Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Eclipse Anomoly... Mu? Atlantis? Lemuria?

What is this massive "mass" caught on radar during the April solar eclipse? 

This was definitely an interesting observation that was sent to me a few times.  This was definitely more than just a cloud.  This is HUGE and shows a certain amount of density to it.

I sense that the eclipse was an intense phenomena (anyone watching the totality of it felt what I mean) that opened up the ability to see different layers or frequencies so they could be observable.  We also had CERN activity (which I see as totally evil) which manipulates energies and frequencies in unsuspecting ways.

It it my belief that we witnessed a long ago land that existed which was changed, taken or altered after the Millennial Reign..  I've always been drawn to Atlantis and/or Lemuria being located somewhere near the northern part of South America and the land of Mu being near the southern part of Africa.  Now that I have begun to question everything, it is quite possible they have deceived us or clouded our thoughts especially if these old world lands are tied to anything biblical.  It is probable these ancient lands are even one in the same and we got a glimpse, much like an energetic fingerprint during this amazing celestial event.

I'm curious your thoughts.  


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Robert Schoen said...

From when I was a little kid I recognized how the East profile of South America seem to fit perfectly with the lower west coast of Africa, easily seen on your map with the brown circle of the opening. That was Some explosion that sunk Atlantis...

PimpMyBrain said...

and it has happen again on tuesday 25, last week.

margaret m martin said...

The sunshine has seemed dimmer or odd since the eclipse like remnants remain

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

@Robert: I agree. It all looks like a puzzle to me.

@PimpMyBrain: Really? I had not heard. Thanks for sharing the link.

@margaret: It was def a powerful energy.. I think the effects will be felt for a while.

squidbob said...

this is interesting....and scary.
