Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Malaysia Airline MH370

6:10 AM

I have had a lot of questions regarding this, so I wanted to take some time to tune in:  

Q. Could you please do a reading on the Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 that is reported to have crashed in the South China Sea on 8 March 2014.Was it an accident or was it deliberate sabotage ?  [I will continue to monitor the questions/comments and update as necessary. Please scroll to the bottom for the most current posting.*Last update 7/13/14 9:08 PM EST.  Reading on Wan Hock Khoon 4/24/14. Reading on JU Kan 4/19/14.  Reading on Faruq Abdul Hamid and Mary Burrows 4/18/14. Reading on Philip Wood 4/16/14.  Reading on Paul Weeks 4/15/14...

I wanted to make an audio option for those viewing this lengthy entry.  I have included a YouTube video (Part 1) that focuses on me reading through the original reading and comments up to and including March 25, 2014.  I did a second (Part 2) that reads over the last month worth of updates concluding on May 27, 2014.  Thank you for all your energy on this.

Part 1 (Below) 

Part 2 (Above)

A.  When I tune in, my mind is at the point of the flight where issues start to arise.  I see that there is a huge electrical disturbance.  What looks like a clear day turns into this dark, gloomy surrounding.  It looks like heat lightening and flashes surround the plane.  I also see what looks like discharges of static electricity coming off the plane.  The flight attendants are trying to stand, and people are trying to stand and grab something above their heads?  It is chaotic and a lot of turbulence.  Oxygen masks then start to fall.  Then there is this loud thundering sound that is so deafening that people are grabbing the sides of their head (I feel the pain in my ear, like it is loud and so much pressure!) 

Then all of a sudden there is this silence- It is so quiet and calm.  No one is talking, there is no noise.  It is the ultimate peaceful feeling.  I don't even hear the noise of the plane- as if the engine isn't even running.  It feels like the plane is gliding, there is no turbulence.  Like it is floating so peacefully through the air.

I can't help but feel like this plane went into a different layer or dimension of our current existence [I realize this is a very alternative concept, but I just report what I see].  I see the jungle, and what I notice most are the leaves.  The passengers are looking at the vegetation is complete amazement, but not in complete horror, but rather amazement.  They are gigantic.  The climate feels warm and humid, but rather comfortable.  I also have the images of the plane on a beachy coast as if it coasted to a graceful landing.  I can't get the images of show Lost out of my mind, as if the fundamental situation may be similar...

Q. Many people are very suspicious about what happened and do not believe it was an accident due to suspicious circumstances and coincidences surrounding the flight. Such as 2 passengers on the flight having fake passports from Thailand. Also the pilot was interviewed and photographed with a CNN reporter 1 week before the crash.
A.  As I focus on this, what I get is that China is behaving oddly about their airspace.  They are being very restrictive as to who gets into and who doesn't.  I also get that this flight was forced south of the planned route in air.  Shortly after it was forced south is when the electrical disturbance began.  I am not getting anything specific with passengers or the pilot.  

Q. Could the crash be because of a oometary explosion ( similar to Russia last year)? The air France was also kind
of a mystery over the Atlantic ?  That would explain why the crew is taken by surprise .
A.  I see this as some electrical / magnetic situation.  I can't visualize an explosion at this time. 

And that is all I have for now.  It is 6:38 AM.  (No audio at this time).  

As a side note, if anyone has further questions on this topic, just leave a comment and I will monitor them.  I'm sure there are a lot of unanswered items out there.  Thanks.

[Update from comments: 3/11/14 2:50 PM:
Thank you everyone for the great comments. I even respect 12:18 PM as I think everyone deserves their own opinion and my reading was a little "out of the box." Truthfully, I surprised myself with what I saw. 
Anyways, I wanted to address some points that came up.

Phones: I get that they may be ringing, but no one is able to answer. It looks like a one-way communication. It looks like the number can be dialed as valid, and the phone may sound to ring, but in reality the call is not connected. This looks to be able to go on for a while now.

What they saw before and during the event: They were flying normal, and it got very dark out. Like the were being surrounded by something that looked like smog. Then I saw what looked like a lightening storm. Lighting was hitting the plane and electric sparks were coming from the plane. The ride got rough and it was complete chaos. Then this loud rumbling started, and at that time people started covering their ears. Once the rumbling stopped, there was an eerie calm over everyone. It was incredibly silent.

Description of the place: It is warm. Looks like an island. The plane coasted into a sandy beach. There is what looks like a tropical jungle about 100 yards off the coastline. The leaves on the plants are enormous- reminds of something I would have seen on Jurassic Park. The temperature is warm, I see people in short sleeves and still sweating. They were able to make fire and are keeping a fire on the beach as some kind of signal. Looks incredibly remote- I see no other people on the island. I can see some mountains in the central part of the island and at a distance look like they may have snow on the very top.

Will they come back, do they want too: They don't realize how lost they are. Yes, they want to come back. They are more anxious than scared. I cannot see them being located- I feel like bits of the plane broke off during the turbulence / electrical storm and that will be found, but for the most part the plane is in tact.

How and Why did this plane slip into another dimension: To be honest I can't see the why or how, I just see what looks like an electric storm and the sky immediately surrounding the plane has this plasma look to it. When you stare at a hot road it gives the appearance of blurry vision in the space directly above it- well the sky looks like that around the plane. The next thing I see is that the plane is gone.]

[Update from comments 3/11/14 8:01 PM:
Thank you again for all of your feedback. 

There are a couple more things I wanted to discuss. I do not see this as intentional or a government plan. I see this more as a phenomenon or rare, unusual event. They were at the wrong place at the right time and right conditions. I see this as being unexplained for a long time. 

Also regarding where they are. This is a concept that is somewhat hard to understand, but we are taught that time is linear. We are also taught that there is a start and stop point and things progress forward along a line. I too see time as linear, but I don't think we are restricted to always moving forward. I see we jump ahead and backwards. We don't always remember where we have been (just like we can't all remember with our conscious mind what we ate for lunch last Tuesday). Your subconscious knows and that is why (for example) we may feel that we have been somewhere or recognize someone (because we have been there or met them) and don't remember. Having said that, I see that they had a (what I call) "time slip" into the past. I have had many images of Gilligan's Island pop up in typing this, so I think that is also noteworthy. I still see them on an island with a jungle inland. They are alive...

I also keep seeing tiny islands on a map to the east of Malaysia- I feel the plane was directed more toward that area.]

[Update from comments 3/12/14 6:57 AM:
Thanks again for all the feedback. I agree with many of the posts- the only way back is the way they went, and I can't see that happening (in my mind). I see them being on Earth, but in the past, like an alternate reality (I know this is a very different concept- I just report what I see).

As a whole, people look to be ok.. There are some injuries- I see one person specifically with some pretty big cuts on their leg and limping, but there is some kind of huge leaves wrapped around it. I am not viewing any deaths, just injuries at this point. If there were deaths, they are out of my view. 

I also see some kind of tribal people. I get the impression that they will eventually meet them, but I don't feel hostility. I see them looking at the survivors strangely like they don't understand the aircraft that brought them, and the clothing is very perplexing to them. The tribal people are more afraid of them than anything... This looks like a glimpse as to how they merge into a society....]

[Update from comments 3/12/14 8:46 PM:
I wanted to provide another response to some great questions coming in: 

Government- Do they know / What are the doing? I feel this shock and amazement. As if this incident was horrific, and yet unreal at the same time. I get they are trying to track this somehow with electromagnetics and heat, but it is unclear as to how, and it is unsuccessful.

Someone had mentioned to try scrying or dowsing. Those aren't skills that I have practiced, but anything is worth trying. If someone has had experience and is comfortable, go for it. It could be helpful]

[Update from comments 3/13/14 2:35 PM:
Hello everyone. I am still watching this thread closely. 

I see the area in question to the southwest of what is shown on the map as the search area. The were much more off the path that they are broadcasting.

Many of asked how to come back. I cannot get a visual on that. I see them as ok, some injuries, but for the most part ok. I also get an impression that mentally something happened as they disappeared, because they "feel" accepting of their situation.]

[Update from comments 3/14/14 6:58 AM:
Thank you everyone for your comments. I enjoy reading everyone's opinion and perspective. When we come together, I feel like it increases our intuition like an amplifier. Having said that I would like to do another update. 

Question: What will happen from now on?

A. We will continue to look, and even when it is out of mass media, government will be so
intrigued that they will continue to search for this. I also see some kind of a distraction coming up that will take over the media as a way to get this off the news. Government doesn't like dealing with all the questions (I see it makes them squirm). It is as if they have similar theories as this reading, but don't know how to explain it or what to do just yet when addressing the mass population.

Question: How are the passengers now? 

A. They appear to be what I would call just "ok". I see huge fire on the beachy area trying to create a smoke screen. They look dirty, but appear to have water (I see sandy jugs sitting around.) It looks like after you get within the jungle part of the island there is a stream with clean water they are able to drink from and they send teams to go retrieve it. They look very tired too- sleep is the issue... Also, some of them are just angry. They are so mad they haven't been found. Others in a way accept it, and have had a peacefulness come over them.

Question: Is there any information you can provide from the list of passengers so that their relatives will know for sure you are seeing them for real?] A. I haven't looked at the list because I don't want it to effect my impressions, but I will try to get some descriptions... let me take a moment...

Ok I had some random people come into my mind 
1-There was a business man, looks to be in his late 20s, and was traveling wearing a suit. When the plane landed he morphed into a leader. He took off his shirt, and is just wearing a white t-shirt with his dress pants, he found a bandanna and twisted it up and is wearing it as a headband. The distinguishing feature of him is he has a golden chain around his neck with a very unique charm. He never takes it off. (If feels like a gift and a link to someone close to him here) He also has a scar on his cheek- and I want to say it is acne related. He has a lot of survival instincts- as if in his personal life this person practiced or studied how to survive... 

2-There is a guy, also in his 20s that he emerged to be "2nd in command".. What I see with him is a tattoo on his arm that looks like an upside down triangle (I felt like it had a Superman quality about it). 

3-There is a woman that looks to be late 20s early 30s and there is something about her with her purse. It is like she is guarding something in her purse (food, candy, mints??). The purse had really huge metal buckles and an "expensive" feel to it. Wherever she goes, she takes this purse. I even see her walking to the edge of the jungle to use the latrine and she keeps this purse on her shoulder the whole time.

4-I see a lady who has really nervous hands. Like she is "ringing" or moving her hands all the time. I get an image of knitting or crocheting (I can't tell if she is knitting there, or this is something she does at home) but as she is doing this activity, her eyes feel rather large. She is paying attention to everything being said and everything being done. I get an intuitive sense with her (card reader?). 

I also get an image of the group chewing on some leaves that have a sweet taste in the middle. I get that there are some people that are educate
d on herbs and plants, and understand what is safe to eat. At the edge of the jungle are these "sweet" tasting plants.]

[Updated from comments 3/15/14 at 9:55 AM:
I recently had a couple of people ask me about the Andaman Islands and Jawara Tribe... It feels even more south of that- my eye wants to look more south that that location.  I do absolutely feel there is a tribe on the island, and I see them giving assistance to the missing people after a certain amount of time studying them and making sure they are not a threat.]

[Updated from comments 3/16/14 at 2:00 PM:
I wanted to do another update on some things that have come up…
First, I got an image of an Asian man that was trying to convey a message to me in a language that I couldn’t understand.  He seemed frustrated that he couldn’t “talk” to me, and then he held up his hands and showed me 2 fingers, 3 fingers and 7 fingers.  Does anyone know what 2-3-7 means?  I couldn't get a clearer message on that.

One distinguishing thing I saw was that the gentleman trying to communicate with me had a pinky finger that was either broken, dislocated or possible deformed.  It appeared to be bent oddly at the first joint, didn’t seemed painful, and looked healed over, but something noticeable.

I was then shown that the Indian tribe that inhabited the island finally “trusted” them enough to come to their aid.  I see them being led in a single file line back to the village near the center of the island (and also near the foot of the mountain).  I did see white paint on the Indian’s face, and it looked like the different markings distinguished who was in charge.  Back to the walking single file.. They had to walk in a single file because there were certain plants (reminds me of a huge Adams Needle plant) that have a sharp pointy end that if it scratched you burned and itched.  They had to be cautious walking the path. 

I don’t sense fear or danger.  I believe this tribe is trying to help.

To answer some questions: I don’t see anyone in the cockpit right now.  I think they were led away from the beachy area last night (more like late afternoon). 

I have been asked about some islands in the area: Sumatra: It feels west of that, Cocos: This area feels more right, Christmas Island: I felt the best connection with this and Cocos, Flores: This feels off to me.

I will mentally work on Paul Weeks and see what things I can connect to.]

[Updated from comments 3/17/14 at 6:22 AM:
I have been following this thread, and wanted to do another update.

I am still not sure about the numbers 2-3-7.  I didn’t know the number of passengers until I continued to read my comments, but I also don’t like to make any stretches, and since there were originally 239, I can’t say this is right (It could be but I can’t confirm.)

When I focus on what timeline, I still felt they weren’t of this timeline, but in a previous time… When I mentally tried to sort how that worked, I got that for that to work what happens is their vibration (or frequency) as a whole shifts.  I then got that the way to find them is to some how tune into their frequency.  I was still a little unclear how to explain this, and here was the example I got- We can’t see microwaves with the naked eye without a special device because they are at a frequency that our eyes can’t “see”, well this alternate reality is also at a different frequency that we can’t see with our naked eye.

I also wanted to note that if I am able to connect with the Asian man again, I will try to phonetically write down some words and have someone help me translate.  I still feel there was something significant with 2-3-7.

Paul Weeks:  I did work on tuning into him.  The first thing I noticed was my ear hurt, like something in my eardrum was injured.  I also get this ringing in my head.  What I most related to was watching a movie in which someone had a flash bomb go off and there is this silent ringing/muffled sound effect going on. I looks like something is going on with the hearing in one of his ears. 

I also got this image of a leather briefcase.  I actually got an angry feeling toward this case (or what it represented- like he felt like he wouldn’t be in this situation if it were for this “brief case”).  Again, I was unclear if this is symbolic or actual, but he felt to guard this case, but had some mental dilemma as to why he was caring so much for it because it felt as though it meant nothing were he was now.  I see him walking around this jungle area, banging it around, and using it as a seat.

(I will keep working on him and I was also contacted about a few other people)]

[Updated from comments 3/18/14 at 6:21 AM

I wanted to do another follow-up. 
First, thank you everyone who is putting their energy into this.  I think the more we focus, the more we collectively can pin-point this and help these people.  I call this type of collective thought synergy, and together we are so much stronger. 

Someone said that many people are getting and seeing different things- I think that is because things come to everyone differently because of their own personal life experiences, but what we have to do is see what is in common, or the link between it all, and that is where we will find our answers.

It came to me yesterday when I was focused on all this, and looking at my blog, that “The answers are here, right in front of me, I just need to look to see it.”  The message was that the truth is there, and it may not be obvious, but it is there… I have been rehashing this over and over, and looking at comments, and I haven’t seen that moment of clarity just yet.  I will not give up though- Thank you for all the comments/feedback, all of the alternate views help me to break away from my train of thought that I am on.

Having said all that, I wanted to address some specific points that people have brought up.
Poyang Lake – I get this is too north. 
Java- This is a possibility, but I really feel a pull to the Cocos Islands and Christmas Island. 

I was still focused on the briefcase too.  There is so much anger directed toward that!  I just see him banging around, hitting it on stuff, and it is so tattered.  At the same time, he drags it everyone and won’t let it go.  When I focus on the anger what’s in it and the anger, I see graph paper and then graphs, like a presentation.  I also see what looks like blueprints to something.  Then I get this anger again- It is coming through that he feels like he is where he is because of what is in the briefcase or what it symbolizes.  I also keep hearing, “They did this to me, It’s their fault.”

I still stand by the numbers 2-3-7.  As I was typing this it came to me to ask if anyone reading this knows sign language?  I saw myself signing the alphabet (which is the only sign language I know). What are the equivalent words for holding up 2 fingers, 3 fingers, and then 7 fingers? Does that symbolize numbers or does it create words? 

Mr. Wan Hock Khoon- The only thing I get is that he is a very spiritual person, and he is mentor.  I don’t see him as a physically strong leader, but rather a spiritual healer.  I want to use the word Shaman when I focus on him.  I am only seeing the energy about him, so I will keep working to try to see more.
In getting the plane back here- I am still working on that too.  I just haven’t been able to connect what needs to happen before the plane can materialize here.

Thanks and I am continuing to watch this…]

[Updated from comments 3/19/14 at 6:39 AM

Thank you for your continued feedback on this thread.  I think all the energy helps many people collectively sort through this and try to offer help or clues..

Lanipure:  I was asked if I could hear this name, word or another word sounding similar (another psychic had tuned into this).  When I put that intent out there, the first thing I get is that there is an animal on this island and that it what it is called.  It feels rare (and at a first image it looks like some kind of a wildcat but it could be my mind reinforcing it is an animal).  I wouldn’t say it is extremely harmful because it looks to avoid the tribe that is helping the survivors, but the tribe members look to be cautious of it.  Possibly someone knows (in English or Chinese) if Lanipure (or something sounding like it) is a rare animal living on an island in the ocean…

Paul Weeks:  I tried to focus on positive energy with him.  I feel like the anger and frustration he is feeling is blocking me from communication.  I can “see” images, but I can’t get a mental connection to convey messages.  He looks to be very emotional now.  I see him very sad, and then in the next instant he is kicking his briefcase.  I even see briefly that he took out some of the papers in his briefcase and burned them and then said “Here, you want them, you got them.  Here you go.” And threw them in the fire.  Very angry- I feel like we need to send positive energy to him.

Wan Hock Khoon-:  I was asked to see if I could somehow connect to this gentleman.  He feels very calm.  He also feels very connected to his higher self. As I try to have some spiritual connection with him, I am getting a conflict resonating within me.  I see him zoom out to a map of the world and I see his finger point to an area of water in the Atlantic that is to the northwest of Africa.  I really felt an internal pull toward Christmas Island and Cocos Island which is not even close to the northwest of Africa, so I am trying to sort out why he is showing me this area of water to the northwest of Africa, so I am going to continue to let my mind work on that.

Maldives: Someone yesterday questioned Maldives… That could be a possibility, but I still feel a connection to Christmas Island and Cocos Island.]

[Updated from comments 3/20/14 at 7:05 AM

Hello and thanks for sharing continued energy on this…

As I read through the comments (and I appreciate all of your thoughts- alternative views are what makes us stronger and help us to mentally stretch our ideas) I had some things come to mind that I wanted to discuss.

I had some people ask about Comoros.  I get that is too south.. I have adopted a philosophy that things happen, and they are a sign rather than coincidence.  Yesterday, I put in a DVD (cartoon) that I have never watched or heard, and when children were singing, the word “Cocos Island” was in one line in the lyrics- and I actually was paying attention at the time and heard it.  I am sticking to my gut regarding this region / area.  I still see Cocos as a clue and area of interest.

Jee Jing Hang:  I get he was there working a new business deal (I see him shaking hands with another man).  I also see him looking at a laptop (as if to say I could do this online, but it isn’t right, he wanted to be in person.).  He was excited about the project (business deal) , but not the trip.  I get he didn’t like traveling (motion sick, nervous?) I also get the impression that he wanted to surprise someone with this deal he was working out.  I ask myself what this deal was- The first thing I hear is that it is confidential (as if it is confidential until it is settled).  I also get that is has to do with real estate- and the business has to be at a specific location (and expand, grow from there).    He looked to be practicing or rehearsing what he need to say during his business presentation, as if in his head he was prepping himself (I see this chanting in his mind) right up until the plane ran into trouble.

2-3-7.  I had some questions regarding the actual finger placement when this was shown to me.  The “2” looked like a peace sign, (first and second finger), the “3” was the first three fingers and the “7” was again the peace sign with a high five (first and second finger and then all five on the other hand).  Maybe this better helps with the sign language aspect too.

Again with the 2-3-7 (and believing in signs).. I was searching Netflix for “Robin Hood” and there was a show called “Room 237” (which I then remembered someone mentioned much earlier in the blog).  I felt compelled to watch it.  It is so much more than just discussing the Shining, but rather the hidden symbolism in the forms of media we watch (subliminal messages, links to the truth via prop placement, hidden truth in general).  I knew then that I was being told that the truth is out there, we just have to come together and figure it out. I have an overwhelming feeling that the truth will come out.

Thank you, and I will continue to monitor this thread.]

[Updated from comments 3/21/14 at 6:48 AM
Hello.  I wanted to give an update on this thread…  Thank you again for sharing your energy.

NW of Sumatera:  Some people have asked about this area.  I will say the area feels right.  I still feel that Cocos Island is connected to this (maybe there is a named or unnamed island that is in very close proximity to Cocos).. I am trying to focus my energy to that area to see anything I can..

ET Forces:  I have been asked to try to get some kind of connection with that type of energy.  I am going to put some focus into that and I will update you on what I am able to do.  I will say that my initial image is a snapshot of ET (from the movie ET) and he is putting his finger up to his mouth and shushing me.. I haven’t figured out what this is yet…It feels a little negative, but I haven’t fully explored it.

Pilots:  I do get there were some unbalanced energy with at least one of them BUT I also get that when the plane entered the strange electric storm, they panicked.  They maintained control, but on the inside they felt fear.  I don’t see foul play from my perspective. I see an instinct of survival come over them..

In closing, It came to me yesterday that the media is wanting closure to this story.  In some of the comments I didn’t feel the news of finding wreckage was real.  I believe that they are telling people it is real to “tie up” the story, but I don’t see evidence that is very compelling that the plane or any wreckage was found.  My mind went to a scene in the movie Room 237 (that I described accidentally finding in the previous thread) where military scenes were shot in a studio set and televised as being real (military things did happen, but not the way they were always televised).  I just see that we can’t fully believe what we are shown, and trust in yourself to know what is the truth]. 

[Updated from comments 3/22/14 at 9:17 AM
Thank you everyone for your continued energy on this.

Something that really caught my attention in reading through the comments was the idea of the Urung (I was also told it was called Pulau Pulau Koko) Island..  In thinking about this place I do connect to the energy, but I can’t find it on a Google map to really focus in.  I really get that either the word Cocos is where they are, or they are really close to it (if it isn’t the name, the sounds of word Cocos is relevant).  Possibly Christmas Island, but I would like to be able to meditate on the Pulau Pulau location.. For those that know, can you direct me- or give me a proximity on a map?

I have had a few questions asking me about remote viewing groups.  I am not working with any groups.  I am sharing energy with everyone, but I am not talking to groups directly.  I don’t want to change my impressions by influences (or their intuitive impressions), but rather see if we can come to the same conclusion independently.  I think that helps to pin-point the truth and help to eliminate the impressions the pull us of track.  You may read ten facts, eight are right and two are misinterpreted- the commonalities amongst independent reads leads you to the truth..

Yesterday I also had an image.. New debris that they find will be broadcasted as part of the plane (I get the media is wanting this unsolved story off the news).  In reality they need to be looking for aged debris.  When they time slipped (and when I focus on what time- I see 1950s style clothing) and landed, pieces of the plane broke (the plane was mainly intact). They need to look for current looking plane parts that appear to have aged for many years..]

[Updated from comments 3/23/14 at 11:40 AM
Thank you to everyone putting their positive energy into this.

I was finally able to locate Pulau-Pulau Kokos Indonesia on Google Earth.  I did get a connection to this.. I can’t help but feel that the word Cocos came to me in order to later discover this.  This is to the west of Malaysia, just as I previously felt, and the island itself feels “right.”  I still maintain some connection to the Cocos and Christmas Islands, but definitely feel this is an area worth exploring. 

I have been asked to focus on the Indian Village again.  My initial feelings are that it is “ok” but kind of quiet.  Meaning people are into what they are doing, and for as many people that are there, it sounds quiet.  I also see that the passengers are helping the Indians.  At first they were guests, but now they are contributing.  I see men worked to help clear more trees and the women are mashing something in a bowl to make dried crumbs (looks like something they eat.) I also see some men trying to communicate with the Indians by using a lot of hand gestures, but it almost looks like the passengers don’t know how to even describe how they got to where they are.. There is a lot of mental confusion as if they are waking up and trying to understand what is happening. 

