Thursday, June 6, 2024

Lions, Tigers and BEARS Oh My!

This isn't really a topic and post, but nonetheless I thought you may enjoy.  We had a bear visit a few days ago, and he checked out my garden after a dumpster dive at the neighbor's.  All was intact the next day (whew!), but we discovered yesterday evening that one of the beehives wasn't so lucky.  Today my project is to salvage what is left and put it back together.. Nature always wins!  LOL

Blessings, Lynn 


RealCousinIT said...

I have black bears at my house too, a game trail comes thru the woods to my backyard.
Hope you can salvage what’s left, electric fence is the only thing that keeps them out.

SB said...

My sister in law just showed me footage of one sitting on their porch. Yikes.

Patrick said...

Kindly excuse my ignorance in asking this but: do they attack humans without or with provocation ? eg..Let's say you happen to be on the porch when a bear approaches, will it attack... or rather do they hunt down humans..?

margaret m martin said...

You could contact this one telepathically and ask him to save you some honey.🍝🦋🌻

Kalamota Kook said...

Lynn, I know you're very busy, particularly wrestling bears and bee wrangling and such, but I wonder if you could offer any brief insight into what might have happened to Dr Michael Mosely? He's a very famous and popular TV doctor in the UK and elsewhere, who was on holiday on a small Greek island called Symi. He was walking from a beach back to the town where he was staying, and apart from chatting to someone at a bus stop, hasn't been seen since. There has been a major search operation by the authorities who themselves admit that it is baffling that he could have vanished without trace in that area. It may be that more news comes through at any time but it would be very much appreciated if you had any flash of insight as to what has become of him. He is thought of with great affection over here and it is horrible feeling that only bad news is coming.

Some deets:

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

@RealCousinIT: It was definitely interesting. One hasn't been spotted in the area for a few years, but rumor is they are traveling. We did set the hive back up.. He didn't totally bust it up luckily.

@SB: Yikes is right!

@Patrick: Black bears keep to their own. I wouldn't try to pet it, but they will mostly leave people alone. I did lots of reading up once we spotted this one!!

@margaret: LOL

@Kalamota Kook: LOL, Yes, I will save this question and have a look. Thanks!

Thanks for all the comments! I appreciate it!