receive a call through an app you have to add a contact first.This international call just came through and rang through fring.When i answered first there was a lot of static,it was breaking up but i heard a woman speak in a foreign lanuage.She sounded asian.I kept saying hello,hello,then it cut off.I looked up all international dialing codes and the only places that come up for this code,is india,maldives,nepal.Could you please verify if something indeed did happen.I am tuned into your updates and think maybe spirit could cross telephone lines to make contact with us so we could receive messages and publicize it.

Anonymous said...

Hey there am from malaysia , I also think they are in hollow earth, in one of the islands. Kinda agree with the disclosure move from extraterrestrials. But I think ETs don't abduct people for no reasons unless it has something to do with vortexes (electronic clouds) which cause the plane to crash and UFO craft activated their teleporting technology to avoid hard landing or the sort. Because only hollow earth has those characteristic of giant leafs or trees. I was wondering if the tribes mentioned is about 7-8 foot tall? If yes, they are the Argathians.

Anonymous said...

@ Jess
+966 is Saudi Arabia but there seem to have an extra digit in the nber your posted

Chin Tu Lan said...

I think what you said about the plane being struck by lightning makes sense. It could have knocked out the electrical equipment, causing the pilot to turn back, as well as the static and mumbling that the other pilot who last spoke to them heard. I remembered this article - perhaps what that guy saw was the corona discharge from the plane that had been hit by lightning. The charge disappeared after about 10 minutes. http://www.news.com.au/world/oil-rig-worker-says-he-saw-malaysia-airlines-flight-mh370-burst-into-flames/story-fndir2ev-1226853302184

Anonymous said...

Yesterday, I found this interesting prophecy. It talks that the plane was traveling back in time:

The monk Daniel (Δανιήλ in Greek) lived in the monastery of Sinai in the late 17th century .... These are his actual words:

"The bird will suddenly disappear over the people with the split eyes and will travel back in time. Many will look for it but nobody will find it.

Then the war will take place up above.... (I suppose above Greece... in Ukraine ?!)

The Orthodox will unite and fight the Franks (?) and the Tiara(?). The short Moskovou (Moscow – Russia) along with our own people (Greeks) will raise again the flag of Byzantine in Constantinople when the Turks will leave to save their race in the Crimea."

And then, I found this prophecy from an other greek monk:

Anonymous said...

Weirdly enough when I first heard about the missing plane I got images too of the plane in a rainforest environment. I could see water near by and strangely a large mountain range in the distance with some snow still on the peaks!?..I've had similar flashes randomly when I hear about people going missing and they seem to turn up where I've seen them..I feel the area these people (who where on the plane) are not near civilisation too the forest was too thick..I was sensing more northern Thailand and boarding countries..I just hope they find them soon!

Anonymous said...

Here comes the complete passanger list:


jess said...

I didnt type an extra digit.i typed it all as it appears on my phone.

Anonymous said...

+966, +9668 and +9665 are all Saudi Arabia.

Anonymous said...

Probably,I think the island is Flores Island or Komodo island..and the high mountain which had snow on the top is Puncak Jaya...

Psychic Focus said...

I wanted to do another update on some things that have come up… First, I got an image of an Asian man that was trying to convey a message to me in a language that I couldn’t understand. He seemed frustrated that he couldn’t “talk” to me, and then he held up his hands and showed me 2 fingers, 3 fingers and 7 fingers. Does anyone know what 2-3-7 means? I couldn't get a clearer message on that.

One distinguishing thing I saw was that the gentleman trying to communicate with me had a pinky finger that was either broken, dislocated or possible deformed. It appeared to be bent oddly at the first joint, didn't seemed painful, and looked healed over, but something noticeable.

I was then shown that the Indian tribe that inhabited the island finally “trusted” them enough to come to their aid. I see them being led in a single file line back to the village near the center of the island (and also near the foot of the mountain). I did see white paint on the Indian’s face, and it looked like the different markings distinguished who was in charge. Back to the walking single file.. They had to walk in a single file because there were certain plants (reminds me of a huge Adams Needle plant) that have a sharp pointy end that if it scratched you burned and itched. They had to be cautious walking the path.

