Wednesday, November 20, 2024

Strange Abilities After Lightening Strike

Q. Lynn, to change things up can you look into this strange phenomena?  Why do you sense some people develop strange abilities after being struck by lightening? I was looking at this website of lightening strike survivor stories: and was actually surprised to see that several victims reported psychic abilities among the symptoms.

A.  Great question!  Let's do this!  What do I intuitively sense out that makes this happen?

The human body is brilliant and fundamentally is created as a body, spirit and soul.  These are three distinct parts of the human being, but all work in harmony.  The body is the physical body.  The soul allows free will, emotions and expression.  The spirit is the energetic spark (frequency) and energetic connection to a higher power, i.e. God.  

In looking at the spirit, or the energetic spark, this "spark" is what I've always sensed and understood to be what sparks life in the womb.  After an egg is fertilized, this spark starts the chain reaction for life to grow.  It is also at that moment when the body forms and the soul enters.  

Different parts of the body resonate best at certain frequencies, but overall the human body is around 62-78 MHz.  It has been shown that people with a higher frequency in the brain tend to exhibit a higher processing power.  There is a correlation between higher frequencies and higher brain function.  For this reason, I sense these electrical shocks or lightening strikes "wake up" parts of the mind that were previously dormant (we only use part of our brain) AND increases the frequency.  The result is "super" abilities.  

What I see as amazing, is that sometimes these increased abilities are long-term and some are temporary.  Why would that be?  I will tell you what I pick up.  I see the electrical surge build up in the body (brain) and the body (brain) serves as a capacitor.  This explains why some people as have instances were watches don't work correctly, electrical devices seem to have interference in their presence, etc.  They are a walking battery that is charged. 

The capacitor (brain), like on an electrical device, slowly discharges.  When the discharge is complete, the abilities become dormant again.  The rate of discharge is different in different people and many factors such as protein content, electrolyte balance, etc all play an important role.  

Very interesting!  If you have an experience to share, please leave a comment!!  I'd love to hear from you!

God Bless, 

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Robert Schoen said...

Never got struck by lightning but often when I walked to the gym early morning when it was dark years ago the street lamp would always go out when I was passing. I now think it might have been a message from someone, but was definitely energy related. Often when I would start on a trip or begin working outside it would lightly drizzle rain, which I see as a good luck blessing.

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

That's interesting... something definitely triggered it..

Guedes de Miranda said...

Thank you Lynn very interesting! May I ask if you ever heard about UFOs disarming nuclear missiles? I know it sounds naif but is there a chance that ETs do it again if Russia or USA starts using nuclear warheads during WW3? Thank You

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

I have not heard that... I am not sure I sense UFOs doing that, but anything is possible..