The next thing I got is that there are passengers (let’s say it was a time slip and they are 50 years in the past) that adopt the Indian lifestyle and grow up into that culture.  If we found them today, they would be older, have children, and those children would hear this story as if it happened in the past.  I realize this is a difficult concept, but I feel like if we could communicate to an Indian tribe on one of these islands (Cocos, Christmas or Pulau-Pulau) they could tell us what happened.  I get that they even have some of the debris or even the plane poked in a cave. 

ETs.  It was in a comment that ETs don’t look like ET.  I want to explain that I understand this (some may look this way and some may not).  When I get an image it can be literal or a symbol.  I see my image of ET just a symbol to point me down an alternative path of thinking.

[Updated from comments 3/24/14 at 6:46 AM
Continued thanks goes out to all of you.

I had some questions as to how the time difference would work.  I see it this way… If you had someone that was 70 years old on the flight, and they slipped back (let’s say 50 years),  They would still be 70 years old, but just living in a different time.  I see that if we could locate this tribe that I see on this “jungle island with a large snow-capped mountain in the middle” we could get real answers.  
I would also like to explore the area of Palau Palau more. The term or sound Cocos (Kokos) is relevant to this search.  The more I focus on this the more connected I am to this area.

With regard to the mental state.. I am having a previous reading pull forward regarding the Bermuda triangle.  When people (and in my vision I saw it as a plane) were transferred to a different time/place, when they left the aircraft they suffered a terrible state of mental stability.  The confusion and understanding of what just happened was so great, that it was almost difficult to “ground” themselves and understand what was real or what just happened.  In the reading I had the word “Boonshock” come up as a term used by inhabitants of the place that the aircraft was transferred to describe this mental situation…

I will say I do get a connection to a similar feeling with regards to the location of the passengers now.  They (the passengers) are so confused as to how to describe what happened.  They don’t fully understand where they are in relationship to time because they are on a scarcely inhabited island, but they think they just landed there.  They remember the electrical storm, but after that it was just strangely quiet.  The passengers that seem are mentally strong, feel fine, and they are trying to tell the ones that are mentally catching up (they are confused and don’t know why, and feel something happened but don’t know what) that they are in some kind of shock.

I will continue to work on this…]
[Updated from comments 3/24/14 at 12:30 PM
Hello everyone.  I was reading through the comments (as I do throughout the day to keep my mind in tune and energized), and I saw where they had announced that the plane went down in the Indian Ocean with no survivors.  My initial thought was, Who is saying that?  It just felt like someone’s theory. It felt like a made up story.  I looked online at some of the sources, and realized it was the actual news people were given.

I had said that they would find debris and label it as belonging to this flight (and it isn't).  I had also said that they would end this soon because the media wants it off the news.  I just ask that people not give up using some energy on this, as I feel if we keep our minds open to communication flowing with our higher selves, we may still be able to see this tragedy through with a different ending.

Love and light-]

[Updated from comments 3/25/14 at 7:05 AM
I had some folks clarify what I was referring to when I said Pulau Kokos Island.  I too had a hard time finding it on a map (and there are several similar names).  It is west of Malaysia looks like a small island.  I was only able to find it on Google Earth.  I am attaching a pic off Google Earth to clear this up. (The island itself I am looking at is under the "A" in "Alafan".   (This won’t show on the date/time stamped comment page- to see this go to the blog posting itself).

Yesterday I was focused really hard on this because of what the media is saying.  So much of it seems disturbing and does not resonate with me.  I questioned my higher self a lot on this because I would never want to give people false hope BUT in saying that, I do not get that they found the plane!  I am compelled to speak what I feel. I see they want this off the news.  In fact, I see the government over there even monitoring the news that is accessible to their people trying to cut down on the chatter or speculation.  Many people have a gut intuition, and many of those families will not accept that they found the plane and I ask myself if it emotional driven denial, or higher self knowledge- and I get it is because this story does not ring truth within their inner soul.  I see them producing bits of a plane, but there is never going to be undeniable evidence.  I also see that the governments have strong speculation as to what happened (the truth). They thought they could cover it up, and in the end they are a little shameful or embarrassed at the execution of the cover-up.  They couldn’t fully predict how people would accept the answers they were given.  I also see something drastic will happen (like they are fabricating something or some evidence) to get this story to go away…

I then focused a lot on this time travel theory.  I see it clearly in my mind, but when it comes to translating it on paper it feels so complex.  I am not a scientist or researcher on the topic (this is very new to me)- so please feel free to share better explanations, but I will share what came to me during my focus with this:  The image I got showed me a pillow- then a needle pierced one side of the pillow, and traveled into the cushion part of the pillow, then the needle pierced out through the other side.  When I asked for a clearer explanation of what I was seeing, it was like the outside of the pillow represented our current time, the needle represented the plane.  The plane was in our current time (on the outside of the pillow), and once it pierced the fabric (electric storms, turbulence) it entered into the cushion (alternate time line).  My strong focus was questioning if there any chance that the needle came out the other side, bringing the plane back into our current time line.  I couldn’t get a confirmation on this! The last thing I got was that the plane with still in the cushion (alternate time line).

I have had several people ask me to focus on the ET aspect… I thought about this as well.  I do see there was some kind of involvement, but it is being hidden.  As I focused on this (I again got the image of ET- my mental dictionary symbol for ETs), and it was so dark and eerie.  Again I was shown to “Shush” and it put its’ finger to its’ mouth.  I was so uncomfortable in the image I was given, that I couldn’t really explore this.  Some ET experiences are great, even loving, some are bad, but this was just very negative.

Regarding deleted comments… I want all of you to know that I do not delete comments (except for inappropriate spam).  I appreciate all the positive, thought provoking, helpful and even negative or constructive criticism comments.  They are all necessary to make us think, question ourselves and create a balance.  I leave them all there for everyone to read.  When you are putting through a comment, check to make sure you get a confirmation and also scroll to the newest comments and you should see yours there. 

Thanks again everyone.  I will still keep focused on this…]

[Updated from comments 3/26/14 at 7:11 AM
Thank you again for sharing your energy…

I was asked to focus on a few more ideas, so I wanted to see what I could get…One question was is the flight tied to a Russia / USA military operation? I cannot get a connection with that.  I don’t see it as retaliation or testing of equipment.  I will never tell someone that they are off, I just don’t have a connection or image of things happening that way.

I was also asked to describe the tribe on the island.  Here is what I see:  They have dark skin- not African American, but just dark tan.  One thing that stood out to is when the men and women moved, and you got images of their upper leg, they had no tan lines, they had a uniform dark skin.. They have silky black hair, all of them. They wear leather looking short skirts (both the men and women) and the women, once they develop breasts cover them as well.  It also came to me that breasts were for feeding their children, and in some way they needed to be protected (?) and that is why they are covered..  They use white face paint to determine rank, it is a signifier as to who they are.  They have some structures that are built from trees/leather/thatch, but they also use the caves at the bottom of the snow covered mountain… The structures that they built look to always have smoke coming out of the tee-pee (even though it is warm). The temperature is warm to hot, but tolerable, slightly humid.  There are a lot of mosquitoes and other flying insects, but they looked used to it, they sometimes swat them away, and other times just let them fly.

I had some people ask if they are possibly on this time line, but where they are gives the illusion that they are somewhere else…That could be a possibility, I just can’t see that.  They are in a rather primitive
location, and it would be difficult to differentiate what is going on and have some clarity.  There is a lot of confusion still with the passengers.  It almost looks like their subconscious and conscious mind are having a disconnect.

Diego Garcia.  There have been a lot of questions regarding this location.  The area feels “right” but I can’t get a connection to the environment.  I want to look at this a little more.. There is a lot of energy out there on this.I attached a map of the location below so others could tune in as well.  The area in question is under the label "British Indian Ocean Territory" on the left]

[Updated from comments 3/27/14 at 7:03 AM

I went through a list of native Indian tribes in that area, and here is what I found: Suku Mentawai (similar but I didn’t see the white face paint when I searched the pictures), Suku Nias (clothing does fit my image), Suku Dayak (similar), Suku Sasak (that didn’t fit- and in some pictures online the women had their breasts exposed, and I was shown that they were covered in my image), Suku Asmat (the clothing didn’t fit), Suku Dani (again  the women’s breasts were exposed). Of all the tribes I looked at, the Suku Mentawai and Suku Kayak felt the closest- I just didn’t see the face paint that seemed to be a big clue. 

I was also asked about their return.  I cannot get an image of them reappearing in the sky, but I do see them as alive.  I also get that if we found the right location, there would be survivors, they would just be older.  I also get that pieces of the plane would be there, but it too would be aged. 

I feel like if we searched for new looking technology that has aged, this would be a bigger clue.
Someone had requested clarification on which of the Kokos I was searching because there are several with the same name.  I was focused on the one that is called Keeling.

Maldives… I can’t completely rule this out. I haven’t looked into what Indian tribes that are there, or if there is a snow mountain in the middle. At my first impression it looks to be a resort of some kind with roads (based off looking at Google maps), which if that is true would not fit my image.  It also looks like several islands, so maybe someone else is able to shed light on this island or group of islands. Possibly one of the islands isn’t heavily populated and a tribe lives there.

I was trying again to connect to some of the other higher selves and get a location.  What I was shown was an image of someone pointing to the sun and it was in the northwest part of the sky. They wanted me to note the position of the sun..

Some comments were also made about the government.  I see them as embarrassed, know what happened even though they didn’t cause it, have no way to explain it and are trying to make this go away.  I do get that the government there is working with other more powerful governments in this cover-up, like they could never handle it on their own.]

[Updated from comments 3/28/14 at 8:54 AM
Thank you to everyone for sharing your energy and effort.  There are a lot of great ideas to explore..

I first wanted to look at Saint Brandon Rock /  Island- Coco: This island does resonate with me!  I have been very tied to the word Cocos or something sounding like “Cocos.”  I will say this is the first time I really felt a strong pull to somewhere else beside Cocos Island and Christmas Island. I can’t get a clear definition of what this island (Saint Brandon) looks like, but of everything I have looked at this far, this is the one that really stands out to me.  I would need to see what Indians live there, and what the terrain looks like, but I do have some kind of connection with this place.  I also get a sense that they may on an island that has more modern ways of life on one side, but they are on the desolate side. They haven’t gone out to explore, and don’t realize what is around them.  There is a big distance (on foot) from one area of the island to the other.  They are in what looks like a never ending jungle.

Lanipure / Sumatera – Lanipure: I do still see this as relevant.  I see it as some kind of wildcat.

Diego Garcia: I focused on this, and I still can’t get a clear connection.  I can’t get these passengers associated with anything military.  For a moment I had thought that maybe the passengers were dropped off on a deserted part of an island, and then the plane was taken elsewhere, but I couldn’t stay connected to that image.

I have also had some questions as to if I am seeing the passengers in spirit.  I can say that anything is possible, but I feel as though they are alive.  The energy is very intense surrounding this event! Usually when someone crosses over, I see it in a much hazier form, and this seems so alive.

I also see that drastic measures to end this are about to happen… The government is desperate to end this story. I see that some fabricated debris will soon be found, and there will be a lot of speculation surrounding this…

Thank you again everyone.  I will continue to focus on this.]

[Updated from comments 3/29/14 at 10:54 AM
I had quite a few people ask me about some links in the comments.  I wanted to respond to btarrer.  I did view some of those links.  What I got as a whole was that we as a society are enlightening  and we are spiritually evolving.  Some people are slower to ascend or evolve, but we are making a lot of spiritual progress.  There is so much more out there than what we perceive in our reality, and just because a certain way of life isn’t present to us (ie UFS, ETs), it doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. You may never see an impoverished county, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t there. These links help you to understand that in the scope of the universe, we are just one small piece.  I think the truth will come out with regards to this plane, and some people will feel very shocked, and others already know the truth (or have a feeling at what feels true).  Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

I was looking at images of various tribes trying to make a connection to my images, and someone suggested the Jarawa… They have very dark skin.  The skin in my images were a dark tan. Their hair was also silky and straight. I still resonate most with the area around Cocos and Christmas Island.

I have also had a few ask me about how I connect with the energy or spirit.  I can usually get into the energy of a living person easier than someone how has passed.  If someone passed, it isn’t guaranteed that I can mentally “find” them.  Sometimes the energy is strong in someone that has passed because there is a message or they haven’t  decided to cross over or reincarnate.  I have moments where I feel a strong connection to these people from the plane, and other times I can’t get a lot.  I feel the most energy toward the situation and events around the situation.  I feel the collective energy, and can see scenarios rather than connect individually.  For example, when I connected to Paul Weeks, I saw him bang the briefcase, felt the anger, felt the frustration and could see the images- I couldn't really get into his head in a strong way, except for a few phrases of his thoughts.  It is like I am able to see the surface of what is happened (being shown the 2-3-7 or shown the sun, but not get really into their minds and have a telepathic conversation.)  Sometimes I can and sometimes I can’t. I just haven’t had that telepathic  moment of clarity.]

[Updated from comments 3/30/14 at 9:31 AM
I just viewed the link associated to David Icke and it discussed a land mass to the west of Australia that appeared on a map in a movie, however, that map is not matching any of our current maps or atlases today.  It was as if this land mass was in an alternate reality, but not in our current physical plane. I am including a screen shot in the blog entry.  I see that a lot of our media (movies, tv) depict things that are true, because in our subconscious we know the truth, and the truth comes out even unintentionally (many times by artistic means). Even though this land mass is south of where my mind takes me (again Cocos or Christmas Island) it fits my intuition of being in an alternate reality- I would need to see the terrain or someone determine if there was a mountain in the middle to validate my intuition (those descriptors are also relevant).  I was directed to this by a link, but if someone else more info on this I am interested in viewing more..

I still in my mind see this plane in an alternate reality.  I hope I am wrong, as that does make things more complicated, but I can’t see where they went into a different time, and then came back to our present timeline.  My hope is that I see them come back, and I haven’t connected to that yet.  The analogy that my mind keeps seeing is that if you take a pillow, the outside of the pillow represents our current time.  Then there was a needle, which represented the plane.  I see the needle pierce the pillow, and enter into the middle of the pillow (an alternate time).. They look to be stuck there, in this alternate time.  I never see the needle pierce out the other side. 

I will continue with this.. I keep looking for more or to see some kind of change or event]

[Updated from comments 3/31/14 at 8:18 AM
I have been scanning the islands suggested in this thread, and some I recently looked at are:

Maldives- I still can’t get a clear connection to this place.

Maurice as viewed in this link:http://www.panoramio.com/photo/30819138- This does look like what I see in my mind.  I really related to this island, and it has the appearance that I described.  I need to look at it a little more.  I didn’t get that there were modern people living near the island, but maybe the modernized people are on an opposite side.

St Brandon: I feel a strong possibility to this too. On the map I was able to view it shows that this is connected with Cocos Island (which I still maintain is relevant).

Pulau pulau Kokos (W Sumatra): I cannot rule this out yet either.  I see these islands so connected somehow that it is frustrating they can’t all be explored…

The media was discussed also.  I get the media wants this story to end, and they don’t want controversy.  What is being shared is heavily monitored an influenced.  There are no clear answers being released to the family, and the media doesn’t want speculations and questions keeping the story alive.  The government also doesn’t want protests or civil unrest.  If they can persuade the people to believe the plane went down, then they can start to put this behind them.  I see people just need to stick to what they believe in their gut to be true. 

I was asked if I could connect to the passengers.  I don’t feel their energy is as strong coming through.  It looks like they have accepted their situation and the focus is on survival and adapting rather than focusing on anything else.  If there is a specific person, I can try to work on their energy, but as a group I just see them as a whole and individual people aren’t standing out.]

[Updated from comments 4/1/14 at 6:53 AM]
I had some locations I wanted to look at today. The first is Diego Garcia.  There is a lot of energy surrounding this place.  I just get if they were there, they aren’t there now.  I looked at the overhead on a map, and it is too military- no jungle, tribes, etc.  I still see the jungle and sandy beach island.  I can’t get a connection to them being there. Some people have suggested that the passengers were dropped off elsewhere or they may have stopped to refuel, but I can’t confirm or deny that. My mind is still showing me this island atmosphere.

I also looked at Amsterdam Island.  I couldn’t get a good image of the terrain, but regardless of that, it  does feel off to me in just looking at the location.  I feel most of the energy about this missing plane is to the west of Malaysia.

Mauritus Waterfall- This location looks right.  There is lush green, and mountainous feel in the center (even though it looks like rock).  I can’t get a clear location, but the “feel” of this looks like images in my mind.

Someone else asked if there are islands we don’t know about.  That rings so true to me!  Some people have stumbled upon David Icke’s information regarding the existence of maps showing islands and land masses that are not on our current maps.  These islands and land masses appear to be existent in alternate layers of earth. I am curious if there are land masses near Cocos or Chirstmas Island that are not on our world maps (either not documented on our current maps, or perhaps existent in an alternate reality).  I have done Google Earth on the area around Cocos and Christmas Island, and I still want to revert to that area. I have also had someone point out that the longitude of that area (near Cocos) is a combination of the numbers 2-3-7 in that order, and I sense that is also a clue.

I also had some comments about them trying to leave.  I get that when the view the ocean, they see no land and don’t have a clear depiction of where they are.  The idea of leaving (right now) it too overwhelming on a life boat.

Thanks again for sharing your energy.  I will continue to work on this and update as much as I can (I will have limited online access until April 7th).  If people would like to leave names of passengers, I will do my best to try to tune into them. I would like to do a reading with that focus on April 7th or 8th.  I just need a name and anything you want to share (not required but sometimes helps.) I will compile a list as I see the names come in.]

[Updated from comments 4/6/14 at 9:28 AM]
I wanted to take some time to do another update based on some things I have read in my comments.  

I have had many questions about Ashtar and the Galactic Federation of Light.  I do get that ETs are somehow involved (I can’t confirm it was associated to Ashtar- but definitely ETs).  I was shushed by an ET the last time I connected.  I have been still going back to the image and focusing because I am trying to understand the image more, and I get that the reason it was so “dark” and I was told to be quiet was either because we as a society aren’t ready for the truth, or they (meaning the ETs aren’t ready to reveal what it is they plan to do.  In some capacity ETs know what happened, but I can’t see what the follow through plan is.  I get a sense that some kind of negotiation will need to be made in order to “bring them back” but I am still clarifying that. I also still feel the passengers are in a “non-typical” location- perhaps this could be inner earth- I get they are on the surface, but in an alternate timeline (both situations are “non-typical.”).  As I read the following link- I too agree they will not find the wreckage (I actually see some wreckage being faked fairly soon to try to get this story off the news.).  I also feel that the energy around this is so strong, that these people are alive. http://galacticconnection.com/commander-ashtar-declares-flight-370-crash/

Diego Garcia- I have had several questions about this location.  As I try to remote view the island and see the behavior of people, I see mass scrambling.  It seems very chaotic, and I keep getting the word “scramble.”  I do not see a plane or the people, but I definitely get a sense of more than normal activity, nervousness and a “hurried” energy.. I get this is not normal behavior for this military base, so something is going on I just haven’t tapped into it yet.

Government Secrets- People are asking why the government is keeping this a secret. I get they know the truth, but don’t want to answer for it because the truth is way worse to admit than going through all this “show.” Then I hear a phrase, imagine telling the people, “Yes, we know where they are.” “We are working with ETs.” “We have a tactical plan to rescue these people.” None of those things are something that they world is capable of hearing and processing. I further get that when the faked pieces of the plane are found it won’t be something that would cause a plane to crash- for example you won’t find the engine because that is strong evidence that the plane went down.  It will be insignificant pieces, because they will allude the plane crashed, but in reality when the truth comes out, they will have to be able to have a spin on the story to bring these people back to our current “time line” or have an explanation.

Adaman Islands- I wanted to look at this area again.  The location seems to fit, and I have heard some compelling energy from the comments go that direction, I just haven’t been able to sink with it.  It most definitely “feels” in the right area.  I just get a sense that it is too inhabited.
I also had some folks ask about intentional comments to try to discredit.  That does happen to every site.  There are people out there that want to misinform and try to keep the truth suppressed.  This is unfortunate, but very much a reality.  When I read stuff (or view something on tv)  I always ask myself what does my gut say.  Sometimes it is truth, sometimes it is false, but mostly it is truth with sprinkles of lies.  I can usually tell when comments (good and bad) are coming from an honest part of a person, but occasionally we get intentional bad information trying to discredit hard work- Just ask yourself what rings true within you. 

Love and light-]

[Updated from comments 4/7/14 at 6:22 AM]
Hello everyone!

I had a few people asking more about Diego Garcia. In my previous update I saw the military on Diego Garcia running around in chaos.  I also kept hearing something about “scramble.” When I really look at this situation it seems like the people in charge know what is going on, but that information is not being relayed down the chain.  It looks like they give orders, change the orders, give new orders, and just keep things chaotic.  I get the impression that this confusion is intentional..??

I also had some people wanting to know who is communicating with ETs.  I get we have representatives- I also get that our government actually has an Alien Ambassador, as does other larger countries. It looks like the ETs want us to disclose their existence, and we (as a planet) were suppose to disclose this by now, and it hasn’t happened. I also don’t get that the ETs are trying to be malicious- it seems like the plane approached this portal, went into it, but the ETs have the technology to retrieve it?? They just ask in exchange for their help we disclose their existence in way that makes them look helpful and an asset rather than evil or negative.

I am still connected to Cocos Island.  I stand by the association to this island or the word Cocos.

Many people are also curious if this situation has happened before.  I get that it has, and this won’t be the last time.  This is just the first time in which we have social media and other information outlets to share ideas and look at alternate views.

Thank you again to everyone for sharing your energy.]
[Updated from comments 4/8/14 at 6:14 AM]
Hello everyone, 

I want to thank everyone for their continued energy.  A comment stood out to me talking about how powerful collective positive intentions and thoughts can be in seeking truth and helping people.  It is so important to stay focused and not let the frustration and aggravation deter you.  I sense the media is trying to wear people down with mass amounts of not credible information. In my mind it looks like some kind of contest to wear people down so when they present the finale (and I still see a faked pile of debris) we accept it willingly. 

The number 2-3-7:  Early on I connected very strong to Cocos Island (or something sounding like Cocos). I later found out through all of the comments that the longitude of these islands is a combination of the numbers 2-3-7 (thank you to everyone who is doing this research!). I also found out very early on that the number of occupants was 239- I have had several suggestions that there were 237 passengers and 2 pilots- That could be the message, but I would have felt more confident if I would have gotten 2-3-9.  The same day I got 2-3-7 I stumbled randomly on the movie Room 237 (while searching for Robin Hood in Netflix).  I watched it- It talked about hidden meanings and things aren't always as they are portrayed which opened my eyes even more to the situation. I just try to open myself up and see what my surroundings are telling me.

I will also say that in some compactly ETs are involved.  My mind also has a nagging feeling about Diego Garcia, as if someone there knows what is really going on. The energy and activity at this location (Diego Garcia) is off and it looks like people are intentionally being run around (the image I see is a maze and people are being forced to run through it while top official view the people in the maze and laugh at them) for entertainment. I do not get the passengers are there, but there is some suspicious about this place.]

[Updated from comments 4/9/14 at 6:55 AM]
Hello Everyone- I did have a couple things to go into…

Number 2-3-7.  I was asked how I came about seeing it.  I was meditating, and when I get to that “place” in my mind, and kind of open myself up. I was asking for information or clues, really any kind of message.  I was there to help, I just needed to connect.That is when I saw what looked like an Asian man, and then he was trying to speak to me.  I couldn’t really hear what he was saying because it sounded like a whisper, but I could tell it was a different language.  I then said I didn’t understand and to show me instead of tell me what he had to say.  Then he held up 2 fingers, then 3 and lastly 7.  I don’t get it is cryptic- the message seemed straightforward… My gut tells me he is somehow telling me a location… When several people explained how this number corresponds with coordinate or longitude- I felt even more sure that he was telling me where they are.

Mentawai Tribe. I was asked about this tribe.  They do resemble what I saw,  Of all the pictures I have seen, this is the closest resemblance.  I will need to do some more research to see where they live (if they are near Cocos or Christmas Island).

