Thursday, July 21, 2022

SubscribeStar: New Zealand Mystery Disappearances

Q.  Dear Lynn

Could you please look into what might be happening to those who have vanished from Piha, Auckland, New Zealand? This article provides good coverage; it also has a few links at the bottom.

Thanks very much :-)  
Kindest regards  

A. To see my response to the above question and the video discussion, please visit me on SubscribeStar.

[*If I ever select your question for a SubscribeStar post, and you don't have access, please reach out to me for a copy].

Love and light (and Lots of Gratitude), Lynn

I need your help! Let's grow the Psychic Focus community.  Sharing and commenting really helps me out!


Blackbird said...

Hi Lynn :-)

This was one of mine ... can you please email to me:

Many thanks!

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

@Blackbird: Sure! I am sending an email now. :-)

Karly said...

Hi Lynn. I made several attempts to subscribe to this one, but had problems. Could you kindly email this to me. If so, it would be much appreciated.