8:05 PM - The image I am getting is people had a high mechanical technology, I am seeing like gears interconnecting and powering motors, and it looks like a sophisticated set of gears setup in this geared system. My impression is that civilizations that existed, geographically stayed close to their main place that they lived, but I feel like they were very advanced in their mechanical abilities...I am seeing a hand drawn design and it looks like a conveyor system that was used to lift items that were over a story tall. It was made completely out of gears and a thick material that looks like canvas, it might be leather but it looks very light in color like canvas..... I do not see any form of computer technology, I see a system that was in place that people travel on horseback to deliver written messages and it was setup much like our current day postal system. I mean what is coming to me is "Little House on the Prairie" like they advanced that far and got stuck.
Q-Some believe that much of our modern technology was given to us or reversed engineered from alien technology, is this true, is this what got human above the "Little house on the prairie"?
A-This is strange so I will just describe what I am seeing, I am seeing an alien's hands unfold, and inside those hands is a ball of golden white light and they are presenting it to a human like a gift. And the human cautiously takes it and they are holding it in their open hands and they take a deep breath and when they do that, the ball of light looks like it vaporizes and the human gets this ahh haa look, like they have awakened something within themselves. So it looks to me like they gave them the knowledge how to do it, but did not necessarily show them the technology.
Q-Are you saying they created the inception in the human, the idea and drive?
A-I am saying they did not show them how to do it, but they gave them the intelligence to make them capable of doing it themselves. To even have the idea and know how to follow through.
Q-Was Tesla such a human?
Q-I do see him as what I would call an awakened soul, I do not see him having the alien interaction but more that he was so open and accepting to ideas and concepts that most people were not, it enabled him to tap into a higher knowledge. And in my vision of him, as I am just seeing like this person with a funnel on top of their head, and he just seems like a higher spiritual being capable of receiving and understanding. And I feel UNDERSTANDING is the key word, the information that he received.
Q-Do all of us receive this type of information at times?
A-I feel like the information is there for everyone, but some people are blocked to it because they cannot accept the information, some people do not pay attention to the information, and then their are some people who really open up, accept it and embrace it. And I feel like the people that are blocked are the ones who have not spiritually evolved enough to get that information. And I keep hearing the phrase "You can't handle the truth", and I believe that pertains to blocked people. It feels like a self defense mechanism.
Q-How does this relate to the aliens with golden light?
A-It was handled so delicately that I felt like this light was a gift for someone who was capable of handling what they were receiving. And it was highly coveted. Like it was handled so fragile, and it was if the alien knew that this person with certainty, would be able to handle this information.
Q-What does this information pertain to, religion, technology....
A-The first answer is what this golden light did was that it unlocked something in your brain. Now let me focus on the second part...Ok here is how it is coming through to me, society at that time bases a lot of what they did on rituals and what they were told to do. People just accepted that and moved on not straying from what they were expected to do. And what this golden light did was it opened up a part of their mind that allowed free thinking, allowed people to question and analyze the way things were done, maybe solving problems and creating solutions. And it was just a way for humans to advance themselves and not strictly do what they always did, and that branched out into all areas of life. I keep seeing math equations in my mind and I feel like it really propelled the whole math and science thing, so I do not feel like this golden light did one thing, but several things, I almost see like for lack of a better word a robot society, before people were given this golden light of intellect I guess.
Q-Is this the "Apple that Eve ate"?
Q-I am feeling conflicted..um..I keep seeing a bunch of fireworks going off, which is like saying YES you made the connection, but at the same time it was not an apple, and it was given to a man, but I feel like the concept made a complete connection.
Q-I do not think it ever was a literal apple from the tree of knowledge, but was it a DNA upgrade that allowed intellect?
A-I will tell you what I am seeing maybe you can help translate, on the beginning of the Matrix Movie, it shows all those 1's and 0's going up and down and up and down vertically. And I just keep seeing that image over and over as if that is supposed to answer that question, I am locked on that.
Q-Maybe it is telling you we actually live in a matrix, just like in the movie.
A-It is like I see a human brain, and it looks like it is dissected with these 1's and 0's running through it. It is like we are computing it or we are analyzing it...and it looks like it is about 3 inches behind where you eye socket would be. It is almost like the more I talk the faster the number go it is like speeding up.
