Thursday, November 14, 2024

Bitcoin and Cryptos are on Fire! Mine Pi for FREE

What on earth is going on? Cryptos are on fire right now!  Bitcoin is up "big league."  

As I think on about cryptos, this is what I am sensing with the market...

Prior to last week people were pulling out of the market and had to put their money somewhere.  There was an energy that people were lost, didn't know what to do, but wanted something secure to invest in.  There was a fear that the alt left would retain power and tank the economy even worse with useless spending, sending money overseas and overall poor management of funds.  As a result precious metals were booming and seemed to be were it was at.  Not only are these tangible assets, depending on how they were acquired there could be a way to skirt the horrendous taxes that the alt left also seem to love should you need to liquidate the asset when the cost of living surely doubled.  For all the above reasons, if you are a silver stacker, you were loving the market prior to election week.  

Now that the election is over and Trump is president elect, people can take a sigh of relief and re-evaluate their finances.  The fear of sky-high inflation, the market tanking or being taxed to death so the migrants can be housed in five-star hotels was lifted in a beautiful red moment.  This afforded the freedom for people to make investments back into the market, only now the buzz is everything crypto.  

We ALL know our dollar is on the decline and the purchasing power compared to decades ago is fractions of what it was.  To gain a strong economy Trump knows we need to get our currency strong.  How do you get it strong?  You have to back it up.  In the past it was gold that was tangible and measurable.  Now we just print and print and print some more to create money or pull it from electrons out of thin air rendering our fiat currency nearly worthless.  There are a LOT of theories that money will be backed by Bitcoin, which will create all the big cryptos to surge.  

I'm still not completely sold on the crypto thing or how it was created (Is the person that invented it a government shill?  Was Bitcoin made knowing the future and this is the long game? I've done many posts on this.).  I always saw this as a fad that would die off, but I may be wrong.  Crypto looks to be where it's at, and I don't see it going away any time soon.  Bitcoin is off the charts!

If you want to start small, I can share what I've been doing that is free and no risk.  It is a crypto called Pi.  There is an app that you download on your phone, and once a day you hit the "mine" button to literally mine and acquire Pi on your phone.  Trust me, with my Gen X mindset, if I can do it, you can too and again it's totally FREE.  I've done this for a little over a year and I'm already at 2590.856 Pi just for hitting a button.  I would just ask that if you sign up, please use my referral link.  I would greatly appreciate it: and use the username psychicfocus as your invitation code.

Have a great day folks!

God Bless, 

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Patrick said...

Thanks Lynn for this. Nothing to loss is the motto 🥰.. What do you do with the accumulated Pi points or what does it mean when you have them...

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

I'm saving them until they can be released to the market for trade and/or cash out. This is a sit and forget, but inevitable it will be out there.

Patrick said...

Cool. By the time I was typing the previous post, I had already signed up and used your referral ... 💕.. Although I'm not crypto techy, I' ve been glancing through their white paper and really like their mindset and approach.. it's not "want to be a millionare by tomorrow "mindset.. but feels very STO and well thought out...

335AT said...

Pi is about $58. At the rate of .01/hr that's.24 every day which is about $14.50/day or roughly $5300 a year. That's a pretty good deal.

335AT said...

Thank you for the link too.

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...
