Friday, March 7, 2025

Airplane: The Soap Opera

Chemtrails.  When will we be done with these things forever? I agree they are much less prevalent than they were (fewer streaky skies), but I still suspect the Deep State is manipulating the weather.  I'm no meteorologist, but the erratic and extreme weather patterns speak for themselves.

Also, have you noticed the absolute circus in the air and landing zones? What’s with all the crashes lately? There’s a semi-plausible theory floating around that the Deep State isn’t just spraying chemicals (hence the mystery fog in Florida), but they’re also tossing in a soapy mixture to turn flying and landing into a bigger challenge.  

The timing’s suspiciously perfect, too, aligning with Trump shutting down DEI and trimming the bureaucratic fat. Could the Deep State be that evil? Spoiler alert: Yes.

Please, Lord, bind and rebuke these evil, evil people. Preferably before they turn the skies into a full-on toxic bubble bath. [Funny, but not funny.]  

Much love,

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Guedes de Miranda said...

Thank you Lynn. Another great post! <3

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

You are most welcome!