Saturday, January 1, 2022

Happy New Year!



Caroline said...

Happy New Year Lynn!

Robert Schoen said...

Happy New Year to Lynn and everyone. Let's hope 2022 brings us all a better future.

Robert Schoen said...

My New Year's resolution is to concentrate more on the wonders and beauty of the world, delve deeper into its mysteries to get a better idea of our trues history and nature,and try to construct a better life for myself and family instead of getting sucked into negativity and false narratives that are there to distract us from living in our spiritual core. All societies were founded on a belief in a higher Source which THEY are trying to take away from us. It's up to us to construct a better world that restores our collective spirituality and goodness.

Cathari said...

Happy New Year, Lynn.
Blessing to you and your family.

Bravo to Robert's statement above.

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

Hope your year is off to a good start. I too agree with Cathari- Bravo to Robert! Have a great day!

Carlene said...

Robert brings up a good point about our beliefs. This really makes me consider our collective consciousness. I struggle with my belief that our collective consciousness wants what is good and natural and follows natural law-I am having a hard time reconciling that all the things going on are against the laws of nature and yet continues to go on. It may be that the timelines are so long that it will resolve itself but for me personally to experience all the negative/dark agendas being played out and not seeing the counter balanced good, higher consciousness in equal measure has been very hard. A positive reading (“you have tested positive”) while in the hospital is really killing people. We are only here for a short time on the planet so to not see the good winning, at a minimum in equal parts, is so freaking tough. The explosion of prion diseases and little help from the traditional medical community has been a shock. The medical community knows what is going on but they justify literally killing people on ventilators because the people are older or ‘positive’ for extra money is sickening. I really thought the riots were some of the worst things ever but what is going on now is more insidious and downright evil. I feel that if we as a group of people do not stop it ourselves, we will be taken over by the worst evil and there may not be a way to ever be balanced with good I. Equal measure.