There are clues everywhere that depict the truths of evil. Evil likes to put their agenda out there as if they are very proud of their handiwork and want to own it. They are also obsessed with emulating and playing homage to the devil. This can be seen in music, advertising, cartoons, logos, etc. They may not say it outright, but they leave clues, symbols and actions that are obvious. It really is everywhere.
Another perfect example of this is the artwork on the US Currency. A pivotal shift in our world occurred with nine-eleven. Did you know that when folded like origami the older styles of the $5, $10, $20, $50 and $100 bill all depict the "buildings" falling, smoking, etc. My point is they use truth in plain sight all the time.
Back to this creepy portrait of King Charles. Upon first seeing it there is no doubt it is odd and has a demonic vibe, but it is much worse than just being a strange new-age version of art. Half of the devil's face is on the right, and the other is on the left. When you place two portraits together it makes it easier to see the full portrait of the devil that was imprinted within the painting!
Maybe Charles thinks he is equal to the devil or this seals a deal he made. Maybe he made some kind of agreement when partaking in required rituals. Maybe is has accepted he will meet him in the afterlife. One can only speculate why he would allow or be forced to have such a horrific display.
Folks, the devil is here and trying to put his tentacles in everything worldly. If you don't have your mind, body and heart in line with the Lord, it is time to take action.
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These people are sick.
This exact image uncovering
who else is in the portrait has been plastered all over social media. Glad many people are discussing and sharing.
These ghouls used to be subtle - now they are brazen and nearly fully open about who and what they are. They don't hide it anymore. They know they have lost the war and this is the finale, so the demons are gnashing and trashing. TOO LATE LOSERS, GOD WINS!!!
Saw this image when the painting first made the news, a sigh of their blatant worship of the Devil and how the elites owe their wealth to their fidelity to his agenda.
@God Wins: I totally agree!
@Robert: We all knew it, and now we really know it! I think they are proud of themselves.
Who is shocked this is so demonic?!
Hi Lynn may I ask: was the Pennsilvania Trump shooting just a PR coup
? Thanks
@Truth and Light: It is absolutely demonic!
@Guedes de Miranda: I'm working on a post with my thoughts... I hope to post it shortly..
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