Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Brazilian Nostradamus

Q.  Lynn this bloke gives me the creeps. Can he really see the future? I think he is the third anti Christ. What do you think? I didn't want to draw attention by writing his name.


A.  After reading the question and thinking about the topic, this is what I will say... 

I most definitely have experience in tapping into something beyond this plane and gleaning information.  As I got deeper into doing this [psychic work] coupled with becoming more in tune with the Bible, I had a lot of internal conflict [and still do].  Unless we are communicating with God, and He is guiding us, we truly cannot be certain what we are opening ourselves up to. I was always conscious of how I approached my work, but in our demonically possessed world we cannot take chances. The devil is lurking and can imposter ETs, guides and even try to talk in your ear if you are open.  

We are supposed to encourage people to develop their own connection to God and not short cut that experience. For these reasons my posts have taken a shift and I pray and only speak from the heart and gut.  Furthermore I encourage people to seek their own truth as well.      

Having said that, I do think this man is able to get information, but I cannot be certain the source.  I do sense it is unholy.  Someone seeking fame or claiming these types of predictions is not of a humble origin which is a great candidate for the devil to swoop in.  I'm not sure I would say he is the anti-Christ, but he is dabbling in anti-Christian behaviors.  You can take in his information, but I caution against residing in any fear he propagates.  

I honestly think AI will usher in the next genuine anti-Christ.  Watch for this!

I realize this was short and sweet, but I am going to close this for now.   

Blessings, Lynn 

1 John 4:1 - Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.

Matthew 7:15 - Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.

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Me too said...

As a Brazilian National just beware, we have all kinds of scam artists trying to be "influencers"

Pat said...

Hi Lynn. After reading what you said about this guy, I don't want to watch him or look at him. I don't want to be around when AI takes over.

Just today I saw this on Fox News website. The MSM cannot stop this old narrative about the BMB suspect. This guy has been dead for years. Like you said he was given a choice to stay in prison forever or take some happy juice and go to the other side.


margaret m martin said...

Nasty looking thing....keep your shield up !!!

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

Thanks for the comments! I agree with all three of you. You can't be too cautious in our current times.

Robert Schoen said...

I don't ever remember a time that has been filled with so many predictions of gloom and disaster which of course never come through. Fear is the way to control people but there are organized dark forces out there that are real. Lynn has been a great teacher to us to look within for the answers.

The dark forces are trying to cancel history and religion for control to remake the world. I just read yesterday that on on the fifth anniversary of the Burning of Notre Dame THEY burned the historic Stock Exchange building in Copenhagen from the 1600's and famed for its beautiful spires, was set on fire. Sounds like Satanic ritualism to me.

mr 2012 said...

I fully agree w this post!

Guedes de Miranda said...

Better keep sticking to cocoa beans fermentation issues... ;) Thanks Lynn!

Serene said...

Will not be giving my attention in that direction!!

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

Yes, stay away from false prophets or people pushing fear!

squidbob said...

I read on a web site a few years ago their plan was to cause damage and death, and blame it on an alien attack.
Did you know the Aliens use gold.
So we will end up paying a gold tribute to them.
and the new 'One World Government' will take care of that...
...they will just add it to the carbon footprint tax they are going to levee on all.

These Space jellyfish are real.
They seem to like our oceans and thunder storms.

This experiment using a 12 mile by 1/2 mile wide ribbon, was for some sort of solar experiment...it got away and became a curiosity...kind of cool!!


These same spinning creatures are featured on 50,000 year old cave paintings...

that guy also mention plandemics.(imo...I do not think he is legitimate.)

in 2017 69,000+ people died of the seasonal flu, out of 329 million Americans. And that was a mild flu season.

what did they do in 2020 to bolster that number?

put a lock down on the country.

then emptied the hospitals, (so the Dr.'s and Nurses could work out the dance routines.)

Governors sent the sick elderly were sent back to the nursing homes where they infected others...with NO medical treatments available.

thereby CAUSING the planned deaths to scare the public into believing the fkn lie.

Most of the deaths occurred in the nursing homes. They were murdered for an agenda.


https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2020/05/20/pennsylvania-average-age-covid-19-death-80-two-thirds-nursing-home/ ...



One might get the impression I hate these people causing EVERYTHING we see going on today...you would be correct.

..sorry for the rants....

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

@squidbob: Thanks for sharing all the info!