Thursday, March 21, 2024

Boeing Whistleblower and Their Downfall

Q. Hi Lynn

How are you? Could you do a post on the Boeing whistleblower, John Barnett? He was found dead before going to testify.

A.  He was taken out as a warning to anyone speaking out against a huge corporation.  If you have facts and evidence that pose a threat to a corporation, they will do what they can to shut you down.  Our world is becoming more and more corrupt, and as I have said before, the devil is on our doorstep. The evil of the world value greed, power, influence and money above morality and ethics.  Once these evil rulers allowed the devil to whisper in their ear, the moral compass stops working, and that is what happened with Boeing.  

1 Timothy 6:10 "For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows."

I sense that it wasn't actually a Boeing associate that committed the dirty deed, but they contracted it to be done.  These people are smart enough to commission a task without dirtying their own hands. Make no mistake, they know what they did and they wanted a message sent to every wavering person in the process.

Boeing has only themselves to blame for their subpar product, but in our coo-koo world of unaccountability, it is easier to blame others.  Boeing [like many other companies] is on a huge push for diversity and inclusion hires.  Once a company takes that stance and choses an employee on ANY other merit aside from qualifications, they are doomed and Boeing is a perfect illustration.  

Some people think diversity hiring is wonderful, but I would argue that it hurts people.  You should have a job because you are qualified with a skill set and not because you fill a quota - that sets people up for failure.  The best feeling is to be in a position you earned, and not one that people wonder how you got there.  Don't diminish people to only having value for what is on the surface, we are a total package.  

In our entitlement era what makes things worse is it is difficult to fire people or give consequences.  Many companies cannot even hold someone accountable for simple things like being on time or showing up because of the threat of insane allegations. Folks, we need to get thicker skin and learn the difference between true harassment and being held to a standard.  Expectations are NOT harassment (or ra-ci-st).  If someone doesn't preform or are proven incompetent, you should be able to administer recourse or consequences without a lot of work or threat of a lawsuit (unless you are a white male - they treat many of them as disposable - which is also ridiculous).  Companies are becoming less and less competent and efficient as a result of these absurd hiring practices.  Good customer service or a quality product is a rarity in our current times.

Ecclesiastes 2:24 "There is nothing better for a man than to eat and drink and tell himself that his labor is good. This also I have seen that it is from the hand of God."

The following is some info you may enjoy.  My rant is done... 



Robert Schoen said...

The executives of Boeing should collectively be indicted for hiring a hitman until either they finger the guy or one admits to the deed, and then their wealth taken be away to refit every plane they put out with defective parts taken out of the bin of unusable defective scrap parts. Sad to live in a Country with a corrupt and defective FBI that should have been thrown in the scrap heap long ago.

Love To Push Those Buttons said...

Boeing, Tyson, and many others should be boycotted out of existence. Pharma companies and toxic fast food places are on top of my list. (It's nice living with a witch doctor. . .I mean holistic whizz.)

Link to links on what Tyson owns. Being a vegetarian for 15 years, I haven't bought any of these in at least that time. We've also been boycotting Sara Lee forever for reasons I can't even remember. Was it due to ingredients, or politics?

Love To Push Those Buttons said...

Helps to actually post the link.

Me too said...

Thank you for the read. I hope his soul finds peace. I really felt bad for him, he was trying to do the right thing and got punished. May justice and the good prevail at the end

margaret m martin said...

They won't fire unqualified workers that threaten the safety of many victims in flight but will hire an assassin to "fire" at and kill someone caring enough to step forward and disclose the defects....what evil times we live in

RealCousinIT said...

My family will only be flying on airlines with Airbus planes. I was married to an aerospace engineer, he wouldn’t fly on certain planes.

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

Thanks so much for all the comments, everyone! I hope you all have a great Friday!!