I also wanted to update you on what I have been able to put together. I am still working on this, but here is what I see…. The plane left, got into some kind of a detour around the Chinese airspace.  They encountered an electrical storm, things got dark and loud.  People were scared and didn’t realize what happened. That was followed by a sense of calming as they entered a portal that led them to this island (that I feel is in current day Cocos area).  Meanwhile, ETS somehow guided this plane to that area safely (I see some kind of energy field surrounding the plane as it was gliding after the portal entry).  The passengers landed, and many suffered some kind of mental shock (almost like an amnesia or confusion of sorts) (I see what looks like mental patients walking around and they look drugged up).  They stayed on the beach and started to come out of their “sleepy” state.  As they did an Indian tribe that lived in the central part of the island came in to help them.  They were taken to the central part of the island where there were some mountains and caves at the base of the mountains. The passengers are still there, and are being helped by the Indian tribe.  

I also get the people of Diego Garcia know what is going on and have been in communication with the ETs that originally guided them.  The passengers have the capability of coming back, but first the ETs want some disclosure made to the world that they exist.  The ETs want to be able to walk freely, and cannot do so until some things happen.  The governments don’t know what to do… They want this story to go away..  I feel a plan of falsifying evidence is in the process, but nothing significant will be planted in the event that these people are brought back (you can’t find engines at the bottom of the ocean and then explain how people have magically been found).

I realize there aren’t a lot of details, but I am piecing this together slowly.  Thank you for your shared positive energy.]

[Updated from comments 4/10/14 at 6:31 AM]
Hello Everyone.  Someone had posted that we need to really focus our energy on this.  Even though this is still in the media, there feels like a shift in energy and it doesn’t feel as strong.  Collectively I believe we can make a difference. 

Some people were asking about China.  I do not see China involved in this at all.  I only see that the plane was avoiding their airspace.  I get that China is really tightening their security with regards to airspace.  They had nothing to do with this plane.

I also had questions about the ETs.  I get that when they do walk the earth, they will blend in with the people.  (I get an image of Terminator – the insides don’t match what is portrayed on the outside). I see it done in a way that doesn’t cause a bunch of fear of hysteria.  To some extent I see that this already happens and they walk amongst us, but their population here is very small. 
Not all ETs are out to cause harm.  In fact, they are intrigued by us and our capability to express a wide range of emotion.  I see that many ETs even though intellectually advanced (I get they have learned to unlock parts of the brain) and possess a higher vibration, there is something void in them that does not allow for emotion and feelings to exist (at least to the extent that it does in humans).  They are fairly emotionally simple.

Lastly, I still plan to do a reading on some passengers on the manifest (basically look at the manifest and see whose energy really stands out to me and go from there.)  The one conflict I have is I go by a personal rule or code to not read a person without some kind of permission (at least by one party involved like a parent, spouse, loved one, etc...)  I view public, historical and famous people and situations / events much differently than a private citizen just living their life. I do think this situation is unique, and I may pose my intent to just surround the situation rather than reveal anything personal or private.  If you are a friend or family member of anyone on the manifest and you do not want me to tune into someone’s energy, please let me know. I will just remove them from the list and not consider them.  I will respect your decision, and no questions asked.   Likewise, if there is someone specific that you really want me to tune into, let me know that as well.]

[Updated from comments 4/11/14 at 7:54 AM]

I had a few updates that I wanted to address. I was asked to look at the Spratley and Paracel Islands.  Someone has shared that they have some energy pulling them in that direction.  I can’t seem to get there in my mind.  It feels too north.  My mind pulls me south west of Malaysia.

Even though my mind still wants to connect to Cocos and Christmas Island, I can’t help but feel a slight connection to the land mass that David Icke addressed on his site and was brought to my attention on an earlier blog comment. This land mass was located to the west of Australia.  This mass can’t be found on any other current map, but rather a glimpse was shown on a movie. I haven’t been able to figure out why I want to go there, so I am really focusing on that.

I also still have an unsettling feeling about Diego Garcia.  I am working on the association with all that.

Please continue to share your energy.  Love and light-]

[Updated from comments 4/12/14 at 11:14 AM
I have been thinking a lot about the ping that is being heard off the coast of Australia.  Something feels off about it.  I get this impression that it is a trick or a trap of some kind.  I see this as some kind of search for something that isn’t there- almost like someone chasing a dangling carrot (that is the image I see in my mind) only to never catch it.

 I also flash to the David Icke  “mystery land” that he brought up, and it was in the same spot at this ping (or very close to it.) Lately in my mind I see this area where the ping is forming a point on the map.  Then I see the area by Diego Garcia forming another point, lately I see that Cocos / Christmas Island area forms a third point creating a triangle.  I am not aware of a “Bermuda triangle” in that area, but someone is very off and mysterious about it. There is so much uncertainty and bad energy tied to what feels like a “cover up.”

I also get that there are few people that know what happened, but they do know.  I see that they watch us run around on these false missions knowing we won’t find the answer.  It is both a disturbing and confusing feeling.  I also feel stronger than ever that ETs are somehow involved in this, almost begging for some kind of resolve but we are stubborn to negotiate]

[Updated from comments 4/13/14 at 9:20 AM
I have had some people request to know what the passengers are doing.  I see them in this numb state.  I wouldn't say they are sad, anger or happy either.  It almost has this ‘trance” appearance, like I would see someone in a dream or sleepwalking.  As far as the surroundings, that is unchanged.  I still see the huge jungle (and the plants seem super-sized, the leaves are much larger than any normal plants I see in my current environment).  They seem to be existing with the native tribe, and the native tribe is guiding them or helping them, as if to mentor them in their situation.

When I focus on clues (and I do this all the time) I see erratic signs in the clouds in the sky.  It looks like a jig-jagged smoke pattern.   There are flying machines or something that fly in this “Z” pattern all the time (The image I first got was of the Wicked With in the Wizard of Oz flying on her broom at the Emerald City leaving a smoke trail behind her??). (It also reminds me of watching Zorro switching his sword back and forth).  Possibly “Z” is the clue, or the flying machines are telling me something that I don’t understand as of yet.]  

[Updated from comments 4/14/14 at 6:01 AM
I received an email regarding the area I am looking at trying to figure out what doesn't feel right about the energy.  An anonymous person told me that the area to the west of Australia is a vortex just like the Bahamas and is called the Wharton Basin.  I wanted to share this with you in case any of you know or understand this energy that I am sorting out,.

In my mind I feel like I have narrowed this event down to the energy I feel in the triangle area I outlined earlier (which I later learned was called the Wharton Basin), significance surrounding the word Cocos, ET involvement and there are some officials on Diego Garcia that know what happened and are watching people scramble around unnecessarily. I also get that very soon an announcement will be made that wreckage will be found, and that story will be completely false.]

[Updated from comments 4/15/14 at 9:43 AM
Hello.  I first wanted to go back into the Cocos Basin… I do not think the plane is in the ocean within this triangle. I see it on an island (still saying something with Cocos) and higher profile people (actually the highest one or two people) stationed at Diego Garcia know what really happened.  I get a huge sense of unbalance leaning toward the negative in the triangle that is located between the west of Australia, Diego Garcia and the Cocos Islands. The unbalance of energy may not have anything to do with the missing plane, BUT the uneasy feeling seems to “fit “with the plane as if there is a connection (it could be all the activity surrounding the plane happened within this triangle of space.) 

I spent some time today focusing on Paul Weeks- opening myself up to get any information I could, and here is what I got.  In initially connecting with him I get a sense of sleep deprivation.  He is sleeping, but not great, and hasn’t had much of it.  He is still persevering and focused- he wants to get back home.  Many of the people around him have sort of given up, or lost their drive, but he has a certain determination about him.  I see that he carries a picture of his family, and when he is feeling at a low, defeated point, he uses the energy of his family to keep going. (The picture looks to be of him, his wife, and a blonde haired, large dog- this could be a literal representation of his family or symbolic in some way.??) The odd thing of the picture is that it isn’t in his wallet, he looks to keep it folded in his sock- There feels like something strange about his wallet but that didn’t come through. I’m asking him for clues- I see what looks like a make shift sundial made of rocks, and I am telling him I need more.. He says something about either “3” or “30”- I feel more pulled to the 30 (location?), and I still keep prying.  Then he makes a comment about wishing he had a sextant, and I ask what he sees.  I feel like he wants to show me a constellation, have some sense he is pointing to Orion’s belt in the sky (I know very little about astrology, but I see three starts all in alignment and I feel like it is straight above my head).  I also ask what he remembers about the flight- direction, etc..He tells me when they were “taken” it felt dark, and then he had of sense of abrupt turning (they didn’t land strait in line with the direction they were going). He remembers something about seeing what in his terms looked like the Alps (even though it may not be the Alps, these mountains had a similar “feel”). He also remembers feeling this complete disorientation as if he was sleep walking while all this happened maybe it was shock or something else, but he says it felt like time moved slower and he was in a dream…He also said something about this place where there is “ like nothing he has ever seen”..?. I then tried to ask about him personally, he was so angry and how is he doing- He clarified it much better- He had a message that he was more angry with himself- He is very scientific, doesn't believe a lot in what can’t be proven (ie psychic ability is something he doesn't know how he feels about). He had intuition that something with this flight was not right- he knew it, and didn't listen to himself and what his gut was telling him.  He feels so angry about that! He is also angry that he feels like he abandoned his family, and he is worried about them far more than he is worried about himself. 

Please share your energy to help me understand this better… I have some other people from the flight  to  focus on as well..]

[Updated from comments 4/16/14 at 6:56 AM
After my last post I was told that the name of the plane searching for the plane is the Orion P3..  I felt more connected to the clues being a star position and the number “3” or “30” being more of a clue.  BUT, when I focused on this more I got that in regards to the plane, or a plane searching- they could “hear” it as if it were overhead but they couldn't “see” it (this came through focusing on Philip Wood and I will go into his reading later).  I am still trying to make it straight in my mind if: Are they are on this current time line OR are they in a parallel “layer” of earth? 

To better explain this (I use this example to make sense of it) I see our current earth similar to a Photoshop program.  Our earth that we walk and live our daily life on is like the base photo on a  Photoshop program.  On Photoshop you can add layers, foregrounds, filters to a base picture… these layers, foregrounds, filters are like the parallel layers of time on earth.  All of these events (base photo with the added layers) happen at the same time, but our eye can’t see the alternate layers (much like you can’t see UV light or microwaves- still there, just can’t see it).  I never did get an image or confirmation that they were brought back into our current layer of time, but perhaps they did and that is where I need to focus. I am still trying to gain clarity as to what this is all about…   
Maldives:  I have had many comments relating to this island chain.  I try not to let too much outside influence in because it alters my intuition, BUT these islands are in the geographic “zone.” I feel they are connected to something and I keep getting this nagging feeling in regards to this group of islands..

Ashtar:  I have been asked many times if I have read or seen  YouTube videos on him. I have heard of him, but haven’t watched or read much because again, I don’t want to sway my intuition.  I understand that these messages explain some ET involvement, which I still strongly believe is an influence in this, and I will say that there is a sense of truth that resonates with me in regards to some of his work that I have been exposed to.

Philip Wood: I was given his name because he was a passenger on the flight.. So I took time today to focus on him.  The first thing I got was this immediate sense of loyalty, but on the inside he could really be a fighter if provoked because he has a strong sense of justice.  He is smart, methodical, observant and analytical.  I see an image of someone sinking down low in their seat, with their ears perked up as if he knows how to lay low and keep tuned into the environment. With regards to the phone… I see him messing with it.  He is trying to figure out how to get a signal or boost it in some way.  As I see him doing this (but I don’t see it successful?), other passengers are standing around, but I hear him say something about, “Just a second, let me think” because people keep trying to interject their ideas and breaking his thought, which is irritating to him. I also see him concerned with battery life of the phones- there is a huge pile of phones, tablets, laptops, etc. gathered up (it actually looks like all electronics are in a pile, like they were donated in the cause of finding a way out of their situation.).  I also get a sense of several highly intelligent people being on that plane- and they, along with Philip are really working hard to figure out how to get some kind of communication out.
I’m still making sense of my next image… I see this intelligent group plotting to take some equipment from the plan (radio, electronics from the cockpit, etc) . They want to use this to build some kind of communication out.  Then another group stepped forward and are guarding the plane (I see no guns, but they are standing at the plane like a body guard.  Their stance is that they want to leave the plane in tact- as if it is somehow functional or useful to keep it intact.  I see a divide in the group over this, and that is causing tension and frustration..

The last thing I got was a sense of darkness (maybe these events were happening at night??) and quiet.  It is so quiet, and in that quiet I hear this high pitched ringing in my ears (I sense that is what Philip is hearing).  I also get a message that occasionally Philip “hears” a plane- everyone is excited, but they never “see” this plane- I get a confused feel with that.. They can’t make sense of why it is heard and not seen.]

[Updated from comments 4/17/14 at 6:31 AM
Hello everyone-
There were a couple of islands that I wanted to look at (thank you for the comments and helping keep the energy alive). The first is Anse Coco,  Digue Island. When I looked at this I feel it has too many people living there.  The island (in my mind) looks deserted (or at least the part that they live on is deserted and gives the passengers the feel that they are alone- with exception to the Indian tribe.). 

I also wanted to look at some mountains in Viet Nam.  I looked at a map on Google earth, and I don’t get the feel for the snow at the top.  When I look at the mountains that I feel were seen, I imagine the Swiss Alps having a snowy cap (I may be wrong, and those were his words, so if they aren’t snowy let me know because I need to find what he saw, not necessarily what I am imagining.)

If you know of someone specific to focus on, I have already  tried to make a connection to Philip Wood and Paul Weeks… I am happy to try some else.  I may sit today and look at the manifest and see who “pops out” to me…

Love and light, ]

[Updated from comments 4/18/14 at 8:58 AM
I had some geographic areas that I wanted to look at.  In viewing these I couldn’t really connect, as if something is off.  The locations were Papua Indonesia, Afghanistan and Mount Kailash…  What I did is take where I feel I need to be looking, and I included a copy of that map.  I have been scanning over this area with google earth and feel like the answer is somewhere here. 

Also almost daily I would like to focus on one or two people that were on the plane and try to get some different perspectives.. Today I wanted to focus on Fariq Abdul Hamid, one of the pilots. The first thing I see Is that he is in the cockpit, they hit some turbulence.. He is holding on tightly to the controls as if they had to turn off or assist the auto steering to manage though this rough patch in the air.  Then I see him with this very strange look on his face as if something took the plane over.  I saw him lift his hands into the air, and actually say something to someone else, like “look at this.”  The plane looked as if it was steering itself, and the odd part of the image is that it steered with grace- it wasn’t erratic, fluctuating up and down, it was very smooth as if it was coasting. It was so silent during this too- like you go through this loud turbulence and it is followed by this zen like silence. I get an image of a kid flying a remote controlled airplane, as if the plane itself went through the air with that kind of ease.  The most vivid thing I get when focusing on this gentlemen was the plane ride- I can’t get much after that. 

Another name I had that I want to try to focus on is Mary Burrows. I see her more as she is now.  Very distraught and worried.  She goes in and out of the “numb” state of mind and during her clear times it seems filled with worry.  She is a pacer, walks around, but I get the impression of a slight limp.  I am trying to focus on food, and one thing I she is that she dislikes it, but when you are hungry you will eat most anything.  I get a sense of a strict diet, or things she stays away from (vegetarian??) and she is eating things not typical for her. I see a smaller animal being roasted on a fire as I type this.  They often chew on these sweet leaves that have a sugary taste on the inside- I see they chew these as people here chew gum.  They look to be habitually addicted to chewing these leaves.  Natural food- Berries are the thing I see them gather.  They are brown and red, and there is also a fruit that grows on trees that has a brown furry outside, about the size of a golf ball (relative to seeing it in someone’s hand) and they eat the insides…

I will try to focus on someone new for tomorrow, but that is where my mind leaves me today. Love and light.-L]
[Updated from comments 4/19/14 at 9:48 AM
Betel Plant- Thank you for suggesting I look at this plant.  It does look like the plant they chew on.  In most every image I see they are chewing this as if it were chewing gum.  The Indians all chew this, and they are showing or introducing it to the passengers.  The passengers look skeptical to try it, but enjoy it as if it has a calming effect or creates some kind of mild enjoyment.  I feel like we are onto something here!

The fruit resembles kiwi, but I feel like it is called something else.  (Does kiwi grow somewhere in that area of the world and called by a different name?).  I was trying to look at some other pictures on a blog at cookistry.com, but my browser says what I am looking for doesn't exist anymore.  I will keep focusing on this…

The location I feel pulled to (and mapped out on the previous update) doesn't really show an island that matches the images on my mind… I still feel like the answers are there (in that triangulated area), and maybe they area just difficult to see.  There is some connection to the Cocos Basin, Cocos Island, Diego Garcia and a land mass (that isn’t on current day maps) located to the west of Australia.  I am trying to not lock my mind so narrow to this that I don’t consider other possibilities… one of which that was suggested is Indonesia.  My impression is that it (Indonesia) is too east BUT I can’t completely dismiss it.  Of everything that I have looked at and then looked at again, I feel some pull to not let this one go and keep it in my mind to work on. It was also suggested that I look at the Caucasus in Russia.  This location feels a little too far of the “zone” that my mind wants to work on. I’m and keeping Indonesia in my mind to explore some more.

I also still maintain that there is some ET involvemendt in this.  I have not reviewed the Ashtar readings, I am just aware that they exist.  I am trying not to get too jaded by his impressions and would like to see what I can view independently of him.  I think that will lead to more truth (comparing the similarities).

Today I wanted to put some energy into JU Kan, from China, age 32.  The first thing I see is this man and he is excited and trying to talk fast, so fast he is at a stutter.  He has so much to say, but he can’t get it out.  I feel like he super hyper… The words he is trying to say sounds like (phonetically in English)  “Jute, Jute, Jute, How (long and drawn out).  We, Hawl.” (I need help because I do not speak this language- just trying to get anything.) He also keeps bowing his head up and down really fast.. He is very anxious, or hyper and although physically seems healthy, he is very stimulated. That  is really all I get for him, and that image just keeps playing in a loop as if it was a movie being repeated. 

I will continue to look at people, but that is all I have for today.  Thank you again for sharing your energy.]
[Updated from comments 4/20/14 at 9:04 AM
Hello everyone. 
I had a couple things I wanted to take a look at.. I had some comments about the words or sentence I was able to get yesterday.. Someone mentioned that maybe he was trying to say something about Jute.  I can’t get a true confirmation on it, but maybe he was telling me that was around, or some kind of plant is there that makes “jute.”THEN, It was also brought to my attention that he may be saying that he needs help- which when I read it- I did feel like that was what he was saying. I instantly had this panic feeling, and saying those words in my mind as I combine it to the image of him and how anxious and hyped up he looked-, that felt right (and I felt this panic in my chest). My next quest will be to try to figure out how I can help him… Please share your energy toward this- I’m going to continue to focus on his because he is full of energy and I might get something.

I also looked at Buah Salak and Ciku fruit.  They didn’t seem to be hairy or fibrous enough in the pics I was able to look at. I also looked at Chicos- they resemble this too.  Chinese Gooseberry- looks like it.  It was small, tan and fibrous texture.  I wanted to say it reminded me of a small coconut, but when I looked at Chinese Gooseberry (looks much like a kiwi, or maybe even the same thing) that looks right.. I think we are onto something with the Chinese Gooseberry!

Betel. The more I hear and see on it, I think it is it…When I focus on the word Betel, I keep hearing “Peppermint flavored Stevia.” From the comments I have read, betel sounds very similar to stevia- if I am wrong, let me know, because this “Betel” feel right. 

La Digue Island area.. It is located west of Diego Garcia, and I definitely get a pull east (the opposite direction).  I will keep my mind open to it , but my mind wants to target the area east of Diego Garcia and more in the “triangle” I outlined…I will say that I am really opening up to the Indonesia area though since I have honed in on the Chinese Gooseberry and also the Betel.. What I am trying to now is see how Betel and Chinese Gooseberry fits into the “triangle” or is it unique to Indonesia.]
[Updated from comments 4/21/14 at 6:15 AM
Hello  everyone… I didn't have a lot today, but I still had a few things I wanted to look at.

I keep feeling that there is some kind of Indonesian connection, and I haven’t put it together.  I realize it isn’t within the “triangle” that is I feel has a pull to it.  Possibly I feel this energy because some of the passengers are from Indonesia… I am trying to sort this out.

The Betel Plant fits what I saw, and I was sure that was what I was seeing.  Someone then mentioned Kratom, so now I am wondering… I will describe exactly what I saw / got when I focused on this:  It has green, small leaves.  They chew this as if it were gum.  They don’t just hold it in their mouth, they chew it with their teeth to get the juice or sweetness out of the middle. I got a message that It was like “peppermint stevia”. It is sweet and calming, and it felt a little addicting as if it had some kind of mellowing effect. There are huge abundances of it and it seems as if they could never run out.

I also felt that Chinese Gooseberry fit my image.  Someone addressed nutmeg, and it too looks similar to what I saw. I feel I need to go into as much detail as possible with this also.  It was small, fit into the palm of your hand. It was tan with a fibrous outside.  I also got the impression that it wasn’t only edible, and they used it as food, but it had other purposes too, like putting it on your skin or helping with skin irritations (medicinal properties). It reminded me of coconuts with a cream colored center when it was broken, but I didn’t get the impression it was juicy- the center was firm.]

[Updated from comments 4/22/14 at 6:44 AM
Thank you everyone for your continued support on this.  I had I short update today (I hope to focus on more passengers later this week) that I wanted to post.

I had some comments regarding the area called Pulau Tanahmasa.  Geographically it is close to where I am already looking.  I still feel like the area I am questioning is either near Cocos, Diego Garcia (and lately Indonesia).  I will keep my mind open, but I can’t connect to Pulau Tanahmasa just yet..

Someone shared a link of purple mangosteen fruit.  This is very interesting!   I wasn’t able to see that the outside had a fibrous brown texture though.  I really feel like I am more focused on the Chinese Gooseberry. That keeps sticking with me.

After all the comments and focusing on the Betel leaves, I think this is what this is.  I felt like my biggest clue was hearing the phrase “peppermint stevia” and the fact they chew this as chewing gum…I feel connected to this plant.

I also feel compelled to tell everyone not to give up energy on this.  Regardless of what the news says (or doesn’t say) the answers are there if we continue to look.  Love and light-]
[Updated from comments 4/23/14 at 6:38 AM
Thank you for everyone that is sending information on Betel.  I really feel that we have the right plant.  I am still open to viewing other suggestions (I don’t want to limit myself), but I feel pretty connected to the Betel plant (in some places I understand it to be called Beetle.)

Kumari Kandam is the name of the land mass that David Icke talks about.  I feel a huge connection to this!  In my mind it looked smaller, but it is in the exact same location.  I feel this island forms the bottom part of the triangle of some strange kind of energy (Diego Garcia and Cocos Islands are the other two points).  I am struggling to figure out how the land mass is relevant, but I do feel a connection to this area.

Someone had a good suggestion to ask Captain Zaharie Ahmad Shah how he landed this plane. I wanted to take a minute to focus on that…When I first pose this question, I see his face (or someone who is projected as him since I don’t know what he really looks like) and I see this confused look.  I then see an image of the cockpit, and he is sitting in it.  I then see as they approach the turbulence / electrical storm, he is gripping the steering wheel / controls and his knuckles are white from holding on so tight.  I get there was a real struggle to maintain control during this moment of turbulence.  Then everything goes calm, and I see him lift his hands off the controls in complete astonishment.  He is just looking at the wheel and it is moving by itself, and everything is at a calm. It was like the plane was steering and controlling itself without his assistance.  There is a silence that comes over the whole plane.  A flood of emotions came over him, fear, confused, intrigue, he couldn’t make sense of it.  When I ask how he landed, it is as if he is telling me he didn’t land it, the plane landed itself?? He sort of sat back in shock while everything happened.  To some extent he is still in shock, and he replays that situation in his mind over and over, but he doesn’t like or want to talk about it.   ???]

[Updated from comments 4/24/14 at 6:44 AM
Hello everyone.  I wanted to do another update on some things I have been working on….