Q-Maybe is like Tesla's quote I am putting in this reading. We are receivers, and what you are seeing is the message you are getting and it speeds up as you speak because this knowledge is not from yourself but you are receiving like a data stream.
A-I cannot even get a confirmation of that, it just keeps going, and it is going so fast..um..almost like I feel like the message is angry that I do not know intuitively what it means.
Q-What does it look like when a human is sleeping?
A-Hmm..it is really slow, and it looks like 0, followed by 3 1's and then a 0, and it has a slight static sound to it. Like a very quite white noise, that noise is not there when it is going really fast.
Q-When is the stream the fastest?
A-I just saw someone having like a complete OCD anxiety attack, and it was a line worker at a factory and they were getting backed up on the line and they were trying to get caught up, and then this person just completely had some kind of a freak out at work.
Q-What is the source of these 1's and 0's
A-Like where does it come from...It looks to me like that is your bodies way of interpreting outside stimulus, that is the original source of it, but then thoughts on how to deal with that stimulus perpetuate the 1's and 0's. And I see it as "Oh here is a problem" which originates it, and util that problem is followed through, it just keeps creating those 1's and 0's.
Q-Is this where inspiration comes from?
A-Yes, I feel like it is and to further elaborate on the 1's and 0's I see the 1's being like this little tiny electric spark and the 0's being the intermittent space between those electric sparks.
Q-Are you seeing brain synapses?
A-Yes I would say that the image that I got did feel like that.
Q-Do we live in a computer simulation?
A-I am not seeing anything that would support that, that does not mean that I am right, I just do not see that.
Q-Like does the world really exist or are we living virtually within the constrains of the laws of the universe.
A-It is coming to me that we really do live in this universe, but we experience different spiritual planes all at the same time..it is like we have these layers of our life that overlap each other but we only are conscious of the one we are currently experiencing.
Q-What does an autistic person experience in reference to what you saw.
A-This is a little confusing so...the first thing that I see is that they are very hypersensitive to their surroundings and what is going on. Even though they might not express it they exposed to all type of stimulus and it is hard for their mind to filter it out. And then I saw a picture of like a persons head and it looked like towards the back of their head, and I think it was even on the right site, like YOUR right. At the top there was a black part that was filled in as if their mind or their brain is clogged in that part of their brain. And the message was something like even though their mind was blocked in that part, they still experience everything that you experience, they just express it in different ways.
Q-What causes that block and is it the same for all of autism.
A-.....Alright this is coming really slow um.. the first thing I am getting is that metallic taste of blood in your mouth. It is like there is something either in or something with their blood...and I feel like all autistic kids have it kind of from the same source, but the level of whatever this is in their blood is higher on the more severely autistic..(whispers - what is that?)....I got an image of some really jacked up teeth.
Q-Can I tell you what I think it is..
Q-Some feel that it is heavy metals, that may be introduced via outside sources such as vaccines, also there is mercury in many old fillings.
A-Oh...it was some jacked up teeth. Like the ones that look like the Hollywood hillbilly teeth that you put in your mouth at Halloween. And now I am getting an image of someone shaking like an old time thermometer like yes, your are right, your right.
Q-Is there a way to cleanse these metal out of the body?
A-I want to say yes...and there is some type of like and electronic or ionic way to do it. It is like I am at a loss for words because I do not know the procedure, but I keep hearing like ionic...I think water is involved....I would have to google it but it is like some type of ionic hydro therapy. And it creates some type of detoxifying affect on your body. And I am getting to that it is good for everybody not just autistic people.
Q-Is that water treatment that we read about in popular science about water with bond between the H and the O and having the angle changed. Supposed to cure cancer. Or is something else.
A-I feel like it is founded on the principals that your body is mostly water and it is someway to charge the water that exists in your body to have anything toxic to your body stick to it so that it can be flushed out.
Q-Is it water you consume?
A-In my mind, I see electrodes hooked up to various parts of your body, to put some kind charge in your existing fluids to flush it out. I mean consuming water aids in the process, but you are not consuming altered water.
Q-Can this be done with one treatment or many?
