I would NEVER justify harming another person in any way unless you truly felt they were going to cause harm to you or someone else. Harm should never be out of rage or revenge, but only out of protection. I was not there during this incident and I cannot speak to the emotion or details of what really happened. Only those present truly know. As I go into this, please keep that in mind.
If a thief be found breaking up, and be smitten that he die, there shall no blood be shed for him. - Exodus 22:2 KJV
Many of you have heard about the court case of Daniel Penny. "Daniel Penny was on the subway and witnessed a man, Jordan Neely, throwing things while yelling "ready to die," and threatening people.. A freelance journalist who witnessed the incident, said that Neely removed his jacket and aggressively threw it to the floor, and in response passengers moved away from him. Some witnesses reported fearing death from Neely's actions, which included his throwing trash at passengers and approaching people." (Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Killing_of_Jordan_Neely and feel free to read up on more details).
Penny then approached Neely from behind and put him in a chokehold to restrain him and stop the perceived threatening behavior. Two other passengers assisted to ensure he remained still until police could be alerted at the next stop. Once the ordeal was over, Neely was limp and later pronounced deceased. Again, there are SEVERAL other details that you are welcome to read and research on your own. This week Penny was acquitted on self-defense and released.
Why is this case so big and why was his acquittal so important for our justice system?
1. If they would have convicted Penny it would give potential good Samaritans pause before doing what they felt was the right thing, especially if that good Samaritan is white, and ESPECIALLY if that white person is a man. The demonization of white men in the country is shameful, and this shows that the trend is slowly being reversed.
2. A guilty verdict would have encouraged more bad behavior. Part of being in a society is to act civil. If you make threats, yell, create terror or are violent, that is not civil. You live in this world, you are not the world. People need to act accordingly.
3. People should not be guilty or innocent on skin color alone. A white man is not guilty because he is white, and a black man cannot act any way he pleases because he is black. No one is special here, and should not be treated as such when it comes to violence or evoking fear in someone else. We are a human race of many shades and one should not get a privilege over another. If laws are enforced based on an entitlement system the country is doomed.
4. BLM and their hate/destruction has gone on for too long. The fear of their wrath (store fronts destroyed, looting, rioting, frivolous lawsuits, random attacks on non-black people) has biased decisions for the past few years. The time is over and the free pass is ending.
This goes for everyone: You are not a victim of people, you are a victim of YOUR choices. Looting and stealing the purse or shoes doesn't change your life, it makes you a criminal. Own your life- it is empowering.
It's time we Make America Like 1980 Again! We were a much more polite society before all this nonsense became acceptable.
God Bless You and God Bless this Country,
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Love Make America 1980 Again! Better Music Better Energy back then, and We need a major Course Correction. Penny is a hero that most support and it's not a coincidence he was freed the day Luigi Mangione was caught, both 26 year old, men of action who don't stand by watching gross injustice like folk hero legends. Mangione was wrong to murder but this United Health are Greedy Criminals Govt Agencies did nothing about just the same way NYC agencies kept releasing a dangerous subway psycho on the streets. Think of that when Mangione is locked up for life and what sense that makes.
I agree with many of these points!
Bless = Be Less. I miss the spiritual Lynn!
No one has authority over another person’s life. This victim was behavioral and probably had psych history. Call the cops! As an RN, you call security if in the hospital etc! Wrong is wrong!
Very interesting play on words. I will need to think that over..
I absolutely agree that no one has authority over another. Society needs to be civil to work and live by a certain ethical code.
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