Ancient Mu and Kumari Kandam-  I have had several people bring these areas up during the course of all these great comments.. I am drawn to this.  The area falls within the “triangle” I am drawn to, and I can’t help but focus on it.  In the beginning I saw the plane enter into some kind of portal.  I also felt as though ET involvement guided them.  I see they (the passengers) can come back, but there is some expectation or needed action from us to make that happen.  I have been really pondering if Ancient Mu or Kumari Kandam exists on a parallel plane, and that is where these passengers are… I think my emotions want them to be safe and sound here on current earth, so I keep focusing on this physical plane of existence we all experience, but there is something nagging that is much more complex than simply “just finding them.” I have to hold true to my initial reactions and work on what I see, blocking my emotions from the mix.

Metal objects of others:  Someone suggested that I hold metal objects or something from the plane or passengers.  With all the chatter and news on this, it is hard for your subconscious to truly block out every influence, but holding an object in a sense has a grounding effect.  If I had access to that type of item, I would do it.  Since I don’t, I have just been trying to focus on names, images and what situations I see. 
Paul Weeks:  I had someone mention that Paul Weeks stated they were  “taken.”  I too thought this was a strange choice of words.  The way he described it reinforced in my mind that there was ET involvement that either forced or guided them to where they went.

Wan Hock Khoon: Someone thought that if I could connect to him I could get some more insight… I wanted to see what I was able to get.  [Please keep in mind that when I see things it could be literal or symbolic… I am really trying to see any clues or connections that can help these people.] He is showing me sand dollars.  He is then showing me trees that have the bark texture of a pine cones, but the leaves are long and narrow.  The plane is still on a sandy beach, and he is saying that rather than looking at the water for a crash, they need to look on land / islands [which is where I get a little lost because if they are on a parallel earth, even that wouldn’t work.].  in a far distance he can see another island that appears to have a volcano on it (he can see it but it is too far to try to get to from their current location.).  He is then showing me these huge totem poles that have been carved from stone made by the natives with the idea they ward off bad spirits and bring luck.  The distinctive feature is that the mouths on the carvings are huge in comparison to the rest of their facial feature. And that is all I can really extract from that….

Someone found a map and sent it to me of some Indonesian Islands [to the right].  Does anyone know of a volcano, native Betel plants or Chinese gooseberry in this location?
Newly found pieces:  People are demanding answers.  I see they are being forced to produce something.  I see that debris will be found, but nothing that creates a closure or proof beyond a doubt.]

[Updated from comments 4/25/14 at 7:00 AM
I had a lot of points I wanted to touch on today… 

Someone had addressed the plane being shot down.  I can’t see that it was shot, but when I focus on the plane, I do see a flash of light.  It looks more like light than fire, and it appears to have happened right after the turbulence, and prior to the great “calm” that overtook the plane.

I have also been asked to draw a picture of the totem.  I was able to find a similar picture on Google, however what I was shown in my mind had lips that were twice this size.  It was a similar look, just bigger lips/mouth.  It was also carved from stone and not wood.

I really appreciate all the help in sorting our the plants, trees, etc… In looking at pictures the tree looked like a shorter version of the Arecaceae Tree and the top was fuller. The bark is similar, and the leaves are similar, but the top had more foliage.

I looked at several pictures of the Aborigines because they do have the face paintings I described.  The face markings similar, but I will say their skin is too dark.  In what I saw they looked to have the tan skin complexion of an Indian (possibly Asian??) origin, and they had smooth, silky,shinny black hair.

There were some location I also wanted to look at.  The first is Adnama and Papua New Guinea.  I will say those feel off to me (even though I am really keeping my mind open to all possibilities.  I then looked at Krakatoa, Indonesia- This actually feels so right!  I do feel an energy connection to this.]
[Updated from comments 4/26/14 at 10:51 AM
Hello everyone,

I have been doing a lot of thinking on this… I really feel the answers are in front of me, I just have to decipher what they are based on what I am shown.  I have learned that much of seeing things psychically is your mind pulling up images or scenarios from your life to give you clues and that is why some information is literal and some is symbolic, and some makes you say phrases that mean nothing to you, but trigger something in someone elses mind (I believe that is the power of collective thought because someones elses life experiences are different that our own, so you may say or describe something from your life and it means and triggers a totally different thought for some else…I am going to describe the path I feel is unfolding to me and if anyone has any insight to add or thinks I am being steered wrong (because of your own intuition or life experience) please let me know..

Ok, I broke away from the “triangle” that I felt so strongly about and really considered Indonesia.  The people, plants, setting, all those things seemed like they could be right, but we still didn't have it figured out.  All the while I was looking into this newer area of Indonesia, I continued to get comments on other locations or things to consider (which is great because I feel it was the “universe” saying to not just focus on Indonesia, there is much more to this.) I was considering that maybe they saw mountains as they were flying in to land, or maybe in the distance they saw mountains, but in my “gut” I still felt this mountain was in the central part of the island they are on. I felt like I was trying to make excuses why the snowy mountain was somewhere else and not on the island (because Indonesia doesn't have snowy mountains),but I don't believe in excuses, something is telling me that as right as Indonesia was, it was still wrong.

As I was going through the comments someone mentioned to look at the Shompens.  That very much looked like the tribe that I saw in my mind (with the exception that they didn't have their faces painted).  They felt more right than many I had looked at before.  [including an image on the right].  As I looked at that image, something made me see that they live on the Andaman Islands (which someone else brought up to me previously in comments but I didn't "see the connection".  I randomly went to Wikipedia to see more about the Andaman Islands, and here is what Wikipedia said in the first lines [image attached]

The definition itself wasn't that significant, but at the end of the definition was the word "Cocos Islands" which I maintained from the the beginning was significant in some way, but I couldn't clue in how or why. I feel like the path I am on is right and that was my "sign." I started with the Shompens, went to Andaman Islands and then saw my signs of "Cocos."

My mind then took me back to my original "triangle" of energy that I couldn't figure out.  One point being Cocos Island- which above I may have really had a breakthrough. That still leaves me with the ancient land mass that David Icke described to the west of Australia (my second point on the triangle) and Diego Garcia (the third point)... So as I was sorting that out, it started to come to me...

I have had many people talk about the island being hidden,and I always felt an ET component that i couldn't understand.. The David Icke discussion also alluded to and island that is there we can't see.  It then dawned on me that I think the ET Involvement that I see is ET involvement cloaking an island or perhaps just the plane ?? somewhere in or near the Andaman Islands.  That is why all the talk of "cloaking" and "hidden lands" kept coming in my face.  It was telling me, but I wasn't seeing it, so the universe just kept it coming at me over and over until I could see it. Perhaps what I saw was them entering this "cloaking" energy and not a parallel layer on earth (still figuring this out as well). 

The last part of the triangle is Diego Garcia and all that strange activity. I see that higher ups there know what is going on.  They want this cloaking technology that the ETs are using. The ETs want disclosure, and the military folks at Diego Garcia see this as game to try to find the people (higher ups know where they are, but are trying to let the underlings find them on their own with the technology they have).  

These ideas are very raw, and I am just sorting it out.  I couldn't have done this without all the collective energy you are providing.  Any other insight or ideas I should consider are appreciated.  I am trying not to lock myself into only these ideas, so even something totally off is appreciated because it could be relevant in a different way.  

Love and light to all of you!]
[Updated from comments 4/27/14 at 1:20 PM
In my mind I have been slowly making sense of this.  I greatly appreciate all the comments!  I was told in my comments that Andaman and Nicobar Islands were at the top or a part of the Cocos Islands (which I always said that the word or location Cocos means something). The one thing that I was trying to focus on was the “snowy mountain” and I felt that was viewable to the passengers (and also one on the island).  I also mentioned volcanoes in one of my posts.  Then a reader commented that a volcano that erupted and was covered in some ash could look like snow, or perhaps that was what I saw and my mind interpreted it as snow- I immediately felt truth with that.  Either they can see a volcano or in the middle of the island they are on has a volcano that erupted and left an ash residue on things that “looks” like snow. I just need to pinpoint this volcano…

Someone else mentioned Easter Island, not because of location, but because of the stone totem heads.  I do feel a similarity, but the ones in my mind weren’t as huge, and the lips were bigger.  Very similar feel and effect though.

I also received a message with a photo [attached]- and this is so close that I can’t tell if they are exact, but they are very close in feel to me!!

I also found it interesting that in this Andaman area there are fruits called sapota, coconut and nutmeg, all of which have the brown furry skin… I really feel that some connections are being made.

Thank you to everyone.  I appreciate the energy more than you know!]
[Updated from comments 4/28/14 at 6:14 AM
Hello everyone! 

Thanks for the continued feedback!  I wanted to share a picture that someone shared with me that looks like a runway found on the islands that we are looking at!  I found this interesting. 

I also wanted to share a photos that someone sent showing me a volcano that from a distance has the appearance of a snow covered mountain.  This sight would be very viewable from the Andaman Islands. The passengers (or even myself in an image) could interpret this as a snowy mountain. 

Someone also suggested that I try to reconnect and get anything more on animals or vegetation.  I was able to get two things.  The first thing I saw was a fish that appears to have really long whiskers.  This looks like something common that they eat.  I also was shown these strange looking spiders that had a neon green appearance, and they almost looked like you could see through them. 

In my gut I feel we are really narrowing this down.  Collectively this energy is amazing!  
Love and light-]
[Updated from comments 4/29/14 at 6:28 AM
I just watched this video on sand dollars in the Andaman Island- this does look right! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_-7C10ZtMCk

I find that when I look at the fruit, many look similar.  It could very well have been the Ciku Fruit / Sapoto.  I remember thinking kiwi when I originally saw it, but it seemed bigger than a kiwi.  I did look like the pics of Chinese Gooseberry.  I think to hone in on this I am really going to have to re-focus because they all look so similar.  I really do appreciate all the pics because it keeps me from tunneling down just one path.

Someone sent me a pic of a Talipot Palm.  The tree I saw looks MUCH like this!  If this isn't it, the tree I saw was very close. [pic included]

The green spider.  Someone sent me a pic, and it was so on target [included and is the top spider pic].  This was in Papua.  I then searched for more (I’m trying to see what location has all these clues in common) and found another that is in South Western India. [included and on the bottom]. I am finding that there are several neon green spiders in that area...I keep revisiting the image and I get that there is some orange on the underneath belly part of the spider...

My next goal is to try to connect to more people, tune into what I have so far and try to sort this out.  I also 
thought I will tune into the sun, moon, etc to also get a location that way.  I still feel there is something with the Andaman Islands (haven’t given that up yet) but am always trying to stay clear-minded. 

Thanks you so much for everyone's help and continuing to send ideas / pictures.]
[Updated from comments 4/30/14 at 6:24 AM
In addition to comments on the blog, I have been getting emails and Facebook messages.  I had one message over Facebook that really stood out and I just had to share what this person was able to find: There is a blog called Welcome to the Jungle of Andaman Island. She read through the blog and there was mention of a “jumping spider” and the trees that are there. [attaching a pic].  They even talked of the Betel plant-..

I started to really look at other images on and I saw that the native tribes also paint their faces with white paint (images attached).  The name of the tribe is the Sentinelese

Someone had asked me what type of tools they hunt with, I immediately saw a spear versus a bow and arrow.  It looks like they take a wooden poles and fashion sharpened rocks to the end of the pole with twine.  I saw may pics of them using a bow (which I didn't get in my image) and then I saw this pic I attached and it looks almost exactly the same as what was in my mind! Then I noted the white body paint!

The same person that shared the finding of the Andaman blog also shared the pic of the tribe having the exaggerated lips.  I couldn't find the stone statues in images, BUT I will say that I felt a connection to this picture.  It was as if the exaggerated mouth was some sort of a clue.  The stone statues had the same "exaggerated" feel to the mouth.

I still have more to review (I have some photos of passengers, etc..) but I wanted to share some of what I already had. 

I have had several people as ask about what timeline they are in, or are they in our time and cloaked?  What is going on with that?  I feel like they are here parallel to us.  I still do somehow see ET interference.  I get some sense that if you look "down" from above you cannot see them, but if you look at them parallel (or straight on) you can (not sure how that is possible and still making sense of it).  Meaning from a satellite above you cannot see them (like a sheet or veil is blocking them), but if you went to the island and physically looked at it horizontally, you would be able to see it with clarity.

My next frustration that I have already discussed to some people is that they aren't looking anywhere near these islands.  They are looking in water, and they need to look on land. With our collective energy perhaps we can persuade a new tactic in their search for this.]
[Updated from comments 5/1/14 at 6:35 AM
Hello everyone.  I wanted to think about some things for today’s update.

I was asked to focus on the ETs- What do they want? I get that we (many international countries)  have been working with some of them, and opposing others.  They would like to come out of “hiding” and be able to be free.  I also get that some counties have casually acknowledged their existence (made and announcement, but not a broadcast), but the US is definitely one of the ones that are hesitating.  They want some kind of disclosure to occur before they share their “cloaking” technology.  The ETs have drawn a line.

Some statements have said that the plane flew for 6 hours.  I was asked to explain this. I have taken in bits of what the media is saying, but I don’t hold onto it as if it is an absolute.  The misinformation seems to be so great, that I don’t feel what they say is much of a clue.  I have taken it in, and then let my mind do the work and trust that the truer image will come forward. Your deep subconscious knows the truth, and I am slowing making sense of it.

I realize that the physical description of the Sentinelese doesn't match what I saw. I saw the tribes skin much more dark tan.  Details are very important, but I also have to trust what “feels” right when I am presented with it.   Everything I have seen and read (thank you for all of these great comments) has lead me here for a reason.  Maybe I got a detail wrong, but it was necessary to get the answer I need- I believe the Universe works that way and I need to figure it out. Maybe there is another tribe on the Andaman Islands, or maybe this tribe is it.. I still have more work to do to explain to myself why I saw the physical features that I saw. I do feel good about the path we are on, and I feel so close to figuring out the truth.

When I do a private personal reading (with the exception of public or famous people or events)  I do get permission to focus on a person.  I am viewing this as an overall event and not trying to tap into their very private life or personal intimate thoughts.  This is all approached with positivity and love, not as an invasion.  This is “ big picture oriented”.  Someone wanted to know how the passengers saw me- Do you know how you may get a random thought or a person or idea- I feel like when I focus or put an intent out there it comes through like a random thought- it is like I am trying to connect telepathically through some spiritual means.  Many of you have probably thought of someone, and then they call- same type of spiritual “thought” connection. I feel part of my struggle is that they don’t know they are connected, so they aren't as open and relaxed as they would be in an ideal situation.  That is why is just get bits and pieces.] 
[Updated from comments 5/2/14 at 7:37 AM
Hello everyone.  I first want to thank all of you.  Without your great input it would have been hard to continue to go on in this type of depth.

Someone had asked about how long they were in the air after the turbulence.  The answer I got (and I felt connected to the pilots during this) was that “time seemed liked it stopped and everything seemed like it was in slow motion.” I still get the image too that this plane was guided (I see a little kid with a remote control airplane) and landed on a sandy beach.  As I ask for more information- any clues- one thing that comes through is that this beach is not all soft sand.  There are parts that are soft, but there are other areas that are very rough and sharp that hurt your feet- as if there are large amounts or coral or rocks around it?? 

I had a couple locations to look at.  I was pointed toward Narcondam Island and Barren Island.  Both of these islands have the right feel, and they both have a volcano in the middle.  Something else I wanted to note was I feel a message is coming through to me (and it has a frustrated feeling behind it) that the island they are on has a “snowy looking mountain (volcano)” in the middle, and  they can see a volcano in the distance?  Then in my mind I think if they see a volcano and can identify it, either they know it is there or they see it smoking…. Are there smoking volcanoes right now in the area?

I have had many confirmations that we are looking in the right area.  We just have to narrow down what island in the Andaman Island area they are on…

Thank you again for all the comments.  I do appreciate them because it keeps my mind thinking.]  

Updated from comments 5/3/14 at 10:00 AM
Hello.  Thank for for all the information.  I have been taking it all in and really thinking about this.  I feel that the Andaman Islands is the right location and we just need to hone in on the correct island.  It was brought to my attention that Barren Island has an active volcano that would appear to be both a volcano (that the passengers saw from a distance but yet felt too far to get too) and also could appear to be snow-topped (what I saw when trying to look through someone elses perspective).  Someone then mentioned Great Coco Island!  I have always maintained that in some way the word "Coco" or actual location "Coco" was important.  I then was told the the Chinese are involved with Great Coco Island (which in one of my first readings the chinese came up- something make me talk about them, and it was in reference to air space and the detour that the plane made was because of them!). This all feels so right, and my next goal will be to try to remote view this area even more... 

The next thing I wanted to look at were the various indian tribes. Many people have sent me names and I went in and viewed them:  What I saw in my mind most reminded me of Kubu, Anak, Dalam, Orang Rimba and Dayak. BUT what really stood out to me were the Shompen! I have always talked about their smooth hair and their tan skin, and a few days ago I mentioned that I saw them hunting with a spear.  I am attaching the first thing that popped up when I searched on google.   

Thank you everyone for all of your help.  I still have a lot to do but this feels like we are narrowing it down. 

Love and light to all of you!]

Updated from comments 5/4/14 at 9:55 AM
There were some things that people brought up in comments that I wanted to address.  First were the Tillangchang.  I do get a connection to them (picture attached). They very much look like the image in my mind. This is an absolute possibility. 

I do not see them (the passengers) on Barren Island (where the volcano is) but they can see the volcano.  They are close enough to know this is a volcano and that there is an island there, but not close enough to think they can swim or make a raft. 

I also viewed the Great Coco Island runway.  Something in my subconscious really is pulling me here (or an island that VERY close to here). I have always felt from the beginning that the work Coco would be a significant clue in all this.    

Another great question I had was when I was viewing the situation through someone eyes and I interpreted the snow topped mountain (which I now realize was most likely a volcano)  what side of the plane did I see it on?  I saw this out of the left side of the plane, and the plane turned to the left slightly soon after we saw it and passed by it.
Thank you so much everyone!  I will continue to work on this.  Love and light-]
Updated from comments 5/5/14 at 7:16 AM
Hello everyone.  I feel like we are on the right track, but we need something else… I thought I would take a different approach and focus on the natives of the island and see what they can communicate to me…

I noted a lot so I am going to start to list it:  First, every thought or intent I put out there, was repeated back to me in English. As if the person I initially connected to could “hear” my words and somehow rethought the words in their mind.  It felt different (never had that experience), but I did get a sense of intelligence with regard to that process..

Then I sort of thought in the form of pictures or surroundings. I see that they take shells and create jewelry out of the shells for special festivals or events.  Not for everyday, but for special times, like ceremonies around a large bonfire.

I was also trying to focus on the commerce, boats, all of that in the area.  I get that they do see boats, and there was a touristy feel to it.  The tourists never come on shore, but they see them.  When I tried to figure out why I was shown that there is a huge amount of coral and rock that surrounds the island and makes it very difficult to get a boat even close to shore.  I see the only way on or off the island is by air.

I was also trying to see or get a feel for the volcano that they see.  I get that they actually celebrate the volcano, and it is a big deal to them.  In my mind I am getting some kind of translation come to me and I hear “big” “smoke” and “fire”.  They watch this and gauge or associate events to this volcano.  They can definitely see it, and I get a sense that they have determined some kind of pattern to the activity (as if there are cycles to it?).

So I then I picture the plane in my mind and ask, where is it? I hear “big” and I nod “yes” and….then I get an image of it.  It really does look like a sandy beach…? Then I hear “it is guarded”. I try to find by who or what… Then I get they “need the plane intact.” My first impression was that they wanted it so possibly they could fly it off the island.  Then I ask, “If it is flyable, why don’t they just leave?” Then I get “it isn’t ready.” I am trying to make sense of this, and then I see a single man with a long gun, like an AK47.  He was walking around the nose of the plane.  I ask “who is that?!!”  The native shrugs his should, as if to tell me they didn’t know and then I get the words “mean man.”  I ask if that was a passenger, “and I get another shoulder shrug… and that is all I was able to get this time.

If anyone can put any of this together, I am happy to try to figure out more.]

[Updated from comments 5/5/14 at 8:48 PM
Hello everyone.  I want to thank you for your dedication and energy you have been sharing.  I was sitting and having some deep thought about this (as I often do), and I feel like I have come to a point that I mentally can’t go any further. I think I have put so much focus on this, and with the amount of information I have, my mind won’t let me open up to more. Please feel free to share information between yourselves.  If more information comes to me I will gladly share it.  My heart goes out to these families. Love and light to all of you.]
[Updated from comments 5/13/14 at 6:49 AM
Hello everyone.

I have been reading over the thread to this, and the contacting fishermen or someone there is a great idea!  I am sending you all my positive thought and energy!

As I was thinking about this I had a couple things I wanted to mention that may help you.  I saw some of the natives fishing.  They look like they take trees and hollow them out to create these canoe boats that they stand in while they fish with long bamboo made spears.  They have to do this because the coral around the island doesn’t let them walk easily into the ocean to fish on foot (it is too rough, unsteady  and sharp). The natives are able to see other larger boats in the distance, but the other boats never come close to the island (as if there is a boundary drawn).

I still see the Andaman Island area, and feel Great Coco Island is the target area.  I see another government involved as well. Then I hear the phrase “Don’t poke the bear” and I get an image of a polar bear.  ??

I will continue to watch and provide you with occasional updates as I see them. Love and light-L]
[Updated from comments 5/27/14 at 7:50 AM
Hello everyone..  Thank you for your continued energy on this.  I thought I would tune into this today..
I still feel there is a huge connection to Cocos, specifically Great Cocos.  My image of the island is not changing, and I see what looks like a huge volcano off in the distance. 

When I focus on the people (specifically Rodney and Mary Burrows), they look to be alive, but I sense they are distraught… This amnesia feeling they had, as if they were in a dream, has come to an end.  I also get the impression they were given some kind of hope that they would be home by now, and they are losing that hope.  I can’t see where they were told they would be home (like an announcement), but I see that somehow they knew (almost like a fact) that they would be home. It just feels sad, like this sense of despair.

I also get the impression that there was a something going on that isn’t going according to plan that is holding this up.  I get the word “ransom” but I can’t tell in regard to who or what this ransom applies to.  I get this image that the passengers are separate from this “plan” like they are located away from the “plan” and have no knowledge of it.  They just know that “something” is going on.   I also get that the passengers don’t want to know what is going on because it would somehow compromise them..  When I focus on the passengers and try to ask what they know, my heart races and I feel panic, like part of my subconscious doesn’t want to know either- it almost feels like what I would think a panic attack would feel like.

With regard to the plane, I see men with tan military suits around it.  The first image with the “mean man” looks to be a normal person that was on the island waiting on the plane, but he has been replaced with these military men in the tan suits.  I want to focus on the uniform, and the thing I notice is that they look clean whereas the passengers look hot and sweaty.  The uniforms cleanliness looks out of place as if they have somewhere to go on this deserted island to freshen up but I see no structures near the passengers or plane??  I sense they are flown here from an off sight location??

The other thing I see is that the military men look like they don’t just guard the plane, but they keep staring in the sky like they are waiting on something.  When I look in the sky, I see nothing, but there is some anticipation that something will show up.

That is all I have for now… 

[Updated from comments 6/15/14 at 7:30 PM
Hello everyone.  I know it has been a while since I did an update, so I wanted to spend a few minutes on this today. 

When I first tune in I see an image of this bubble of energy covering the people, and then two giant hands are pressing or holding that energy onto the people so it cannot escape.  It looks as if they are being suppressed in some way, or their energy level is being blocked or held down by an outside force.

The people looked frustrated and worn out.  They (the people) really thought they would be out of this situation by now, and they feel like if they haven’t been found by now the search efforts are gone.  I also see them walking about on this island, and when they look up there are tiny helicopters flying around (like a toy helicopter) and then they leave. ??  The people wave and talk to them as if these helicopters will help them. ??  I also see food drops happening, it looks like they come from a military helicopter.  It is an army green chopper with black letters spray painted on the side- I can barely make out the letter “NC-“ (is very fuzzy and numbers follow it, but that is what it looks like from the passengers vantage point).

Someone asked if this was deliberate.. I do get an intentional feel behind this, but at the same time I get this phrase “they are flying by the seat of their pants” as if this wasn't truly thought out as well as it should have been.  Like things aren’t going as they expected..

