Friday, January 19, 2024

Happy Friday!

I hope you all have a Happy Friday!  The following was shared in a comment and worth passing along.  If you need a "pick me up" the following clip is fantastic!  This guy speaks for us all!  



Robert Schoen said...

My sentiments exactly, and thanks the enlightened one and Lynn for bringing this great protest video which I only wish really happened to our attention! It's like the Iraqi guy who threw his shoe as Bush! Davos really is a human extermination cult dedicated to killing our spirituality, humanity and numbers, as long as their's still enough sufficiently stupid bodies left surviving to continue to work and make things as their slaves.

Truth & light said...

Loved this!

ken said...

It isn't real, is it?

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

@Robert: I know! It still made me laugh!

@Truth and light: Me too!

@Ken: No, it was satire, but still hilarious b/c we all think it.