A-I feel like it is just one treatment. I do not even know if this exists, I hope it does.
Q-Is there any way for the home user to produce such a device and with what.
A-I really see this at a medical office, I do not see this at your house. I keep hearing one of those TENS machines in my head but on a much bigger scale.
Q-Why are autistic folks different, are they just more sensitive to this metal, or do they have more of it.
A-I feel like they just have more of it, I feel like we all have it, they just have more. And it is something too about most folks are able to cycle it through, which I interpret as excrete it. But they have not been able to filter it through, and then I am getting something about that it attaches to protein if it is not passed quickly and that is what creates the buildup in their brain.
Q-Is there a more natural or homeopathy to remove it?
A-Ok, this is weird, a. I keep seeing a ton of green leafy vegetables and then I saw the word vitamin K, almost like a consistent consumption of that would help the detoxifying process, but not like eating one salad a day, I am talking about a big diet of green leafy vegetables. And I feel like you want to eat them in their raw form and not necessarily take the vitamin, because I am very vivid in seeing these big greens, your supposed to eat it that way. And now I am seeing a cartoon of Popeye saying yes, like that is what you are supposed to be doing.
Q-If someone were to change their diet, how long would it take to see results?
A-I keep seeing 6-9 months, and it is on a scale and it is leaning towards the 9.
Q-Is it permanent?
A-Yes, I feel like once all that toxin is out of your system it is permanent. I feel like you are more able to build it back up, but the effects are permanent but you have to be cautious because you have a tenancy to build toxins up on your body.
Q-Would this help all people?
A-Yes, I feel like it would.
Q-What is the main source of these toxins.
A-I keep seeing that it is almost absorbed by being in the proximity of it, like smelling it almost. I feel like it is environmental, just being around it....Like I do not think it is anything forcefully coming into your body, your are just exposed and your body sucks it up like a sponge.
Q-Going back to the original request, is the global inter-connectivity of the internet the foundation of the "5,000 year conspiracy for global dominion.
A-I see it at it's inception as having the intent to be like a marketing tool, and then like the secondary reason for it's existence was to gather information. And it is evolving through different purposes, it's original intent was not for obtaining global power, but as it grows more and more I see it eventually turning into that.
Q-Who invented the internet?
A-Hmm..I know it was brought about during the cold war by the military, but as the cold war was ending I feel like the political group that was in power was able to lobby against the military which brought the internet out for the public to use. And from there they used it as a way for people to obtain information and for people with money to market and advertise their goods to the public.
Q-Can you see the internet of the future, say 10 years from now.
A-Hmmm....a...I got a picture of a person and the way they logged on to their laptop is that they sat in front of it and a scanner went over their eyeball and from that point their computer knew everything about this person and as they searched online and looked at their email, it is like everything that pertained to them were advertised or talked about, so I see the internet of the future becoming very personalized depending on the computer user at that time.
Q-Can you see phones of the future 10 years from now?
A-They look like a little ear bud and all the controls for the phone are a completely separate unit you put in your pocket, but it looks like everybody is walking around with these little controls the side of a USB device in their pockets. They just leave the ear bud in their ear.
Q-Do you see gun in the future?
A-Hmm...hh...I a...I feel like our current day guns will be around, but they will be like antiques, like functional but old technology. I see people somehow harnessing different sounds to inflict harm. Almost like devices that have different frequencies that can be directed towards their target. It might not even be sounds we hear because I am seeing a dog whistle, but I see that as the wave of the future.
Q-Are these sound that require air to travel, or electromagnetic frequencies.
A-I feel like it is both, I am not really leaning towards one or the other.
Q-Will these work on masses of people.
A-I mean I can see it aiming on one small target like, deer hunting, or a huge population like a bomb, I just see our advanced technology leaning towards different sound frequencies.
Q-When you say inflict harm, permanent or deadly?
A-I see both, almost like you can adjust the intensity of the effect. I keep hearing in my head "Is it a warning or for real" like it can be dialed in for it's specific intent.
Q-Does this exist now, and can it explain the random new anchors who had garbled speech etc on the air.