Someone asked me again about 2-3-7.  I see it could be left up to interpretation and mean many things.. Shortly after I was shown this number I came across the movie “Room 237” (in a very random manor) talking about zymology and also hiding things in plain sight with subliminal messages and movie “tricks.” I see that this mystery is hiding in plain sight too, and people in the know are trying to baffle the public with false information… ]

[Updated from comments 7/13/14 at 9:08 PM
I wanted to do an update (I realize I haven’t done one in a while), so I took some time to tune in. I will say the energy around this isn’t as intense as it was, and I have been trying to figure out why.  Then it came to me that there is some kind of disconnect between the passengers and the plane.  Like the situation has a “spread out” feeling… The intensity isn’t in just one location that you can pinpoint, but multiple locations???

I see the plane is still physically located in the Great Cocos area, still guarded and mechanics / engineers are working on this plane either protected or forced  gunpoint (the men working appear to be stressed and sweating)??.  I do see the military man associated with this, and he is definitely not American or someone having American features (his skin is dark and his hair is dark).  The mechanics / engineers working on the plane look to be of the same nationality as well.

Then I look at the where the passengers are?  The natives look to be retreated inland more (there are none on the beach or fishing).  This military force looks to have invaded their area and forced them back or at least forced a retreat from this specific beach area where I see the plane.

So my mind goes back to the passengers… They don’t look like they are on the island any more.  I can not see how they got where they are, but they have been moved to what looks like some kind of a holding area that is disguised as a factory on the outside.  It has a dark feel (limited lights) and cots are everywhere.  I see an image of sand, and it looks like this structure is somewhere remote and in the desert.

I will still look at this thread and try to keep my mind open.  I will also share whatever information I am able to get. 

Love and light-

I feel like what happened is so connected to events that have happened in the Bermuda Triangle that I have also attached links to past readings I have done on the topic.
Bermuda Triangle Reading: 


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Anonymous said...

Rulers among countries fight among themselves only citizens suffers for instance most affected were elderly family members suffers from sorrow death of their children and the children suffer most when their bread winner pass away.

Anonymous said...

I agree with wat Anon said at 12:32. To fill in some of ur visions as to the "dark" forces that you saw I don't think those are outside et. I believe they may be humanbased formed et technologies used in the not so positive ways. So true et technologies but taken and reused by certain enteties here on planet depicting the dense negative field. I still find hard to believe that a portal under natural circumstances would open at 35,000 ft on a plane that so happened to be carrying multiple IBM specialists on board. Not to mention multiples of trillions that go missing yearly under the D.O.D with no trace as to what it was used in...neways. I believe they could be brought back to current. Since they manifested to a past but a past from this timeline correct? Would that also mean since its a collective of lik 200 passengers are they then advancing this one? Since there mental state already advanced went to a not so advanced one of 50yrs back..

Anonymous said...

This story won't be getting dropped. You have to have an answer as to the disappearance of 200+ passengers. And by making up a story which there doing. It'll make it worse cause they'll catch on to it and now know. That either their covering it up or don't kno the answers themselves. Making them look elsewhere for answers..the answers are present. The collective just has to agree on them and the solution comes

Anonymous said...

Any thoughts on the man on the oil rig who saw the plane burst into flames..he said it lasted 10-15 seconds..southwest of Vietnam

Anonymous said...

foetyl andIt is extremely strange considering the dark energy around the ET Psychia Focus sees that the name of the company now being quoted, INMARSAT, is the exact anagram for MARTIANS.

Anonymous said...

I know the island name Coco Island, Ayeyarwady, Republic of the Union of Myanmar. Will you look into this?

adriana. said...

I am so happy to have found your site, my dear! I wonder if you are aware .of the latest "MESSAGE from MATHEW" where he says the people of flight 370 were transported to a planet similar to ours outside our galaxy. He says it was not in the passengers life-plans to die that day and they were rescued by a friendly ET group.

Anonymous said...

237 could mean the number of people alive, maybe you did not well understand his gesture, or maybe he did not count the people there correctly.

Thank you very much!

Anonymous said...

So happy to see this blog. While reading, I kept getting the thought that the "time travel" may just be symbolic of the lifestyle of those on the remote island of Kokos as compared to mainland Malaysia or China or the U.S. Maybe those tribal persons live similar to what we call 3rd world countries. I still believe the passengers are alive and will be found. 2 may be deceased. But the world will be astounded when they are found and will help this island tribe as well to understand modern culture. I am not psychic (to my knowledge) just a thought. Please continue to focus on this. I will.

Anonymous said...

I've always believe 237 passengers are still alive and will come out of the woods slowly one by one.

Let us all wait patiently for the right season.

Fill yourselves with love and use more of your creative thinking and intuition. Life is so good. Send messages of love to these people (237 passengers) who are currently in a different state of mind and existence.

Anonymous said...

Very soon the government will complete the cover up of this matter. The story will drag on for a while in media.

The wreckage will never be found. People will be kept in captivity until a Great intervention happens and everyone will be set free.

Anonymous said...

Hi Lynn,

I want to tell you what happened to me that "confirms" what you're picking up in some way.

On the afternoon of March 8th ET, for a completely unknown reason, I started searching for information about time travel to the past. I am interested in the subject and check it out every few years. That afternoon, I bought and read the Kindle (full) version of Professor Ron Mallett's book about time travel.

The next day, I asked a site for which whom I write if I could write about time travel to the past. Then I wrote and posted a summary of Mallett's book, Stephen Hawking's article about time loops, and MIT research concerning the South Indian Ocean vortices.

Then, I started to think about an article I wrote for Gadling in 2010 about Christmas Island. Ask most writers and they will say that, for the most part, once an article is written, it's pretty unusual to spend any time thinking about it. For some unknown reason, I decided to email this very article to a few people.

Why? I didn't know.

Now, with your KOKOS Island, etc., stuff, I can only say one thing and laugh at this...I've had a really unusual desire to eat chocolate for the past few weeks. Prior to this time, I donated a kidney and did not eat anything with sugar, let alone chocolate. So I think this is confirmation of the location in some way.

The MIT article about the South Indian ocean vortices, like the Bermuda triangle, are energy centers or time-dragging frames like those described by Professor Mallett.

By the way, Dr. Mallett has patented an actual time machine. The University of Connecticut at Storrs foundation is funding research related to this machine.

The reason this is important: the time machine he's constructing doesn't enable people to travel to the past prior to the moment it's eventually switched on (at some point in the future). So, again, I was voraciously searching for information about places on earth that may serve as the wormholes do in space.

Now, this is also important. I wasn't listening to the news or anything and didn't know what was happening about MH370. But when I searched for some important keywords about time travel, Christmas Island, and MH370, I found your site.

I could show you all the items mentioned here but, unless one has lived through something like this, it is unbelievable. It's all just so unusual, and I acted so unusually, that your very good work seems quite plausible to me.

But that's really going WAY out there!

As I reached for why this happened, an interesting idea presented. There was a reason to poke a hole in this alternate universe, in the past, for a purpose, for some other unfolding that is guided by the creator.



donna said...

Hi Lynn,

I want to tell you what happened to me that "confirms" what you're picking up in some way.

On the afternoon of March 8th ET, for a completely unknown reason, I started searching for information about time travel to the past. I am interested in the subject and check it out every few years. That afternoon, I bought and read the Kindle (full) version of Professor Ron Mallett's book about time travel.

The next day, I asked a site for which whom I write if I could write about time travel to the past. Then I wrote and posted a summary of Mallett's book, Stephen Hawking's article about time loops, and MIT research concerning the South Indian Ocean vortices.

Then, I started to think about an article I wrote for Gadling in 2010 about Christmas Island. Ask most writers and they will say that, for the most part, once an article is written, it's pretty unusual to spend any time thinking about it. For some unknown reason, I decided to email this very article to a few people.

Why? I didn't know.

Now, with your KOKOS Island, etc., stuff, I can only say one thing and laugh at this...I've had a really unusual desire to eat chocolate for the past few weeks. Prior to this time, I donated a kidney and did not eat anything with sugar, let alone chocolate. So I think this is confirmation of the location in some way.

The MIT article about the South Indian ocean vortices, like the Bermuda triangle, are energy centers or time-dragging frames like those described by Professor Mallett.

By the way, Dr. Mallett has patented an actual time machine. The University of Connecticut at Storrs foundation is funding research related to this machine.

The reason this is important: the time machine he's constructing doesn't enable people to travel to the past prior to the moment it's eventually switched on (at some point in the future). So, again, I was voraciously searching for information about places on earth that may serve as the wormholes do in space.

Now, this is also important. I wasn't listening to the news or anything and didn't know what was happening about MH370. But when I searched for some important keywords about time travel, Christmas Island, and MH370, I found your site.

I could show you all the items mentioned here but, unless one has lived through something like this, it is unbelievable. It's all just so unusual, and I acted so unusually, that your very good work seems quite plausible to me.

But that's really going WAY out there!

As I reached for why this happened, an interesting idea presented. There was a reason to poke a hole in this alternate universe, in the past, for a purpose, for some other unfolding that is guided by the creator.



Anonymous said...

I have been reading this blog for two weeks now but I was reluctant to voice out cos what I wanted to write may sounds irrational to skeptics. Some of the comments seem parallel to my family experience (but I will not go into details) to "communicate" with my mom while she was in a coma for almost 2 weeks, where her brain was diagnosed to be dead.

With all due respect to many psychic who are trying to help, this unprecedented mystery needs help from Oracles/Seers, so to speak. If any family members of passengers have close contact with seers, they should ask the seer to "communicate" with their loved ones. If the seers can't reach the passengers, there is a likelihood that their soul has not left their body - hence there is still hope that they are still alive. I know this sounds insane to many skeptics but 3 seers in 3 continents (my family members live in 3 continents) have had interaction with my mom while she was in coma. My mom knew 2 of them and she has had "good" contact with 1 of them during her living years.

In the event if there are concrete evidences (God forbids !) of MH370 in the Indian Ocean, then the family must be prepared to let them go cos the "door" to the other world ( paradise?) will not be left opened for them forever, or they will be lost soul in the "Middle Earth". From my mom's experience, she was seen crying, lost and confused! But she was finally convinced to accept her fate to cross over and it was a heart-wrenching decision to remove her life support.

In short, with my mom's experience, I now believed that there is a "Middle Earth" - a dimension/universe that human soul go to before they move on to another world.

I read in another blog that the passengers abroad have positive vibrations (unlike my mom). Perhaps powerful psychics, remote viewers etc focus their energy and send positive vibes to the passengers to help them to find their way home while we, normal beings, must continue to pray and hope for a miracle or Divine intervention.

This is just my humble contribution. To each his/her own beliefs

Anonymous said...

I was just reading an article written by a world renowned psychic, He said, the plane landed safely at Diego Garcia, a US Navy Base... Hence, easy to turn off cellphone towers ( no internet - no cellphone signals for concerned passengers. messages were texted, but none sent due to no cell signal )
What happened at Diego Garcia;
Plane lands ( cell phone towers went offline ) one passenger ( or more ) and some cargo were removed from the plane. for the residents on the Island, it was probably a regular thing to lose cell signal on an islandn so no one questions it.
Why plane was flown to Diego Garcia;
Zaharie Ahmad Shah, the pilot, was involved ( not knowingly ) in a long con manipulation play ( cia ) he was primed for a few months and fed info about being in a situation where, when the time comes, Landing that plane at Diego Garcia was a matter of national/international security. This long con manipulation play, is part of a much longer con manipulation operation that is still in effect. Even though Zaharie Ahmad Shah followed through with thinking he would be some kind of hero landing the plane at the base and not raising any alarms or red flags while en-route, actually was just a small part on a much larger classified operation.
Upon take off, Passengers were gassed into a heavy sedation. ( island turns on cellphone communication again ) Plane was then REMOTE FLOWN further south. Plane then descended slowly, landing almost smoothly on the ocean then sank into the deepest part of the South Indian Ocean.
The US Government is mysterious and powerful. The reason why there is no other radar data or satellite data to track this plane is because that is how they made it to be.

Alice L. said...

I just discovered your page. When I read your very first post, the Manhattan Project came immediately to mind. Could this have been a modern version?

Alice L. said...

Sorry, I meant Montauk Project, not Manhattan Project. Duh.

Anonymous said...

To Anonymous 6.36pm, what would be the point of the whole exercise to Diego Garcia? Why organise a commercial jet to do that? I would love further specifics from your psychic contact please. :)

And why crash the plane into the ocean? If the Malaysian pilot felt he was on an important, secret mission, surely he could have been manipulated to return to an airport with the plane and passengers intact and simply say the flight was hijacked.

Anonymous said...

To Anonymous 6.36pm, what would be the point of the whole exercise to Diego Garcia? Why organise a commercial jet to do that? I would love further specifics from your psychic contact please. :)

And why crash the plane into the ocean? If the Malaysian pilot felt he was on an important, secret mission, surely he could have been manipulated to return to an airport with the plane and passengers intact and simply say the flight was hijacked.

Anonymous said...

to Anonymous 6:36pm,

please give us the link to that article of that psychic

Anonymous said...

FYI….no residences to speak of on Diego Garcia except the US Navy and donkeys.

Anonymous said...

I have also read many articles pointing at Diego Garcia , the ideal military base to unload the cargo (so important and still mysterious)
and take some of the passengers for interrogation (20 scientists onboard all related with radar and microchips technology) - remember the plane was also seen flying low in the Maldives. What happened next....???

Anonymous said...

So basically what you're saying is that the rest of the passengers were murdered...intentionally sent to the bottom of the ocean with the plane.

What or who in "tarnation" is so important that it warrants sending 200+ people to their deaths?!

A negative connection to the ETs has been mentioned. Maybe the plane was carrying some type of alien technology, piece of craft, or the like. The "shushing" alien doesn't want anybody to know that a bunch of people were sacrificed for the ET cause.

Unknown said...

Among the passengers there are more or less 120 practicing Buddhists, they went to Malaysia for a big Buddhism gathering. According a Chinese psychic, they all went to better place than this earth planet.

just FYI

Anonymous said...

I am a believer in supernatural stuffs. I followed this blog and tried to make some sense and possibly any truth in it. This is the conclusion I came when I realised certain facts which points to total hypocrisy. I am not really sure why this person whoever which claims to be able to have this vision, creating all this nonsense! What does this person get from this total deception? No matter what there will be an explanation even when the truth is revealed! Good luck guys!!!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 5:29, who are you referring to? There are many people presenting various theories and visions on this site.

Anonymous said...

Genetic modified food.
UFO. Deceiver will use UFO and Genesis 6:1-7
Twinkle of an eye is after Great Tribulation.

Anonymous said...

Demons will come protect yourselves.
Other realm they take the technology more advance.
America given to China

Psychic Focus said...

Thank you again for sharing your energy…

I was asked to focus on a few more ideas, so I wanted to see what I could get…One question was is the flight tied to a Russia / USA military operation? I cannot get a connection with that. I don’t see it as retaliation or testing of equipment. I will never tell someone that they are off, I just don’t have a connection or image of things happening that way.

I was also asked to describe the tribe on the island. Here is what I see: They have dark skin- not African American, but just dark tan. One thing that stood out to is when the men and women moved, and you got images of their upper leg, they had no tan lines, they had a uniform dark skin.. They have silky black hair, all of them. They wear leather looking short skirts (both the men and women) and the women, once they develop breasts cover them as well. It also came to me that breasts were for feeding their children, and in some way they needed to be protected (?) and that is why they are covered.. They use white face paint to determine rank, it is a signifier as to who they are. They have some structures that are built from trees/leather/thatch, but they also use the caves at the bottom of the snow covered mountain… The structures that they built look to always have smoke coming out of the teepee (even though it is warm). The temperature is warm to hot, but tolerable, slightly humid. There are a lot of mosquitoes and other flying insects, but they looked used to it, they sometimes swat them away, and other times just let them fly.

I had some people ask if they are possibly on this time line, but where they are gives the illusion that they are somewhere else…That could be a possibility, I just can’t see that. They are in a rather primitive
location, and it would be difficult to differentiate what is going on and have some clarity. There is a lot of confusion still with the passengers. It almost looks like their subconscious and conscious mind are having a disconnect.

Diego Garcia. There have been a lot of questions regarding this location. The area feels “right” but I can’t get a connection to the environment. I want to look at this a little more.. There is a lot of energy out there on this.

Anonymous said...

twenty senior members on board who had just launched a new electronic warfare gadget for military radar system’s the day before the plane went missing.


Unknown said...

MH370 on Indian Ocean seabed or possible on Bermuda Seabed ??
I have shared about P25 the intersection of a few energies from the earthgrid diagram.
Now is about the interesting ancient site along latitude E103 and along longitudinal connected to it . Point 43 is the center (center gravity ) of ancient Lemuria land surface.
Three more interesting observation is
1 ) I have interest following rare earth,, so Lynas Rare Earth Plant at Gebeng also at E103. What a synchronicity of events ??
2 ) Next synchronicity is MH370 last known descent to Indian Ocean is also at this area around vortex ( time tunnel ) PT43,,which has many underwater seamount /underwater pyramid..
3 ) From the news report,,I have not able to confirm that depth of MH370 landed..On Indian Ocean sea bed ,,or may also hit P43 ( Bermuda Point of Christmas Island ) to Bermuda seabed.

I have posted picture and photo to support my explanation at facebook-Peng CP Loke

Anonymous said...

Snow cap mountain in Irian Jaya

Tribes of the Island will be dark skin. I think they have white marking on their face too.

Anonymous said...

Hello PF, I'm Indonesian, would u compare that 'old' tribes with some Indonesian's tribes image from google image search. Try some of these keywords : suku mentawai, suku nias, suku dayak, suku sasak, suku asmat, suku dani. Which of them is most similar from your vision ?

Anonymous said...

Will the passengers ever return someday.. If so is there anything we can do to help or speed up the process. Malaysia is getting quite a bit of a whipping. Bad publicity. Most of all... They are all innocent and lovely people and I miss them dearly though we have not met.

Anonymous said...

I read in Malaysia Start and then found on Haveeru online which is apparently a malidive islands publications that the people saw a low flying jet at 6-ish am on the morning after this plane went missing. Numerous people saw it -it had the colors of the Malaysia Airlines plane. And planes never fly so low they can see the doors. The direction was from north down toward Diego Garcia. Police were "investigating it". It sounds to me like the people know what they were talking about. And then there is no more news on this.

Anonymous said...

I'm praying fervently and hoping against hope that these people are still alive and will be able to come home soon.

PF, are you still able to connect with the higher-spiritual individuals? Can you talk to them and ask them more specific questions... such as do they know their current location?

Also, perhaps if you could catch any conversation between the passengers themselves, even if it's in a language you do not understand, you could romanised it for us to help you to decipher it.

At this point in time, I'm sure those of us who are not psychic would be more than willing to help in any which way that we can.

~ Eve99 ~

Anonymous said...

This was first I think

Then this:

Then this:

I find it all very peculiar that this sort of thing never happens and then happens the morning after a plane goes missing-- and the plane has the right colors.

How can those people not know it is a low flying jumbo jet? What could be to investigate?

Anonymous said...

maybe this is what other people are referring to. But I know a lot of people from this company were on this plane- about 20 I think? I don't know anything about it. It might be nothing.


Anonymous said...


Someone posted this earlier. I am reposting. I know this company has a big office in Austin TX, but yet nothing in the news here re their employees being lost

Anonymous said...

well, it seems that Freescale´s president didn't want to give personal details to the media about the 20 contractors - here is the link with Freescale statement. http://online.wsj.com/news/articles/SB10001424052702304554004579428082732911134

Anonymous said...


I somehow missed this before. Family members said their phones were connecting, though no one was picking up. we have to keep focusing on this. Too many people know something is not right here. If it was a just a crash....there are still too many questions!

Anonymous said...

this is the only thing in the papers in Austin, Texas. Interesting that they chose the headline that they did:


Anonymous said...

If these people are on an island somewhere (hope they are), but if they have gone back in time, would this island still exist in current day? Assuming the island is there in current time, and if the searchers do find the correct island, would they be able to find the people on it?

Anonymous said...

What if the alternate dimension you are seeing means they are all dead and entered the other dimension of after life. I have read somewhere that to help the soul pass on a familiar surroundings will be created and these beach and forest you are referring to is just an illusion in the other side?

Anonymous said...

I was searching for the Giant plants you spoke about ..did they look like the plants on this link,these have giant leaves are used for medicine have thorny stocks they are called Nalca,Giant Rhubarb,Gunnera tinctoria http://zoom50.wordpress.com/2012/02/21/nalcagiant-rhubarb-gunnera-tinctoria/

Anonymous said...

March 26,2014

The unknown object found in Baarah in Haa Alif Atoll of the Maldives is "very likely" to be a fire suppression bottle from an aircraft, local aviation experts said on Wednesday.


Anonymous said...

237 could be the frequency to get back.

There are several Coco Islands on this Earth.
Cocos (keeling) island, near Christmas island.
Coco Island, near Andaman islands
Coco island, Guam, Micronesia.
Cocoa Island, Maldives
Cocos Island, Costa Rica
perhaps more.

I also read other psychics/bomohs to mention 'snowy mountain'.

Anonymous said...

Or it could mean 2.37am. the time of disappearance.

Anonymous said...

Or it could mean 2.37am. the time of disappearance.

Anonymous said...

This blog feeds the desire and those longing for positive outcome and some hope. At the same time fulfills the thrill and excitement for the person who owns this blog. In the end you will see how pathetic all this is!

Anonymous said...

To Anonymous 9:37pm and with all due respect to those visitors to this blog who are related to or connected with passengers or staff from the flight, I am a detached observer. I am not 'desperate' for an outcome or hanging on any 'hope'. While I am empathetic, I follow this blog because the official statements and explanations from the media and governments over the past fortnight have frequently lacked credibility.

Of course, there will be those like yourself, who clearly swallow what's presented in the media without question and view those who do not as crazies. That is, of course, your prerogative. It clearly disturbs you that others here are considering a wide range of other possibilities that don't accord with your view of 'reality' and the 'natural' order of things. Unfortunately, this is your problem. All the best.

Anonymous said...

I'm really interested in the Irian Jaya possibility. Snow-capped mountains and all, as well as tropical beaches.

This site has a lot of information on the three tribes there and so on. http://ramblingroses.net/zirianjaya.htm

Used by the USA in WW2.

Excerpt below:

"Where the heck IS Irian Jaya? We weren't sure, either, before we went there. It's the western half of the island of New Guinea - the second largest island in the world (after Greenland.) General MacArthur used Irian Jaya as his headquarters for staging the assault against Japanese troops in the Philippines during World War II. The Germans who had colonized the eastern half of the island lost it during the war, and Australia administered the area until Papua New Guinea became a separate nation in 1975. The Dutch had colonized the western half of New Guinea, and after World War II tried to prepare it for eventual union with Papua New Guinea. However, Indonesia (in collusion with the U.S., which wanted Indonesian oil and military bases) managed to annex Irian Jaya for itself. Since taking over in 1963, the Indonesians have shoved the Irianese aside economically and politically by relocating thousands of Javanese to Irian Jaya. Resistance to Indonesian rule brought harsh reprisals - tribal villages were napalmed, and local leaders were tortured or dropped from helicopters to their deaths.

Anonymous said...

Pictures of passengers boarded MH370.

Anonymous said...

Hi Lynn ... and to all concerned friends,

I am not a Psychic, but I do practise Reiki and Meditation.
Since day one of the event I have tried to tune in and 'See' what could had happened. All I have received were; Screams, darkness, a long silence followed.
However, I was not satisfied with what I had 'Saw'. I have tried to 'See' more ... and got nothing more.
It was not til last night; 26th March.
I suddenly remember something in regards to intuition:
In order to perform clairvoyance, you need to be able to raise your vibration and hold on to that higher vibration. But this, not many people can do it successfully for a decent duration.
However, many can achieve that for a short duration or a short burst at a time. For example, when we are excited or happy about something; our vibration raises, but they are always short lived. Knowing this, it best to keep the question short and specific while tuning in. And seek a 'Yes or No' answer.
After remembering this I have tried to tune in again.

Question: Are they still alive?
Answer: Yes Yes Yes Yes ....

