8:08 PM
I have had a lot of
questions regarding earth changes, so I wanted to address a few..
Q. What is
going on with the recent earthquakes in California? Is this the precursor to the “big one”?

I also see that on the eastern border or California
has some earth changing cracks occurring.
The ground looks dry, and reminds
me of the texture of crocodile skin (not necessarily the feel, but the look of
the texture.) I also see what looks like
a gurgling from the ground at the eastern border line. It looks like foam and mud bubbles come to the surface through
cracks in the ground.
Q. I live in southwest Florida and am concerned about
climate change. There's much information on the east coast but can't imagine its
any good for entire State. Thank you.
A. The first thing I get
is that it is going to be extremely humid, more humid that normal this
summer. I also get a sense of a pest
problem on growing crops (this is related to the whole state). There will be storms, but I don’t get that the
duration of the storms is long. It seems
like they are bad (pretty impactful), but fizzle out within in a few days. The more south you are, the worse it is. I see tropical storms and even one
hurricane reaching land, but they don’t feel huge in size.
I see that you should have
supplies for about 2 days time (at least) and be prepared to head to the north
central part of the state. That location feels the safest.
I do see the eastern part
of Florida having the most impact from storms, and at one time I sensed the
military would be deployed there to give aid.
I can’t see that the storms last a long time, but the military being
present has something to do with the storms, and it is told it is to help.. I
can’t actually see what they are helping though.
Q. In the 1960s
or 70s Ruth Monthomery predicted a 'shift of the world on its axis' soon after
the new millennium that will lead to massive flooding and changes to continent
structures - with some continents losing lots of land to the water, while other
land masses will rise. It is predicted that this event will wipe out the
majority of human life on the planet, representing a 'cleanse' of evil and
wrong-doing. Do you get that will actually occur? If so - in what time frame?
What other information/details do you get?
A. I do see that
happening, but I get it is gradual. In a
previous reading I saw the image come through like this.. If the world were a
face on a clock, and north America was in the upper left quadrant, I see the
tilt turning counter- clockwise about 5-6 minutes.
It seems slight, but there is a big impact.
It is true that some land
masses will flood while other appear (that new land is very fertile, so it is
actually very blessed land and I see people fighting over it). I also
visualize that the flooding happens more on the east and west sides of large
countries versus north and south- the islands are very different depending on
the island..
I don’t see this happening
all in one instant, but rather gradually and constantly and is happening
now. There looks to be a couple world
events that jump this forward in larger steps, but overall this is slow and
constant. I also get that even though
this shift may not sound like much of a distance, it makes an enormous impact,
especially with how the ice on the north pole is frozen/melts and what is
happening to the sea level. I also see
that the gravity and rotation of the earth sort of “slings” the water in the
middle section of the earth a certain way, and as the true middle of the earth
changes, that is what will be the major contributor to the flood. The pole shift and way the water "slings" causes flooding..
The time frame is now and
continuing.. I don’t see a definite end date. It feels to go on for what looks
like infinity in my mind.
Q.Will Singapore sink due to rise in water levels
around the world?
A. My first impression is that it feels very low to the
sea.. As if the country is like a beach.
I do see issues, but I don’t see it all the way taken under water. I see flooding, and in some spots it looks
like you have to walk with water up to your ankles. It is like the ground is slushy. In some spots the water recedes, and in others there is the permanent "slushy" feeling.
Thank you. It is 8:43 PM.
Thanks a lot. This is much appreciated. I have just one problem to understand your describtion of the counter-clockwise tilting of the Earth (sorry- English is not my first language).
Does it mean that the (new) North pole is shifting gradually more in the direction of North America or in the opposite direction?!
And concerning Europe: because of our very warm winter (not really a winter), I would have just guessed that Middle Europe is shifting gradually to get warmer and warmer. Is this correct?!
And how about the outcome for China/Sibiria and North America when the pole is shifting to this directions. Does it mean that China for example is getting colder than the US or vice versa?!
Thank you.
@ 4:33 AM: Yes, it will shift to the left. I see the western part of the US getting warmer, the eastern part of the US colder. I also see Europe being warmer and China being colder.
It also takes on the look of a bobble head, meaning the position doesn't feel stuck or static, but rather a wobble as it moves or shifts. There will be a lot of fluctuation with weather.
Thank you so much for informing us and specially without exacerbating on the catastrophic aspects. Even people with a pacemaker low on battery can read it! :)
I am glad that I asked about the details of the shift because this wobble really is complicated (to understand)!
I tried on Google Earth how it looks like with a left shifting pole and I admit, it is not easy to understand where exactly it will shift...
@10:03 AM: lol!
You see the Eastern part of the United States getting colder and the Western part getting warmer. What do you see for Minnesota? Colder than 'normal'? Thank you.
@12:11 PM: I see the northeastern corner getting colder and the rest staying close to the same (overall).
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