A-I feel like it is in the testing phase now, I am getting an image of like a lab, but I do not think it is fully understood enough to be effective. Like I feel like this is just starting, it is a pretty new concept.
Q-Another prophet, Mitar Tarbich stated that in the future there would be cannon balls that would burst overhead and put populations to sleep. Can you see this?
A-I am not connecting to anything like that...a...I am not sure what that would be.
Q-How can one defend against these types of weapons?
A-Um...Ok...I went from hearing sonic the hedgehog in my mind, to some kind of sonic waves. Like the defense is made out of that, and I will be honest I do not completely understand what that means. And there is like a beacon that emits this type of a wave, and that somehow defends and area.
Q-Like interference?
Q-Do you see anything else, and what is your opinion on this reading?
A-I am not seeing anything else, and...I do not know what to think about this reading because once it gets to a certain scientific level I do not really understand it, so I do not know if I am explaining it well. And at times I do not even know what I am saying, so I hope it came off like I was making some kind of sense. That is it.
9:47 PM Link to Audio
I am a mom of 4 with a passion for helping others. Using an intuitive spin I write on a variety of [controversial] topics. My goal is to find truth and offer guidance. You can request a topic for the Public Blog or schedule a Personal Intuitive Health, Wealth, Relationship or Happiness Coaching Session by clicking the appropriate tab. Please consider checking out exclusive content on my SubscribeStar and Substack channel. God Bless, Lynn
Friday, January 11, 2013
Has any past civilization on Earth had the level of technology that we have today (i.e. iphones, 3D technology, wireless technology, satellite imaging, the internet, etc.)? If not, is the global interconnectivity of the internet the foundation of the "5,000 year conspiracy for global dominion"? Thank you.
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Very interesting. A lots of people believe autism is caused from vaccines. Why are they not telling the populace the truth?!? What's the purpose of lying?!? What are they trying to accomplish?
The entire reading was very interesting
Thank you for answering my question. It's interesting that you linked DNA to 0's and 1's. I know that computers only understand 0's and 1's as command codes, otherwise known as binary languages. Maybe our DNA is similar to a computer and the original creator programmed "commands" into it which manifest as our innate behaviors. Perhaps our increased understanding of mathematics during the last century has led to cloning, gene therapy, etc. Because now we understand the program for creation.
Thank you for reading, from what i know, gene expression is kind of like o and 1, sometimes a gene is turned on and sometimes off, something to do with environmental factors.
I get Ionic foot baths at a ladies house who does natural healing stuff to detox my body. I believe the machine cost about 3-5K. I have had 2 different people do it for me and one did have electrodes type things on you. Your feet are in water and the water turns colors depending on your specific health condictions. I was doing one once and a man was doing one next to me and the lady in the hair salon who was administering it said he may have cancer based on the color it produced. I always wonder if he did. It seems accurate as to the things I have been diagnosed with and they did not know my medical history they could tell my medical problems were from the water color indicated. It only cost about $25 each time. I have done it 3-4 times and I do feel better after it is done.
oh...I forgot to say the ionic foot bath also removes heavy metals from the body too. :-)
I read your previous reading on the garden of Eden & the tree of knowledge. Do you think that was a metaphorical representation of the Light you saw in this reading? Or was there actually a literal tree as well? Thanks! You are very gifted!
Thank you for all the comments.
I will say in the previous reading about Adam and Eve I felt like knowledge was gifted from something higher, but not really an alien form.. In this reading it was an actual gift handed to someone.. I do feel like there are 2 sets of humans that have existed at the same time and eventually interbred, one being of an alien influence and the other being of more natural forms- or universal higher knowledge. Both have similar understandings spiritually. I will be honest though, when I do a reading, the words come out of my mouth, but I rarely remember involved details. I do remember the concept being what I have just described.
Thank you so much for everyone reading my blog.
Hey very nice blog!
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I've heard it said that children with autism are somehow special children, ie crystal children, rainbow children, etc. Is there any truth to their being perhaps multidimensionals?
What you said about the sound-based weapons is really interesting. I actually heard of a new device that businesses are installing in their parking lots and outside spaces that supposedly emits a frequency that only teenagers hear. Apparently, it's to prevent vandalism and such. I think it's a way to test the technology. What do you think?
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