However, I have soon realised that I have asked the question wrongly. Because we do not truly die... we just transform into another form.

Question: Have they passed over?
Answer: Yes

Question: Would They return?
Answer: No

Question: Would they find the missing plane?
Answer: Yes

The answers feel so absolute without fear, doubt, buts or ifs. I find this approach of 'tuning in' much more practical and leaves not space for doubt. And i believe everybody can perform this kind of intuitive work.

Knowing what I know now... I continually send love to the passengers and their families ... and i hope everybody else will do the same.

Love ... Jason.

Anonymous said...

I often see 'pictures' before falling asleep...I now realize these are visions...I came across your blog and you described in detail, what I saw in my vision...I am writing to let you know that I feel that 237 is a frequency related to a radio communication system...like a channel...Keep up the good work...

Anonymous said...

Luckily Malindo Aircraft diverted back to Subang Airport.

Anonymous said...

Comments from PF: "needle piercing a pillow..." and ..."their subconcious mind and conscious mind have a disconnect..."
sounds like they are in a dream like state and may wake up??? I was wondering if/when that happens... I just got a picture in my mind of the pilot calling beijing or KL ground control over radio of its landing approach (as if the captain and everyone else have no recollection of what happened)...if that does happen I hope people on the ground do not panic or out of over precautionary measures shoot down the plane. I hope and pray all turns out for the very best. Also I was thinking and someone on the blog also mentioned, everything happens per Divine plan ... the God that we all believe in, is not just the God of Earth, human beings, this timeline we are living in, or only this dimension. His plan encompasses everyone in the our past, present and future and all dimensions. He can do anyhting he wills, if he can send them where ever they are He surely can bring them back unscathed as well if that is what is in His plan. All we have to do is feel/express our sincere and genuine intention and let the rest be taken care of by the Almighty...what ever he deems is the best for everyone...and then let peace reign.
Glory to the Lord.

Anonymous said...

Grief ill health massive fear.
More pictures to identify.

Anonymous said...

Watch Angel Beat anime to understand meaning Parallel reality and Jin Japanese TV Series.
If they wish to do something survival and something happen to grant their wish they have to put the effort they have to overcome the parallel world to fulfill their wish and wake up later interconnected conscious and subconscious.

Anonymous said...

Explanation Shadow World.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 10:25pm....aviation experts do their job with all the solid proves and datas being analyzed....with all the possibilities it remains possibility....as events, proves and details unfolds we will eventually see the truth....that's what we should or choose to follow.... You may live in the illusion that's your choice... I'm just giving my opinion! Good luck living in your fantasy land ;)

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 3:12, you're oblivious to the irony of your statements.....do you not realise that those who place consistent faith and trust in 'authority figures' (be they scientists, governmental leaders etc) are themselves, are themselves living a fantasy? :) Does the possibility of being blatantly lied to, or being manipulated by authorities, REALLY not enter your mind at all?? I'm not suggesting that we should all subscribe to conspiracy theories as a regular thing - I certainly don't. But there's a time and a place for trust and the events of the past two weeks don't warrant it.

You suggest that the 'evidence' will reveal all. That comment suggests to me that you haven't been following the 'evidence' or rather, lack thereof, very carefully. And that you've turned a regular blind-eye to various inconsistencies in statements and evidence.

Have a read of the article below, just for starters. That's a basic analysis of some of the facts and backtracking that have occurred.

I'm keeping a completely open-mind here and am open to 'other' phenomenon and spiritual ideas. Just out of interest, are you a Christian, or do you subscribe to some other formal religion? Because again ironically, my observation is that many who believe in 'God', or the idea of some sort of omnipotent power, are the most rigid, conservative and afraid types of all. Very afraid that the world and those in charge may not be all that they're cracked up to be. This amuses me somewhat, because Religion is a man-made construct - a belief in the supernatural in and of itself - God is a supernatural concept - yet 'believers' often can't entertain the concept of any other supernatural entities or ideas. Fear and rigidity restricts flexibility.

Anyway, here's the article again, for those who haven't seen it before.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, the link below:


Shifting said...

This article's better: by the same author but outlines the undisputed government cover-up. http://www.thedailysheeple.com/malaysia-airlines-flight-370-now-clearly-a-government-cover-up-all-evidence-contradicts-official-story_032014

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 3:30am, I am a malaysian citizen. I don't believe in my government who is corrupted. But I do believe that they are in hot soup and letting the aviation experts do their work by giving them all the possible supports. I'm following closely with everyday reports in all media and the discussion between credible past experience experts.

I'm sure just like the air France accident which when experts predicted possibly pilot error, noone believed it even the airline dismissed it. Until they get the black box after two years it's proved to be true. I'm sure many fools would have created some conspiracy theories and also many fools who believed them.

Normally I don't follow or comment this type of blogs but since I am emotionally connected to it I felt the urge to reply.

We will wait and see the truth!

Anonymous said...

2. Upon death, most people go through a heavenly process before entering into heaven. Evil people, instead of experiencing the tunnel and bright light upon death, are sent through what Sylvia calls the “Left Door” and enter into an abyss of empty, joyless, nothingness for a brief period of time. After they have reflected upon their actions, they are reincarnated back to Earth. People who commit suicide are sent to a place Sylvia calls the “Holding Place.” Here they must make a choice to either proceed through the “Left Door” or embrace God and move on to the Light.
3. After Stage two, a person enters a more stable world called “the realm of illusion”, Stage three. This is a dimension where things may be created with the mind and shaped by the direct action of the imagination. Though a person may linger in this stage for generations, an eventual decision must be made. The individual either returns to Earth or progresses to Stage four.
4. Stage four, an indescribably lovely existence, is called “the realm of color.” Here one must leave behind all rigid intellectual structures and dogmas, be they scientific, religious, or philosophical. An infinite variety of new sounds, colors and feelings are experienced here and souls find a much wider freedom to function with more highly energized intellect and spirit.

Anonymous said...

To the Malaysian Citizen who commented earlier, I don't believe your government is corrupt in this incident either. I think they're the meat in the sandwich. And I think it's highly likely they know more than they're letting on - similar to the US and China. But I think that Malaysia knows the least and is being manipulated to a large degree by the power nations.

The Air France crash really wasn't similar to this - debris and a couple of bodies were found within 5 days. There were no mobile or cell phones ringing 24 hours after the plane disappeared and a whole lot of other differences. The behaviour was as expected from the authorities, the information being reported on was consistent. The authorities, apart from being initially baffled, for a brief period, worked out the case very quickly. Evidence was found quickly.
There was nothing particularly mysterious about it - debris were found, but everyone had to wait 2 years or so for the black-box to be retrieved.

Paste the links from the two articles in the posts above and have a read. They highlight some very important facts and inconsistencies in this case that no one can dispute and that differentiate it from Air France. It's not a case of people simply saying "oooh, I don't like this, so therefore it must be a government conspiracy and or a coverup!". No. There are numerous questions not being answered properly, or answers being contradicted by one supposed expert to the next. I'm usually a highly intuitive person - something very unusual and different is going on here with no similar situation that's gone before it.

Anonymous said...

I just came across yet another example of conflicting reporting on CNN (meant to be one of the best, reliable news sites in the world....). The other day, CNN quoted an 'expert' as saying that large pieces of the external frame (the wings, tail etc) could only float for a short time - a matter of hours or a day at most, if it had air inside the aluminum. That seems kind of logical, only IF, there was, for some reason, a large pocket of air trapped inside an engine, wing or tail. But more experts (also quoted by CNN in other articles) said that any of the external plane frame would sink quickly and that the only things that would float would be what one would expect to float - seats and internal plastic materials etc.

Now we're two and a half weeks since the plane went down (according to the latest 'experts', yet in the latest reports on the floating debris, ANOTHER expert has said one of the large pieces might be a wing? The experts and logic have already told us that metal doesn't float and certainly, after 2.5 weeks, there is NO way that a wing or anything else other than a seat will be floating. Unless of course, the aircraft items were put there a day or so ago by someone else....

If anyone could explain to me why an 'expert' is contradicting earlier expert advice that metal planes simply don't float, in TODAY'S news on CNN, that would be appreciated!

Anonymous said...

And now a Thai satellite:

Anonymous said...

This story is getting more and more serious....here is the link to the article published yesterday by Christopher Bollyn


Anonymous said...

I'm posting this in the hope that it will be of some comfort to the relatives of the people on the plane. I don't know where else to put it.

My recurring dream about this plane, has been as follows:

I see a plane flying upwards, as if it's "jammed" on its initial upward trajectory.(I don't see what jammed it). When it gets to what looks like the edge of space- (presumably the point where the fuel can't burn any more?), it's like there's a small tear in the metal.

The scene switches to the inside of the plane, as it's still climbing. It's as if, gradually, gradually, everyone just falls asleep, and if they were already asleep, they remain so. It feels strangely peaceful, almost as if no-one would have been conscious of any impending disaster. No oxygen masks, no screaming, no suffering. Like the opposite of an airplane disaster movie.

The scene switches to the pilot. He does realise that the plane is stuck on an upward path,and it's as if he has no electronics with which to do anything about it. (I can only see one pilot, I don't know why). He seems to be thinking calmly about the best thing to do, and lies against the controls, as if to be sure that the plane goes in a particular direction as he loses consciousness.

I can't stress enough the strangely peaceful nature of this scene. I feel it's important that the people's relatives know this, especially as it may be contrary to what may be said later elsewhere.

I hope that this helps someone, somewhere, and that they can find it if they need it.

Psychic Focus said...

I went through a list of native Indian tribes in that area, and here is what I found: Suku Mentawai (similar but I didn’t see the white face paint when I searched the pictures), Suku Nias (clothing does fit my image), Suku Dayak (similar), Suku Sasak (that didn’t fit- and in some pictures online the women had their breasts exposed, and I was shown that they were covered in my image), Suku Asmat (the clothing didn’t fit), Suku Dani (again the women’s breasts were exposed). Of all the tribes I looked at, the Suku Mentawai and Suku Kayak felt the closest- I just didn’t see the face paint that seemed to be a big clue.

I was also asked about their return. I cannot get an image of them reappearing in the sky, but I do see them as alive. I also get that if we found the right location, there would be survivors, they would just be older. I also get that pieces of the plane would be there, but it too would be aged. I feel like if we searched for new looking technology that has aged, this would be a bigger clue.

Someone had requested clarification on which of the Kokos I was searching because there are several with the same name. I was focused on the one that is called Keeling.

Maldives… I can’t completely rule this out. I haven’t looked into what Indian tribes that are there, or if there is a snow mountain in the middle. At my first impression it looks to be a resort of some kind with roads (based off looking at Google maps), which if that is true would not fit my image. It also looks like several islands, so maybe someone else is able to shed light on this island or group of islands. Possibly one of the islands isn’t heavily populated and a tribe lives there.

I was trying again to connect to some of the other higher selves and get a location. What I was shown was an image of someone pointing to the sun and it was in the northwest part of the sky. They wanted me to note the position of the sun..

Some comments were also made about the government. I see them as embarrassed, know what happened even though they didn’t cause it, have no way to explain it and are trying to make this go away. I do get that the government there is working with other more powerful governments in this cover-up, like they could never handle it on their own

Anonymous said...

Well PF, suku (= tribe) Mentawai and suku Nias are some of native tribes in Sumatra, Indonesia and that match with Malaysian official statement about 'southern path of Indian Ocean' (west of Sumatra until Keeling Island/west of Perth Australia) .
Suku dayak is native of Borneo island, east of Sumatra.
About the missing of paints at their faces (in google images), nowadays they became more 'modern' n those costumes sometimes worn by oldies / for cultural party only,. but I think some old old tribes in all over the world usually painted their face, ie Maori, Papuan, Indian etc

Anonymous said...

This is a very interesting point of view from an experienced pilot. It rang a bell with the feelings you were getting with relation to the cockpit situation.



Anonymous said...

This is a very interesting point of view from an experienced pilot. It rang a bell with the feelings you were getting with relation to the cockpit situation.



Anonymous said...

Question :
If the tribal people of Sumatra/Keeling have become modernised with time (to the point where they no longer paint their faces), I don't understand why the passengers of MH370 who have lived on the island (presuming they went back 50 years in time) did not manage to find their way out to civilisation? ... Not unless they thought they had landed in another planet or something?

I feel very sad to read PF's message that these people will not be able to come back into our time. And even if we find them today, they will be 50 years older... My heart aches for their families...

By the way, does anyone know how to decipher this part of PF's message :

"I was trying again to connect to some of the other higher selves and get a location. What I was shown was an image of someone pointing to the sun and it was in the northwest part of the sky. They wanted me to note the position of the sun.."

If anyone can figure out the location by this, then perhaps someone else who lives nearby this island can start a search for these people.

~ Eve99

Anonymous said...

Thank you for your insights. I live in Malaysia now, though I am not Malaysian, and while I don't know anyone on board, I have friends who have family, friends and work colleagues on that plane. This is so close to us all and we share the pain here.
Please keep focussing on this...here, people are convinced there's so much more to this story. The pilot is a decent man - being an atheist and opposing a corrupt regime does not make him a suicide pilot! The airline is top class, they aren't flying dangerous rust buckets. The official explanations that are being put out just don't hold water. Don't believe the statements or the slanderous gossip. None of us believe the plane is in the Southern Indian Ocean. Whatever debris they say they are finding could have been planted there- they've certainly made sure they had enough time to do that.
I check every day to read your updates... They give us hope that we aren't deluded, that what we feel is the truth. Thank you for your insights so far, you have no idea how much comfort they bring.

Anonymous said...

Psychic Focus, thank you for your ongoing effort in searching for MH370.

I have only one question :
Do you see these people in Diego Garcia?

MJ said...

I had asked for info on where the passengers and plane were before I sleep. Sometimes I get insights or aha! Moments in my dreams.

For this, I dreamt: there were 2 layers, physical structures in a building or structure. The colours appeared to be warm brown - orange, faded, old and the texture was not even. There is no door or I didn't see it as I'm standing in front of this layer. It's like some houses that have mezzanine floor without any wall or glass. I didn't see any staircase or ladder either.

A Chinese man with spectacle and wearing light coloured shirt, he looked like he was older than 30yo but not older than 50yo and he told me that he was doing fine. He was not exactly beaming but he was convincing me that he was ok, not harmed and he didn't cause the trouble to the plane. This man was standing on the upper layer. I felt the Chinese were innocent here.

On the ground layer, there was a dark skinned man. In the dream, I know he was an Indian. He was a charmer and also told me he was ok, doing great and he was innocent as well. When I asked him something - which I couldn't remember what - his face and personality changed to defensive. He shouted that he was innocent and pointed at me angrily. It felt like he was lying and trying to hide sth. In the dream, I also wondered why did I dream that the Indian was the one guilty. I remembered 1 of the passenger was an Indian. It felt weird.

I don't know if this is 1 portion of what happened. Sometimes I dream the craziest things. In reference to the nationality, I have friends and colleagues that are Chinese and Indians. I believe that it is up to the individual and not the country or the race or sex that does sth right or wrong.

I hope the good people are safe and can return to their families.

Anonymous said...

I was searching the sun in the northwest and it says that in the Summer Soltice the Sun sets as far as the northwest. Maybe we will get some answers then?
Also, there is an island in Australia called North West Island. The island doesnt have a mountain though.

Anonymous said...

PF regarding: "I was also asked about their return. I cannot get an image of them reappearing in the sky, but I do see them as alive. I also get that if we found the right location, there would be survivors, they would just be older. I also get that pieces of the plane would be there, but it too would be aged."
I am open minded and optimistic person...but my logic mind needs an explanation...how does one find passengers in the current timeline .."they would just be older..." ??? That would imply that there were 2 of most individuals prior to March 8, 2014, ONE of each in KL/Beijing and elsewhere from where ever each passengers/crew is from and a SECOND living duplicate of each living on this island? How s that possible? If one does come across the Island, I would think one could only come across their descendants as the lifespan of any person cannot overlap in 2 physical points in the same dimension/reality. The aircraft would have to slip back in time atleast 76 years (the oldest passenger on board) and all of the passengers / crew would had to have lived their entire life before their Date of Birth in this reality...as they cant exist in duplicates. But technically speaking we might come across their descendants on the island.
On another note, does anyone remeber watching Scince or maybe it was History channel not too long ago, where a small plane with only the pilot who saw to small circular craft /UFO come sprreding toward him and one below and another above him forced the plane to ascend with none of his instruments working (essentially "jammed")...the plane kept ascending to the limits of the prescribed altitude when all of a sudden the UFO dissapeaed and the pilot who was extremely nervous and shook up was able to land the plane.
So PF, any similarities with the MH370 incident? Can you see if there were any UFO involved especially below and above the plane jamming every instrument and contro,l forcing the plane to ascend?

Happydee said...

I have found a few videos on Youtube that Psychic medium Keith Watson has spoken about. It ties in with links you have updated and i will also post the second link for the video where he has been contacted by people from the public wanting to get in contact with their loved ones. He believes they are somewhere near St. Bradons Rock, Mauritius. Unfortunately i cant "search" that location on the crowd sourcing website as at this present moment it is only looking in the location near Australia. Let me know what you think of the videos :)
1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=psFDy9Np9Tg
2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pwGo0ch_uts

There is also another lady seeing that it is on an island and has described what she has seen:
When you get to the end of her video, you can click to watch video 2

Hope you find this interesting.:)

Anonymous said...

Happy Dee that is interesting. When I googled earth Saint Brandon Island and zoomed in, there isan island called Coco Island in Mauritius. Another interesting thing is that I been having dreams that I ask where are the passengers and it kept showing me the letter M. But there are so many places that start with the letter M that it surely doesnt narrow down.

Psychic Focus do you feel a connection to this island?

Anonymous said...

I have a question. Could the Malaysian airliner incident somehow lead to alien disclosure? Thanks!

César Vargas said...

Hi Lynn, this is the new Cocos Island they are talking about:

It is the southern Island on Saint Brandon Rocks:

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


btarrer13@gmail.com said...

Hello< sorry so late joining the group. I have to say, right off the bat that I have been touched by "Pleadian Consciousness" starting in 2008, which came to its peak with somewaht of a phenomena of an experience on 5/21/2008, making me realize ANYTHING IS POSSSIBLE. I could go on for hours about what I have been through in this journey of life since, however...What has been learned in the process is that a plane is, was, will be involved...when the big "change" of this 'human experience' occurs. The best I can explain it..is simultaneous time, and seeing things all at once, only diffrent perspectives of the one thing, Every major change between 2008 and now has involved an airplane.
ANYHOW....That being said, have you read Ashtar Command's Info on flight 370? I will give you links, however let me help you to see the corrolations I am finding...
What he says tied in with what you are seeing (large vegetation, ect)...is WOW, Inner Earth INDEED. Also, understanding psychic energy and speaking through symbology, I would say these "Indians" could be your personal symbol for Extraterestrial....or "Alien" Staying away for a time, yet speaking to their consciousness long enough for them to form/create a collective picture or image of them in order to show up amongst them.
It also brings to light the 237, in 2 possible ways...
As Ashtar has explained this plane was chosen for the passenger's who were's on board's abilities/knowledge to learn future technologies and bring them back to earth once their safety is guaranteed...Look at the 20 passengers who worked for Freescale, (mostly asian) and look at their careers working with SUBCONDUCTORS...specifically the BC**** 2 3 7 ***** Subconductor.... Now I know next to nothing on subconductors, nor the 237...but I have read enough about its ability to change light to frequency ect, to know WE ARE ON TO SOMETHING HERE.
That alone, that Ashtar took this paticular plane because of its passengers,that there is a subconductor that 20 of the passengers worked with daily labeled as 237....Might be enough...HOWEVER, if a 237 Subconductor that 20 passengers are familiar with is not enough to convince you....then, how about a more simple approach...Simply read, Ashtar's Command Blod, Guideline #237....It could be one or the other, however being multidimensional in form and symbol, I believe it to be BOTH somehow...And The Multidimensional connections Dont stop there!
If you are ready for that moment of ~Its WAY TOO OBVIOUS~ And OMG, This Is REAL AND HAPPENING...Then PLEASE,read the signs and the connections between the symbols in the Crop Field of 2009, The Malaysia Airline's Flight Symbol, and the Symbol for FreeScale Subconductor company, of which 20 employees were on the flight which dissappeared.
Just see it for yourself...(I provided the Links Below). Like I said...I already know how real this is, I am not trying to convince anyonelse...It is not a matter of agreeing on one perspective, it is about the potential found in the many....this is simply about WHERE you choose to place your faith, it is where your train leaves the station....where one track divides into many and the world you arrive at/help to create...your destination simply depends upon what you want to see as far as your intent for this life experience....PERSONALLY I AM GOING FOR WORLD PEACE, FOR LOVE...Im in favor of all that The Ashtar Command has provided as a possibility...And AS OUTLANDISH AS IT MAY SOUND....May we all keep in mind the subject of this conversation...AN AIRPLANE HAS DISSAPEARED (thats slightly outlandish as well wouldnt you say?)...What more do you need to take the opportunity of YOUR FAITH In SOMETHING GREATER than what we see in this war driven world and *R U N* with it!!!
Truth is, it is up to you...But the potential to choose your own new time line exists Here and NOW...I for one am going for GOLD....Goodluck to you all.
My name is Brooke, call or email anytime

btarrer13@gmail.com said...

The LINKS....
Lets Start with Symbology;
Freescale Symbol...(before their name "freescale"
Now on the link below PLEASE READ THE DATE OF THE NEW LOGO BEING ISSUED! Indeed, Exactly 2 years Prior to the date of the dissapearce. Not just any year, but 2012....

And Ofcoarse, the cropcircle, BOTH Comparative to the Christmas Comet, however NOW, even MORE BSO the Symbols of the flight and the 20 Passenger's Company Logo targeted for their ability to learn this information and change our world....
Its All Here Guys.. All the info we need...more links coming.

Anonymous said...

PF, I got two thoughts,-
ONE- Sun in the northwest - I can't help but think are they on a different earth like planet in this or another solar system?
SECOND -your strong focus on all Islands etc with the word Cocos - Is that more a sign for Hollow - i.e. are they in hollow earth?

btarrer13@gmail.com said...

MY ANSWER...Anonymous (above) Is RIGHT ON THE MONEY, I say this as I post my next link, the link to tie youyr visions, my leads, and the connections we have all made between the the many....Please call email or send me a copy of your response, indeed you have a gift!
Brooke...link below...

Anonymous said...

OMG Brooke!!! Just visited the links...

All I can say is WOW...

btarrer13@gmail.com said...

and finally....2 3 7

btarrer13@gmail.com said...

THANKS! All I want is to help shed light on the world in this time...It is only as real as we allow it to be though...The Universe is so VAST in its possibilities! Anyhow...Call or email anytime, it does not end there, I can PROMISE YOU THAT, There Arew COUNTLESS MULTIDIMENSIONAL CONNECTIONS. I am just breathing a sigh of relief that we have had this moment of "choice"...What world do we choose to enter? This is our first real chance to enter the phenomenal...My own personal reality...yet experienced as a collective. I have awaited this for so long...I cannot tell you how overjoyed I am.

Anonymous said...

I do believe that you are getting a read, but from the spiritual side. I believe they passed away in this oife, and you are seeing them in a different place, evenutally the spirits of light will come and rescue them to help their transition to heavem or spiritual cities thta exists out there. I am afraid they are not returning now, maye on their next lives and I feel they completed their missin. could this be possible? Thank you for your blog!

Anonymous said...

Hmmm.. Just read PsyFo's reading about why crop circles get created:



Unknown said...

Well, it looks like St. Brandons Rock, Mauritius is where the place the plane landed. There is a name called coco island there. And it just seems to make sense because the people of Maldive seen the plane flew by that island and now landed in St. Brandon Rock, Mauritius...coco island (right below Maldive). Focus Sessions have been looking at the wrong place.

btarrer13@gmail.com said...

LOL...I know

MIGHT SOUND CRAZY, but again...Lets consider the MISSING 777 with 249 people aboard normal??? LOL... I think we are all finding ourselves posting to an "untraditional' website like this, and finding eachother/being drawn to one another for a reason.
This may not be your belief, and if you have not stretched your mind to the capabilities of extremem thought, then you WONT see the puzzle pieces fit together when others might. There is NO DEADLINE for this...It is an opportunity for ascention...thats all. If you are unaware of what I am speaking of just google Lightworkers First wave of ascention....I am a part of this group, and I am very well aware of this event, flight 370 being one of my final WOOOOW moments before the torch is "passed" if you will, to the secoind wave....
best way I have heard a lightworker described....

