Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Witches and Witchcraft

Q.  Hi Lynn! Are you able to do a reading regarding witchcraft, witches and spells? Are they real and where did they come from? It seems like many countries held beliefs about them way before they got colonized by European countries and were introduced into religion.

A.  I get when this term came about it did not have a good or bad connotation.  "Witch" was the name given to people, namely female, that were able to connect or communicate across the veil of the earthly plane.  In many cultures these people were revered and highly respected for their abilities.  They were able to promote healing, provide insight or even comfort someone making a decision.  Many rulers sought out people with these skills to confirm their own intuitive nudges or help them see things in a different way. 

I get that as time and societies progressed and religion became a big influence on people, religion did not want competition.  The church wanted people to believe in an almighty God.  Creating a society that feared God opened up a whole different culture.  Rather than encouraging to believe in God or Source already residing within each of us, they wanted the power to be external.  With this mindset society could be manipulated.  

Immediately people labeled as a witch were persecuted.  Anyone with this natural ability slowly hid their gift, making way for the church and its' following to take hold.  People want to believe in something, and it was easier to look outside versus inward.  The church served that purpose and people flocked to it. 

Witchcraft was simply the practice that witches followed.  It is through our current dictionary and changing of word meanings that it is received as "bad."  Just like we see in our current times, when the powerful people writing the books don't like something they change the meaning. This is called the semantic shift.

When I think of "spells" I get that these rooted from language and the "spelling" within language.  It was altered to include creating potions, etc, but it it's infancy it was simply altering the meaning of a phrase to create a unknown wish upon the receiver.  A more modern example is telling someone to "break a leg" for good luck.  Very conflicting because something to bring luck is actually wishing for harm.  Calling someone "you" is also an example because it reinforces out the Powers That Were see us as "ewes," female sheep. 

[As a side note, during this reading I got that the reason some witches adopted the pointy hat was because they felt it was a conduit or funnel to receive information from Source and into their mind.]

Great question and lots of think about regarding our history and the evolution of how things got to where they are now.  And that is all I have for this reading.  Thank you.  Love and light, Lynn 

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Robert Schoen said...

I think the Wizard of Oz got it right: there are good witches and bad witches. In general, Women definitely seem more attuned than men to psychic and metaphysical Energies and maybe that's why they were considered such a threat to male leaders back in the early eighteen hundreds. A lot of Dark witches and their covens seemed to have come out of the closet in the last 4 years, making curses and spells. I'm sure the good Witches out there will help us prevail. Thanks Lynn :-)

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

@Robert: You are most welcome! :-)

Suz said...

Wow thank you for that reading. I love everything about witches and strongly believe I was one in another lifetime. The only thing that does not gel with me is making any kind of spell that will cause a negative event in the efforts to promote a positive outcome. For example:- a spell/action to make one's neighbours/work associates uneasy, uncomfortable, unhappy so that they will leave.

This does not feel the right way to go about things. Neither does sacrificing any living thing.

Rebecca said...

Spells of any kind feel wrong to me. Spells that promote a positive outcome for some may create a negative outcome for others. Besides, any spell may prevent a valuable lesson needed for soul growth.

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

I will say that spells or intentions that invade or influence the free will of others are typically not good.