Monday, July 25, 2022

Trumpet ReRun

Q  Hi Lynn!! I am seeing some reports that we are days away from Trumpet announcing his run for '24. How can we be certain that we won't have a repeat of the last elektion (mispelled on purpose). The thought of him running again is great and hopeful but I don't have a lot of faith in our system.

A.  To be honest, we cannot be certain (free will and the evil of some people is always at play).  I get they have learned how to create and manipulate the game, so any opposers will have to learn how to play it better.  Outwitting the devil (so to speak) is the only way to overcome this, and the opposers will be working overtime doing so.  I see that before '24 a new variant illness will emerge to ensure mail will be a factor (easier manipulation).  Watch for it...  

The opposers will fight HARD to make sure there is some kind of verification done with each vote whether in person or in the mail.  Audits will be done, even private auditing.  I get the Powers That Were will say "it's too expensive" or "it is unconstitutional" or "it violates rights" so this will be a BATTLE.   Cheating looks to happen via fake audits, but not to the degree it happened previously, therefore, this eleck- will be unlike any other before.  

I do see that Trumpet or a member of his family will run.  They will be welcomed with open arms even more than before.  Those that have strong distaste for him will continue to feel that way, but I see many people being so disgusted with the state of our country that the will do ANYTHING that is opposite of this current administration.

In some ways this may be the last traditional elek-- and something changes... I can't be certain what, but there feels to be a revolt of some kind.  I see LOTS of turmoil tied to 2024.

It will be INTERESTING!  Stay tuned... 

And that is all I have for this reading.  Thank you.  Love and light, Lynn 

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Robert Schoen said...

What a great read, Lynn,as foreseeing the PTW using the same tactic of introducing a new bioweapon virus just in time for 2024 to justify mail-in ballots again makes so much sense to keep the dem/repub (does anyone really vote for McConnell,Murkowski or L Graham?) tradition of stealing elections alive. However the mid-terms might make all the difference in securing both the House and Senate for the republicans who could order Voter ID and stricter controls over ballots, but maybe monkeypox was timed for the mid-terms before such controls could be enacted.

I hope Trumpet runs again. The suspicious death of Ivana suggests to me Ivanka has a future presidential run after 2024.

margaret m martin said...

this brings up the ? of whether this new health crisis will shut the economy down like covid did or will it be less dramatic with few restrictions

Vipavk0 said...

Intersting... But what happened with all masive arest in 2020? And change with clones? And where are White hats? It this is another fake news?

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

@Robert: I agree! It will be interesting to see if/when it gets announced. 2024 will be interesting for sure.

@mmargaret: It will be a challenge, and be super tough for small business. The goal is to get mail in ba110ts, so it will be short lived.

@Vipavk0: It will all slowly work out. there is hopeium out there, but we have to focus on what we can control. I wouldn't put all faith in White Hats, but wish them well. The goal is to get enough people that are fed up that we come together on a massive scale.

The enlightened one said...

White hats are busy tearing down Geoergia Guidestones ;).

White hats are just the mechanism for change. The source is collective will of mankind and manifesting thought.

Vipavk0 said...
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Vipavk0 said...

@The enlightened one: :) eh,too much attention to these stones

Vipavk0 said...

@Lynn:If are main players arrested,why is game still going on?
Or is this false hopium

Thank you for all! Superb blog

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

@Vipavk0: I do think some things are happening, but if you expect a full reversal of everything or massive change- those people live on hopeium to do it. A little of both is going on I think.

MJ said...

Audacity for hope? Ohbamama.. The Geetmo, clones, replacements - I hoped they were real and White Hats are killing or catching them but some of them r probably fake to let us think it is getting better but it is not.

We the ppl are also the ones who will turn the tide for better future, not just White Hats. We are here on Earth in this timelime to do so.

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

@MJ: I do agree. The future is totally in our hands!

Vipavk0 said...

@MJ: Obviously this was fake news! But any idea what happened with Q? Just campaign for T?

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

@MJ: I think Q started as a good thing, and then it was a distraction. I see it being taken over...

MJ said...

Heh, good guys/ppl/beings need to take it back (the alphab after p)!

Vipavk0 said...

@Lynn: very good point taking over Q,but obiviusly ppl need harder times to wake up this is the main goal of the game