I don’t sense fear or danger. I believe this tribe is trying to help.

To answer some questions: I don’t see anyone in the cockpit right now. I think they were led away from the beachy area last night (more like late afternoon).

I have been asked about some islands in the area: Sumatra: It feels west of that, Cocos: This area feels more right, Christmas Island: I felt the best connection with this and Cocos, Flores: This feels off to me.

I will mentally work on Paul Weeks and see what things I can connect to.

Anonymous said...

Regarding '237', perhaps he was trying to say that there have been two large plane accidents on March (the third month) 7th, one this year, flight 370, and another years ago in the USA which, strangely, was flight 307. Perhaps the numerology is more than coincidental and has some signifance.

Anonymous said...

Could it be NIAS island west of sumatra. Tribal with painted face lives there. Many remote areas.

Anonymous said...

The total number of passengers on the flight was 237. Maybe he's saying all of them are alive

Anonymous said...

I would think that 237 refers to the number of people. Dead or alive?!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for your continual updates. You sharing your gift is helping a lot of people tremendously. Thank you for taking the time to do this.

Anonymous said...

239 is the actual number of people on the plane.

Anonymous said...

DAILY POST reported that T.B Joshua said,"The plane concerned is deep inside the sea. Some of the particles will be seen on the surface of the sea any moment from now.

"May their souls rest in peace; we pray the Lord gives the family and loved ones the strength to bear the loss. Our prayer and love are always with them, the nation of Malaysia and other countries that had passengers on this flight.


Anonymous said...

Very interesting post.

Is it possible the plane crashed and you tuned in to the immediate after-life environment of the people on the plane?

Anonymous said...


Mike said...

Video Showing the Plane entering a Portal (computer graphics), really cool!: http://youtu.be/4pRK26QWTeA

Anonymous said...

Has the idea of being in a parallel world entered any of the passengers mind or do they believe they are just in a remote island somewhere?

Anonymous said...

an Australian psychic said he doesn't see the plane in the ocean and now officials are saying the last ping came from when the plane was on ground

Anonymous said...

Is the updated visions, still with regards to the plane entered to parallel dimension? Are the survivors present in this time line?

Anonymous said...

To Anonymous 5:46PM

Yes, that's what puzzles me also. If the passengers are not aware that they are in another dimension or another plane of existence, then that is a bigger problem. They won't know how to get back to our present time or in our plane.

Anonymous said...

if they time travel into the past then they coexist with the dead because in the past then people there no longer are (exist). also if they stay stuck in the past will they ever age and die as in present time or will it always be as in the limbo ? just stuck there in the nowhere what happens to them if they are to stay in the past, this is hard to comprehend

Anonymous said...

Perhaps the number 237 refers to 237 adults & 2 babies?

Anonymous said...

the Moon was in Gemini when all this happened...

roughly 5 hours after the plane took off at 12 41 am, the moon was at 9 Gemini, and that degree means: Gemini 10. An airplane falling. Keywords: crisis, an extreme situation, extreme solutions, problems without solutions, quarrels, deceptions, people without control of the situation.

so I can say for sure the airplane crashed or landed about 5 hours after they took off from the airport

Anonymous said...

This blog is so fascinating! Thank you for being a guiding light, you may be the only person that has the ability to connect between the two dimensions.
It would be great if you could clarify the dimension the passengers are in.
Are they in an alternate Earth? Or are they plotted in a different time from our existing events? How far in the past or future do you think they are?
Thank you for your updates.

Anonymous said...

237 mau algo indicate a heading, which is slightly south of West (West is 270, south 180 etc)

Anonymous said...

Technically, the other 2 passengers on the plane were using stolen passports. Or maybe he just didn't include the 2 pilots in the number? That's why the number 237 is shown?

Or if the Asian man was Chinese, it could be the number 237 is a shortcut for a Chinese phrase...?

In Chinese, you could possibly make shortcuts with numbers since Chinese pronunciation of a lot of their words(including numbers) tend to be similar to each other and only varies in intonation.

