Thursday, July 25, 2024

Where Is The Real Biden? It's Like We Are All Guests to a Whodunit Mystery...

Many suspect something is not passing the sniff test within the White House (pun intended!).  It's like we are all inside a Whodunit Mystery or a political version of Clue.

Let's look at the clues together and see what we can come up with.  
  • Joe got the "beer bug" and went into quarantine.  What a great excuse to get him isolated and hidden.  Perhaps the handlers needed a break.  ?
  • After repeatedly saying he is not dropping out he actually dropped out via a tweet.  This is the same man who walks in circles, hand shakes invisible people and doesn't even know what his own ramblings mean.  He somehow came to this decision and authorized the tweet?  I think not.
  • The White House allegedly found out of his stepping down shortly after the tweet.  
  • Upon further investigation of this "tweet" many have proven this isn't even Biden's signature, so whose is it?  Jill, staffer, chef, pool man, someone else?
  • The White House clears his schedule and he has had no public appearances.  Seems like people are scrambling and hiding something, huh?
  • Joe endorses Kamala via a phone call which was shown to be AI generatedKamala even slipped and almost said it in a speech (watch the clip attached to this post).  
  • It is rumored Joe now has some kind of "terminal illness."  What is even going on?  Terminal as in made dirty deals with the wrong people and now has such mental decline that they cannot trust what intel may slip out of his mouth?  I imagine that would most likely be a terminal issue.
  • The press conference the people were waiting on was NOT live.  AI generated- I think so!

So what do you all think?  

Ephesians 6:11-12  "Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places."



Love To Push Those Buttons said...

I think the real Biden is dead, and has been for a while. Me thinks there are a bunch of actors pretending to be him, all following a script. . .of incompetence.

Robert Schoen said...

I think it's time I get back to my Renaissance research writing! The Trump assassination attempt hooked me on many levels, and this period till November will be a roller coaster full of chaos. Did you see the practice bussed in riot in DC yesterday for Israel's Netinyahew? I considered Jan 20, 2021 till a few months ago a vacation from watching or reading about political news because I regarded it was all fake and all the horrible policies the cabal behind him enacted would eventually be reversed. Biden is such a disgusting human even his supporters don't give a sh!t about him, they only hate Trump more. Personally I think he was executed like McCain back in 2020 and they've been using actors the whole time with Jill as the acting coach and bill signer. Let's hope the US and the World soon gets a Spiritual reset.

The enlightened one said...

I know for a fact that Trump will win, no matter what opponent he gets to contend with. Don't ask me how or why I know this, but I do. Let's just say that powerful signs are out there, that the very basis for the evil world order is crumbling, and about to dissolve before the end of this year. This process has been ongoing for the last twelve years, but will reach a critical turning point this year.

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

@Love to Push Buttons: I have had similar thoughts myself. The only thing I cannot reconcile is that if they had an actor, why is the actor acting as a ding bat? Wouldn't you show some level of competence if you could mold your puppet?

@Robert: I watch very little myself. I quit when after the J6 thing.. I realized much of this is a show and hopeium. I see this as entertainment now, and I hear enough from neighbors and the blog that I don't need to spend my days watching the fake media. I'm obsessed with my garden and canning and learning how to make homemade breads which is a much better use of my time.

@enlightened one: I agree completely. If he doesn't win this county will be in utter chaos and I'm glad I'm away from the city.