Anonymous said...

I am a Malaysian... I do not support our present ruling government because they are all corrupted to their bones. I don't believe that they have the brains to conspire against any country or harbour any information which may solve this case.

Having said that, I'm hardly surprised if there are super powers behind all that is happening. Likely Malaysia is caught in a situation where they are not able to reveal certain information because it will implicate other countries.

Believe me, Malaysia's fat politicians are NOT hungry fighting men! They have no reason to find quarrels with other countries.

Anonymous said...

I usually get my vision from my dream or my instinct...I had warned my friends about some futuristic misfortunes that would happen to them and it became true.

The other day, I was so tired that I had to go to bed and sleep ( i am a night owl ) ... it was around 3 or 4 o'clock in the morning...i fell into a deep sleep..and had a dream...I saw Malaysia airline plane in the pure blue water, stilled, not moving, not crashing or damaged...and I was standing by the edge between an island and the water....I felt there were people in awe behind me....it was an island surrounded by water, the water is the sky...and then I woke up....Until today...I still feel those passengers are still alive hidden somewhere out of this world...perhaps another dimension of time.

Anonymous said...

I am loving Brooke's input here and have been enthralled today, reading the links she's provided. Thank you. This blog is amazing! And this whole situation is unprecedented. By the way, yet again, the mainstream media is again talking about moving away from the current search area to the 'most credible lead yet'!!

How many times have we heard this phrase used?? So they now moving 1100 kms North East of the Southern Indian Ocean..........

The whole Hollow Earth and Commandar Ashtar possibilities blow my mind! I'm certainly ready for this to become reality. Completely.

Anonymous said...

hello. I really want to put out there again that a lot of us really want to help the families, whatever the reality is- hopefully that is the true focus here. I met up w/ a friend/ client yesterday that I haven't talked to since all this happened. I told her what I have been reading about from people all over the world- not knowing what she thought. Interestingly she had also met up with some intuitive people- so many people just feel like things don't add up. there is not enough proof. I know a lot of people feel this way. my friend and I met for a glass of wine at whole foods. they were holding a catering demo next to where we were sitting so we kept nibbling from it. One of the cheeses was called a 'bermuda triangle cheese'--- I worked there for 12 years, have friends who are going on their 20th anniversary of working there- I have never heard of a bermuda triangle cheese. I hope we can find the truth. Most importantly: Let's keep sending prayers of comfort to the families- they are going through too much.

Anonymous said...

Tomorrow, the 29th of March, marks exactly 3 weeks - 3 WEEKS!!! - since the plane disappeared. And not a shred of evidence that it crashed.

My question to Psychic Focus and Brooke - what exactly are the different countries' governments actually doing? My thoughts are this - that one or two of the major 'powers' (perhaps more countries though) know about alternate realities, middle earth etc but are keeping this quiet. They are directing the other countries to search, along with pretending to search themselves.

They are constantly briefing' Malaysia on the supposed search but knowing very well they won't find anything. The major powers have plenty of time to plant fake evidence in the ocean, which I am half-expecting any time now however I'm intrigued as to why they haven't done so yet. I felt like they were going to do this a few days ago - when all of the major media outlets had the search off Perth as a 'live' event - providing 'live' coverage for many hours in anticipating that something would be found imminently (like in any normal situation where a plane crashes). But no, we got nothing and still continue to get nothing. Something changed their minds as to why evidence didn't get planted a few days ago.

It seems to me that they're buying time - pretending to search, constantly finding yet another 'most credible sighting and lead yet blah blah blah) and stringing the media along but waiting for something else to occur - a revelation of some sort (see Commander Ashtar link that Brooke provided).

So we've had the British satellite company say that the flight 'ended in the ocean' etc etc with the implication it crashed. Then it seems like the Malaysian PM was briefed and told to inform the passengers that it crashed and there are no survivors. Which was bizarrely done via text message! This action of using a text message as opposed to more personal means, suggests to me that the Malaysian PM doesn't actually believe his own statement of the plane crashing etc. That he lied to the media, was upset etc but perhaps he was forced into saying it? I don't believe Malaysia believes the plane crashed either.

What's going on?? Sorry, but planes don't disappear for 3 WEEKS in this day and age, without a trace. So why aren't the governments wrapping this up as we thought? Perhaps because they expect something bigger to be revealed? Presumably they're surveying all of the internet discussion on this issue (discussion away from the stuff the mainstream media's feeding people) and working out the lay of the land there. Are they trying to gauge whether or not we can really handle the truth? Whether there are enough of us out there? So many questions!! Sorry for the repetition but I just wanted to post this.

Anonymous said...


I like your blog, Ithin you are right onyour readings, but I do belive that they passed away and you are picking up their energy from the spiritual world. Right now they are in a limbo, when the spirits will come and bring them to spirtual cities to process the healing and prepare for their future mission.
Peace and may the families fund the confort that they need,, I pray for them

Anonymous said...

I don't feel the plane crashed and don't believe the passengers are dead at all. I have no personal connection to any of the passengers or the families and could handle the truth of a crash, if that was in fact the truth.

But I don't feel it is the truth. I also don't think that praying for the families will achieve anything. But I'll include empathic and compassionate thoughts for them in my meditations - along for visualizations of the actual truth being revealed finally. I do love the idea of individuals showing up the governments for what they are- liars, manipulators and power-hungry dysfunctional types. Not all, but most of them. So the scenario of individuals being interviewed to discuss their experiences on mainstream tv appeals to me.

Perhaps not mainstream tv - as all mainstream anything are intertwined with government. So perhaps a new, global-reaching media - untainted by bias, greed and manipulation will establish itself? I will include that idea in my meditations as well. :-)

Anonymous said...

Hello Lynn,

about the wild cat that you told us 'Lanipure'.. is the cat like in this link ? It lives in Sumatera too, in the forest.

and about the traditional house in sumatera, maybe you can see kinds of traditional houses in Sumatera island.

then, about the woman covers the breast. is the picture like in this link? this is Suku Dayak (Kalimantan island/Borneo)


Anonymous said...

The search area has been moved NE following new data

Anonymous said...

Robert Lanza, a young American scientist, viewed as the equal - some say superior to Einstein - demonstrated in experiments that we can change the past. Since what happened is not yet known, we collectively can create what happened, as this situation is not finalized and is being created now.
This is heavy stuff and quite intimidating, I realize. May our collective powers bring a happy outcome. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Yes. Yet ANOTHER 'most credible evidence yet'.........

1100 kms from the other 'most credible and compelling lead yet'......

Those that currently rule our world, are in utter chaos. As to precisely why, will be revealed in due course. But my instincts tell me it has NOTHING to do with genuinely looking for a crash site. They are grappling with a whole lot of other issues which they haven't made the world privy to yet.

Anonymous said...

This is interesting


Anonymous said...

How to find airplane normal energy and spiritual energy.

Anonymous said...

What happen magnet electromagnetic pulses effect on airplane disable all electronics and electrical system affected air pressure cabin flight deck lack of oxygen. Some point pilot and cabin pass out come in and out consciousness unable to land flight blind miss the point trying to land ran out of fuel. Not big enough land big rocks able to sustain life. Geographical point where to look. Fundamental find body of the airplane. 3 numbers 49 someone said 49 cubic meters airplane being. 3 200 depth of water or distance? Understand ocean. Haven't soak underneath 120 meters not sunk immediately rest in the water short time problem tail of the airplane. Strongly in my mind action rear airplane blockage people gather rear airplane door not open rear open guess. Not work on principal spirit come through group of names same family and places they were from.

Anonymous said...

MH370 UFO theory. FBI unable find any data.

btarrer13@gmail.com said...

Answer to Anonymous's Question about one or more governments being aware of the plane's being in somewhat of an alternate reality or not...
Yes and no...Depends on what YOU BELIEVE...I smiled at your comment of "expecting them to oficially find something any moment now", I keep finding myself doing the same, and have stopped myself in my "tracks" and switched my "train" of thought...(lol, watch the video I am providing to understand that play on words).
What I am getting at here is it is not about so much the government knowing or not...We have been given this opportunity to choose our next reality, many will choose to remain in lower density awareness, and for them the Government was correct and in their reality the plane will be found with a sad ending, and most likely already has, the time is now that we all as a collective expect the UNEXPECTED.
But like the video I am providing...we are all leaving a train station and our beliefs thoughts and expectations are being given the opportunity to head into a new direction, a new reality this year, how far we take it is up to us.
And yes, to you asked that the focus to remain on the family of the passengers. Indeed mine is, but please let me state clearly these passengers Are Alive. I believe that the changes they are able to bring our world, to humanity as a whole make them all of our family as well. Their homecoming to me represents the greatest movement towards the possibility of world peace the planet has ever faced. We all need to change our hope, to a belief, and then our belief to a knowing and an expectation, because Again....A 777 with 239 passengers does not just dissapear.
Think Long and Hard about this video, Bless you all

Anonymous said...

thanks for keeping track! recent posts show that a pilot from another Malaysia based company got suspended for some statements: "A senior AirAsia pilot has been suspended for suggesting in a Facebook post Malaysian authorities have been “hiding facts” about the disappearance of MH370.

“The supposed debris…isn’t even confirmed to be from the plane yet! Show us the proof and then tell us MH370 has crashed,” wrote the pilot from the Kuala Lumpur-based airline.

“Till then stop hiding the facts! It’s obvious even to a blind man that there are tons of info the government definitely knows and isn’t sharing yet!,” he wrote.

AirAsia’s chief executive officer Tony Fernandes tweeted the senior first officer who he did not name had been suspended pending an investigation."

btarrer13@gmail.com said...


Connecting Dots over here... just thought I'd share some simultaneous intriguing connections

Anonymous said...

will this plane fly again in aterrorist act?

Psychic Focus said...

Thank you to everyone for sharing your energy and effort. There are a lot of great ideas to explore..

I first wanted to look at Saint Brandon Rock / Island- Coco: This island does resonate with me! I have been very tied to the word Cocos or something sounding like “Cocos.” I will say this is the first time I really felt a strong pull to somewhere else beside Cocos Island and Christmas Island. I can’t get a clear definition of what this island (Saint Brandon) looks like, but of everything I have looked at this far, this is the one that really stands out to me. I would need to see what Indians live there, and what the terrain looks like, but I do have some kind of connection with this place. I also get a sense that they may on an island that has more modern ways of life on one side, but they are on the desolate side. They haven’t gone out to explore, and don’t realize what is around them. There is a big distance (on foot) from one area of the island to the other. They are in what looks like a never ending jungle.

Lanipure / Sumatera – Lanipure: I do still see this as relevant. I see it as some kind of wildcat.

Diego Garcia: I focused on this, and I still can’t get a clear connection. I can’t get these passengers associated with anything military. For a moment I had thought that maybe the passengers were dropped off on a deserted part of an island, and then the plane was taken elsewhere, but I couldn’t stay connected to that image.

I have also had some questions as to if I am seeing the passengers in spirit. I can say that anything is possible, but I feel as though they are alive. The energy is very intense surrounding this event! Usually when someone crosses over, I see it in a much hazier form, and this seems so alive.

I also see that drastic measures to end this are about to happen… The government is desperate to end this story. I see that some fabricated debris will soon be found, and there will be a lot of speculation surrounding this…

Thank you again everyone. I will continue to focus on this.

Anonymous said...

I wish search teams would go to that St.Brandon-coco island and find survivors immediately before the government ends this story.Time is running out..

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 9.24pm, why do you think that time is running out? The governments and media will announce very shortly that they've found some crash debris - we're all expecting that. But it won't be real, or the actual debris from MH370, it'll be just be made to look that way - to provide closure.

And now that it's three weeks since the plane supposedly crashed (which we know did not happen), the governments can quite easily say that no bodies will ever be recovered. They will say that too much time has elapsed.

Meanwhile, we all need to maintain the focus and the energy into locating the passengers and getting them returned. They are not dead, far from it.

Anonymous said...

someone had posted these links but I don't see them anymore. The psychic's name is Keith Watson, and what he views is similar to what PF sees, and he also seems credible.



Anonymous said...

I'm interested that Lynn didn't address any of Brooke's visions and interpretations today. Perhaps Lynn, you're considering these separately? I found what she had to say as extremely interesting and am very interested in the possibility of hollow earth.

Anonymous said...

Cyclone Gillian coming.

Anonymous said...


Is it the Lani tribe?
I googled and they are at Irian Jaya .

Anonymous said...


Is it the Lani tribe?
I googled and they are at Irian Jaya .

Anonymous said...

I've googled St Brandon Coco Island... It is way out of range for the plane's fuel capacity... Unless it had stopped over at Maldives or Diego Garcia to re-fuel?

Something striked me here though... Psychic Focus, in your description of what happened to the plane on March 8th, you had mentioned after the initial turbulence, 'the plane went into a different layer or dimension of our current existence.' Do you know how or who led them through this transition? Did they go through a portal of some kind and came out on the other side at a place way out of the plane's range?

Anonymous said...

Received this through email... Not sure how true is this theory though..

The aircraft was supposed to carry a bio weapon from Malaysia to China.
>The US intelligence dept. found out about this and planned the hijack.
>US made the Malaysian pilot to work for them(through money or through force)
>There is an island called Diego Garcia in Indian ocean. It is an island under US army control and there are secret research carried out over there.
>The flight changed course from its destination to the direction of this island.
>As per the engine report from Rolls Royce the plane traveled for 5 hours after it changed course which is the time taken to reach Diego Garcia
>Investigation which happened in the pilots house revealed he has deleted data from his simulator, restored data revealed he has practiced for last one month to land the plane in 1km runway.
>the length needed to land MH370 is 5km, but the runway available in Diego Garcia is 1km only
>So the pilot practiced for 1 month to land the plane in 1km runway in his simulator.
>All the signals were cut down manually from the plane as per analysis.
>The black box will emit radiation for 30 days after crash, but no radiations are detected now, which mean it has been kept under a shield.
>The high interest which china shows in this search is due to the weapon
>It is believed the passengers are alive now, but they will be boarded on to the flight and the flight will be blasted after few days and a drama will be put like missing flight found crashed
>missed one more point, the people of Maldives reported seeing the plane flying low...which even confirms the point that the plane was flying to Diego Garcia which is near Maldives !!!

Anonymous said...

I see a few things that fit with Saint Brandon's.
Look at the geography. It seems like a plane could have flown over the Maldives to get there.

This web site is hard to follow but I see 3 distinct mountains in the picts here - unclear if it is Mauritius: http://www.slipstreamangling.com/index.php/destinations/mauritius/

Note that I saw a video clip if CNN Christiane Amanpour talking about how the residents of Diego Garcia were removed from that island to Mauritius so the base could go into Diego Garcia.

And finally go on youtube and look at the rock n roll prophetess -- has two videos there and she was getting the number 16. These islands are at latitude 16 south.

Anonymous said...

i looked up Lani and Saint Brandon's Rock (near mauritus) and Lani in African slang can mean "white man".

While searching, I found out about Saint Brendon.

"The Shawnee Indians of the Ohio Valley in the early times of the United States had a memory of a “white Indian” tribe on the coast near Florida who used iron tools. Other accounts by Indian tribes — especially the Toltec Indians of Mexico, tell of a white man who came in a skin boat and stayed with a tribe of Indians on the Atlantic Coast of North America. He taught them many things including agriculture. The American Indians, like all primitive Mongolians, were hunters and gatherers that traveled in relatively small communities. Because they followed game they were essentially migratory. When they enter our history during the period of exploration by Europeans in the 15th and subsequent centuries, many of the tribes had agricultural skills, growing yucca, tomatoes, squash, maize and other plants."

The Saint Brendon's Island

It is a mystic island on the NW of Africa as you have described being pointed by the spiritual man earlier.
"The monastic party reported its stay as 15 days, while the ships expecting their return complained that they had been kept waiting a year, during which period the island remained concealed behind a thick curtain of mist."

There's a group of Buddhist pilgrims on the plane.

Anonymous said...

Hi recent "connecting dots with SKerry Cassidy from Project Camelot. Discussion actually starts at 16:30 http://www.livestream.com/projectcamelotlive/share?clipId=pla_72c3f386-ea9f-47b6-88f6-b5dda846acd7 "Project Camelot Interview with Field McConnell and David Hawkins - Malaysian Flight 370"

Anonymous said...

could Lemipure be Leopard in another language or that sound like that?

Anonymous said...

Can you pronounce Lanipure? Maybe you got the spelling wrong.

Anonymous said...

It cannot be Maldives. There are no jungles or mountains. It is flat land covered in coral sand. The islands are small. You can walk around most of them in less than an hour. There are no unexplored islands. No tribes live in Maldives. As for landing for fuel. There in only one runway large enough for a plane that big, so it is impossible to go unnoticed if it had landed.

btarrer13@gmail.com said...

Hello Psychic Focus,
This is Brooke, I just wanted to say that I had chills today at work. I am a Pre-K teacher and during circle time we were doing our "News of the day" lol...Well my news was The Plane is still missing, where could it be??? Every hand shot up, ofcoarse LOL, but my first kiddo I picked was Emma, (Emma is VERY in-tune) and she said, quite matter of factly..."It is in a GREAT BIG Jungle". I had shivers down my spine.
Peace and Love.

Anonymous said...

About the sun being in the northwest part of the sky: the west just means time of day (late afternoon, evening) but the north means they're SOUTH of the equator, which bisects Sumatra. Cocos and Christmas Islands are to the south of the equator.

Anonymous said...

that rules out northern hemisphere

Anonymous said...

does the word 'giants' give you any sort of feeling? also can you tell me what your senses tell you re: hanging rock? (in australia) thanks.

Anonymous said...

Why The Coverup? Mayasian Flight 370 May Lead To Extraterrestrials/First Contact

now...it is really becoming interesting...


Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

I saw you post regarding the Natives on the Island and I saw this group called the Jarwa and wanted you to see if they are ones you are talking about they have very dark skin,some wear face paint,and some women do cover themselves on top. The Last Jarawa - Andaman India https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u5lwwsxVr9M

Mr. Diaz said...

Dear Focus Sessions, there is another psychic that agree with you. this is the link:


Anonymous said...

Just reading my local newspaper - it says that 'all wreckage material will be handed over to Malaysian authorities'.

With all due respect to Malaysia, they're obviously not going to have forensic skills and resources compared to Britain, the USA, China and other developed countries to determine whether anything's real or not. The US and basically one or two other countries perhaps, are running this whole show. Malaysia is the meat in the sandwich and the Prime Minister of Malaysia, a puppet.

The official announcement made a week ago of the flight crashing and everyone being dead, was ludicrously premature and farcical. All aspects of this 'investigation' are a complete joke. Only the most gullible of gullible - those who rely solidly on the media for their world views and 'fact', would be buying all of this.

Anonymous said...

It sounds very much like the New Zealand Air Force plane searching the area has found debris that is the plane. I'm sure we'll know the outcome in a few hours' time.

Shifting said...

Malaysia will just repeat the findings that the major powers tell them. I wonder whether the PM of Malaysia can hold it together long enough to be able to front up to some sort of forum or tv scrutiny over this issue? Or will he resort to text messages again? Text messages are good options when you don't actually believe what you've been told to say to the world. It's hard to blatantly lie when the cameras are on you. I'd probably text too, in his situation.....

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 9.29, you mean 'debris' that they SAY is the plane.....that's all we're talking about here. Case closed - well not quite. We'll then have the chatter about body and black-box retrieval, the 30 day expiry drawing near, bodies being irretrievable due to the amount of time since the crash (that never happened).

And so on and so forth. Meanwhile we'll continue the energy on this forum and get closer to what we believe is the truth.

Anonymous said...

Those who believe will feel it's impossible to explain to non believers

buddleia said...

Anonymous at March 27, 2014 11:14 am, you said:

"Thank you for your insights. I live in Malaysia now, though I am not Malaysian, and while I don't know anyone on board, I have friends who have family, friends and work colleagues on that plane…"

You should check out Keith Watson's videos, mentioned upthread. He's a psychic medium and wants to talk to people who are friends/family with the MH370 passengers. He says he might be able to get a better connection to them if he talks to someone that is closely linked with them. Don't know if the people you know would be up for that though.


Anonymous said...

Dear Psychic focus...About St Brandon Isle ( St Brandon Rocks, Coco Island)
This information came from a Ham Radio web site?http://www.3b7c.com/expeditionplan.htm
Information stated here lines up with you have said as well as other visionaries
St Brandon, together with the Islands of Agalega some 350 miles to the North, form the DXCC Identity Agalega & St Brandon Is ( 3B6 and 3B7)

Cargados Carajos Shoals (also known as the Saint Brandon Rocks) are a group of about 16 small islands and islets on an extended reef in the Indian Ocean northeast of Mauritius. The islands have a total land area of 1.3 km². The reef measures more than 50 km from north to south, and is 5 km wide, cut by three passes. The reef area is 190 km². The islands have a small population, made up of natives as well as others, and are rich in flora and fauna. The islands are classified as a dependency of Mauritius, which is more than 300 km south, and are administered from Port Louis. The islands are part of the Mascarene Islands.

3B7C will be operating from Isle du Sud, which is part of Cocos Island (a mainly submerged reef). Isle du Sud is some 1300m long and 230m wide. The long shoreline runs East-West, which makes it ideal for an array of antennas pointing generally North- West through North to North-East. The island rises to a few metres above sea level, and is protected on the windward side by a reef, some 2 km out to sea.

St Brandon is approached only by sea, and is some 240 nautical miles from Port Louis, Mauritius.

Anonymous said...

Did you feel that any woman cause it?

Was it something they carried (in cargo or handcarried) that caused it ?

Anonymous said...

To anonymous 1:49, have a read of all the posts in blue text first - they are all written by the owner of this blog who is psychic. She talks about what she thinks has happened. Then the rest of the posts on this forum are comments from others in response to what she has seen. There are also other theories on this forum presented by other commenters. No one has suggested that a woman has 'caused' anything or that any individual has caused anything. Most people on this forum, including the forum owner and psychic, do not think, (or see) the plane has crashed or that people are dead.

Anonymous said...

Regarding Saint Brandon (Cargados Carajos)http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cargados_Carajos
Smaller settlements exist on Avocaré, Cocos, and Sud; the settlement on Albatros was abandoned in 1988.
Coconut trees can be found on a few islands as well as bushes and grass.

Anonymous said...

Also Lynn says she feels something about St Brandons/Cocos, the islands don't fit her descriptions. There are no snow-topped mountains, no thick jungle, no tribes with white paint. They're just a series of small, relatively flat islands. No plants with very large, edible leaves either. Iryan Jaya ticks more boxes that St Brandons?

Anonymous said...

another island with Snow-peak mountain is in Hawaii, but it's way too far (?)

Anonymous said...

It is truly amazing the effect this event is having on so many people. I, too, feel these people are still alive...somewhere. I am dreaming that they will re-join us, but that it will take some time. I believe this event, this time is going to cause changes for all of us. Maybe this is a tipping point for all of us, when we finally stop, en masse, believing in what mainstream media tells us, and start trusting what we hear from inside ourselves that rings of truth.

Anonymous said...

Great comment, 2.35. The internet sure has changed everything hasn't it! The mainstream media is losing its power more and more every week and people as people take to the net in search of news and information from a far wider range of sources.

Anonymous said...

If that can help:
the plane was last seen and heard in the Maldives @ 6.15am, on March 8th and a fire suppression bottle, likely from an airplane was found on Baarah beach, Maldives : http://www.haveeru.com.mv/news/54178

Anonymous said...

If that can help:
the plane was last seen and heard in the Maldives @ 6.15am, on March 8th and a fire suppression bottle, likely from an airplane was found on Baarah beach, Maldives : http://www.haveeru.com.mv/news/54178

Anonymous said...