Sadly, I can't help with that since I don't really speak the language. I just know these stuff out of researching a bit.

Like others said though, are they really in another dimension right now, or they're not?

Anonymous said...

Wait, are you saying that that Asian man can see you or sense you? How does that work...? That means you or we can connect with them somehow? Just very curious now...

Anonymous said...

im guessing its the Asian mans higher self that is communicating with her

Anonymous said...

TB Joshua made a prediction last year that there will be a plane disaster from an Asian airline in March 2014. He was accurate.

Watch the video and judge for yourself if you should be lived him this time. He mentioned the plane is in deep sea. It has crashed. He knew it right from day one that the plane is in deep sea.

So now I am asking myself after following this blog post. Are all the readings psychic focus seeing actually the afterlife.


Please watch the video. This man has made lots of predictions and are pretty accurate. Lots of his videos on YouTube. God bless everyone.

Anonymous said...

Hi I am chinese here. Maybe you can grasp what he said (a few words maybe) and I can try to translate.

Anonymous said...

We have something called "Han Yu Pin Yin" in english alphabets. For example, "wo yao hui jia" , "zhe li zao wo" ; I wanna go home , come here and find me. 237 spelled, "er san qi".

Anonymous said...

To Anonymous, 10:39 regarding TB Joshua's supposed 'prediction'.

TB Joshua didn't 'predict' anything - it was all very vague. He mentioned an 'asian airplane having some sort of problem at take-off that could have been attended to on the tarmac...." He gave no time-frame - no mention of March this year, no mention of a crash, deaths, hijack or anything else. nothing.

There are millions of flights crossing the earth every day and many 'incidents' involving large planes every year. Sorry, but this guy just doesn't cut it for me. I wonder how many televised 'readings' he does that never get shown because he's totally wrong. :)

And now, after many days of a huge international search, he comes out with another prediction (which has a 50/50% probability of being correct) that the plane crashed 'deep into the sea and everyone has died'...

Yes, the flight either crashed and everyone is dead, or it did not crash and everyone is alive. Again, no specifics from this guy. Sorry, about he reeks of fraud, manipulation and huge money-making to me.

Anonymous said...

Have a look at this blog which outlines TB Joshua fraud.


Anonymous said...

Reminds me of a recent movie, Journey to the Center of the Earth...... but the ending of the movie and how they got back to the surface seemed very unrealistic.
Focus, continue to share us your visions.
I still could not decipher 2 3 7, though I also speak Mandarin.

Anonymous said...

237 could be the number of people alive, like a headcount. Or maybe it was the time they had in their watch when it stopped at 2:37 AM. Or could it be the soul of the guy giving hints to their present coordinates?

Anonymous said...

- humid environment
- a type of plant that has long points to the leaves that can prick you at the end, grows closer to the ground
- water running
- vision of an asian person
- 27 year old co-pilot carries much light within, good soul
- Older pilot, something off, angry
- pilots don't agree on something, struggle inside cockpit, shaking
-much love from all over pouring into everyone, being held in a soft deep eternal love, continue to see this pouring into everyone...this is the prayer, and turn up the light of truth like a dimmer switch around the plane so it glow and is exposed and can't be hidden in darkness, keep tuning in and turing up the truth, say "reveal the truth now, it is easy to see and know the truth of this situation now, and keep turning up the light....keep vigilant as the light gets absorbed so continue to saturate it....
- another way, turn up the universal frequency of the plane, people, location, you don't have to know the location to do this, you just intend it, its easy, again, like a knob, rotate it so the universal frequency turns brighter, see and say "this plane is over flowing with divine love, the people are over flowign with divine love, full and over-flowing, full and over-flowing and fill the plane, the people, the location and remove anything that makes it hidden, remember truth and love are the highest frequencies, and even if something is darker, it gets affected positively by the light! So easy!

- Onward! Let's do this type of prayer and see how it works when a group does it!

Anonymous said...

we can pick a specific time to send love to the plane so it can work.

yes the older pilot apparently his wife and kids moved out the day before the flight...

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