Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Live Stream

Hi Everyone! I'd like to start doing occasional live streams and I was curious if that would be something you'd all be interested in. I could set up a schedule and let you know in advance. The other challenge is with all the platforms, which one do you prefer? YouTube seems the most universal for now...? Please feel free to leave a comment below!
Love and light,


Robert Schoen said...

Great idea Lynn, however Youtube= censorship so Bitchute or Rumble might be better. Maybe a zoom meet?

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

@Robert: That is a good idea too. Let me ponder all this... I'm just trying to do what is the easiest for most people. ;-)

Mr. Diaz said...

Hi Lynn, Yes, It would be a great idea, however on YouTube you must be careful with some words because they have become very strict with some topics.