Just wanted to comment I also do psychic work/am an empath and have been obsessed with this plane story for the last few weeks despite having no known direct connection to the situation- like many I feel there is a cover up and the reality is likely different than what we are being told by media/gov'ts so here's some persistent impressions I've gotten for what it's worth:

**The govt of India either knows something about the plane or is involved in actually locating it or both (the plane sightings that were 'discounted' for unknown reason in the Maldives and subsequent sighting of unknown item that is possibly a 777 fire extinguisher on the beach there seem to fit with this idea, also the theory of the plane initially shadowing another commercial flight north across India etc...)

**That the gov't of Malaysia allowed the plane to cross the country without military setting off an alarm because there was some plan to take the jet to another country which which there is 'sympathy' (this plus above I interpreted to mean something like Muslims/various 'terrorism'/hijacking theories ie it could have been flown to Pakistan/Afghanistan)

**US govt is potentially involved in 'finding' it because they already know its whereabouts (therefore Diego Rivera would not surprise me too much or the ocean surrounding)

**Since around the time they started claiming each piece of random sea trash was the supposed wreckage, I've been seeing am image of headlines something like 'Missing Jet Found' and "Miracle" with some number listed around 89 or 90 and a photo of two people hugging like they are relieved or possibly being reunited as one person looks tired/has weak in the knees sort of posture (I take the 90 number to possibly be the number of survivors, and kept really believing each morning I would wake up to see a resolve in the news but no, just more bs each day)

**what's above with no parentheses are my actual impressions, in parentheses are what I surmise from the information before it, possibly erroneously

**some other guesses/info based on my knowledge of crime organizations (not intuition but just logic from photos/descriptions): both pilot/co-pilot seem to have crime affiliations and pilot is more likely involved with dominant Malaysian govt group and trying to infiltrate opposition group despite what it seems on surface. Also Chinese families are protesting loudly possibly due to actual knowledge of plane's fate via their own corrupt affiliations within China- they may know/suspect actual plane situation vs what Malaysian gov't/media have been saying (rather than just being swayed via rumors on Weibo or whatever)

So there's some conspiracy theory to chew on :)

Anonymous said...

@ Psychic Focus:
about "Lanipure / Sumatera"
Sumatera seems to mean "Sumatra" in Malaysian
"Lanipur / Lanipuri : there's a city called "Char Lanipur" in Bangladesh

For some reason I also thought of Lemuria (the lost Mu/Atlantis-linked continent) said to be in another dimension, located from the Pacific, all above Australia, up to the Indian Ocean - that would be a land in the past...
See the map: http://www.occultopedia.com/l/lemuria.htm

Anonymous said...

2014 I Ching prediction
Psychic seen.
Snow mountain mention.

Anonymous said...

@ Psychic Focus
Could it be that you can't communicate directly with the passengers because they are still alive (thus their Silver cord is still active) or that they were recently dead.
Actually I am not even sure you have the ability to communicate with other souls, have you?
Are you a "clear-sighted" or a "medium"?

Anonymous said...

These Questions came across my mind, I know it's never been easy to find the answer.

if the jetliner flew to the south and plunged in Indian Ocean, why then nobody in Cocos (Keeling) Island was aware? Or they shut up? Meanwhile in Maldives people reported to see a Jumbo Jet flying so low?

Upto now, there's still no debris identified. So let's assuming if these possible debris are already floating and moving for thousands kms or miles from the origin, couldn't we calculate or look back from which direction they come from? Then maybe we can make another prediction to which island the plane supposed to land?

Anonymous said...

I found data about cat species (kucing = cat) in Indonesia that sound like 'Lanipure' and 4 are endangered species:

1. Kucing Congkok/Leopard Cat (Prionailurus bengalensis Kerr, 1792)
Live in Korea, Pakistan, Java Island, Russia.

2. Kucing Hutan/Jungle Cat (Prionailurus planiceps Vigors and Hortsfields, 1827)
Live in Malaya, Sumatera, and Kalimantan (Borneo).

3. Kucing Bakau/Fishing Cat (Prionailurus viverrinus Bennet, 1833)
Live in South Asia, South East Asia (Sumatera and Java).

[source : http://dody94.wordpress.com/2011/01/28/mengenal-species-kucing-nusantara/ ]

And about the tribe, what I know (Kubu Tribe) Suku Anak Dalam/Suku Kubu/Orang Rimba [Suku = Tribe] live without electricity and other modern things but it is located 2 hours by car from Jambi (Sumatera). what do you think?


Psychic Focus said...

I had quite a few people ask me about some links in the comments. I wanted to respond to btarrer. I did view some of those links. What I got as a whole was that we as a society are enlightening and we are spiritually evolving. Some people are slower to ascend or evolve, but we are making a lot of spiritual progress. There is so much more out there than what we perceive in our reality, and just because a certain way of life isn’t present to us (ie UFS, ETs), it doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. You may never see an impoverished county, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t there. These links help you to understand that in the scope of the universe, we are just one small piece. I think the truth will come out with regards to this plane, and some people will feel very shocked, and others already know the truth (or have a feeling at what feels true). Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

I was looking at images of various tribes trying to make a connection to my images, and someone suggested the Jarawa… They have very dark skin. The skin in my images were a dark tan. Their hair was also silky and straight. I still resonate most with the area around Cocos and Christmas Island.

I have also had a few ask me about how I connect with the energy or spirit. I can usually get into the energy of a living person easier than someone how has passed. If someone passed, it isn’t guaranteed that I can mentally “find” them. Sometimes the energy is strong in someone that has passed because there is a message or they haven’t decided to cross over or reincarnate. I have moments where I feel a strong connection to these people from the plane, and other times I can’t get a lot. I feel the most energy toward the situation and events around the situation. I feel the collective energy, and can see scenarios rather than connect individually. For example, when I connected to Paul Weeks, I saw him bang the briefcase, felt the anger, felt the frustration and could see the images- I couldn’t really get into his head in a strong way, except for a few phrases of his thoughts. It is like I am able to see the surface of what is happened (being shown the 2-3-7 or shown the sun, but not get really into their minds and have a telepathic conversation.) Sometimes I can and sometimes I can’t. I just haven’t had that telepathic moment of clarity.

Anonymous said...


from malaysia(use google translate)

Anonymous said...

Anne Farraday- Buffalo Soldier is a song by Bob Marley.

Anonymous said...


from malaysia(use google translate) part 2

Anonymous said...

In the film “Dazed and Confused” (1993), at 15 minute mark, a student spins a globe that shows a large landmass off the western coast of Australia, right into the search zone!!!
This does not exist on any of our maps and atlases nowadays, maybe in a parallel time-stream.

Here’s a screenshot of the scene with the globe:

Here’s a thread on this topic:

In the thread, some are arguing that the film “Dazed and Confused” is a psy-op.

Maybe this whole thing of the flight MH370 disappearing, the film with a globe from another timeline, time travel experiments at Montauk, are linked together in a way that no one can imagine.

Anonymous said...

I think the plane is at the bottom of the Ocean and that we are communicating with spirits of the deceased. They are telling us that they are on a metal plane (castle/shelter) la ni puri. There is no other world, we all live in the same world with spirits of the deceased and the living all interacting. The spirits may cross over to the living world through reincarnation. There are cultures that are able to communicate with spirits of the deceased; and in the western world, these folks are referred to as psychics or mediums. In another culture, these individuals may be called shamans. It is not a far stretch to think that we are communicating with the spirits of those who are/were on the plane. We don't want to accept that the plane is under the ocean along with its passengers, so we create illusions for ourselves such as government conspiracy. We, the living and the spirits of the deceased, influence one another and so you see patterns of messages repeated throughout the world in numbers, language, practices etc which explain similar number patterns, symbols, that we use to rationalize and deny that the passengers are deceased.

Anonymous said...

>> Below are the latest updates by Shiva Siddhar Seer Dr. M. Govindaraj Swami.
>> Spoken Dates (9th March, 2014 to 25th March, 2014)
>> 1. The missing MH370 was actually hijacked by two suspected terror groups.The Malaysia Airlines plane which took off from Kuala Lumpur International Airport did not fly to China nor it fly to any South East Asian Countries nor it is crashed anywhere !!
>> 2. LOCATION OF THE PLANE - The #Malaysia Airlines which went on missing since 8th March 2014 was landed by the hijackers in the #Seychelles Outer Island Group called Al-Dabra Group on 9th March 2014 at 3.30am. Al-Dabra is the world's second largest #coral #atoll. It is situated in the Al-Dabra Group of Islands in the Indian Ocean that are part of the Outer #Islands of the Seychelles. The exact location has been located by Dr. M Govindaraj Swami on 18th March 2014 through his divine vision. The exact location is #PICARD ISLAND #STATION (West Island) which is #uninhabited and extremely isolated. It is virtually untouched by humans.
>> 3. All the world greatest #media reports of the plane crashing in the South #China Sea, oil spill report and wreckage of the aircraft found in the sea and southern indian ocean are untrue and rejected by Dr M.Govindaraj Swami. About 19 terrorists was planned and made the plane "disappear" and have baffled the whole world. They has fooled the Intelligence units including world greatest and the most trusted Interpol. #INTERPOL, Secretary General Mr Ronald Noble told to the press that there is no act of terror and he completely ruled out any TERROR ACT.
>> 4. As on 22nd March 2014, 10 passengers especially elderly passengers expected died due to illness and consumption of bad food. The island is extremely uninhabited, isolated, extreme humidity, crawling with wild animals! There are more than 50 endemic (contagious and infectious) plant and animals species in the island and very prone to endemic diseases. The passengers of missing plane are living in a very extreme horrific environment and condition. I hope Chinese, Malaysian, Indian, Australian government will take my report seriously and act quickly before it's too late.
>> 5. The flight control systems and other control systems were shut down by the hijackers within 2 hours after take off. As per Dr. M. Govindaraj Swami, the plane only flown 4 - 6 hours and landed in PICARD ISLAND STATION in Al-Dabra Group of Seychelles Outer Islands on 9th March 2014, 3.30am. The hijacker have placed an Undetectable equipment in the Picard Island Station making everyone impossible to locate. Due to this reason, the island can't be located by radar or any other technology.
>> 6. The two suspects boarded with fake passport are considered to be masterminds. In the first, Dr. M. Govindaraj has told that the terrorists will demand two countries to release their leaders from the jail. True, but they have changed their plan in recent days and they are planning to lead the plane to carry out something like 9/11 attack. Most possible scenario would be to carry out attack with explosives or bombs on the plane.
>> 7. There could be a question to be asked that why there are no demands by the hijackers/terrorists yet ? Actually, the terrorists don't want to lose the island. They constructed a small striped airport with the help of illegal investment, funding from illegal terror sources and worked very hard on the same to carry out terror attacks in the past and future. The island, where the plane is landed is equipped with highly advanced mobile, and radar technology which make all INTEL units impossible to trace their calls, movements, activities and their location. The terrorists are communicating with major terror groups with their own kind of mobile like walkie-talkie away from the location where the plane is landed. As on 22nd March 2014, total 10 passengers feared died to illness and consumption of raw meat cooked in unhygienic way.

Anonymous said...

Seychelles happens to be close to Somalia as well!

Anonymous said...

When you look at the picture in the movie from Anonymous 12:57 PM, (http://i43.tinypic.com/2me1r10.jpg) this island roughly half-size of Australia may have some snow capped mountains in the middle and tropical vegetation. But again it’s not in our “dimension” or current timeline.

Anonymous said...

Picture from a thread on David Icke's forum:


A Mystery Island west off Australia in the debris search zone.

Anonymous said...

I did a reading and got to Pulau-Pulau Kokos, Indonesia but cannot seem to find it on Google at all. Photos are usually on Cocos (keeling) Islands.

That island seems really secluded. Very odd.

Anonymous said...

plane crashed in the jungle of Cambodia, nobody noticed during the night, and radar sleeping. somebody found the plane but is steeling valuables

Anonymous said...

May peace be upon you. Last night Friday, I wake up during 3:15 am. Possible cause feeling hot because air conditioner didn't switch on. My children 5 of them feel ill with fever and cough cold. When I ask the doctor evening yesterday, air conditioner don't switch on till they get well to prevent illness from reoccur and spread easily.

It wasn't easy to fall asleep because my eyes I decided to open tab Facebook on my laptop. Usually, after a viral dream MH370 with Friend request. I observe the post and comment . After 30 minutes I shut down my laptop to take a bath. Though, people advise not to take a bath late at night because my body was sweating I rather continue to do so.
After bath I wore my clothes I lie down on my bed. After trying very hard to fall asleep I didn't feel sleepy. Suddenly my heart started to beat fast. I ask and try to find the source of the feeling. Looks like there weren't any answer I get. My heart beats faster, louder and stronger.

I smell Rose flower and I read surah Az Zumar 23 times. Praise to God I feel peaceful and my eyes began to feel sleepy. I was shock when I heard sound of a few vehicle. When I open my eyes I was sitting behind a jeep door open. There were a few same looking vehicle in front and behind me. Though, I was in the jib driver and passengers can't seem to see me. They were wearing blue color complete with weapon.

Anonymous said...

When I came close to the airplane my heart jump for joy MH370!!!!!!! But where is it currently? My heart ask own self. After, they place metal ladder the airplane door open. I started to see someone come out while holding 2 left hands. Captain Zaharie. Slowly he walk down the ladder and met with people very close to the ladder. I counted the person was high ranking official because they had strips on their left and right shoulder.

After speaking I counted for 10 minutes [conversation seems to be stick orders Captain felt scared in his facial expression.] He signal for all the passengers to get out of the airplane. Co pilot came out with the crew and all passengers. Everyone looked shock and scared.

I saw they were forced to walk with terrorist armed with rifle. When I saw a place to keep airplane in a hanger. I was surprised to see 3 similar looking airplane written Malaysia there. They were divided into 2 group based on their gender and their hand were tight by cable tightly to their back. Their whole body was check and any precious item such as coins were confiscated. No one dared to raise their voice. Later, they were divided into smaller group. Their head were covered by piece of cloth and brought into jeep by rank. Last group were brought was Captain Zaharie. I follow the last jeep to inquire where the group were brought to.

Anonymous said...

They were brought to a room where the building has a Zinc roof. No electrical light and the temperature was very high. They were given warning not to speak to each other when they were in the room. One of the passengers [Male] in the group tried to ask for permission to go to toilet yet he got scolded and rifle was pointed toward his forehead. The guy cried while raising his arm. Thank GOD nothing happen.

In the room I heard birds singing. Helicopter seems to fly very low in the air. I walk out of the room see many white birds flying while singing. 2 days I stayed there I saw Captain Zaharie wasn't hurt. They were given food morning, noon and evening. They were given 1 gallon of water to wash their hand. They weren't allowed to exit their room. Other groups I don't know where they were. My guess was right when I make a decision to survey where this place. It looks like an makeshift island used for the purpose hijacking the airplane [Captain Zaharie didn't know he was caught by terrorist after landing the airplane on makeshift island filled with terrorist ]. Landing of MH380 still look like the day it landed. I went there to see why 2 jeep park near back tire. I went inside through a small space in between the airplane tire see a few men were making a connected electrical light to complete the electrical circuit. I came out of the small space in between the airplane tire to hear another jeep arrive. I saw they carry a few rack into the jeep and off they exit the scene. I return to the group where Captain Zaharie. I felt sad when I seen their situation. Though they weren't harm physical yet I believe they were suffering mentally. They look sad and drain of energy cause by worrying about terrorist.

They were gathered together in a hall same place as the 1st day. They were forced to line up and enter a temporary room covered with plywood flooring. When I view into the room looks like they were being poke with some kind of liquid into their arm. I heard the expert who poke his friends use medicine brand name Toluena. I can't figure out their motive doing so. All the passengers MH370 was ask to aboard the airplane. They were force to walk and aboard MH370. A voice said one of the passenger sitting on front seat isn't there. Terrorist check and act like they can't hear their complain.

Airplane flew into the sky with another small airplane following them from behind. After that event look like how dream MH370 happen 1st day. I was brought to the earlier place. When I entered a room filled with many computer and radio. There were a map of the world found on the wall. I was drawn closer to the map. I was shock to find a red in color X mark in a few countries I knew.

I wake up and never felt as scared in my life. Mystery haven't fully answered. Was I given a chance by GOD?

Anonymous said...

hijacked.Anonymous 11:16,11:32,1:04 posibily explain the truth,but what about philip wood?

Anonymous said...

That is some detailed dream. May or may not be true happening. I have seen if I watch a war movie, see the news about say ships, have pasta for dinner, buy some clothes for my self, listen to a particular song and am thinking about a particular friend...the mind cooks up a pretty good "fool-proof" dream with absolutely all the ingredients that I throw in (are active in my mind). It sometimes surprises me how plausible the dream is, the subconscious is a master story weaver. In other words, everyones "visions" are unique to them.
Dunno my man about your dream, but I hope this is not what happened.

no blogs said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Lanipure sounds like Lumpur (kuala lumpur) and Sumatera sounds like Somalia

Anonymous said...

I think we need to check on the following:

1. Is someone/something trying to wear people down with the emotional highs and lows of this situation?

2. Can you look at this whole event from the future moment where the plane is found and the truth is revealed and then you look back week by week, year by year etc. what do you see that takes us back to the now. maybe we can building a consciousness bridge to/from them this way and keep the universal truth and energy bright around it.

3. Is there a bigger picture to this situation and the way that it is unfolding. Are we learning that the media isn't accurate, that they are just story telling, are we learning that mind control programing can be used to implant suggestions to people....look at all the rhetoric going on, the "every way the wind blows" comments, change of direction....comments like "we must now all accept the truth that xyz"....who said that and why?....who has the right to tell people what to think, to make a blanket statement like that....and we must watch our minds, what we are taking in, what we are being told to believe, what some people are saying hte truth is and isnt....are we learning to use our own discernment?

4. How can we all become more empowered, more in our own truth so that we can know what is truth and what isn't?

Anonymous said...

Thank you very much for all you are doing and may you and your family be surrounded and protected in all ways. Peace and light to you.

Anonymous said...

You know the American guy onboard whose wife was speaking about her husband / partner, etc., a few weeks back?

Well I read on another site all about how it's all a lie - she's not even married to him; she's married to someone else. The blogger suggested that his name was made up but then some commenters said they'd done business with him, so he did exist.

But none of those commenters knew about his "wife".

Why would she lie?

And why did the other psychic who others on here have talked about, say that all will be revealed in three weeks (by now that will be two weeks)? What's the connection with that?

Anonymous said...

Did anyone or any large organization dump a bunch of Malaysia Airlines stock just before March 8? PF, is it tied to the stock market in any way?

Anonymous said...

This article speculates that the aircraft may have been hijacked by to Coco Islands near Burma, the place is under Chinese occupation since twenty years.


Anonymous said...

Dear Psychic Focus
Based on the comments by Dr. M. Govindaraj, do you find Picard Island to be a plausible place for the people to be?

Also have any families of the passengers contacted you and verified some of your readings about their family members - habits, physical appearance , etc?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 8.50 your account sounds a lot like some things another psychic called rock and roll prophetess on youtube has seen, including man with gun pushing a small group of people on a beach like place, the man is Asian looking according to her she even drew him with ear length hair, he's well built and is wearing a half sleeved shirt, she also saw foliage or camouflage on top of a hangar and drew this stuff in her video.

The map with the red crosses sounds creepy as do the multiple planes with Malaysia name, there is one ex-Malaysian 777 in Tel Aviv all it needs are the tail logo and Malaysia name and flag added the stripes and and all are still on it, another much smaller aircraft 737 is in England partly broken up but in basic Malaysia Airlines colours.

The stripes on shoulder of commander show some kind of official involvement, some govt. playing dirty, the fact that certain countries like Israel have been shouting loud that the aircraft will be used to attack them and other places, makes it seem like they are in on the plan and part of the charade.

Were the terrorists Asian faced or Arab, European or African?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 8.50 and 4.12 reading it gives me a goosebump! the story is connected.

Anonymous said...

@psychic focus

Do you still stand on your visions regarding to the missing Malaysian plane that was lost in another timeline? Now we are more confuse than ever because there so many inputs coming from different perspective from terrorist hijacking, crashing into the ocean, Bermuda triangle, another dimension, timeslip, conspiracies, etc..

Anonymous said...

the plane is been hijacked.hijacker took something from the plane.fly to indian ocean.hijacker try to murder all the passenger by drowning the plane but somehow something miracle happen,the plane somehow been save by the ET.it put the plane somewhere in their dimension.the question is why?

Anonymous said...

The dream narrated by Anonymous @ 8.50-51 is fishy, its too literally close to what the TPTB are feeding people, too many precise details, strange that link for the chemical is added at the very beginning of post one when the thing is mentioned way later in the third part, and how did you catch the correct spelling as a non-English speaker?

And why not name the countries you saw marked that you knew of? yet you did catch the exact name/spelling of the chemical they were injecting and thought it worthy of mention with suspicious addition of link to it right at the beginning when no one even knew what it was about, its like the post was done specifically to point out the use of this, why? only you know that. very suspicious.

Also the terrorist angle is aimed at Muslims? if so why would they do this with a fellow Muslim country so far from the region of issues, and use its airline and harm its people, does not make sense.

Anonymous said...

I was just trying to translate the blogpost for anyone who want accurate dream explanation just one mistake I made it's not medicine brand just the name of the chemical structure.

Anonymous said...

Look at Anonymous posted March 29, 2014 at 11:32 AM.

Anonymous said...

Lisa Williams a famous psychic appeared on HLN a sister network of CNN mentioned that it would be sorted out in 3 weeks since the incident.....she also mentioned it landed on an island and there were people who crossed over.....

Anonymous said...

I was just presenting other possibilities and not confusing others about Psychic focus sessions. Please refer every single transcript if stated as above links. Just trying to make sure nothing missing other possibilities.

Marina said...

Anonymous 6:39 AM, the detailed dream narrated by Anonymous 29 /3 @ 8.50-8.51 is translated fr the malay language to English. This dream is from a malay muslim religious teacher.
This is the link http://tengoktvonline.blogspot.com/2014/03/lagi-mimpi-ngeri-ustaz-bertemu.html?m=1  and http://tengoktvonline.blogspot.com/2014/03/ustaz-mimpi-punca-pesawat-mh370-jatuh.html?m=1
I do wonder how he (the religious teacher) saw so many details, but maybe God helped him to see. But he did say that it's up to you whether to believe or not. He's just relating what he saw in his dream.
I am a malaysian muslim. However, I'm open minded to your views. I don't think this incident has anything to do with religion. Besides, we malaysian Muslims are not like the Muslim terrorists that the western media portray.
This incident is so bizarre I don't think any of our politicians know how to handle it. I agree with the other malaysian who commented here that our government is too dumb. I think we are being made fools here. If our government is hiding information, it's because someone more powerful have forced us to lie.
I hope the plane will be found soon and all the passengers alive. We, in malaysia, are so sad.
Thanks PF and everyone here who are trying to help.

Psychic Focus said...

I just viewed the link associated to David Icke and it discussed a land mass to the west of Australia that appeared on a map in a movie, however, that map is not matching any of our current maps or atlases today. It was as if this land mass was in an alternate reality, but not in our current physical plane. I am including a screen shot in the blog entry. I see that a lot of our media (movies, tv) depict things that are true, because in our subconscious we know the truth, and the truth comes out even unintentionally (many times by artistic means). Even though this land mass is south of where my mind takes me (again Cocos or Christmas Island) it fits my intuition of being in an alternate reality- I would need to see the terrain or someone determine if there was a mountain in the middle to validate my intuition (those descriptors are also relevant). I was directed to this by a link, but if someone else more info on this I am interested in viewing more..

I still in my mind see this plane in an alternate reality. I hope I am wrong, as that does make things more complicated, but I can’t see where they went into a different time, and then came back to our present timeline. My hope is that I see them come back, and I haven’t connected to that yet. The analogy that my mind keeps seeing is that if you take a pillow, the outside of the pillow represents our current time. Then there was a needle, which represented the plane. I see the needle pierce the pillow, and enter into the middle of the pillow (an alternate time).. They look to be stuck there, in this alternate time. I never see the needle pierce out the other side.
I will continue with this.. I keep looking for more or to see some kind of change or event

Anonymous said...

Open minded possible there were other kind of terrorists pointing the rifle at the forehead makeshift island not Muslim terrorist. Who know exactly how did they dress that way and with weapon targeting the airplane since we didn't read anymore details seen on the airplane body.

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